Summary of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “Festive Fireworks”.

Festive fireworks - drawing with crayons

And even more interesting fireworks are obtained if the paint is applied with a round dish brush. (An old toothbrush works well.)

Paints and brush for washing dishes

Drawing with a brush

You can make an image of a fireworks in the form of a craft for Victory Day (May 9).

For example, if you paint the heads of cotton swabs in bright colors and glue them onto paper in a circle, you will get flashes of festive fireworks.

Glue the sticks to a sheet of cardboard

To make the child less likely to smear himself with paint and to make the picture more neat, you can first stick on cotton swabs and then paint them with a brush.

Coloring the sticks

An interesting fireworks applique is made from thin multi-colored knitting yarn. We take the colors of our flag as a basis - this will enhance the feeling of solemnity.

Multi-colored yarn for knitting

Yarn fireworks applique

To make the picture look more interesting, we cover each “flash” on top with paint from an aerosol can.

Covering the fireworks with paint

In this way, you can not only get individual pictures, but also decorate various design elements of a corner or stand dedicated to this important day.

Unconventional drawing technique for children 6-10 years old “Festive fireworks” step by step with photos

Master class in non-traditional drawing techniques for children 6-10 years old “Festive fireworks” with step-by-step photographs

This master class will be useful for kindergarten teachers, primary school and after-school teachers, librarians, parents and children over 12 years old when drawing independently.

Goal: To consolidate the technique of painting using the “splashing” and “poking” technique with a semi-dry brush. Objectives: Educational:
- learn to create a colorful composition, improve technical skills, - develop the ability to independently select the color scheme of paints according to the proposed color.
develop color perception.
- evoke a positive response to the results of your creativity;
— Expand knowledge about the surrounding reality. Material: A sheet of white paper, a printed stencil, gouache of different colors, a bristle brush No. 5, No. 14, a toothbrush, a stationery knife, a wooden illustration board or sample drawings depicting fireworks. Preliminary work : looking at illustrations of fireworks.
Presenter: Hello, guys! Guess what we will draw today - bright, colorful, noisy and delightful. Suddenly, out of the black darkness, bushes grew in the sky. And on them are blue, red and gold flowers of unprecedented beauty. And all the streets below them also became all colored... (Fireworks). Today we will draw festive fireworks! 1. Take a stencil.

2. Cut out the stencil details on a wooden board. (with a stationery knife) You can use a simple cut out stencil (cut out the inner parts and attach it to a white sheet. In this case, you will get colored parts of the fireworks on a white background), or you can make it more complicated. This is the option we will do.

We draw a silhouette around the stars with a felt-tip pen and cut out according to this silhouette. It turns out 5 hollow stars, 5 “empty frames” and 5 rays.

3. Take a watercolor sheet and distribute the fireworks.

4. Select colors and place them on the palette.

5. Take the yellow color and make a “spray”. It is more convenient to use a toothbrush and a wooden stick (skewer) for this purpose; we will take a hard brush No. 5 and No. 14.

In addition to “spraying”, we decorate the drawing by “poking” with a hard, semi-dry brush; this method is especially convenient if there are stains and large spread drops from the “spraying”.

6. Next, green, green, red and lilac. 7. The void in the stars can be made one color using “poking”. We made it red.

8. Remove the stencils. There are two options for coloring the parts that were covered with stencils: - leave everything as it is - white rays and stars. - Using the “poke” method, paint over both the rays and the stars. (we chose yellow and green).

It turned out to be a bright, gorgeous fireworks display! Create! Experiment!

We recommend watching:

How to draw a tree step by step with photos for children An unconventional “spray” painting technique. Master class for beginners with photos Non-traditional drawing technique for children (fractal drawing). Master class with photos How to draw a lighthouse in gouache step by step with photos for children

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Summary of an art lesson in the senior group “Festive fireworks”. Outline of a drawing lesson

Summary of an art lesson in the senior group

"Festive fireworks."

Goal : create conditions for maintaining interest in visual arts. Objectives: - Learn to draw festive fireworks with wax crayons; — Strengthen knowledge and skills in using two materials: wax crayons and watercolors; — Cause an emotional positive response to the proposal to draw in an unusual way; — Develop independence, activity, and a sense of self-worth; - Develop aesthetic feelings by highlighting means of expression in images created by other children; — Foster love for your homeland and hometown; Preliminary work: - Observation of fireworks on the embankment with parents on May 9; — Examination of photographs and drawings of fireworks; — Drawing fireworks with colored pencils; Materials for the lesson: White paper, wax crayons, watercolors, brushes, illustrations of fireworks.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, tell me what holiday do people celebrate on May 9? What holiday is it? That's right, this is Victory Day for our country in the war over Nazi Germany. Now I will tell you a riddle. If you guess right, you will find out what happens on May 9, Victory Day. “Bright red flowers bloomed in the dark sky: Yellow, green, cheerful stars. They go out and fly, they fall in circles, as if they are melting in a haze, lying down on the water.” Well, of course everyone recognized the fireworks. Who knows what fireworks are? (lights in the sky). Yes, these are such multi-colored lights in the sky that light up and sparkle, and then go out. Very beautiful! What colors did you see in the fireworks? Guys, when do fireworks happen: during the day or in the evening? That's right, fireworks happen late in the evening. And who knows why? (so that it is visible, the lights are then brighter). Tell me, in our city, where do fireworks take place? Where do you go to watch it? On the embankment of the pond. Now close all your eyes and imagine that you are standing on the embankment and watching the fireworks. How beautiful, colorful and colorful it is. (solemn music sounds, for example “Fanfare”) “Suddenly, out of the black darkness, bushes grew in the sky, and on them, blue, red and gold, flowers of unprecedented beauty bloom. And all the streets underneath also became blue, red and gold - Multi-colored. And there's a whole crowd of people. Moms, dads, kids. They are waiting in the sky for a new flash. With each salvo, everyone shouts a loud “Hurray.” In the heights the stars and the dawn lit up again. This festive fireworks call to peace and happiness to everyone.” Open your eyes now. What did you see? (firework). Did you like the fireworks? I suggest you draw festive fireworks. Which you just presented or which you saw at the holiday. We will draw festive fireworks over the city. You've probably already guessed what we're going to draw with today? Do you know this material? You will draw the fireworks using wax crayons. It will occupy almost the entire sheet. And at the bottom of the sheet we will draw an evening city. What do you think will be the main thing in the drawing? (firework). The main thing is to draw it large, brightly, but the houses or trees are very small and use dark chalk. Look, I will now show you how we will draw fireworks. I take a brightly colored chalk and put a dot in the sky as if it was here that a salvo of fireworks was fired from a rocket launcher. From this point in different directions I draw lines with a slight movement (they will be almost invisible for now, but then you will see a miracle - a trick, it will appear like in a fairy tale when you paint with paints). Then, on the legs of these lines, draw round fireworks scattered or in the form of flowers (as you saw during the fireworks) and paint over them with crayons: red, blue, yellow, whatever you want. How else can you draw fireworks? Show. After you have drawn the fireworks with crayons, you need to draw the city at night. We also draw the night city with wax crayons. Remember how you drew houses. We do not draw the whole house, but only the upper floors. One house stands next to another. Houses may have different roofs. Let's not forget to draw the windows in the houses. When the fireworks are ready, tint the entire sheet with paints, on top of the drawing under the night sky. What paint color should you choose for the night sky? Practical activities for children. Summarizing. Work evaluation. “There will be fireworks in the evening. Everyone will go see it! The stars will bloom with a bright festive bouquet in the sky.”

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