Card index of board games for middle preschool children

Irina Zhurakovskaya

Card index of board games for middle preschool children

"My house"

Goal: to teach how to put together a house from parts, to tell what it consists of.

Equipment: cards with images of architectural details.

Rules of the game: children disassemble and arrange the details of the house during their story. It may turn out that children will interpret the same pictures differently, the presenter helps the players with “tips”

, should encourage their imagination.


“There are stairs in my house. I use it to go up to the floor. Then I open the door and enter the apartment. In our apartment) windows, etc.

"Fold the picture "

Material: 8 cut-out color pictures with views of the city of Armavir.

Rules: find by color, add and name one of the types of the city.


Material: 6 cubes, each of which is covered on all sides with a fragment of a photograph with a view of the city.

Rules: create one of the city views.

"Magical city"

Goal: to consolidate the formed knowledge and ideas about the architecture of the city.

Objectives: recognize different types of city architecture (bridges, monuments, columns, grilles, palaces, cathedrals, museums)

with the help of riddles.
To lead to an understanding of the features of architecture (strength, beauty, benefits.)

Rules of the game: Children lay out cards , then take a working card and match the landmark with the color.

"Make a picture "

Goal: 1. improve children's about the architectural buildings of the city.

2. Teach children to make an image of a building from parts.

I Make a picture from parts (without a sample)

name the architecture

II Compose a picture based on the model

III Compose a picture based on the model, superimposing it on the image.


Material: two playing fields and cut-out pictures with numbering .

Rules: Plays with 2 or more children ; The fields are filled with cards face down , after filling the players change fields and the battle begins, whoever guesses the hidden image first is the winner.

"Who moves how"

children’s ability to systematize animals according to their method of movement (legs, wings, fins)

Material: large cards depicting models of animal movement methods, pictures of animals .


The presenter distributes large cards depicting models of animal movement organs (legs, wings, fins), then takes out small pictures depicting birds , fish, animals, children close the empty squares in accordance with the model.

"Who lives in our region"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to systematize animals by habitat . Develop skills in using models.

Material: large cards depicting different animal habitats , with images of animals.


The presenter distributes to all players large cards depicting models of various animal habitats (water, air, earth), then takes out small pictures depicting animals, birds, fish that are found in the Krasnodar Territory, the children cover the empty squares in accordance with the model.

"The postman brought a parcel"

Goal: To develop the ability to describe objects and recognize them by description.

Material: fruits, vegetables box.

Description. The teacher brings a box to the group and says that the postman brought a parcel. The parcel contains various vegetables and fruits. Children look at and describe what the postman brought. The rest of the children guess.

"Paired pictures "

Didactic task: Exercise children in comparing objects depicted in the picture , in finding similarities and in selecting identical images; cultivate attention, concentration , form speech, develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Material: paired pictures-illustrations from Russian folk tales and chips

Game rules: Show and name only the same picture ; Whoever correctly selects and names the paired picture will receive a chip.

Game action: finding the right cards .

"Fold the picture "

Didactic task: To train children in composing a whole object from its parts; cultivate will, perseverance, determination

Game rules: Don't make the wrong choice. The one who folds and names his picture

Game action: searching for parts, putting together the whole picture


Didactic task: To consolidate children’s about Russian folk tales, to name the fairy tale correctly

Game rules: Place cards one by one , next to the same picture . The first one to put all the cards

Game action: If the player does not have a paired card picture to appear at either end . When the game is repeated, the cards are dealt out again .

"Collect the dishes"

The purpose of developing the manual: To develop knowledge about cookware.


— Expand children’s knowledge about dishes and their purpose.

— Teach children to assemble an object according to a model.

— Learn to understand the concept of “part”

- Be able to count how many parts an object consists of.

— Develop motor skills, memory, coordination of movements,

— Enrich vocabulary, develop attention.

Rules of the game:

The game is played by 2-3 people. We collect pictures according to the model , similar to puzzles, discuss what this item is for, what can be cooked in it, where to store it, how to wash it, etc. The winner is the one who collects the picture first and describes it . They answer one by one, no one interferes with each other, you can only complement. The game takes place under the guidance of the teacher, and the rest of the children monitor the progress and answers of the children . After the game, the teacher sums it up.

“What does the border guard need?”

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of a border guard, defender of the Motherland. Development of fine motor skills and memory. Exercise children in correctly naming objects and clarify their purpose.

Game rules: Start actions with split pictures only after the signal. Whoever collects the picture begins to talk about it.

Game action: Finding parts and putting together the whole picture . Description of the composed item.

Didactic material: cut-out pictures depicting objects: helmet, gun, machine gun, pistol, binoculars, bowler hat, mug, etc.

Progress of the game

pictures on the table , children must collect them and explain why the border guard needs this item (helmet, gun, machine gun, pistol, binoculars, bowler hat, mug, etc.)

— What is shown in your picture ? (binoculars)

— Why does the border guard need this item? (watch the border)


"The city is."

Didactic task: Systematize children's knowledge about the city as a populated area with roads, houses, social buildings, etc.

Game rules: Take only one silhouette. Act on a signal. the children's answers and help them if necessary.

Game action: Selecting a silhouette. Dialogue between teacher and children .

Didactic material: magnetic board, silhouettes of roads, houses, cars, etc.

Visual material

Visualization is one of the main principles of gaming activities and the entire educational process in kindergarten. To carry out this work, certain visual aids are required. In other words, to create a picture from a mosaic, you need its diagram, and to create a picture from a puzzle, you need a solid image as a hint.

Games based on visual perception of information are associated with games such as:

  • plot or symbolic pictures, images for the development of speech, mastering the basics of mathematics, familiarization with the world of things and nature, etc.;
  • puzzles (including three-dimensional ones);
  • lotto and domino sets;
  • cubes;
  • mosaics;
  • “Adventure games” with chips and dice.

Puzzles can be of different shapes, but it is important that each child receives a separate set

This is interesting. You can make simple puzzles with your own hands. It is enough to cut postcards with a plot that is understandable to everyone into several uneven parts.

In order not to lead to hysterics, immediately stipulate that each child will have his own set of props, for example, a separate puzzle. If kids see such toys for the first time, then you need to give them time to get to know each other, and only then move on to playing. Please note that in younger groups, the folding process itself is important for children, so the picture should be the same - then there will be no tears. In older groups, you can give each student their own puzzle, and the pictures will be different. If time allows, then include in the game the stage of exchanging details: this way the kids will be able to put together different stories, and training motor skills and thinking will be more productive.

Another important point. For some games, for example, lotto, dominoes, it is assumed that there is one set for a certain number of players. But there may be more children in the group. In this case, you should take care of purchasing not one, but two sets. And divide the playing chips (or other game materials) equally.

Video: example of a printed board game “Opposites” in the form of a puzzle

Progress of the game

Children choose silhouettes on the table, lay them out on a magnetic board and answer questions.

- This is the city. (roads)

And Matryoshka asks the children questions:

— Why do we need roads in the city? (people and cars move along the roads)

- This is the city. (Houses)

— Why are houses needed in the city? (people live in houses)

- This is the city. (the shops)

— Why do we need shops in the city? (people buy food and things in stores)

- This is the city. (hospitals and clinics)

— Why do we need hospitals in the city? (people are treated in hospitals and clinics)


Matryoshka looks at houses:

- How different are the houses, and who lives in these houses? ( children’s are discussed and lead to the fact that children and their families live in houses)

“Collect the picture and guess

Didactic task: Systematize children’s knowledge about the heroes of N.’s story . Nosov "Dunno and his friends!"


Game rules: Take only one envelope and assemble the picture at the teacher’s signal. Whoever collects the picture names it.

Game action: Finding parts, putting together the whole picture , guessing.

Didactic material: envelopes with cut pictures . The hero of N. Nosov’s story “Dunno and His Friends!”

Card index of printed board games for children 3-4 years old

NP - No. 1



introduce basic geometric shapes and bodies; teach to remember names and teach to see geometric shapes in surrounding objects.

Progress of the game:

Option 1:
“The third wheel.”
Select three elements of the game so that two of them form a common pair. Invite the child to combine suitable elements into one card, ask the child to name the characteristic common to the shape of an object and a geometric figure. You need to start with simple shapes, first flat (point, lines, angle, circle), and then volumetric.

Option 2:
“Common Together” (younger, middle age)
Place halves of cards with images of geometric shapes and bodies face up on the table surface. Invite your child to choose those that depict figures that have a common feature. For example, all are flat, or all are three-dimensional, or all are quadrilaterals, and so on.

Option 3:
Game “We play ourselves”
(2 or more participants). All halves of cards with images of geometric shapes are shuffled and placed face down in the center of the playing table. Elements with images of objects and rocks are equally divided among themselves. The right to make the first move is determined by lot or counting. The player who received the move takes one of the elements from the table, names the geometric figure depicted on it, and keeps it if he has the second element of the card. The test is a lock, which is different for each pair of elements. If there is no suitable half. The element is again mixed with those remaining on the table, and the next player gets the right to move. The first person to find matching halves for all of their cards wins.

NP No. 2



introduce children to various objects that surround them in everyday life at home, teach them to classify them according to general characteristics;

Included in the game

includes 30 cards. 25 of them depict various objects. 5 cards are general, each of them defines its own group of items: clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, toys.

Progress of the game:

Option 1.

Invite the children to arrange the cards into groups.

Option 2.

Suggest connecting the cards into chains, with the generalizing card becoming a train in such a chain. The cards are connected to each other using puzzle locks. Each group has its own castle. And if the cards are chosen incorrectly, the chain will not be built. This allows the child to control the correctness of the task.

Option 3.

Invite the child to arrange the cards according to the color of the pictures. In this game, the cards are not connected to each other.

Option 4.

Cards can be used in the game “Find the extra object”.

Option 5.


Several players are needed. A presenter is selected. The rest of the children choose a card that shows a picture of shoes, clothes, etc. The remaining cards are turned over with the picture down and shuffled or put into a Wonderful bag.

The presenter takes out one card at a time and shows it to the players. The player who is the first to collect all the cards in the set and build his own chain wins.

NP No. 3



teach your child to distinguish primary colors and shades, to find certain colors and their combinations in drawings.

The game consists

from 20 cardboard cards, cut into 2 elements according to technology (puzzle). Some halves depict objects (plants, animals, toys) painted in three different colors. On the other halves there are three pencils of corresponding colors. There are 40 elements in total.

Progress of the game:

Option 1. "General Color"

Place the card halves with pictures of pencils (or, conversely, halves with pictures) face up on the table. Ask your child to choose all the images that have, for example, the color red. Then blue, yellow, etc. You can complicate the task by asking the child to choose an image that first has two and then three given colors.

Option 2.
“The third wheel”
Select three elements of the game so that two of them form a pair. Invite your child to combine elements that match the colors. The check will be the lock (the junction of the elements) that combines the elements of each card.


: compare first elements without common colors, then with one. And finally, with two common colors.

Option 3.

“We play by ourselves” (2 or more participants)

The teacher shuffles the cards and places them face down in the center of the playing table. Elements with images of multi-colored pencils are distributed equally to the players. The right to make the first move is determined by lot or counting. The player who received the move takes one of the game elements from the table and keeps it if he has a second element of the card. The lock serves as a check. If there is no suitable half, the element is again mixed with those remaining on the table, and the next player gets the right to move. The first person to find matching halves for all of their cards wins.


Another version of the game is also possible, when players divide halves with pictures between themselves, and leave images of colored pencils on the table.

NP No. 4



promote the development of visual memory, attention, speech, logical thinking, develop the ability to distinguish and group objects according to certain characteristics; develop attention, thinking, memory, speech;

The game consists of:

from cards consisting of two elements with a puzzle lock - 18 pcs.;

Progress of the game:

Option 1: “The third wheel”

- find and pair elements that are suitable in meaning.

Option 2:
“Building a row”
- find the elements suggested by the leader, arrange them in a row according to a common characteristic.

Option 3:
“What’s in common?”
— find suitable halves for all of your elements with a given characteristic.

Option 4:
“What’s extra?”
- guess by what criterion the elements are collected and identify the extra one.

Option 5:
“Play hide and seek”
- find suitable halves for all your elements.

NP No. 5



Deepen and expand knowledge about various types of animals (insects, birds, animals) and their homes. The ability to correlate the image of a living creature with its habitat, naming it correctly. Develop imagination, cognitive interest, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills of the hands.

Progress of the game:

Option 1: “The third wheel”

- find and pair elements that are suitable in meaning.

Option 2: “What’s in common?”

— find suitable halves for all of your elements with a given characteristic.

Option 3: “Let’s play hide and seek”

- find suitable halves for all your elements.

Option 4: “Remember and find out”

- make the largest number of cards without making mistakes.

NP No. 6



develop the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale consistently and expressively; develop the ability to arrange pictures in the correct sequence, develop attention, perseverance, thinking, memory, fine motor skills; develop the ability to navigate in space; cultivate a love for fairy tales.

The game consists of:

The set includes 6 large cards with a picture representing the fairy tale and 48 small cards. Each tale is illustrated with 8 small cards.

Progress of the game:

Game options:

Option 1:

Children tell a fairy tale using play pictures;

Option 2:

Children arrange the fairy tale characters in the correct sequence;

Option 3:

Lay out the cards, deliberately mixing up their sequence, and the child must restore the correct course of the plot.
Option 4:
Lay out the cards, skipping one or more, asking the child to say what is missing.

Option 5:

Games for spatial orientation: “Name who is to the right or left of the character,” “Far and close.”

Option 6: “Loto”

Played by 2 to 6 people. The players take large cards for themselves, and the leader shows small cards. The one to whom this card suits says: “I need this card because I am collecting the fairy tale “Kolobok.” The winner is the one who fills out the big card first and correctly.

Option 7: “The fourth wheel.”

The teacher lays out 2 cards from one fairy tale and one from another. Let the child say which one is extra and name the fairy tales.



Promote the development of thinking, perception of attention; introduce animals, their habitats, and way of life; learn to reason independently, analyze, compare.

The game consists

of 25 cards depicting various animals and birds. All animals can be divided into 5 groups depending on their habitat: - village: cow, rooster, ram, goat, dog - forest: hare, fox, wolf, elk, eagle owl - jungle: parrot, hippopotamus, crocodile, tiger, elephant - desert: camel, snake, turtle, lizard, ostrich - north: polar bear, walrus, reindeer, penguin (although, in our opinion, penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere), dead end (for those who don’t know, let’s explain this bird) Each group has its own summary card.

Progress of the game:

Option 1:

“Name the Animal” is suitable for little ones. The child is asked to find a card with a certain animal among several cards.

Option 2:
“Who lives where”
Children are invited to leave logical trains, where generalization cards will be the trains, and cards with images of animals will be the carriages. All cards have puzzle locks for connection. Moreover, the locks are made in such a way that only cards from the same group can be connected to each other. If the cards are grouped incorrectly, the chain will not be formed.

Option 3: “Types of animals.”

Teach your child to classify animals according to other characteristics.
Wild and domestic, herbivores and predators, birds, reptiles (senior preschool age).
In this game, generalization cards are not used and the cards are not fastened together. The child will be able to check the correctness of his reasoning by the background color of the cards.



teach the child to classify objects, combine them into groups, build decreasing or increasing chains according to various criteria; form spatial concepts, develop logical thinking, attention, memory, speech.

Progress of the game:

Option 1:
“Merge into groups.”
Purpose of the game: collect all cards belonging to one group (all large and all small);

Option 2: “Who is bigger?”

The teacher invites the children to assemble a logical chain of cards belonging to one group in ascending order (small-medium-large object);

Option 3: “Who is smaller?”

The teacher invites the children to assemble a logical chain of cards belonging to one group in descending order (small-medium-large object);

NP No. 9

(we study domestic animals)


introduce the child to common domestic animals: horse, dog, cat, cow, goat, sheep; expand your vocabulary, develop coherent speech, attention, memory, perseverance

Progress of the game:

Option 1:

The teacher examines round cards with the children.
Names the cubs depicted on them. How do they talk? Tell them that they also have moms and dads. Option 2: “Mom is lost”
Select a picture of a baby and find its parents, name them. The kitten's mother is a cat.

Option 3:
“Who lives where, who eats what.”
Option 4: “Loto” (for children 5-7 years old)

2-3 players and a leader. One of the players must collect the cubs, another - mothers, the third - fathers, the fourth - food, the fifth - ways to organize into groups. The presenter shuffles all the cards and shows one at a time. The one who needs this card explains his choice and takes the card for himself. The winner is the one who collects all 6 cards correctly the fastest.

Option 5:
“Make a story” for children 5-7 years old)
Children who already speak well can be given the task of composing a fairy tale about animals.
You can only talk about animals of one species, or you can use any cards. If there are several children, you can organize a fairy tale competition.
Option 6: “The fourth wheel”:

The teacher lays out four cards, one of which is somehow different from the other three. The child must say which one and explain his choice. For example, three cards with cows and one with a horse, or three cards with dads and one with mom. You can give more complex tasks that have two answers: a herd of cows, a bull, a cow, a horse - an extra horse or an extra herd, since the other cards have one animal each.

Option 7: “What has changed”

The teacher lays out several cards, ask the child to memorize them for 10-15 seconds, then mix and invite the child to lay out the same cards in the same order.

Option 8:
“Who is missing?”
The driver lays out several cards, the child remembers, then closes his eyes, and in the meantime the teacher changes the cards, remove or add a card, or replace one. The child must determine what has changed. You can make tasks more difficult by increasing the number of cards or the number of changes.



introduce the child to the changes that occur in nature and in people’s lives at different times of the year.

The game consists

of 4 large generalizing cards: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn and 48 small cards. There are 12 small cards for each season. These 12 cards, in turn, are divided into 3 groups: plants, animals, human behavior at the appropriate time of year. Each large card contains 3 images corresponding to a given time of year: a plant, an animal and a person. Under each of these images you can collect a chain of 4 small cards belonging to this group. The cards are connected to each other like a puzzle, with each group having its own lock, so that the child himself can check the correctness of his reasoning.

Progress of the game:

Option 1:
“Assembling a chain” (3-5 years old)
The child is asked to collect one chain from cards prepared in advance by an adult.

Option 2:
“All year round.”
It is proposed to collect all the chains by correctly connecting small cards to large ones

Option 3:
“Let’s change!”
This game only uses small cards. During the game you need to collect sets of cards from the same series

Option 4:
“What’s in the picture.”
The child is asked to describe the picture. This game is aimed at developing a child’s speech and activating his vocabulary.

NP No. 12



develop logical thinking, imagination, and intelligence in children.

The game consists

of 16 sheets with color pictures.
Each sheet has 6 drawings. Progress of the game:
Invite children to find a logical pair based on any attribute (color, shape, both objects are edible, etc.) and explain why this particular card is a pair of the previous one.

NP No. 13
Goal: to develop spatial and logical thinking, imagination, ingenuity; consolidate counting and classification skills;

promote the development of color perception, the ability to analyze, synthesize and combine; cultivate attention, accuracy, perseverance, determination.

The game consists

from 16 identical wooden cubes. The edge of the cube is 3 cm. All faces of the cube are colored differently. The four faces are single-colored: white, red, blue, yellow. Two are two-color: white with red and blue with yellow.

Progress of the game:

It is proposed to make multi-colored patterns of varying complexity from cubes. Pattern options are given in the booklet - description. There are about 70 patterns in total. So that a small child can play the game, it is advisable to transfer the pattern onto a large sheet on a scale of 1:1. In this case, the child can make a pattern by placing cubes on the image. Older children learn to make patterns using a small pattern. It should be noted that the pictures in the assignments do not show the division of patterns into squares. Those. The child himself must analyze the drawing and decide which cubes should be used to make the pattern. And finally, the cubes provide the child with a huge field for imagination, because the number of patterns that you can come up with yourself is unlimited.

NP No. 14

introduce children to basic geometric shapes, teach them to determine the shape of objects, develop imagination, mathematical abilities and fine motor skills.

Progress of the game:

Option 1:
“Find a similar figure”

find objects of the same shape as the sample.

The teacher lays out 2 groups of cards on the table depicting geometric shapes and objects and invites the children to place the objects in houses. Repeat the name of the geometric shapes. Invite the children to collect all the objects that look like a circle - they will live in the same house. If the choice is made correctly, the “locks” of the cards will easily connect. Then he invites the child to put together all the triangular, square, and rectangular objects.

Option 2:
“Remembering objects”
The teacher shows the card as a sample. Children are asked to remember as many objects of the same shape as possible. Participants take turns naming one option. The winner is the one whose answer is the last.

NP No. 15

promote the development of visual perception, fine motor skills and coordination of movements;

teach children to put two parts together into a whole image, to introduce them to the objects of the surrounding world that are found in the surrounding reality;

Progress of the game:

Option 1:

Offer the child a half picture and ask what is drawn on it. If the game is being played for the first time, the teacher shows how to add the missing half to make a whole image. Then you can invite the child to independently put together a whole image from two halves.

Option 2: “Who is more”

Invite 2-3 players to compete to see who can collect the most half-pictures.

NP No. 16

promote the development of thinking, perception, attention; introduce different types of transport; consolidate the idea of ​​primary colors; learn to reason independently, compare, contrast, analyze. Develop fine motor skills;

The game consists of:

Set of cards with image:

AIR TRANSPORT: rocket, airplane, helicopter, balloon, fighter;

WATER TRANSPORT: steamship, submarine, sailboat, cutter, boat;

PASSENGER TRANS! YURT: bus, trolleybus, tram, train, taxi;

CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY: excavator, crane, tractor, roller, concrete mixer;

SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLES: fire, police, ambulance, emergency vehicle, truck;

Progress of the game:

Option 1:
“Name the car”
The game involves 1-4 people.

The teacher lays out cards with 3-4 pictures in front of the child. Ask to find a card, for example, with a bus. if he did it. Help if you have any difficulties.

Ask why this type of transport is needed, what color is it? What does the bus have?

Option 2:
“Types of cars”
The teacher lays out the cards in front of the child, face up. Separately, put five cards with plot drawings. Invite your child to find an image of some type of transport, for example, a boat. Where can you see her? Which of the five summary cards can it be attached to? The child can check the correctness of his choice by the background color. If the choice is made correctly, the locks will match and all the cards will form a single chain.


collect the following chains: water transport, air transport, passenger transport, construction and special vehicles.

What are the names of the cars that fly in the sky? What types of ground transport does he know (special, passenger, freight, etc.)? What can you call a tram, trolleybus and bus (city passenger transport)?

Option 3:
“Car color”.
Invite your child to put together all the cars of the same color and put them in a chain (no need to pay attention to the locks).

Progress of the game

Children collect cut-out pictures and name the resident of the Flower City: Dunno.

"Place it in order"

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons .

Game rules: Select cards with signs of the seasons in accordance with the poetic text.

Game action: Finding the necessary cards and laying them out on a magnetic board.

Didactic material: cards depicting different seasons according to the number of children . Poems about the seasons. Magnetic board.

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