Lesson notes for a pre-school group. “Journey into the world of art”

Getting to know the work of illustrators. in the preparatory group.


Organized – educational activities

Artistic and aesthetic development.


In the preparatory speech therapy group.

Topic: “Acquaintance with the work of artists and illustrators Yu.A Vasnetsov; E.I. Charushina


Introduce the work of artists Yu.A. Vasnetsov and E.I. Charushin.

Software tasks:


To develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and develop an understanding of different techniques for drawing illustrations for books.


Increase the level of development of children.

Develop an interest in fine arts. To develop the ability to peer into illustrations and note expressive means in artists’ drawings. Note the similarities and differences between the two artists’ illustrations.


Develop aesthetic skills.

Improve and develop children's communication skills.


Use elements of health-saving technologies, like psycho gymnastics.


Illustrations, illustrator, creativity, design.

Methods and techniques:

Illustrative, gaming, exploratory, creative.

Previous work:

Reading fairy tales with illustrations by Yu.A. Vasnetsov and E.I. Charushin.


: Books with illustrations by artists Yu.A Vasnetsov and E.I Charushin.



.: Not a bush, but with leaves

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but telling - who guessed what this riddle was about? Of course, it's a book. I know that you all love books in the fall, and which ones do you like best with or without pictures? Why do you like them better with pictures?


Today we will meet the artists. Who draw pictures for books. They are also called illustrators, because the pictures are called illustrations.

The artists put a lot of effort into making sure you like the book and find it interesting to read.

Today we will talk about the work of Yu.A. Vasnetsov, an illustrator. (Looking at the portrait)

Yuri Alekseevich was born in the ancient Russian town of Vyatka. In the spring, cheerful “Whistling” fairs were held in this city. These were real holidays of funny toys. Especially a lot of clay toys were sold here - Dymkovo toys - painted with patterns and bright colors.

When the artist was little, he fell in love and forever remembered the bright

the floweriness of Dymkovo toys, the beauty of patterns on houses, shutters, chests, rockers.

As an adult, Yuri Alexandrovich left for Leningrad to study and become a real artist, but his native Vyatka remained in his memory as he remembered it in childhood.

When creating illustrations of horses, he often used elements of Dymkovo painting to decorate them.

(Invite the children to look at the Dymkovo toy and compare it with the horse in the drawing by Yu.A. Vasnetsov.)

All of this artist’s animals were amazing; he worked hard to create a fabulous image.

Please come to our book corner and choose books with a red square glued to them. These are books with illustrations by Yu.A. Vasnetsov, look at them carefully, in what fairy tale did the artist draw fabulous animals, amazing, unusual?


Is it possible to determine the character of the hero and his attitude towards other heroes without reading the fairy tale?


How was the illustrator able to achieve this?


Yu.A. Vasnetsov not only illustrated books, but also painted paintings.

(Exhibition of paintings)Who can name these paintings?


“Three heroes”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf”, “Alyonushka”.


.: Yes, but these paintings are also based on fairy tales. Remember the fairy tale “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”. Let's look at the picture for this fairy tale.

Where and why did Alyonushka come? How can you tell that she is an unhappy, poor girl?


: She sits sadly on a stone, resting her head on her knees. There was sadness in his eyes. Her dress is torn, her feet are bare.


.: How did the artist depict nature?


The sky is sad, as if crying, thin aspen trees are leaning towards the water, the forest is dark and gloomy.

Vosp.: That's right, the artist showed that nature takes pity on the poor girl and grieves with her. So, what artist’s work did we get to know?(…..)

What books did he illustrate?(….)

And now let’s get acquainted with the artist, who since childhood was surrounded by animals - dogs, cats, birds.

This is Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin (examining the portrait)

Together with his mother, he treated and nursed animals and birds. Zhenya could spend hours watching his pets build their nests. The chicks were hatched.

Even as a child, he began to sketch interesting cases from the life of animals.

And so the boy developed another strong passion - drawing.

E.I. Charushin illustrated books only about animals. Very

He wrote many stories about animals and illustrated his books himself.

He drew heroes from books by Marshak, Prishvin, Chukovsky, Mamin - Sibirik, Arsenev, Snegirev.

Pay attention to the illustrations for the book “Teddy Bears”

How did the artist depict the cubs?


: You can see that they have fluffy ears, serious faces, and thick

As the artist showed. That the bear cubs are the main ones in this book.


They are drawn large, covering the entire sheet.


Now take books that have a red circle on their covers.

These are books with illustrations by E.I. Charushin, look at them carefully.

What colors did the artist use? Are his drawings colorful?



The artist deliberately simplifies the drawing and omits unnecessary details.

What is interesting about Charushin’s drawings?

Can you guess from his illustrations that he loves his animals very much?


Today we guys and girls got acquainted with the work of two illustrators.

Who are these artists?


Now you know the peculiarity and expressiveness of each artist’s illustrations. How are the drawings of Charushin and Vasnetsov similar and how are they different?


Vasnetsov’s drawings are colorful, unusual, and fabulous.

But in Charushin’s drawing two or three colors were used, lines and details were removed.


.: But the illustrations of both artists are expressive and interesting. Without reading a book, you can determine the character of the characters.

What else do these artists have in common? (Answers).

I also invite you to become fairy tale illustrators.

We have an art workshop of Yu.A. Vasnetsov and E.I. Charushin.

Choose a workshop and create your own drawings

to a fairy tale.

(On the tables are material for drawing and stencils of animals from illustrations by Vasnetsov and Charushin).

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