Summary of GCD for drawing in the junior group on the topic “Falling Leaves”

Lesson summary for the second junior drawing group “Falling Leaves”

Summary of the lesson in the second junior group on drawing “Falling Leaves”.

Program objectives: Educational objectives: teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships;
expand children's understanding of the natural phenomenon of leaf fall; teach to identify yellow, green, red colors, draw leaves using the dipping method, evenly placing the drawing over the entire surface of a sheet of paper; form an active and passive vocabulary for children; create conditions for the development of oral speech components in various activities. Developmental tasks: develop the ability to work with a brush; develop memory, attention, imagination, emotions, logical thinking; develop aesthetic perception; creative abilities. Educational tasks: to cultivate the desire to work, aesthetic taste, the need for knowledge of beauty, the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature and the man-made world. Musical sequence: song from the cartoon “Leopold the Cat” “Twist, Twist, Twist the Pedals”, an excerpt from Tchaikovsky’s “The Seasons” “Autumn”, Vivaldi’s “The Seasons” “Autumn”. Preliminary work: Creation of a subject-development environment. Watching the animated film: “Lessons from Aunt Owl” Looking at the illustration “Autumn.” Target walk to the park: “Observations of leaf fall.” Work on the development of the articulatory apparatus. Materials and equipment: a bouquet of fallen leaves from different trees, green, red, yellow paints, brushes for everyone, half a sheet of whatman paper. Flannelograph, pictures for flannelgraph (leaves), easel, multi-colored flags, cones, napkins. Progress of the lesson. Organizational moment: Educator: Outside the window, an autumn leaf turned yellow, broke away, spun, and flew. The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze, Everyone is spinning and playing under the window. And when the cheerful wind flew away, the yellow leaf on the asphalt became bored. I went into the yard and picked up a leaf, brought it home and gave it to my mother. O. Chusovitina Guys, I picked a whole bouquet of leaves. Look at him, is he handsome? Do you want to collect leaves with me? Then I suggest we go to the city park, and we will go on bicycles. Children imitate riding a bicycle with their hands to the music from the cartoon “Leopold the Cat” “Twist, spin, pedal.”
Educator: So you and I arrived at the park.
Look how beautiful he is! View slides “Autumn Forest”, “Autumn Rain”, “Birds Fly South”, “Falling Leaves” to music (an excerpt from Tchaikovsky’s “Seasons” “Autumn” is played). Educator: Guys, what time of year has it come? Children: Autumn. Educator: Guys, what signs of autumn do you know? Children: In autumn, a cold wind blows, it rains, the leaves turn yellow, leaves fall, birds fly south. Educator: Guys, choose a sign that does not relate to autumn (Children are offered diagram maps: rain, wind, leaf fall, snowfall). Children (doing the task): It's snowing. Educator: What can you say about autumn? What is she like? Children: Autumn is beautiful, autumn is sad, etc. Educator: How beautiful the trees are in their golden and crimson robe! See how colorful leaves, quietly spinning, fall to the ground. There are so many of them on the ground, as if everything is covered with a beautiful, bright carpet. Didactic game “Colorful leaves”.
Educator: On our walk we saw beautiful multi-colored leaves.
What color are they? (Children's answers.) We have green, red, and yellow leaves (shows pictures for the flannelgraph - multi-colored leaves). I suggest first selecting and attaching green (then red and yellow) leaves to the flannelgraph. (Children complete the task.) Educator: Autumn leaves are so beautiful that you feel very sorry for them, because they will quickly dry out and crumble. How can we save the leaves? We can draw them. To do this you need to choose a paint. Here I have a box of paints. Who can help me choose green, red and yellow paints? (Children choose.) Educator: Before we start drawing, I suggest you play. Now we will all turn into leaves. Physical education minute.
Children perform actions (squat, spin) in accordance with the text. We are autumn leaves.
They were sitting on branches, the wind blew and they flew away. They flew, flew and landed on the ground. The wind came again and lifted all the leaves, turned them, twisted them and lowered them to the ground. Collective drawing “Multi-colored carpet of leaves.”
The music of Vivaldi “The Seasons” and “Autumn” is playing. Educator: Today we will draw a lot of beautiful leaves, creating from them the same carpet that lies on the ground.
To paint, we need a brush, which we must first wet in a glass of water. Then you need to put a little paint on the bristles of the brush and remove the excess on the edge of the jar. Now I can draw the first leaf (draws a leaf using the dipping method). This way I'll draw a few more leaves. To paint a leaf of a different color, I need to rinse the brush well in a glass of water and only then pick up the paint of the desired color. (The teacher draws several leaves of different colors.) I need help. We need to draw a lot of leaves to make a carpet. Can you help? The teacher invites each child to choose the color of the leaf and draw it on a piece of Whatman paper. The most prepared children can work 2-3 people independently. The teacher works individually with the rest of the children. During the drawing process, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the leaves should be located over the entire surface of the paper. At the end of the work, the teacher reminds that the brush will last a long time if, after painting, it is thoroughly washed and dried. Outdoor didactic game “Find your color.”
The teacher gives the children leaves of different colors (red, yellow, green) and invites them, on command, to run to a cone colored in the color of the leaf. During the game, the teacher stimulates the children’s actions with words, for example: “Now the fastest is the team of green leaves. But the teams of red and yellow leaves will come together even faster.” Summary of the lesson. Educator: Guys, what did we do today? What new did you learn? Look what a wonderful drawing we made! Multi-colored leaves completely covered the white sheet of paper. This is how we all together created a beautiful carpet that will decorate our group.

Drawing in the second junior group “Falling Leaves”

Gureeva Svetlana Yurievna

Drawing in the second junior group “Falling Leaves”

Drawing in the second junior group " Falling Leaves "

Author : Gureeva Svetlana Yurievna

Organization: MDOU kindergarten No. 36

Locality: Kurovskoye

Goal: To teach children to paint with a brush using the dipping technique.

Continue to learn how to use a brush and paint using the dipping technique.

Cultivate accuracy in working with paints.

Develop a sense of color and fine motor skills.

To clarify and expand children’s understanding of the natural phenomenon of leaf fall ,

Materials and equipment:

Leaves made from colored cardboard, album sheets with an image of a tree trunk, brushes, red and yellow gouache, napkins, sippy cups.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “Falling Leaves”

Solovyova Lyudmila
Summary of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “Leaf Fall”

- teach children to paint with paints

- learn to distinguish red, yellow, orange colors.

- develop a sense of color; fine motor skills; emotional responsiveness;

- form the correct posture while drawing .

-develop the ability to listen to songs, understanding what is sung in them; the ability to perform movements to music.

- cultivate accuracy and respect for educational material;

- to cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards drawing and joint activities.

— to cultivate aesthetic feelings, the ability to see and notice the beauty of the world around us.

Integration of educational areas:

Vocabulary work: leaf fall , colorful, pluck, pile, wash.

Methodological support: Kazakova T. G. “Visual activities of younger preschoolers

, M.: education, 1980.

— demonstration: easel, drawings depicting a tree with green leaves .

- handout: paper “autumn”
leaves , paints – gouache in yellow, red, orange colors; drawing paper .
Preliminary work: looking at autumn trees on a walk and illustrations depicting autumn, singing songs about autumn, reading and learning poems about autumn!

Lesson notes on visual arts. Drawing “Falling Leaves” in the second junior group

Winkler Valentina Ivanovna

Lesson notes on visual arts. Drawing “Falling Leaves” in the second junior group

Lesson notes on visual arts

Drawing " Leaf Fall "

II junior group

1. Strengthen the ability to recognize and name colors.

2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Form cognitive interest.

4. Cultivate responsiveness, goodwill, accuracy, and independence.

Preliminary work: observing autumn nature, looking at trees and leaves , learning poems about autumn, reading works of art.

Materials and equipment: sheets of paper with a picture of a tree , gouache for drawing red , green and yellow colors; paper and cloth napkins; autumn leaves cut out of colored paper.

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