Summary of the final lesson on FEMP in the middle group

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of the final lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the middle group “Journey through fairy tales.”

Teacher of MADOU kindergarten No. 6 “Topolyok” , Balakovo, Saratov region Ilyaskina Galina Valerievna

Educational field: Cognitive development

Goal: Formation of mathematical concepts, thinking and reasoning skills.



  • Reinforce knowledge of geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval.
  • Reinforce the concepts: “long - short” ; “big – smaller – smallest” .
  • Strengthen the ability to count within 5 and answer the questions: “How much?” , “Which one is it?” .
  • Reinforce the concept of time of day.
  • Learn to make a whole from parts.


  • Develop communication skills when working in subgroups
  • Develop visual perception
  • Develop physical activity


  • Cultivate a desire to help and be responsive.

Integration of educational areas: “Speech development” , “Socio-communicative development” , “Artistic and aesthetic development” , “Physical development”

Materials and equipment:

  • magnetic board;
  • Little Red Riding Hood dolls; Masha
  • pig toys
  • pictures depicting the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok” ;
  • images of human activity at different times of the day;
  • cut-out pictures for working in subgroups;
  • “Flying carpet” , geometric shapes - “patches” (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval);
  • strips of different lengths.
  • squares of different sizes for each child

Preliminary work:

  • Conversation with children “about the parts of the day and their sequence”
  • Didactic game “When does this happen?”
  • Reading fairy tales


Organizing time.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 We all know how to count, We also know how to rest, put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher and breathe easily.

Main part.

Educator: Guys, all children love fairy tales. Tell me, what fairy tales do you know? Let's write our own fairy tale. How can you compose a fairy tale, what do you need for this, what do you think? It’s decided, we’re going to a fairy tale for fairy tale items! Is it possible to get into a fairy tale, do you think?

Guys, this morning when I came to the group, I discovered a strange object, what do you think it is? Of course, this is a magical “flying carpet” and we will go traveling on it.

a “flying carpet” on the floor , and there are holes in it in the form of geometric shapes.

Educator: Guys, the carpet lay unused for a long time and mice gnawed it, it ended up with holes. We won't be able to travel on it until we fix it - put some patches on it.

There are geometric shapes on the spread. Children apply and identify those “patches” that fit the “hole” in the carpet, naming which geometric figure they take.

Educator: So the airplane carpet is ready. You can hit the road. Take your seats on the airplane carpet. Let's go on a flight (children stand around the “airplane carpet” ).

You and I are already in flight. On the carpet, on the plane.

He rushes quickly across the sky, what will happen to us?

With it we will find ourselves in a fairy tale, but which one? Here's a hint (envelope with a riddle):

There was a house in a clearing, Someone ran into the house. The animals lived in that house, but the bear broke their house,

He couldn’t get into it... It’s a fairy tale... (TEREMOK).

Educator: We flew to the fairy tale “Teremok” . Look, all the residents of Teremok are meeting us. Let's count them.

How many inhabitants are there in total?

Who is worth 3rd in a row?

Who's worth 5?

Lisa, which one? Frog?

Educator: Guys, how does the fairy tale end? Let's help the fairy tale heroes build a new house.

D/ game “Cut pictures”

Children take out parts of the pictures from the box. The detail on one side is colored, and on the other it is part of the image. Children are divided into subgroups according to colors.

Educator: Guys, look what fabulous houses they turned out to be. Tell me, are they the same size? Who can live in a big mansion? In a smaller mansion? In the smallest?

So we helped the heroes of Teremok cope with difficulties, and now we need to fly on. What magical object will we take from this fairy tale? We fly further (children stand around the “airplane carpet” ).


You and I are again in flight, on the carpet, on the plane.

He rushes quickly across the sky, what will happen to us?

We'll find ourselves in a fairy tale again, but which one? Here is a hint (an envelope with a picture: “three houses” )

Educator: Whose houses do you think these are? And we flew to the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” . Let's say hello. What were the piglets' names? The piglets are cheerful and love to play with blocks. They invite us to play too.

D/ game “Arrange in descending order” .

The children sit at the tables. In front of them are squares of different sizes, 4 for each child.

Educator: Well done, and now the piglets want to play hide and seek with you. While you were laying out the squares, they hid. Find them (children are looking for piglets).

Educator: Well done, you completed the task. It's time for us to move on, what magical object will we take with us from this fairy tale? Heading into the next fairy tale? (children stand around the “airplane carpet” ).


You and I are again flying on a carpet, on an airplane.

He rushes quickly across the sky, what will happen to us?

Let's sit in a fairy tale, in this place - it will be very interesting! (balloon with a riddle):

A tale about a girl whose name is most often used in fairy tales and begins with the sound /M/


She sits in a box, she looks far away.

What kind of fairy tale do you think we are in?

That's right - this is the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" . Look, Masha is sitting near a basket of pies and is waiting for Mishka to come to take the basket to the village. Mishka said that he would return in the evening, but when evening comes, Masha does not know. Guys, Mashenka needs help!

D/game “Time of day” .

Pictures depicting parts of the day on 4 different easels. There are pictures arranged according to the number of children depicting a person’s activities at different times of the day. Children take pictures from the pack and match them with cards to the parts of the day.

Educator: Well done guys, they taught Masha to identify the parts of the day, and now it’s time for us to go. What subject will we take from this fairy tale? (children stand around the “airplane carpet” ).


You and I are again flying on a carpet, on an airplane.

He rushes quickly across the sky, what will happen to us?

Let's sit in a fairy tale, in this place - it will be very interesting! (envelope with red cap)

Educator: Guys, look, someone lost their hat. Who do you think she is? What fairy tale have we found ourselves in?

Educator: Tell me, in the fairy tale by K.Sh. Which way did you take to see your grandmother? And the wolf? Who came faster? Why? Guys, we need to take Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother’s house, but so that K.Sh. came faster than a wolf. Which path will we choose for K.Sh.? And for the wolf?

D/game “Tracks”

There are long and short strips on the floor. Girls choose short stripes, and boys choose long ones, making long and short paths out of them.

Educator: Well done guys, have we come to grandma’s house? What subject will we take from this fairy tale? It's time for us to return to kindergarten (children stand around the “airplane carpet” ).

You and I are again in flight, on the carpet, on the plane.

He quickly rushes across the sky - he must land in a group.


Here we are in the group. Did you enjoy the journey through fairy tales? What did you travel on?

What fairy tales have we visited? What magical objects did you bring with you?


Let's compose a fairy tale (the children, together with the teacher, compose their own fairy tale using those objects and the participation of those characters that were taken from other fairy tales).

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