Card index of educational games for middle preschool age.

What educational games do children need?

A specific type of educational game for a child cannot be universal. Schoolchildren and high school students prefer tasks to test knowledge and erudition in the form of a quiz or a quiz. Those who are younger - preschoolers and students in preparatory groups - are not very willing to concentrate their attention during quiet games. For such young scholars, it is better to do a mental competition in a playful manner or, as a last resort, in the form of a board game.

Therefore, the choice of an entertaining game depends on age. The main thing is to find a way to engage the child during the exercise. Once you have captured the attention of the participants, you can easily get players to participate.

Intellectual games for children by age

Games for 3-4 years old

Small and large couple

One of the simplest games for young preschool children. It requires two pairs of objects that have different dimensions. For example, small and large chairs, as well as small and large plush toys. During the first minutes of training, you need to pick up a small toy and, in the process, point to a small chair. Same with the second pair. After this, the kids’ task is to put a small object on a small chair and vice versa.


An excellent type of game that helps develop the memory of young children. You can play this entertainment alone with your child. The competition requires a minimum of 3 people, each of whom will have their own activity. The child will be presented with a list of products that he will need to buy in the store. You need to start with 1-2 items, gradually expanding the list. For example, a bottle with soap bubbles can have the meaning of milk, etc. If possible, remove real foods from the refrigerator that will help your child succeed. So, mom can send the baby to the store, and dad will play the role of a salesman. The main thing is the ability to remember all the products, without exception, that the child reproduces to the seller.

Looking for a copy

For this game you need to find several pairs of objects. For example, cubes of the same size and color. During the activity, the parent or leader asks the participant to find the same object as in his hands. It can be hidden from all sides, but so that the object remains in the player’s horizons. You can have a speed competition if you have 3 or more identical items. The work does not require special knowledge, the main thing is logic and interest.


The game is great for children aged 3 years. During this period, kids love various creative riddles. Mosaic is something that will immerse a child not just in a creative, but intellectually filled world. You shouldn’t give your child complex pictures that require special perseverance. You can pick up ordinary flowers and geometric shapes on which the player will learn and develop his skills in this methodical game.


Excellent entertainment for kids, which introduces children to the size of objects. It is necessary to disassemble the nesting doll and place all the items in a chaotic order. The task of the young smart people is to put the matryoshka doll together. As a rule, a child is surprised that a small object easily fits into a large one, but vice versa - not at all. This entertainment promotes individual perception of different objects and their relationship with other things.

Games for children 5-6 years old – preparatory group of kindergarten


An excellent logic game for those who have not yet reached school age, based on the logic and memory of the participants. In advance, the children are offered one of the prepared shots from the card index. This can be a simple photograph without a million details, so that the child can quickly remember the drawing. It may take 3-5 minutes to study it. After this, the participant or team must list what is shown in the picture. If difficulties arise, you can ask leading questions so that the child can build a logical answer scheme in his head.


The game is perfect for kids. Educators do not need a lot of props and skills to provide fun-learning during a kindergarten class. So, during the game, the child must react if he hears a certain word in adult speech. For example, if an animal is mentioned, you need to clap your hands. If they are talking about the details of the human body, sit down or perform other physical actions. There is a high chance that the kids will focus on the story, so try to use your intonation to prompt them to the right word.

Looking for options

The child is given one of the pre-prepared cards with 6 circles drawn. Participants will be asked to draw circles so that there are equal numbers of filled and unfilled elements. Then analyze what other painting options are available. During the game, the skills of logical thinking and ingenuity are developed.

Mind and logic

For the game you need to prepare several dozen expressions that will be complemented by gifted smart people and smart girls. Expressions can be on the same topic or on different ones. The players’ task is to correctly complete the phrase in accordance with logic. Here are some examples of such phrases:

  • Lemon is sour, and apple...
  • Strong dad, and beautiful...
  • Meat is eaten with a fork, and soup...

What is good, what is bad

Each child is given several phenomena that can rightfully be considered beneficial or harmful depending on the circumstances. The child’s task is to come up with a description of the good and bad development of the phenomenon. For example, a rainy day can be good or bad. If there is one rainy day a week, it is good for flowers and trees. But if there are a lot of rainy days, this will harm the vegetation and erode the earth. This is an excellent moral game that teaches children to distinguish between the same thing as permissible and prohibited.

Games for 7-10 years old (primary school)

What happens?

The game is suitable for a group of children. Entertainment is an excellent means for peer communication and the development of logic. So, primary school students take turns asking each other questions:

  • What is hard?
  • What is long?
  • What is musical?
  • What can you find on the Internet?

There may be dozens of such questions. Above all, they influence the ability to talk to each other and reveal the personality of young students through dialogue.

Fifth wheel

An excellent game, the use of which has a positive effect on the logical abilities of players. The main thing in this game is to competently and correctly convey the didactic material to the participants. The students’ task is to find the odd one out of 5 objects shown on the cards or shown online via a projector. For example, the words will be shown: film, cartoon, clip, video and poetry. The child must guess what will be superfluous - poetry.

Draw and cross out

An excellent game that allows you to achieve better auditory attention and concentration skills. There is no competition about who is the smartest. The main thing is to listen to the presenter correctly. Each child is given a piece of paper and a pencil. Next, the teacher (leader) begins to tell the task, for example: draw two squares, three circles and one rectangle and cross out the third object.


An interesting entertainment that requires pre-prepared applications in the form of cards with unfinished word combinations. Children must cope with the task, apply logic and come up with new objects from ordinary human things. Phrases on the sheet may be as follows:

  • A chair without a back is...
  • A music track without words is...
  • Children's camp without children is...
  • A computer without a keyboard is...

Aesthetic pleasure

The game will perfectly help your child test his design skills. It is unlikely that young children will be allowed to decide on their own repair and interior issues at home. And in this competition, let young participants draw the room of their dreams. They must think through all the details: where they will sleep, where they will study, where they will dress, etc. This will help show children about the important things that every person needs in life.

Games for 11-13 years old

Theater ABC

The game requires excellent acting skills. A group of at least 5 people and a driver is required. The main player leaves the room. The rest of the participants come up with a word. Each player receives a letter. This letter determines character traits. For example, z – envy, l – love, etc. When the driver returns, he must first guess all the character traits, and then put the first letters into the hidden word.

Do it according to the count

The game is designed for quick reaction and ingenuity. They choose one leader who gives it to the rest of the team members. But the main goal is to line up. So, the presenter can command “Get according to your height!”, “Get according to your age,” etc.

Hide and seek in a square

The game is different in that it is not aimed at intelligence, but rather at entertainment. Here it is important to think quickly and look for an opponent. All participants receive a serial number and close their eyes, and the driver hides. Next, player number one goes to look for the driver. To do this, set the time, for example, 3 minutes. If you manage to find the driver during this time, the searching player hides, and the next participant starts the search again. If it is not possible to find the driver, the player is eliminated.

Reliable support

This game is designed for team spirit and team building. You need to stand in a circle, lining up behind each other's heads. Players must hug each other as tightly as possible. Next, you need to sit down together so that each player kneels behind the one standing. The main task is to stretch your arms to the side in this position and not fall.


The game is designed for attentiveness and observation. Choose one player to be the driver. He stands in the center, and all other participants sit in a circle. In this case, each player takes the hands of his neighbors. As soon as the game begins, the first participant squeezes the hand of the neighbor on the right, and the latter squeezes his neighbor. So the chain continues until the driver says “stop”. At this moment, the transmission of impulse stops, and the driver’s task is to guess who the game has stopped on. If he succeeds, this player becomes the driver.

Card index of intellectual games

Olesya Vidmanova

Card index of intellectual games

Game "Logic blocks of Dienesh"

Target. To help accelerate the development of the simplest logical structures of thinking and mathematical concepts in preschoolers

Short description:

From a randomly selected figure, try to build as long a chain as possible. Options for building a chain:

so that there are no figures of the same shape (color, size, thickness)


so that there are no figures identical in shape and color (in color and size, in size and shape, in thickness)


so that there are figures nearby that are the same in size, but different in shape;

so that nearby there are figures of the same color and size, but different shapes (the same size, but different shapes)


Game "Math Tablet"

Target. Create conditions for the child’s research activities. Promote psycho-sensorimotor, cognitive (cognitive) development, as well as the development of creative abilities.

Short description:

The game presents diagrams in which children reproduce the drawing using rubber bands and colored figures. The schemes can be supplemented in accordance with the level of development of the child, and you can come up with your own options. The game features diagrams for spatial orientation, counting, geometry, games with numbers, letters, symmetries, road signs, riddles, illustrated poems, fairy tales, and patterns.

Methodical instructions. When working with a group of children, you can conduct visual and auditory dictations on a math tablet.

Game "Geometric Mosaic"

Target. To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes and primary colors, about the size of objects. Develop visual perception and memory. Promote the development of intellectual abilities .

Short description:

Invite the children to arrange the cut out geometric shapes into groups:

by color (all blue shapes, all green shapes, etc.)

by size (small triangles and large triangles, small squares, large and medium squares, etc.)

by shape (all triangles, all squares, all half circles, etc.)

laying out the same pictures from a set of geometric shapes, first by overlaying them on a card , then next to the picture , and then from memory.

Invite the players to lay out any image from geometric shapes.


Target. Develop visual perception, voluntary attention, memory. Develop visual-figurative thinking

Short description:

There are 12 cards . Tasks for each card to increase complexity . At the first stage, we suggest looking at and remembering what is drawn. card 2 , children determine what has changed compared to the first card . At the next stage, children look at, remember and draw the figures they see, then the numbers, remembering the order in which the numbers are positioned. At the last stage, we invite the child to remember and draw schematic images corresponding to various pictures .

Game "Dangerous Objects"

Target. Develop verbal and logical thinking

Short description:

Having laid out toys and drawings with objects in front of the children, the teacher invites the children to determine which objects are dangerous for play and why, where these objects should be stored. Children tell where dangerous objects should be stored. How to behave if you have such an object in your hands. Is it possible to distract or push a person if he is cutting, sewing, or nailing a nail? What could happen?

Game "Signs"

Target. Teach children to identify the same signs in different objects, develop logical thinking.

Short description:

1-10 people take part in the game. It's better to start with one round card . We invite the child to select 4 suitable cards from 40 cards and attach them so that they logically complement the central card . The number of round task cards should be increased gradually.

Methodical instructions. For a group of children, the game should be competitive - who can complete the task faster.

Game “What is made of what”

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about various materials and products made from them. Develop logical thinking.

Short description:

1-10 people take part in the game. It's better to start with one round card . We invite the child to select 4 suitable cards from 40 cards and attach them so that they logically complement the central card . The number of round task cards should be increased gradually.

Methodical instructions. For a group of children, the game should be competitive - who can complete the task faster.

Game "First-Grade Quiz"

Target. Help children prepare psychologically for school, teach them to answer questions quickly. Develop speed of thinking.

Short description:

Players take turns, established by agreement or by lot. On his turn, the player rolls the dice and moves the chip to the number of squares drawn. By moving the chip, the player answers the question of a card from a pile of the corresponding color. If the player answered correctly, then the turn passes to the next player. If the player answers incorrectly, the player rolls the die and steps back by the value rolled. After which he immediately answers the question of the color corresponding to the cell. This continues until the player either answers correctly or returns home. The one who comes to school first wins.

Game "Pick up a picture "

Target. Learn to classify objects, name groups of objects with generalizing words, and enrich your vocabulary. Develop attention, memory, thinking

Short description:

A leader is chosen. He shuffles the fields and cards and gives each player one field, and the cards in a separate pile. The presenter takes the top card from the pile and calls it . Using the classification method, players determine whether an item belongs to their card , gives a signal - if the answer is correct, the presenter gives the card . The first one to cover all the areas on his field is declared the winner.

Game "Guess the Animals"

Target. To consolidate knowledge about wild animals, their habitat, and nutrition. Develop logical thinking.

Short description:

A leader is chosen. He shuffles the fields and cards and gives each player one field, and the cards in a separate pile with the text down. The leader takes the top card and reads the text of the riddle on it aloud. If a player who has an image of this animal on the field has guessed the riddle and correctly answered questions about it (where it lives, what it eats, what its character is), then the presenter gives him a card with a riddle . If the player made a mistake, the presenter corrects him, but The card is placed at the bottom of the pile.The first one to cover all the areas on his field is declared the winner.

Game “Where does the bread on the table come from?”

Target. Learn to consistently lay out plot pictures , develop speech, teach to think logically, and develop intellectual abilities .

Short description:

To create a chain, choose one of 3 topics (milk, butter or bread)

First, the adult and the children lay out the chain, and through discussion, choose the correct solution for establishing the sequence of
pictures .
Next, the children independently lay out the chain and compose a story on the topic. Methodical instructions. Try to make any of the chains only in reverse order. Start the story not with the first, but with the last picture of the chain .

Game "Funny Luggage"

Target. Learn to classify objects of one group, select words for a certain sound. Develop mental flexibility.

Short description:

The player with the shortest hair acts first, then his neighbor to the left, then clockwise. Each player has 4 actions:

look at any card ;

put it in place;

without looking, move one card in place of another ;

You can only swap 2 cards .

Actions can be combined in different ways, the main thing is that there are no more than 4 of them. Less is possible.

The one who was able to lay out the last missing card for the train takes this train for himself. The train is a steam locomotive and 4 carriages.

Methodical instructions.

If you just look at the card , it remains face down . If you change cards , you will have to put them face up .

Game "Read the word"

Target. To develop the skills of sound analysis and synthesis , skills of correlating sounds with letters, to promote the formation of smooth, coherent, meaningful reading. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Short description:

At the first stage, the presenter invites the children to highlight the first sounds in the names of objects shown on the card , then pronounce the highlighted sounds, pausing where the window is empty, and name the resulting word. At the second stage, you can ask children to read the word on the game card , find the missing letter and put a chip with this letter on an empty square. At the third stage, ask the children to find the missing letter and mark it with a chip with the desired letter. And at the last stage, at the leader’s signal, the players pick up chips with letters and place them on the empty window. The team that completes the task first reads the words and becomes the winner.

Intellectual game.


Target. Teach children to speak “thin”

voice and low voice. Developing the ability to raise and lower the tone of your voice.

Short description:

The teacher begins to tell the story, accompanying his speech by showing the corresponding figures on the flannelgraph: “Early in the morning, we went out for a walk at the dacha. We hear someone squeaking subtly: “pee-pee”

(pronounces onomatopoeia
in a “thin”
We look, this chick is sitting on a tree and squeaking; waiting for his mother to bring him a worm. How thinly does the chick squeak? ( “Pi-pi-pi
.”) At this time, the bird flew in, gave the chick a worm and squealed:
“pi-pi-pi” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a lower voice)
How did the mother bird squeak? ( "Peep-pee-pee"

The bird flew away and we moved on. We hear someone at the fence shouting subtly: “meow-meow-meow”

(pronounces onomatopoeia
in a “thin”
And the kitten jumped out onto the path. How did he meow? (Children reproduce the teacher’s example.)
It was he who called the cat mother. She heard it, runs along the path and meows:

"Meow meow meow"

in a lower voice).
How did the cat meow? ( "Meow meow meow"

And now, children, I’ll show you who came to visit us.” The teacher takes out the cat, shows how it walks along the table, then sits down. “How does a cat meow?”

Children, lowering their voices, say:

Then the teacher takes out a kitten, a bird, a chick, and the children imitate their voices.

Methodical instructions. Make sure that children do not shout, but speak calmly, raising and lowering their voice within the limits accessible to them.

Game "School of Scouts"

The goal is to be attentive and have good knowledge. The teacher reads the poems, and the participants find errors in them, if any. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip (point)


— Having attached fins to their feet, gymnasts swim under the water. (Scuba divers)


We play football well, we score goals often. (Not pucks, but balls)


The pine tree has shorter needles than the Christmas tree. (Pine needles are longer)


From buckwheat Kirill

I cooked semolina porridge.

(Not from buckwheat, but from semolina)

— Blizzards howl like wolves in the winter month of April. (April is not a winter month)


For those who are not healthy, we call the doctors

A little net was woven for the fish by a craftsman spider. (Not to fish, but to flies)


The theme of the quiz is “Sea Experts”


Teams are invited to greet.

Team: We are funny dolphins,

We wish you victories. We will play with you and be smart.

Team II: We are cool octopuses

We also send you our greetings. We know, we know there are no very simple victories.

The game will be judged by a jury.

The rules of the game are as follows. We will ask questions, and you, after consulting with the team, will answer. Whose team answers faster and correctly gets a chip.

Presenter: Dear experts! We received a letter from a fairy-tale character. And from whom exactly, you can guess for yourself by listening to his song. (Turns on music)

.Experts: From Vodyanoy.

Host: That's right, this is a letter from Vodyanoy. He writes that he is completely bored at the bottom of the sea, wants to play with you and has prepared interesting questions . So, let's start the game. Listen to question I.

1. What is the name of the branch of zoology that studies fish?

Answer: Ichthyology.

2. Why do most fish have a streamlined body?

Answer: The streamlined shape allows fish to move easily in the water.

3. Which fish has eyes on one side and a flat body?

Answer: Flounder.

4. In what position does the flounder fish swim faster?

Answer: When the fish turns on its edge.

5. Can fish blink?

Answer: No, she doesn't have eyelids.

6. In which picture was the mistake made and what?

Answer: In the second picture the scales are drawn in the opposite direction. “- 7. Why can’t the scales be positioned like this?

We suggest you conduct an experiment. Pull two cones in the water by a thread - one has scales directed back, and the other - forward. Which lump is easier to pull?

Answer: The one whose scales are spread back. The scales on the body of a fish are located in the same way. They help her glide in the water.

8. How to find out how old a fish is?

Answer: There are rings on the scales. In 1 year, one ring appears. These rings are called annual rings.

9. Remember the name of the largest fish from K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale about Barmalei?

Answer: Shark.

Presenter: Shark is the largest fish. This fish reaches a length of 15m. Like a five-story building. It weighs 14 tons, the same weight as 200 men. Sharks are unusually voracious. Living and non-living - everything is eaten by the shark. (Shows the picture “Shark”


10. Name the predatory fish?

Game “Where can I see?”

Perfectly develops memory, attention and logic. The whole family can play it. To do this, you need to ask where, for example, you can see a car, scissors, a bicycle, a table, a window or a wheel.

Game "Good and Bad"

An excellent exercise for developing analytical skills “Good and Bad”

. To do this, you need to carefully examine an object, say a pencil, and find out what is good and what is bad about it. For example, you can draw with a pencil, this is good, however, it is fragile and this is bad. In the future, you can complicate the task by analyzing with your child the actions of fairy tale heroes or other people.

Game "It happens or not"

To do this, you need to take a ball and, throwing it, come up with different situations. For example: “The water is burning”

“A fish walks on the lawn in boots
,” and the child must answer whether this happens or not.
Graphic tasks are also less useful for the development of children 4-5 years old. For example, the game “Connect the dots”
will help the child master the sequence of actions and promotes the development of motor skills.
The task for the child is to connect all the dots with lines and get a picture or figure .
Game "Labyrinth"

Trains attention and logic. The task is to help, for example, a bunny find its way to a hole. To do this, you need to draw a line through tricky “tunnels”


“Complete the object”

It will teach the child analysis, the ability to isolate component parts from a whole. Various puzzles and sets for creating a sequential picture or plot also develop logic well.

Speech games that develop thinking include riddles. In this case, the child is given information that is well known to him, on the basis of which he must draw a logical conclusion.

Game “Edible-Inedible”

Perfect for travel or walking. The adult names the item or object, and the baby must answer whether it is edible or not.

Game "Say the Word"

It is designed for the ability to select associations for familiar words and look for relationships between them. For example: squirrel-nut. It’s worth clarifying here that the squirrel loves to eat nuts. Then, according to the analogy, the child must add a word, for example, to the word "dog"

Here it would be appropriate to choose the word “bone”
and explain that dogs love to chew bones.

Games for developing logic in kids


To play the game you need to prepare a couple of similar images. 2 children are invited to participate. They need to name the differences in the pictures one by one. The game ends the moment one of the kids fails to name the next difference. The competition perfectly trains attentiveness and intelligence in children.

Find the item

5-10 objects are laid out in front of the baby. He looks at them carefully for a minute or two. It is important that the child determines for himself some kind of logical scheme for memorization. After this, the baby turns away for a few seconds, and the driver removes one object. The child’s task is to remember which item was missing. For preschoolers, this game perfectly develops memory and logical thinking.

Mini story

For the game you need to prepare several images connected by a single story. For example, a girl with candy, a girl with an empty candy wrapper and a girl in tears. The child’s task is to compose a short story based on the pictures. The game perfectly helps develop imagination and learn to formulate thoughts.

My sequence

The child is given 4-5 items. After which he receives a condition on how they should be located. For example, in a set of items a player will have: a notebook, a pen, a felt-tip pen, a circle, and a pencil case. After which the participant receives conditions: the pencil case cannot be next to the felt-tip pen. The notebook should be in front of the pencil case, but after the pen. The felt-tip pen is definitely the last one. The pen is paired with a notebook.

The competition perfectly develops logical thinking and attention in the baby.

I think so

The game is suitable for children aged 5-6 years. Participants must select in advance from a list of prepared words what they do not understand and throw it into the box. Next, the presenter pulls out a piece of paper with a word and reads it out. The task of the player chosen by the presenter is to explain how he understands the meaning of this word. The game will help develop imagination, perception of various objects and the ability to express thoughts.

Card index of educational games for middle preschool age.

Card index of educational games for children 4-5 years old

Games to develop memory for children 4-5 years old

Game "Camera".


: develop associative thinking, voluntary attention, memory, speech.

Game material and visual aids

: lotto cards or any other pictures.


: Show the child the card for 5 seconds. Then remove it and ask them to remember what was depicted on it. If the child finds it difficult to answer, ask him a leading question: how much, what color, etc.

Game "Find the differences".


develop the ability to compare memorized objects, find similarities and differences in them.

Game material and visual aids:

story cards.


Show the child the card for 2-3 minutes. Then offer him a second card, on which some objects or actions are missing or replaced with others. The child must determine what has changed.

Game "Magpie-white-sided".


develop concentration and memory.

Game material and visual aids

: 5-6 small items (toys).


arrange objects (toys) on the table. Invite the child to look carefully at the table, remember what objects are on it, and then ask the child to turn away. Remove or replace one or more items. The child must determine what the magpie stole and what it replaced.

Game "Sleuths".


: develop associative thinking, memory.


it is necessary to choose one child who will play the role of a “robber”, the rest - “detectives”. Tell some story with the children, from which it follows that the “robber” must now hide from the “detectives” and for this he needs to disguise himself. During the story, the “detectives” carefully examine the “robber,” who then goes off to disguise himself, and upon returning to the room they must find changes in his appearance.

Game "Describe the object."


: teach to remember the signs and properties of an object.

Game material and visual aids

: objects familiar to the child (person, car, food, etc.).


Children, under the guidance of a teacher, choose a familiar object. The teacher suggests remembering as many distinctive features and properties of this object as possible and naming one feature at a time. The loser is the one who cannot remember anything about the item when it is his turn.

Game “Repeat the ornament”.


: promote the development of concentration and memory.

Game material and visual aids

: beads, buttons, counting sticks (12 pieces each).


The teacher gives the child half of the playing material, takes the remaining half for himself, lays out an arbitrary composition of beads, then shows it to the child for 1-2 seconds. He must arrange exactly the same composition from his beads from memory. Then you can switch roles. To create the following compositions, you can add counting sticks and buttons to the beads.

Game “Remember - Draw”.


teach conscious perception; develop concentration of attention on a memorized object.

Game material and visual aids

: a piece of paper, pencils, cardboard with images of objects.


: stick six pictures on cardboard in two rows: three on top, three on bottom. The pictures should show the simplest objects: an apple, a scarf, a flag, a button, a needle, a Christmas tree, a birch leaf. Show your child the top row for one minute. The child must sketch what he saw and remembered. Then show the same bottom row of pictures and again ask the child to sketch everything that he remembers. Open all the pictures at the same time and compare how well the child’s drawings match the image.

Game “What is she like?”


promote the development of visual and auditory memory.


name an object and invite the child to imagine what this object looks like, what shape, color it is, what sounds it can make, etc. Then ask him to describe everything that he imagined. For example: an egg is oval, white or brown, with spots, raw or boiled, white and yellow inside. Then you can not only talk about the characteristics of the object, but also sketch it.

Game "Illogical Associations".


: develop associative thinking.

Game material and visual aids:

cards with a picture of an object.


It is necessary to tell the child several words related to each other. For example: plate, soap, flower, street. It is better if the child has cards with images of these objects in front of him. Try with your child to find associations that would connect these words. Find a suitable picture for each association. Give space to the child’s imagination, do not limit them to logical associations. The result should be a short story.

Games for developing attention in middle preschool children

Game "Who Lives Where".


develop visual attention and memory.

Game material and visual aids:

drawings with images of families of different animals and their houses, with drawn lines connecting the animals with their houses, which are given in a chaotic order.


you need to determine where whose house is without drawing a pencil along the lines.

Game "Clap Your Hands".


: develop stability and switching of attention, cognitive activity of the child; expand your horizons.


The teacher calls the child different words; if he hears a word that means, for example, an animal, he must clap his hands. Another time, suggest that the child stand up every time he hears a word for a plant. Then combine the first and second task, that is, the child claps his hands when he hears words denoting animals, and stands up when pronouncing words denoting plants. It's good to play these games with several children.

Game "Cross out all the letters K."


develop stability, distribution and switching of attention.

Game material and visual aids:

small text (from a newspaper or magazine), pen.


Invite the child to carefully look at the letters in the text and cross out all the letters “k”. Record the time and number of errors. The task can be made more difficult by asking the child to cross out all the letters “w” and underline all the letters “u”.

Game "Change appearance".


develop observation skills.


: several people play, everyone stands in one line, the leader names one child and invites him to remember the appearance of each participant in the game. This will take 1-2 minutes. Then the child turns away, the remaining participants in the game make minor changes to their costumes or hairstyles. Turning to the players, the driver must name the changes that he was able to notice.

Game "True or False".


develop attention and memory.


: the teacher pronounces different phrases - true and false. If the phrase is correct, the children clap, if not, then they stomp. For example:

In winter, daisies always bloom. (Children stomp.)

Ice is frozen water. (Children clap.)

Hares have red fur. (Children stomp.)

There is no need to wash your hands before eating. (Children stomp.)

It always snows in winter. (Children clap and stomp.)

Game "Little Beetle".


develop attention and spatial thinking.

Game material and visual aids

: playing field, lined with 16 cells; buttons.


: the teacher invites the child to help the “beetle” (button) get to the other end of the field, while warning that the “beetle” crawls only in zigzags. The teacher marks a short segment of the “bug’s” path: “One cell forward, two to the right, one to the left.” The child must listen carefully, remember and follow this path with a “bug” across the playing field. When the child learns to remember all the moves of the beetle, you can move on to a more complex task by asking the child to make the moves mentally and place the beetle on the desired square.

Game “Follow the pattern”.


develop concentration.

Game material and visual aids:

checkered sheet with a pattern of squares, circles, triangles.


: The child continues the sample pattern (circle, square, triangle, dot, etc.) on the sheet.

Games for the development of thinking in preschool children 4-5 years old

Game "Yes-no-ka".


: learn to ask questions, find criteria for classifying objects in the surrounding world; develop listening skills and being attentive.


: the teacher thinks of a word or tells a story, and the children must guess the word or explain the situation by asking the same questions, to which one of the answers can be given: “yes” or “no.”

Game "Visual yes-no-ki".



teach to analyze; develop thinking.

Game material and visual aids

: cards with images of objects (animals) or small toys.


lay out toys or pictures (no more than 10) on the table, give the child a little time to look at them. Then ask: “What object did I wish for?” The child, using leading questions (Is it on the right half of the table? Below? Is it yellow? Is it heavy? Is it round?) identifies the hidden object (picture). To begin with, it is better for the teacher to act as the questioner. This way the child will understand the game script faster.

Game "Treasure Chest".


: develop imagination, analysis skills.

Game material and visual aids:

box (bag); any edible (inedible) thing that fits in a box (bag).


Invite your child to guess what's inside using ten questions.

Game "Who was who?"


develop attention and imagination.


the child must name the state that preceded what the teacher calls him.

For example:

- Who was the old man? (As a boy.)

-What was the tree? (Rostkom.)

-What was Pinocchio? (With logs.)

Game "Outside - Inside".


learn to relate the concepts of “big” - “small”, “inside” - “outside”.


name a couple of objects to the child and ask him to say what can be inside and what can be outside. For example: house - pillow, cutlet - pan, heart - cat, fish - river, sugar - tea, etc. Then switch roles - let the child name a couple of words.

Game "I - you".


: develop logical thinking, speed of reaction.


the child must quickly understand what the opponent is talking about and answer him in the same way. For example, the teacher says: “I am a rainbow!” The child must answer: “I am the sun!” The teacher continues: “I am the sky.” The child answers: “I am an airplane.” Etc. (The game is suitable for individual lessons with a child and for playing in a small children's group.)

Game "Third Man".


learn to classify objects according to the criteria specified in the conditions.


: the teacher names three words, for example: “dog”, “cat”, “fish”. The child must determine: all three words refer to the designations of wildlife, but “dog” and “cat” designate animals, but “fish” does not. This means that the word fish is “superfluous”. Examples of words: birch, pine, rose; soap, shampoo, toothbrush; milk, kefir, tea.

Game "Guess by description."


develop speech (ability to coordinate adjectives and nouns); consolidate knowledge about concepts that unite certain objects or creatures.


: Prepare riddle sentences in advance that children must answer.

For example:

• A beautiful insect with colorful wings, loves to fly, feeds on nectar. (Butterfly.)

• The transport is long, consists of several parts, runs on iron rails. (Train.)

• Wild animal, lives in the forest, howls at the moon. (Wolf.)

• A wild animal with red fur always deceives in fairy tales. (Fox.)

• Fruit with yellow skin. (Lemon.)

The game “What comes first, what comes next.”


learn to arrange pictures in order of plot development.

Game material and visual aids

: sets of pictures (for example, from N. Radlov’s book “Stories in Pictures”).


: the teacher takes out the pictures and shows them to the children, then says that if you put them in order, you will get an interesting story, but in order to put them correctly, you need to guess what happened first, what happened next and how it all ended. After laying out the pictures, the teacher asks the children to peel back the cards glued to them on top. If the pictures are positioned correctly, then on top of the cards you can see a correctly diverging arrow. If the arrow turns out to be incorrect, it means that the pictures are located incorrectly, you need to correct the work. After completing the task, you can invite the children to retell the story they received.

Games for speech development in preschool children 4-5 years old

Game "What is he like?"


: learn to actively describe the characteristics of objects.


: invite the child to bring everything square that he finds in the room. For example: a book, a box, a cube, etc. Ask him to describe all objects that are united by one characteristic - square. Let your child find and explain the similarities and differences of objects, as well as their purpose.

Game "What do you hear?"


develop hearing, the ability to recognize speech and non-speech sounds.

Game material and visual aids

: musical instruments (pipes, drum, rattles, tambourine), foil, paper, book.


: the teacher sits the child on a chair with his back to himself: he should not see, only hear, and then determine what was played or what was used to produce the sound. It is advisable to start with something simple - with musical instruments, and then move on to something else: paper, foil, turning pages in a book. You can make the task more difficult by moving around the room and making a sound to the right or left of the child. Then switch roles. When answering, you can deliberately make a mistake and see if the child corrects the mistake. Ask him to repeat the sound.

The game "Who speaks how."


train phonetic memory (perceive, pronounce, distinguish sounds).


: invite the child to show how a cow talks, how her baby talks, how their voices differ. The child not only learns to distinguish voices based on several characteristics, but also tries to analyze the difference between sounds.

Game "Pictures-riddles".


learn to distinguish between the main and the secondary; strengthen the skills of describing objects.

Game material and visual aids:

cards with images of various objects.


The driver is selected. He takes one of the cards out of the bag and begins to describe what is depicted on it. Players offer their answers. The next driver is the one who answered correctly first.

Game "Steps".


contribute to the expansion of vocabulary and speech development.


two teams line up opposite each other. A separate strip should be drawn between them.

The theme of the game is set. You can use the themes given in the previous game, and also name words, syllables, a specific letter or sound. You can take a step by saying the right word. The team that reaches the dividing line first wins.

Game "Prepositions".


strengthen preposition skills.

Game material and visual aids:

disposable cardboard plate, cube.


: draw the plate into sectors. In each sector, write the prepositions “on”, “in”, “under”, “above”, “with”, “for”, “in front”, “to”, etc. The child throws the cube onto the plate. The sector in which the cube lands becomes playable. With the pretext of the gaming sector, the child must come up with a sentence. Keep it simple at first.

Game "Similar words".


help to study synonyms, different meanings of the same word; learn to choose the most accurate words to describe a certain subject, avoid repetition.


Explain to the child that one and the same thing can be said in different words:

• Our kitten is cheerful. (Funny, funny, amusing, comical.)

• The weather outside today is sad. (Sad, joyless.)

• The hare is cowardly, what else can you call it? (Tearful, timid, fearful.)

• The hare runs away from the fox. How else can you say it? (He runs away, rushes, flees, flies at full speed, takes off his feet.)

Word game.


: Expand words knowledge.


invite the child to name as many words as possible for toys, vegetables, trees, flowers, wild pets, birds, tools, furniture, professions.

Game "The meaning of the word."


: learn to clearly express a thought, indicating the main type of use of an object, describing its characteristics.


: invite the child to explain how he understands the meaning of the words “bicycle”, “knife”, “hat”, “ball”, “letter”, “umbrella”, “pillow”, “nail”, “donkey”, “fur”, “diamond”, “connect”, “shovel”, “sword”, “trouble”, “brave”, “hero”, “poem”, etc.

Literacy games for children 4-5 years old

Playing with pictures in a book or magazine.


: consolidate knowledge of the alphabet; teach word formation; develop attention and concentration.

Game material and visual aids

: picture book (children's magazine), pencil.


Together with the child, choose any letter, say it several times, remember what words he knows for this letter. Then invite the child to find and circle this letter across the entire book page. After this, together with the child, count the number of letters found.

Game "Who Lives Here?"


teach children to form words from the given letters; develop reading skill.


Together with your child, draw a house or a train with trailers, a rocket or a ship, an airplane on thick cardboard. Insert cards with letters into the window. The child must guess what words live in this house. Example:

• A, L, I, S, E, O - fox, forest, donkey.

• K, I, N, O, T, S, L - cat, whale, elephant, movie.

Game "Slogomyach".


: develop the skill of dividing words into syllables, quick thinking.

Game material and visual aids

: ball.


one player names a syllable, and the other must add an ending to this syllable so that it becomes a word. For example, you can add “rowa” to the syllable “ko” - you get “cow”; you can add “sa” to “li” - you get “fox”. It is important that children follow the rule: divide words into syllables correctly and pronounce them as they are written: “ko-ro-va”, but not “ka-ro-va”.

Game "Book Detective".


: learn to correlate letters with specific pictures; develop quick thinking.

Game material and visual aids

: books with illustrations.


: think of a letter and give the child a task - find a picture in the book for this letter. If several children are playing, introduce an element of competition: the one who finds the most required pictures wins. You can complicate the game by wishing for some object depicted in the book and warning the child that the intended word, for example, contains two letters “o”. (Cow.)

Game "Sleuths".


consolidate knowledge of the alphabet; develop the ability to correlate abstract letters with the letters that make up a word.

Game material and visual aids

: cards with letters.


Place cards with letters on different objects. The child must find all the cards and check whether they are laid out correctly, that is, whether the letter on the card corresponds to the letter with which the name of this item begins. For example, a card with the letter “k” lies on the sofa - this is wrong, it should hang, for example, on a picture. You can complicate the game by replacing cards with letters with cards with syllables.

Game "Following".


: develop reading skills (introduce the arrangement of words in the text, teach reading with intonation).


: The teacher and the child, sitting at the table, read a book. The teacher reads, and the child lags behind a little, repeating everything that the teacher reads. The child not only hears the text, but also sees it. It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t really read, he sees what words and sentences are made of, what punctuation marks accompany the text. He remembers the spelling of words, can recognize the simplest ones, and learns to respond to punctuation marks. The child ceases to be afraid of long words and sentences and tries to pronounce them correctly.

Game "Illustrator".


learn how to handle a book; instill a love for books; develop narrative speech, imagination, logic.


: Read a poem or short story to your child. Then offer to complete the task - match the pictures to the read text from other books. After this, ask him to retell the plot (short plot) of the work, based on the drawings he has selected.

Games for the mathematical development of middle preschool children

Game "Correct Score".


help in mastering the order of numbers in the natural series; strengthen forward and backward counting skills.

Game material and visual aids:



children stand in a circle. Before starting, they agree in what order (direct or reverse) they will count. Then they throw the ball and call the number. The one who caught the ball continues the count by throwing the ball to the next player.

Game "Who's Where".


: learn to distinguish the position of objects in space (in front, behind, between, in the middle, on the right, on the left, below, above).

Game material and visual aids

: toys.


place toys in different places in the room. Ask the child which toy is in front, behind, next to, far, etc. Ask what is on top, what is below, on the right, on the left, etc.

Game "A lot and a little."


help to understand the concepts of “many”, “few”, “one”, “several”, “more”, “less”, “equally”.


: ask the child to name single objects or objects that are many (few). For example: there are many chairs, one table, many books, few animals. Place cards of different colors in front of the child. Let there be 9 green cards and 5 red cards. Ask which cards are more and which are fewer. Add 4 more red cards. What can we say now?

Game "Guess the number."


help prepare children for basic mathematical operations of addition and subtraction; help consolidate the skills of determining the previous and subsequent numbers within the first ten.


: ask, for example, which number is greater than three but less than five; what number is less than three but greater than one, etc. Think of, for example, a number within ten and ask the child to guess it. The child names different numbers, and the teacher says whether the number named is greater or less than the intended one. Then you can switch roles with your child.

Game "Counting Mosaic".


introduce numbers; learn to match quantities with numbers.

Game material and visual aids:

counting sticks.


: Together with your child, make up numbers or letters using counting sticks. Invite the child to place the corresponding number of counting sticks next to the given number.

Game "Dot Traveler".


: introduce the basics of writing numbers; develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids

: checkered notebook, pen.


The teacher sits down at the table, puts the notebook down correctly, and shows the child how to hold a pen correctly. Offers to play dot-traveler. To do this, you need to invite the child to put a dot in the upper right corner of the cell, then in the fourth cell of the left corner at the bottom of the notebook, etc.

Game "Reading and counting".


help to understand the concepts of “many”, “little”, “one”, several”, “more”, “less”, “equally”, “as much”, “as much”; develop the ability to compare objects by size.

Game material and visual aids

: counting sticks.


When reading a book to a child, ask him to put aside as many counting sticks as, for example, there were animals in the fairy tale. After counting how many animals there are in the fairy tale, ask who there were more, who were fewer, and who were the same. Compare toys by size: who is bigger - a bunny or a bear? Who is smaller? Who is the same height?

Games to study the plant world for children 4-5 years old

Game "How do trees live?"


develop speech; help in studying the plant world.

Game material and visual aids

: cards with images of trees in different seasons (summer - a green tree, autumn - a tree with yellow leaves, winter - a tree without leaves, spring - a tree with swollen buds).


find out what time of year it is now. What the trees look like, what kind of leaves they have. Ask your child if he knows what happens to trees in autumn, spring, winter? Look at the pictures. Tell your child that the change of seasons affects the state of plants (in winter all plants fall asleep, in spring they awaken, in autumn they prepare for sleep, etc.).

Game “Where is whose leaf?”


: develop the ability to classify objects by characteristics, memory, attention; help in studying the plant world.

Game material and visual aids

: cards with images of trees (oak, maple), leaves of these trees, cut out of paper or real.


: Mix the leaves. Tell your child a fairy tale about how an evil wind tore all the leaves from the trees and mixed them up. They feel cold lying on the ground and want to go back to their trees. We need to help the leaves find their mother (father) - the tree. Invite your child to put the leaves near the corresponding tree. In the first lessons, choose leaves of a memorable shape (maple, oak, rowan). As you study trees, increase the number of varieties of leaves and trees. Select leaves of different trees that are similar in shape, carefully examine them, finding differences.

Game "Orchard".


: develop speech, classification skills; introduce you to the plant world.

Game material and visual aids:

dummies of fruits and vegetables; cards with images of fruit trees.


: Place fruits and vegetables in front of the child. Explain that the doll wanted to make compote, but the fruits were mixed with vegetables, and she couldn’t choose them because she didn’t know how they differed from each other. After the weight differences are identified, invite the child to separate fruits from vegetables. Ask if the child knows where fruits grow. Look at the fruit trees shown in the pictures. Cut an apple or orange and show your child the seeds hidden in them. To summarize: Fruits grow on trees. Trees are called fruit trees. Specially planted, such trees form an orchard. You can talk about what is prepared from fruits and what dishes they are added to.

Game "Indoor Flowers".


develop the skill of independence; introduce you to the plant world.


: if there are indoor plants, invite your child to take care of them. Give him a watering can, teach him how to loosen the soil, and wipe the leaves of plants with a damp sponge. Tell us that the plants have come a long way before reaching the windowsill. After all, many of them came to us from distant countries - India, Mexico, Africa, etc. If the child expresses a desire, find these countries on the world map. Continuing the story, explain that the weather conditions of those countries are different from ours, therefore each flower requires special care: sun or shade, a lot or little water, heat or coolness. When offering to water this or that plant, note: “To water this flower, you need to put very little water in the watering can, but this one likes to drink a lot, so please try to get a lot of water.” Explain to the child why the holes are made in the pots, why the soil needs to be loosened, why the dust should be wiped off the leaves, etc.

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Attention competitions for children

My color

Each player receives a pre-prepared card. All cards must be different colors. At the command of the leader, the children must line up in a minute from the lightest to the darkest card. The game perfectly trains children's attentiveness and concentration on details.

Animal Partner

An even number of players is required. In advance, the presenter prepares paired cards with images of animals. Participants get to know their animal. After this the light turns off. Players must find their match based on the sounds made. You can't speak human language. You just need to make sounds characteristic of those made by the animal shown in the picture.

Details in a circle

Children sit in a circle. The first participant names any large word, for example, house or city. The neighbor on the right must name a clarifying detail, for example, a house with windows or a city with a park. Each time, the neighbor on the right must name an increasingly smaller clarifying detail. The game perfectly develops logic and attention to detail.

Do it the other way around

The game is suitable for those who already know how to write. The presenter defines 2 commands, for example, “word” and “line”. When the presenter says “word”, you need to draw a line, and when he says “line”, you need to write a table. It is important to concentrate and not get confused in tasks. And to simplify the task for the presenter, we recommend that he give a hint in the form of “LLLSLSLSLSLLLSLL”.

Unravel us

A leader is chosen for the game. The rest of the participants join hands. The presenter will have to leave the room. The rest begin to walk in different directions, thereby becoming confused. The main thing is not to let go of each other’s hands. The task of the presenter, when he returns, is to unravel the “confusion” of his friends. The game trains memory, attentiveness, logic and thinking in children.

Didactic games in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

In the middle group, it is important to socialize preschoolers with the help of games and expand their understanding of the world around them. It is necessary to pay attention to the physical and emotional improvement of the individual, the development of observation, the ability to concentrate, to react correctly and quickly to events and other people.

Good wizards

For the game, prepare a “magic” wand, decorate it with paints or sparkles. Pupils sit in a circle. Tell them that the wand turns everyone who takes it into a kind and friendly person.

During the game, children take turns taking a stick, calling a friend sitting next to them a pleasant and affectionate adjective, then passing the “baton” to him. The game ends when all participants receive positive epithets.

Broken phone

This game, which develops auditory attention, has been played by many generations of children.

Children sit down or stand in a row. The first player whispers a certain word in the ear of the second. The second whispers to the third, and so on. The last player in the row says the word he hears out loud. If it matches what the first participant said, it means the stage was a success and the game continues. If the word turns out to be incorrect, all players, starting with the second to last one, say out loud what they heard from the previous participant. In this way, it is possible to find out who the “damaged phone” is, who heard the word incorrectly. The guilty one becomes the last in the row.

What do the animals say?

For an educational game you need a ball. Line up the students in a row and stand opposite them. Throw the ball to each player in turn, naming any animal. The task of the person who catches the ball is to pronounce the sounds made by this animal. The game ends when the last player in the row names the sound correctly.

The game can be built the other way around: pronounce sounds, and let the children remember which animal makes them.

What does the cloud look like?

If the weather permits, take the children for a walk. Let each child choose one of the clouds in the sky. On a cloudy day, use color printed images of different clouds: cumulus, stratus, cirrus. Give each child a picture. The pupils’ task is to carefully examine their cloud, tell what it looks like, like some animal or object.

What does it sound like?

For preschoolers of the middle group, it is imperative to organize musical and didactic games in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

For the game, prepare musical instruments familiar to preschoolers, objects that can make sounds, and an opaque canvas. Lay out the collected material on the table, cover it with a cloth so that children cannot see it. Make sounds with instruments and objects and the players have to guess what it sounds like. The winner is the one who gives the most correct answers.

Animals march

The game develops a sense of rhythm and auditory perception. To conduct it, you need to find a recording of any march.

To the sound of it, the children move in a circle. Give them commands to move like a certain animal. For example:

  • say “hare” - children press their hands to their chests and jump;
  • “crane” – they walk with their legs raised high;
  • “horse” - they hit the floor with their foot, like a hoof;
  • “eagle” - they run, waving their arms widely;
  • “cancer” - backing away.

Guess the emotion

Stand in front of the children. Depict different emotions through facial expressions: joy, sadness, surprise, fear, resentment. Students must guess what mood is on your face.

What's missing?

The game develops observation and concentration. To carry it out, prepare different paintings: landscapes, portraits, still lifes.

Children should look carefully at the picture, then close their eyes. Cover any part of the picture with a piece of tape. Children, having opened their eyes, must remember which detail is hidden.

Carefree butterflies and moths

Players are divided into “butterflies” – daytime insects, and “moths” – nocturnal ones. One child becomes a “bird”. One part of the gaming room is the place where “butterflies” fly, the other part is where “moths” fly. One of the corners is a “nest”.

The “bird” gets into the “nest”. The remaining players stand in their part of the playing hall. When the presenter says “day”, the “butterflies” begin to run and dance. When the presenter says the word “night,” the “butterflies” should freeze and the “moths” begin to move. If one of the players moves at the wrong time, the “bird” attacks him and takes him into the “nest”. The “insects” win, which the “bird” could not take.


Pupils sit in a row on chairs. The presenter comes forward, begins to make faces, and tells something funny. His goal is to make his comrades laugh. And the players’ task is not to laugh, to keep a serious face. The one who cannot stand it changes with the leading roles.

Gaming memory development

What's missing?

You need to lay out several images on the table. The child looks at them, and the presenter tells a story about each image, after which the player turns away. During this time, the presenter must remove one photo. After which the child must not only understand which image has disappeared, but also tell what it meant.

I'll name everything

The guys sit in a circle. Together they choose a common topic. After which the first participant says a word. The second player must say the first word of the first participant and his new one. So each child must supplement the chain of words with his own. The main thing is not to lose your way.


The player is blindfolded. The leader leads him along the intended route, telling him how many steps and where to go. At the end of the route, the participant is untied and turned around. His task is to do all the steps exactly the opposite and find the “start” point.

Toy queue

The presenter lines up 5-6 toys one after another, explaining who is behind whom. After which the presenter says that the toys needed to go to their owners, and when they returned, they could not restore the line one after another. We need to help them and line them up correctly one after another.

What's on the tray?

The presenter puts 5-10 small things on the tray. For one minute, the participant looks at the tray and remembers what is on it. After this, the presenter covers it with a towel or other rag, and the participant’s task is to remember all the things that are on it.

Development of critical thinking in a child


The game is suitable for any conditions. She will teach the child to think and analyze. You can even play it on the way to kindergarten or school. The child needs to constantly ask questions that do not contain an answer. It is important that in the process of reasoning the baby learns to analyze and look for a cause-and-effect relationship. For example, “why shouldn’t you jump into a puddle?”, “why is yelling at your parents bad?” etc.

Make up the end

The game will perfectly help your child develop not only critical thinking, but also imagination. So, you need to read a fairy tale or story with your children. At the most unpredictable moment, you need to stop and ask the child to figure out the ending of the story. After this, you can compare the endings of the child and the author, finding the pros and cons of both options.

If... then...

This entertainment is great for teaching kids how to find cause-and-effect relationships. The presenter says a few phrases that will let the participants understand the essence. For example, if it rains tomorrow, you need to take an umbrella with you, or if you miss school tomorrow, you will fall behind in several subjects. Then the presenter says only the first part of the expression, and the players continue.


Players must be divided into 2 teams. After which the presenter offers to choose one of the proposed topics or actions. One team should say the pros, and the second - the cons. The game perfectly helps you learn to compare facts, think critically, and develop a competitive spirit.


Which, no matter how much evidence proves the opposite, teaches a child to insist on his own and find irrefutable evidence. So, in this game, you will have to tell the child, for example, that it only seems to him that the grass is green. It's actually purple. The child, naturally, will not agree and will try to explain to you why the grass is green.

Card index of intellectual games in senior preschool age card index on the topic

Mind games.

Game "Logic blocks of Dienesh"

Target. To help accelerate the development of the simplest logical structures of thinking and mathematical concepts in preschoolers

Short description:

From a randomly selected figure, try to build the longest chain possible. Options for constructing a chain:

so that there are no figures of the same shape (color, size, thickness) nearby;

so that there are no figures identical in shape and color (in color and size, in size and shape, in thickness);

so that there are figures nearby that are the same in size, but different in shape;

so that nearby there are figures of the same color and size, but different shapes (the same size, but different shapes).

Mind games.

Game "Math Tablet"

Target. Create conditions for the child’s research activities. Promote psychosensorimotor, cognitive (cognitive) development, as well as the development of creative abilities.

Short description:

The game presents diagrams in which children reproduce the drawing using rubber bands and colored figures. The schemes can be supplemented in accordance with the level of development of the child, and you can come up with your own options. The game features diagrams for spatial orientation, counting, geometry, games with numbers, letters, symmetries, road signs, riddles, illustrated poems, fairy tales, and patterns.

Methodical instructions. When working with a group of children, you can conduct visual and auditory dictations on a math tablet.

Intellectual game.

Game "Geometric Mosaic"

Target. Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes and primary colors, about the size of objects. Develop visual perception and memory. Promote the development of intellectual abilities.

Short description:

Invite the children to arrange the cut out geometric shapes into groups:

by color (all blue shapes, all green shapes, etc.)

by size (small triangles and large triangles, small squares, large and medium squares, etc.)

by shape (all triangles, all squares, all half circles, etc.)

laying out the same pictures from a set of geometric shapes, first by overlaying them on a card, then next to the picture, and then from memory.

Invite the players to lay out any image from geometric shapes.

Intellectual game.


Target. Develop visual perception, voluntary attention, memory. Develop visual-figurative thinking

Short description:

There are 12 cards in the game. Tasks for each card to increase complexity. At the first stage, we suggest looking at and remembering what is drawn. By showing card 2, children determine what has changed compared to the first card. At the next stage, children look at, remember and draw the figures they see, then the numbers, remembering the order in which the numbers are positioned. At the last stage, we ask the child to remember and draw schematic images corresponding to various pictures.

Intellectual game.

Game "Dangerous Objects"

Target. Develop verbal and logical thinking

Short description:

Having laid out toys and drawings with objects in front of the children, the teacher invites the children to determine which objects are dangerous for play and why, where these objects should be stored. Children tell where dangerous objects should be stored. How to behave if you have such an object in your hands. Is it possible to distract or push a person if he is cutting, sewing, or nailing a nail? What could happen?

Intellectual game.

Game "Signs"

Target. Teach children to identify the same signs in different objects and develop logical thinking.

Short description:

1-10 people take part in the game. It’s better to start with one round card. We invite the child to select 4 suitable cards from 40 cards and attach them so that they logically complement the central card. The number of round task cards should be increased gradually.

Methodical instructions. For a group of children, the game should be competitive - who can complete the task faster.

Intellectual game.

Game “What is made of what”

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about various materials and products made from them. Develop logical thinking.

Short description:

1-10 people take part in the game. It's better to start with one round card. We invite the child to select suitable ones from 4 cards and attach them so that they logically complement the central card. The number of round task cards should be increased gradually.

Methodical instructions. For a group of children, the game should be competitive - who can complete the task faster.

Intellectual game.

Game "First-Grade Quiz"

Target. Help children prepare psychologically for school, teach them to answer questions quickly. Develop speed of thinking.

Short description:

Players take turns, established by agreement or by lot. On his turn, the player rolls the dice and moves the chip to the number of squares drawn. By moving the chip, the player answers the question of a card from a pile of the corresponding color. If the player answered correctly, then the turn passes to the next player. If the player answers incorrectly, the player rolls the die and steps back by the value rolled. After which he immediately answers the question of the color corresponding to the cell. This continues until the player either answers correctly or returns home. The one who comes to school first wins.

Intellectual game.

Game "Pick up a picture"

Target. Learn to classify objects, name groups of objects with generalizing words, and enrich your vocabulary. Develop attention, memory, thinking

Short description:

A leader is chosen. He shuffles the fields and cards and gives each player one field, and places the cards in a separate pile. The presenter takes the top card from the pile and calls it. Using the classification method, players determine whether an item belongs to their card, gives a signal - if the answer is correct, the presenter gives the card to the player. The first one to cover all the areas on his field is declared the winner.

Intellectual game.

Game "Guess the Animals"

Target. To consolidate knowledge about wild animals, their habitat, and nutrition. Develop logical thinking.

Short description:

A leader is chosen. He shuffles the fields and cards and gives each player one field, and places the cards in a separate pile with the text down. The leader takes the top card from the pile and reads the text of the riddle on it aloud. If a player who has an image of this animal on the field has guessed the riddle and correctly answered questions about it (where it lives, what it eats, what its character is), then the presenter gives him a card with a riddle. If the player makes a mistake, the presenter corrects him, but The card is placed at the bottom of the pile.The first one to cover all the areas on his field is declared the winner.

Intellectual game.

Game “Where does the bread on the table come from?”

Target. Learn to consistently lay out plot pictures, develop speech, teach to think logically, and develop intellectual abilities.

Short description:

To create a chain, choose one of 3 topics (milk, butter or bread). First, the adult and the children lay out the chain and, through discussion, choose the correct solution to establish the sequence of pictures. Next, the children independently lay out the chain and compose a story on the topic.

Methodical instructions. Try to make any of the chains only in reverse order. Start the story not with the first, but with the last picture of the chain.

Intellectual game.

Game "Funny Luggage"

Target. Learn to classify objects of one group, select words for a certain sound. Develop mental flexibility.

Short description:

The player with the shortest hair acts first, then his neighbor to the left, then clockwise. Each player has 4 actions:

look at any card;

put it in place;

without looking, move one card in place of another;

You can only swap 2 cards.

Actions can be combined in different ways, the main thing is that there are no more than 4 of them. Less is possible.

The one who was able to lay out the last missing card for the train takes this train for himself. The train is a steam locomotive and 4 carriages.

Methodical instructions.

If you just look at the card, it remains face down. If you swap cards, you will have to place them face up.

Intellectual game.

Game "Read the word"

Target. To develop the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, the skills of correlating sounds with letters, to promote the formation of smooth, coherent, meaningful reading. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Short description:

At the first stage, the presenter invites the children to highlight the first sounds in the names of the objects shown on the card, then pronounce the highlighted sounds, pausing where the window is empty, and name the resulting word. At the second stage, you can ask children to read the word on the game card, find the missing letter and place a chip with this letter on an empty square. At the third stage, ask the children to find the missing letter and mark it with a chip with the desired letter. And at the last stage, at the leader’s signal, the players pick up chips with letters and place them on the empty window. The team that completes the task first reads the words and becomes the winner.

Intellectual game.

Story ""

Target. Teach children to speak in a “thin” voice and in a low voice. Developing the ability to raise and lower the tone of your voice.

Short description:

The teacher begins to talk, accompanying his speech by showing the corresponding figures on the flannelograph: “Early in the morning, we went out for a walk at the dacha. We hear someone squeaking thinly: “pee-pee” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a “thin” voice). We look, this chick is sitting on a tree and squeaking; waiting for his mother to bring him a worm. How thinly does the chick squeak? (“Pee-pi-pi.”) At this time, the bird flew in, gave the chick a worm and squealed: “pi-pi-pi” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a lower voice). How did the mother bird squeak? (“Peep-pee-pee.”)

The bird flew away and we moved on. We hear someone at the fence shouting thinly: “meow-meow-meow” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a “thin” voice). And the kitten jumped out onto the path. How did he meow? (Children reproduce the teacher’s example.) It was he who called the cat mother. She heard it, ran along the path and meowed:

“meow-meow-meow” (says “meow-meow” in a lower voice). How did the cat meow? ("Meow meow meow".)

And now, children, I’ll show you who came to visit us.” The teacher takes out the cat, shows how it walks along the table, then sits down. “How does a cat meow?” Children, lowering their voices, say: “meow-meow-meow.”

Then the teacher takes out a kitten, a bird, a chick, and the children imitate their voices.

Methodical instructions. Make sure that children do not shout, but speak calmly, raising and lowering their voice within the limits accessible to them.

Intellectual competitions for the New Year for children

Count it

The game is suitable for those who can diligently do mathematical calculations. The task is simple - count how many days of the week there will be in the coming year. Whoever manages it first wins. The game will perfectly help you practice calculations and cope with your impatient temperament.

Who is Santa Claus?

The game is designed not so much for intelligence as for the ability to quickly think and find new facts. The children’s task is to take turns naming one fact that relates to the main hero of the New Year’s celebration. It is important not only to name a fact, but also to be able to interpret it. The game helps develop thinking and teach the child to explain his own point of view.

New Year is...

Each participant is given a piece of paper and a pencil. In one minute you will need to write a description of 5 sentences for the New Year. It is important to reflect all the nuances that relate to the holiday. The game is suitable for those who already know how to write and analyze. In the process, the child will learn to highlight the main thing against the backdrop of a lot of other information, and will also help the child formulate his own thoughts.


If you have the time and desire to prepare a full-fledged quiz for children for the New Year, then this will be the best intellectual game for the New Year holiday. The main thing is to select questions in accordance with the age of the participant. Players will learn to search for the right answers in the flow of information, build team spirit and work as a team.

New Year cartoon

Players will be asked to reconstruct the chronological events of a previously shown cartoon excerpt. The presenter shows a short video of 1-2 minutes from a famous New Year's film, the players' task is to continue and tell what will happen next. It is important not just to remember or come up with a course of action, but to explain why the characters act this way. The game perfectly helps a child learn to think critically, build logical chains and connect different actions with each other.

Intellectual game “Clever and smart girls” for older preschoolers. Presentation script

Scenario of an intellectual marathon for older preschoolers “Clever and Smart Girls”

The methodological development is a scenario for an intellectual marathon for older preschoolers.
Goal: creating conditions for the realization of intellectual and creative potential in children of senior preschool age. Objectives: 1) stimulate cognitive activity, interest in intellectual activity 2) develop logical thinking, attention, imagination 3) cultivate independence, responsibility for the results of one’s activities; 4) to form in children an adequate idea of ​​their capabilities, the ability to rejoice in their successes and the successes of their comrades 5) to create a festive atmosphere, to bring joy to children Participants of the competition: children of the preparatory group for school (5-6 people) bParticipation format: individual Duration: 40 minutes Equipment: laptop with speakers, disco ball, magnetic board, tables and chairs according to the number of participants, camera Materials: audio recordings, presentation, handouts for each participant, pencils, checkered sheets, cardboard traffic lights for answers, sweet prizes for participants competition, diplomas, “Columbus Egg” puzzle for each participant. Jury: senior teacher, music director, teacher.
EVENT Presenter: Good afternoon, my friends! Today we met for a reason - a lot of adventures, tasks, games and exercises await us. Today an unusual video letter arrived at the kindergarten. Nobody knows what’s in it? Let's read it together. Children go to the laptop and watch a video letter in which the Wise Sovunya invites children to help her solve difficult problems. Host: Shall we help Sovunya, guys? I think you can handle it, because today the smartest and most resourceful guys have gathered here! Experts (jury) will evaluate your results. 1. Warm-up “Questions for ingenuity” Presenter: The first task is questions for ingenuity. Do you know what these questions are? (children answer) Just please don’t yawn, listen, don’t interrupt. If you know the answer – Raise the “green”! 1. How many ears do three mice have? 2.Who moos louder, a rooster or a cow? 3.How many numbers are there in a clock? 4.If you eat one plum, what remains? 5.Mom bought three scarves and six mittens for the children. How many children does mom have? 6. When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door to the house is open.) 7. How many nuts are there in an empty glass? 8. 7 candles were burning. 2 candles were extinguished. How many candles are left? 9. There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them between three children so that one apple remains in the basket? 10.Two sisters have one brother each. How many children are in the family? 11. Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? 12. Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer quickly! 2. Competition “Identify the pattern” Presenter: The next task is a square divided into 9 parts. Each square contains a picture or symbol, in a certain order, some are empty. You need to determine the order and complete the missing pictures in the empty cells. Time – 2.5 minutes. Experts will keep track of the time and give you signals for the start and end of the task using a bell. 3. Competition “The Most Attentive” Presenter: At first glance, these pictures are the same, but there are differences between them. You need to find these differences and mark them with a cross in the picture. Time – 2.5 minutes 4. Dynamic pause Background music is turned on. Host: Now we’ll rest a little with you. Get up from your seats. I will ask questions, and if you agree, answer “This is me, this is me and my friends are with me.” If you don't agree, stomp your feet and clap your hands. How many of you, noticing smoke, dial “01”. Those who don’t light candles and don’t allow others to do so. Who likes to dry their shoes over the fire the old fashioned way? A red glow ran. Who played with matches? When he sees the smoke, he doesn’t yawn and calls the fire department. Smoke suddenly rose in a column. Who didn't turn off the iron? How many of you go forward only where there is a transition? Does anyone know what a red light means - no progress? Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear? Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education? He knows the rules exactly and always follows them. 5. Competition “Funny Cells” Presenter: Now you and I will draw an unusual drawing - a drawing based on cells. I will say the direction, and you will draw on your sheet. The beginning of the drawing is from a point. If you pay attention, you will see what kind of animal you get. 6. Competition “Master of Puzzle Solving” Presenter: Take the envelopes, look what’s in them. Once upon a time these parts made up one whole - an egg. Try to put together an egg using all these elements. Time – 5 minutes. 7. Competition “Entertaining puzzles” Presenter: Now you and I will solve riddles in pictures - puzzles. If you know the answer, turn up the green color! Time: 5 minutes. 8. Competition “Labyrinths and Schemes” Presenter: Before you is a map of a fairy-tale country. Help Nyusha find her home by following the suggested scheme. Time – 2 minutes. 9. Dynamic pause “Favorite dance” Presenter: So, guys, the tasks that Sovunya suggested us to complete are over. While the experts are summing up the results of the marathon, you and I will dance a little. The music turns on and the children dance to it. 10. Summing up the marathon. Rewarding participants. Commemorative photo. The jury announces the results of the competition and awards the participants.
Presentation on the topic: Clever guys and smart girls

We recommend watching:

Games for the development of visual thinking in children 5-7 years old Game of travel in the senior group of kindergarten Intellectual game for older preschoolers in kindergarten “Clever and Clever” with presentation Intellectual game “Clever and Clever” in kindergarten for children of the preparatory group

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Children's quiz game for intelligence development

New Year's Quiz

If the game is organized at a celebration dedicated to the New Year, then holding an original quiz for children is what you need. You can find suitable questions on the Internet or create them yourself.

Quiz on Russian literature

If you organize a quiz at school, then you can time the game to coincide with one of the lessons. Literature is ideal. You can come up with questions based on famous works or poems.

Math quiz

Coming up with several rounds of a math quiz for children means giving them the opportunity to stretch their brains and use all their skills in solving puzzles and charades.

Quiz on films

One of the most popular quizes, where some of the questions are video materials with clips from films. Rest assured that this version of the quiz will help your child develop skills in visual perception of questions and improve memory.

Quiz on Tik Tok

Don't think that Tik Tok only entertains children. You can make an excellent quiz out of it, which will help your child develop intellectual and mental skills. To make it easier to find suitable questions, look for them on the Internet.

Intellectual and educational games for children


A popular game for both children and adults. To organize it, you just need to purchase a ready-made set for entertainment. All the rules of the game will be written there. The process itself is aimed at attentiveness, logical thinking, and intellectual skills of strategic play.


Players are divided into 2-3 teams. Each group is given a specific letter for which they will need to prepare words on a specific topic. The team that can come up with the most words wins. The game teaches reasoning and develops memory skills.

Guess what's true

The presenter reads the word. If someone can define it, then the player performs. If he is right, then he gets 2 points. If no one knows, then the presenter reads out 3 alternative concepts. Next, players vote for the true option. For the correct answer, everyone gets a point. The game teaches you to analyze and reason, and along the way, participants gain new knowledge.


The game is suitable for both company and individual participation. The presenter thinks of a word to himself. And he tells the children 3 words that are related to the mystery. For example, the word “telephone” is guessed, and the presenter says “communication”, “call”, “message”. The game teaches you to compare facts and draw parallels.

What kind of action?

The presenter shows a small excerpt from any video where a person does something. For example, an advertisement about Mr. Propper. The child must list all the actions that are performed on the recording. The competition teaches the child to analyze, carefully notice details, and note nuances.

Intellectual games for children

During a long trip, in rainy weather or in the countryside, away from toys, you can keep your child busy with an exciting and useful game. Intellectual games are good because they are accessible and develop the child. With their help, time will fly by unnoticed. And at the same time, they do not require cash costs or special preparation.

Direction of intellectual games

Intellectual games have enormous potential and allow you to develop:

  • Memory. During the game, both involuntary and voluntary memory works - even preschool children will perfectly remember information presented in this form.
  • Attention. In an interesting game, the child concentrates it as much as possible, trying not to lose sight of the smallest details.
  • Thinking. By thinking about a complex but exciting problem, a student will be able to excellently train this skill and master solution algorithms for the future.
  • Logic. Intellectual games are inextricably linked with logical thinking; they allow you to instill its basics in young children and improve it in older students.
  • Speech. A number of games, using the child’s speech, develop the articular apparatus and help to learn new grammatical structures.

The game can have its own specifics and be aimed at developing only one of these processes or train several skills. In today's article we will look at multitasking games. In addition to the above processes, they will also help develop imagination, creative thinking, fine motor skills, etc.

Principles of using intellectual games

When offering a game to your child, it is important to remember the following principles:

  • The game should be interesting. Offer your child an exciting time, instill a spirit of competition in him and monitor his behavior during the game. If enthusiasm quickly dries up, it is better to change the task.
  • The game should have an optimal level of difficulty. Too easy - it will not be able to attract the child’s attention for a long time; too complex - it can upset him, cause displeasure or resentment.
  • The child needs support, help and praise. Be prepared for the fact that you yourself will have to rack your brains over the problem - the child should feel your interest and see your participation. Praise his successes, but do not over-praise, and reduce criticism to a minimum or remove it altogether.

Game "Monkey"

Being a monkey isn't always a bad thing! Photo source

Age category: children of preschool and primary school age

What develops: attention, memory, fine motor skills, coordination of movements

The game begins with a short fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a little monkey. And one day she became very bored. She was sitting at the table and was sad when a boy entered the room. The monkey hid under the table and began to watch. The boy went to the buffet and took the candy - the monkey also ran up to the buffet and took out the candy. The boy unfolded the piece of paper and the monkey unfolded it. The boy took a bite and the monkey took a bite. The boy smiled and so did she.”

Next, the adult offers the child (children) a game in which he himself becomes a boy from a fairy tale, and the child becomes a monkey. After this, the parent can show any actions (for example, assembling a model), and the child’s task is to quickly repeat them.

“What item was removed?”

Age category: children of preschool and primary school age

What develops: attention, memory, logic

A set of any items is laid out in front of the child (the optimal number for primary school children is 5-9). The student’s task is to carefully examine all the objects (within 30-50 seconds) and remember them. Then he turns away, and the adult removes one object. The child must determine which item was removed. If he is at a loss, then you can give a hint: “This object is red”, “It is round”, etc.

To develop logic, you can slightly change the conditions of the game. To guess the missing object, the child is given a number of logical clues: “It was lying behind the scissors, but in front of the pen,” “The object is larger than a notepad, but smaller than a book,” “It has four corners, but not a square,” etc.

"Chronological Sequence"

Age category: children of preschool and primary school age

What develops: memory, attention, thinking, speech, logic

It is necessary to prepare several pictures based on the fairy tale. For example, for the fairy tale Kolobok, you can draw a grandfather and grandmother, a cheerful Kolobok, a hare, a wolf, etc. You can search for relevant images in books and the Internet.

Next, the child is told this fairy tale, and then given the task of arranging the pictures in chronological order, i.e. in accordance with the events of the fairy tale.

"Tale from pictures"

Photo source

Age category: children of primary and secondary school age

What allows you to develop: attention, logic, speech, imagination

The child is offered several pictures, for example, one shows a girl holding candy, the second shows a girl with an empty candy wrapper in her hands, and the third shows a crying girl. The student needs to compose a logical story based on these pictures. In this case, the events in the story should occur in the sequence in which the images were presented.

"Put it in the correct order"

Age category: children of primary and secondary school age

What develops: attention, thinking, logic

The child needs to arrange objects in the correct sequence based on logical conditions. Example:

The green circle cannot be next to the red square. The blue triangle should be in front of the green circle, but after the yellow square. The red square is always the last one. The yellow square is paired with a blue triangle...

"Balloon Frame"

Age category: schoolchildren of any age

What develops: attention, thinking

Task: Imagine that you have 15 balls. 5 of them are yellow, 5 are blue, 5 are red. You need to arrange them in a triangular frame so that there are no balls of the same color nearby.

“Unravel the code and complete it”

Age category: schoolchildren of any age

What develops: memory, attention, thinking, logic

The child is presented with a series of images that are selected according to a certain principle. The task is to unravel this principle (code) and complete the series.

For example, the sequence:

What figure should be placed instead of the question mark:

Pictures from Akimov G. E. “SUPERintelligence. Effective training for the development of natural genius"

"Geometric Cipher"

Age category: schoolchildren of any age and adults

What develops: attention, memory, logic, thinking, speech

The child is offered the following scheme:

And conditions:


This is how the word/phrase that needs to be decrypted is encoded. For example:

Pictures from Hart-Davis A. “Amazing Math Puzzles”

"Turn the cups over"

Age category: schoolchildren of any age and adults

What develops: attention, thinking, logic

Seven cups are placed in a row in front of the child, bottom down. In one move you can turn over three cups (no more and no less). Task: place all the cups correctly in three moves.


Age category: schoolchildren of any age and adults

What develops: attention, memory, thinking, speech

Before starting the game, you need to draw up a series of questions on general intelligence, knowledge, erudition, and intelligence. Questions can be either with answer options (How many planets are there in the solar system? A) 6; B) 3; AT 8; D) 9.), and without (How many emperors were there in Russia?).

To increase interest in the game, you can award your child points for each correct answer, and then exchange them for prizes. Or arrange a small competition between the children to see who gives the most correct answers.

"Riddles with a trick"

This is a mystery... Photo source

Age category: schoolchildren of any age and adults

What develops: attention, memory, thinking, logic, speech

There are a huge number of riddles with a catch, which are interesting for both adults and children to solve:

  • Can hands be a pronoun? If yes, then when? (When they are you-we-you)
  • Which bird will become the largest in Europe if it loses just one letter? (Oriole)
  • Which month is the shortest? (May – only three letters)
  • When is the easiest time for a black cat to enter the house? (When the door is open)
  • In which month does a chatty girl talk the least? (February is a short month)

You can find such riddles in books or on the Internet.

Header image source

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Wise owl July 10, 2015

Games to develop a child's mathematical abilities


The game is suitable for daily exercises with your baby. It is suitable for preschoolers. Its essence is simple. While walking to the kindergarten, the parent presses the baby's palm as they walk by the hand. The child’s task is to count all the signals. Excellent memory and math training.

Guess the number

One of the simplest games where the main task is to guess the number. The parent or presenter guesses a number from 1 to 100. Next, the child must begin to guess it. The main thing is to do it in fewer attempts. After each incorrect answer, the presenter says “less” or “more” depending on the number guessed.

Squat if sharing

An excellent math game with physics implications. It is suitable for schoolchildren who have already completed division. The presenter makes a condition, for example, “divisible by 5.” Next, the presenter tells a story in which numbers will appear. As soon as children hear a number that is divisible by 5, they will need to jump. Whoever doesn't do this is out.

How many steps?

The presenter tells the story about the journey of the heroine Masha. He tells in detail how many steps and where Masha took during the trip. We need to calculate how many steps the heroine will take. But it is important to consider that it can also walk in the opposite direction. The game trains the child's attentiveness and mathematical abilities.

How much does a salad cost?

You need to prepare an image of vegetables and their prices in advance. Next, the child is given a salad recipe, which states what vegetables are included and in what quantities. The participant’s task is to calculate the cost of the salad. The game trains the ability to calculate and solve examples.

Intellectual games for teenagers

Thematic quiz

The best version of an intellectual teenage game where you need to answer prepared questions during the rounds. To make the game not only educational, but also exciting, choose a topic that interests all participants.

Where is the logic?

The game consists of several rounds, which will feature complex logical questions and riddles. For example, select an extra image, continue a series of words according to logic, etc. Such a competition requires attentiveness, intellectual skills and the ability to compare the right things with each other.

Finish your line

It is necessary to prepare several dozen known expressions in advance. These can be theorems, literary phrases, rules of the Russian language, etc. The participants’ task is to continue the correct expression. The game trains not only intellectual skills, but also memory.

School quiz

During an extracurricular activity or any lesson, it would be quite appropriate to conduct a thematic quiz-survey. Questions can be easily found on the Internet. This is the easiest way to stretch a teenager's intellectual skills. And if you prepare interesting prizes, the game will definitely arouse interest among the competitors.


A board game that requires no preparation. The main thing is to purchase a set of cards. Despite the fact that at first glance you don’t need intelligence to play it, after a couple of games it becomes clear that only those who act strategically win. A good opportunity to develop logical skills, critical thinking and the ability to observe the actions of opponents.

Intellectual game for children of senior preschool age

Intellectual game for children 5-7 years old “Young talent”
Goal: to create conditions for generalizing and systematizing the knowledge of children of senior preschool age with pronounced abilities. Objectives: 1. Contribute to consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills; 2. Develop interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical, logical and artistic content; 3. Show persistence, the ability to strictly follow instructions, determination, mutual assistance, resourcefulness and ingenuity; 4. Encourage individuals to independently search for necessary information and solve problem situations; 5. To cultivate in children the ability to take initiative in order to gain new knowledge, perseverance, determination, ingenuity, and mutual assistance. Equipment: envelopes with entertaining puzzles, videos with pictures from fairy tales, easel, markers, illustrations of geometric shapes, prizes. Progress of the game: Host: Good afternoon. We are glad to see you today at our intellectual game “Young Talent”. The game is attended by a team of senior group No. 1 and a team of senior group No. 2. I ask the teams to introduce themselves and greet each other. (Greetings from teams and captains) Team “Whychki” “We are inquisitive minds, We have questions for you.” “Why” is a favorite question, Helps us grow.” Team “Knowledgeable” “If you want to know a lot, you should read a lot.” Our motto: “Don’t lose heart! Go through everything and find out everything! Presenter: To sum up the results for each task, we have selected a jury: (presentation of the jury members). Our game consists of five tasks. 1 task “Visiting a fairy tale”: In this task, teams need to answer 10 questions. A limited amount of time is allotted for this task: 2 minutes for each team. When the time is up, a beep sounds. For each correct answer to a question, teams receive 1 point. Questions for the “Why” team: 1. The name of the boy who was carried away by the Geese-Swans? (Ivanushka). 2. Who is stirred by sour cream, cold at the window? (Kolobok). 3. The hero of a Russian folk tale who rode a stove? (Emelya) 4. The harmful old woman from Russian folk tales? (Baba Yaga) 5. Little girl living in a flower? (Thumbelina) 6. Wooden doll with a long nose. (Pinocchio) 7. In what fairy tale did the carriage turn into a pumpkin? (In "Cinderella") 8. The evil owner of the puppet theater with a long beard. (Karabas-Barabas) 9. What type of transport did the bears use in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (On a bicycle) 10. What did the crocodile use to extinguish the blue sea in the fairy tale “Confusion”? (Pies, and pancakes, and dried mushrooms.) Questions for the “Knowledge” team: 1. The name of the girl whose brother turned into a little goat? (Alyonushka) 2. Fairy-tale onion boy? (Chipolino) 3. A harmful old woman with a rat. (Shapoklyak) 4. Cheburashka’s green friend? (Crocodile Gena) 5. Who swallowed the washcloth in the fairy tale “Moidodyr”? (Crocodile) 6. What gift did the fleas bring to the Tsokotukha Fly? (Boots) 7. Fairytale girl with blue hair? (Malvina) 8. What were the names of the three little pigs? (Nif-nif, Naf-naf, Nuf-nuf) 9. What was the name of the grandmother from whom all the dishes ran away? (Fedora) 10. How many pounds of chocolate did the elephant ask for his son in the fairy tale “Telephone”? (Five or six. Presenter: while our jury sums up the first task, you and I will sing the song “The sun is out”, which will cheer us up. Task 2. “Entertaining problems in a magic box” Presenter: Each child from the team takes turns taking it out of the box envelope with a problem. The presenter reads the problem, and the child who pulled the envelope answers, but if he cannot answer, the team helps him. For each correct answer without help, the team receives 2 points, and if the participant was helped with the answer, then the team receives 1 point. 1. Grandma Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? 2. A birch tree grew in the forest. Apples grew on it: 1 green, 2 red, 1 yellow. How many apples are there in total on the tree? 3 . Birds were flying over the site: a pigeon, a pike, two tits. How many birds are there in total? 4. What time of year is it now? 5. List all the winter months? 6. Is it morning or evening? 7. What other parts of the day do you know? 8. Today Thursday, and tomorrow? 9. Name the days of the week, starting with Monday. 10. What is your favorite day of the week? Which one is he? 11. Who is standing to your right? 12. Who is standing behind? 13. How is time measured? 14. How is temperature measured? 15. How can you measure length or height? 16. How is weight measured? Presenter: Well done team, you completed the task. While our jury is summing up the results, we are announcing a competition of riddles for fans: 1. The longest necked animal. (Giraffe) 2. Who carries the baby in the bag? (Kangaroo) 3. A bird that cannot fly and is not afraid of frost? (Penguin) 4. Long-eared coward. (Hare) 5. A beautiful but inedible mushroom. (Amanita) 6. The largest berry. (Watermelon) 7. A flower with a yellow center and white petals. (Chamomile) 8. Red mushrooms with an animal name. (Chanterelles) 9. What comes after winter? (Spring) 10. 2. When do the leaves fall from the trees? (In autumn) 11. 3. The hottest time of the year. (Summer) 12. The shortest month of the year. (February) 13. Snowy season. (Winter) 14. Black forest berry. (Blueberry) 15. Fruit that looks like a light bulb. (Pear) 16. What berries does the bear like? (To Malin) 3rd task “Captain Competition” Presenter: Team captains are asked to complete two tasks. The first task is logic puzzles. The captains need to listen carefully to the problem and answer the question posed: 1. Anton and Nikita played with different toys - a toy car and a pyramid. Anton did not play with the pyramid. What did each of the boys play with? 2. Sasha and Egor drank tea from cups of different colors: yellow and red. Sasha did not drink tea from a yellow cup. Which cup did each boy drink tea from? The second task is video questions. The captains will be shown 6 pictures each depicting heroes from different fairy tales. Your task is to name these fairy tales. Presenter: While the counting commission is counting the results of the 3rd round, I announce a musical break. Presenter: The jury is given the floor to announce the results of task 3. 4 task. “Smart Figures” Presenter: The teams are offered a visual memory task. Teams look at a poster depicting geometric shapes for 30 seconds, then are asked to draw the same image on an easel from memory. Presenter: Musical break. The jury is given the floor based on the results of the 4th task. 5 task. “Fairy-tale guest” Presenter: In this competition, a surprise awaits you, it will be led by a fairy-tale character. Guess: which Pushkin fairy-tale heroine received from her owner a home made of pure crystal and a guard of honor for her jewelry work and vocal skill. (The squirrel from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”) The squirrel runs in. Squirrel: You guessed correctly! Hello! I came to your game and prepared very difficult questions: 1. Grandma Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does she have? (one) 2. Which figure has neither beginning nor end? (circle) 3. Who swims faster - a duckling or a chicken? 4. Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar? 5. Two fish flew over the forest. Two landed. How many flew away? 6. What do crocodiles eat at the North Pole? 7. There were children's books on the shelf. The dog ran up and took one book, then another, then two more books. How many books has the dog read? 8. The hare invited two bears and three hedgehogs for the New Year. How many devices should he supply? 9. Who will moo louder – the rooster or the cow? 10. What color is Kolobok’s hair? Squirrel: Well done guys, you completed the task! And now, while the jury sums up the results, we will play my favorite game “Distorted Mirror”; I will show the movement, and you perform the movement in reverse (for example, the leader leans to the right, and the children to the left, leans forward, and the children back, etc. .) The results of the intellectual game are summed up and Squirrel rewards the winners.

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