Summary of the didactic game in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standards -. , – .

Summary of the didactic game in the senior group “Professions”

Summary of the didactic game in the senior group “Professions”

Ferapontova Nadezhda

Summary of the didactic game in the senior group “Professions”


to clarify children’s ideas about different professions, their work activities and the objects of their work. Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Professions”. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention, dialogical speech, answer questions with a sentence. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions.

Progress of the game:

Children are playing in a group, suddenly there is a knock on the door.

Educator: Guys, hear, someone is knocking on our door, I’ll go and see who it is. (Returns with a Pinocchio toy and a educational game) Do you know who this is? (children's answers)

Educator: Hello, Pinocchio! We are glad to see you in our group.


Hello guys! And I came to you for a reason, but for help. You know my dad, right? He is already old, he really needs my help. I know that I need to grow up, go to school, get a profession. But I don’t know what professions there are. Tell me about them please. I asked my friends: someone wants to become a teacher, someone - a poet, someone - an artist. And I don't know who I want to be.

Educator: Shall we help, guys? What is a profession (children's answers) A profession is something that a person does every day and that is useful for other people. What professions do you know, guys (children's answers) You see, Pinocchio, there are a lot of professions and each one requires special training. We will tell you about some of them.

We will play the game “Guess the Profession”. I will give you cards with pictures of people of different professions and ask riddles, and you must guess what profession I am talking about and show the card.

- This person must know and be able to do a lot: cut out of paper, draw, sculpt from plasticine, know songs, poems, counting rhymes. But most importantly, he must love and understand children. (This is the teacher)

— The name of this profession comes from the East Slavic word “var”, meaning boiling water and heat. People in this profession must be careful, patient, and diligent. They must know everything about products and be able to distinguish quality ones. These people know many recipes and how to prepare delicious dishes.

(This is the cook)

— People of this profession are fearless, strong, trained, selfless. They used to be called axemen. They help other people in trouble, cope with the power of a raging fire. People in this profession wear special clothing that protects them from smoke and fire. (This is a fireman)

— People of this profession must have a quick reaction, excellent memory, excellent vision, endurance, strength, and the ability to instantly make the right decision in a difficult situation. They must know the rules of the road by heart, know the structure of the car and skillfully drive it. ( This is the driver)

— The most necessary qualities for people in this profession are love for people, deep knowledge, good memory, skillful hands and a sense of duty. They must know a lot about the structure of the human body, listen carefully to the patient, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In the old days, these people were called healers. (This is the doctor)

– He is the bravest, fairest, strongest, he, like in a fairy tale, defends good. Helps kind, good people take care of themselves. (It's a cop)

– People of this profession build houses, apartments, kindergartens, schools and all other buildings. They know how to handle building materials, tools, and equipment. (This is a builder)

– This person draws people, animals, buildings and even various events. The way it was in life, in fact! So that it would be very similar! To tell other people about it. (This is the artist)

– A person in this profession knows how to care for hair and how to cut it correctly. Helps people do a great job with their hair, be beautiful, neat, stylish. (This is the hairdresser)

Educator: Well done, guys!


: Thank you! Well, that's it, I ran

Educator: Wait, Pinocchio, that's not all. After all, every profession has its own rules and its own tools.


What other tools?


: And we’ll show you this now.

Didactic game “Whose instrument?”

(it is necessary to determine whether the tools belong to these professions)

Teacher: (takes out a box) Oh! Guys, someone was playing and put all the instruments in one box. Can you help me take it apart? Under each picture with a profession, you need to put the tool or item needed for that profession. (Children just lay out the tools and tell people what profession needs this or that tool)

Educator: Well done, guys! We did it.


Thank you. I learned a lot of useful things for myself today.

Educator: Pinocchio, you don’t know the most important thing. There are a great many professions. But it is very important that you like the work. And only then can you become a master of your craft and bring joy to other people.


I will definitely remember this. And now it’s time for me to return to dad. Goodbye, guys! And thanks for the help.

Outline of the didactic game “similar-dissimilar”

Outline of conducting a didactic game in the senior group



Development of gaming skills in children of senior preschool age



Teach children to compare objects, find similarities in color, shape, size, material;
the ability to find two identical objects and prove their similarity; 2.Develop observation, thinking, speech.
3. Cultivate a desire to play together, analyze each other’s actions

various items that can be compared on some basis, some of them must be identical.


Place items in the room discreetly in advance.
Organize the children by saying that now we will play an interesting game “Alike - not alike.” Remind children that they are surrounded by many objects, different and identical, similar and completely different. Set a game task for the children: “Today we will find objects that are similar to each other. They can be similar in color, shape, size, material. Explain the rules of the game (you need to walk around the room, choose two similar objects and sit down. The one to whom the arrow points will tell you why he took these two objects and what is their similarity) .
The child who called them similar must prove the correctness of his choice. And so, in turn, all the children explain their choice. Ask children questions:

-Guys, what objects in the room are similar to each other?

-Children, what is the difference between a red ball and a blue ball? etc.

During the game, use instructions, reminders, explanations, and persuasion. Pay attention to children who have difficulty making descriptions and provide assistance to these children, taking into account their individual characteristics. At the end of the game, sum up the results with the children. Mark children who were active, pay attention to less active children. Invite children to express their opinion on the game. Invite the children to play this game next time.

Outline of conducting a didactic game in the senior group “Like - not like.”

Outline of conducting a didactic game in the senior group

“It’s similar - it’s not similar.”

Goal : Development of gaming skills in children of senior preschool age


1.Teach children to compare objects, find similarities in color, shape, size, material; the ability to find two identical objects and prove their similarity;

2.Develop observation, thinking, speech.

3. Cultivate a desire to play together, analyze each other’s actions

Equipment : various items that can be compared on some basis, some of them must be identical.


Place items in the room discreetly in advance. Organize the children by saying that now we will play an interesting game “Alike - not alike.” Remind children that they are surrounded by many objects, different and identical, similar and completely different. Set a game task for the children: “Today we will find objects that are similar to each other. They can be similar in color, shape, size, material.

Explain the rules of the game (you need to walk around the room, choose two similar objects and sit down, the one to whom the arrow points will tell you why he took these two objects, what are their similarities). The child who called them similar must prove the correctness of his choice. And so, in turn, all the children explain their choice. Ask children questions:

-Guys, what objects in the room are similar to each other?

-Children, what is the difference between a red ball and a blue ball? etc.

During the game, use instructions, reminders, explanations, and persuasion. Pay attention to children who have difficulty making descriptions and provide assistance to these children, taking into account their individual characteristics. At the end of the game, sum up the results with the children. Mark children who were active, pay attention to less active children. Invite children to express their opinion on the game. Invite the children to play this game next time.

Abstract of GCD in the senior group on the topic “Didactic games with words. Reading fables"

Didactic games with words. Reading fables. Target. Develop coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking, imagination. Tasks. Teach children to make up fables on their own, to activate children’s speech. Develop imagination and fantasy. Cultivate interest in the artistic genre “Tall Tales”. Previous work: reading K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tales “Fedorino’s grief”, “Confusion”; “Stolen Sun”, “Moidodyr”, “Cockroach”, “Aibolit”, B. Zakhodera “Whale and Cat”. Learning fables, dramatizing fables. Material for GCD. Illustrations of works by K.I. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”, “Confusion”; B. Zakhodera “The Whale and the Cat”; "Fables in faces." For children: a canvas with a set of pictures for composing fables; buffoon caps (2), dresses (2), jug with whisk, round cup, spoon, bear hats (2), Dunno dolls, Buffoon. Equipment. Projector, laptop, Power Point presentation. GCD progress Educator: (Communicative game “Good morning!”). Children stand in two lines facing each other). Invented by someone Simple and wise. When meeting, greet: -Good morning (put your arms forward and rest your palms). -Good morning to the sun and the birds (raise their hands up, stretch). Good morning to smiling faces (waving their right hand and smiling at each other). And everyone becomes kind and trusting. Have a good morning. Lasts until evening. -Guys, say hello to our guests and give them your smiles. Now look at me and give me a smile. Have you noticed the smallest, quietest, most modest guest in the group? Who is this? (Dunno. Showing the Dunno doll). Educator: - That's right, this is Dunno. I came to work in the morning and saw: Dunno, sad, standing in the doorway, fiddling with a book in his hands. He composed poems and began reading them to the children in Sunny City, to the poet Tsvetik. But the guys didn’t like the poems, they said that such poems don’t exist, and forbade Dunno to show them to anyone. Dunno is offended by his friends and asks to give a book with poems to the kindergarten children as a gift: “Read my poems, let your children say: are my poems really bad?” Shall we read Dunno's poems, guys? ( Yes). Now, Dunno, the guys and I will read your poems. You sit higher here and listen to us carefully. You guys, too, be careful, let’s explain to Dunno what the reason for his failure is. I open the page and read. Didactic game "The word got lost." The goal of the game is to develop the ability to select words that are accurate in meaning. Rules of the game. An adult reads a poem, and the child must notice semantic inconsistencies and choose the right words. 1. Having dropped the doll from her hands, Masha rushes to her mother: There is a green onion (beetle) crawling there with long mustaches. (I show two images on the slide: onion beetle). Questions: Who is crawling? Where do you think the onion is going? (It grows, stretches upward). Can a bow crawl? (No). Then who is crawling? ( Bug). What did Dunno mix up? (I mixed up the word). Dunno, it’s a beetle crawling, not an onion! 2. The doctor reminded Uncle Mitya: “Don’t forget about one thing: Be sure to take Ten Herons (drops) before going to bed.” (I show two images on the slide: herons-drops). Questions: What does the doctor prescribe to the patient? (Herons). Could there be such a medicine? (No). What did the doctor prescribe then? (The doctor prescribed drops). What did Dunno mix up again? (Dunno mixed up the word). 3. The bug didn’t finish the booth (bun). Reluctantly, tired of it. (I show two images on the slide: bun booth). Questions: What did Zhuchka eat? Why can't you eat the booth? What did she eat? (Bun). 4. The cauldron (goat) gored me. I am very angry with him. (I show two images on the slide: bun booth). Questions: What is a boiler? (He can't butt). And who butted? (Goat because it has horns). Again, what's wrong? (Dunno mixed up the word). The guys come to the conclusion that Dunno mixed up the words. Educator: -What did Dunno write poems about? (About what doesn’t happen in life). And if what we write about does not happen in life, what do we call such poems? (Tall tales). Educator: Well done, that’s right. These are tall tales. Interesting fables written by Dunno? (Interesting, funny). I turn to Dunno: “Your poems are good, Dunno, and the kids like them, but they’re called fables.” Therefore, your tales are not understandable to the guys from Sunny City, because they saw a lie in them. You tell them that besides poetry, there are fables, let them know about it. -Guys, Dunno also sent us a poem on a slide. Let's read what's wrong with it. Slide (“Vanya rode on a horse”). Didactic game “What’s wrong?” I read the poem, analyze it, clarify what could be “wrong.” Vanya was riding on a horse, leading a dog on a belt, and at the same time the old woman was washing the ficus on the window. Questions. Who are the characters in the poem? Who was riding the horse? Who was Vanya leading? How did you drive? What was the old lady doing? Where was the ficus? What is ficus? What's wrong with the poem? (Everything is correct, there is no fiction here). “I want to suggest that you turn this poem into a fable.” How? (We will rearrange the words in such a way, we will confuse it so that it turns out funny). How can one confuse the heroes and their actions here? (They try to rearrange the characters and tell the resulting fable.) The ficus rode on a horse, led the old lady on a belt, and at the same time the dog washed Vanya on the window. Children look at the picture on the slide and tell a new tale. Does this happen in life? What happened? (Tall tale). -Is it interesting to invent intricate stories from poetry? Do you want to compose a fable yourself? For this I will give you sets of pictures. -Guys, it seems Dunno wants to tell me something... (I approach the doll, bend over and “listen”). Dunno says that he is tired, wants to do exercises and invites you. Come out, guys, to the middle of the group, it’s time for you to rest too. Physical education minute. The old hare is mowing hay (mowing hay), And the fox is raking (raking). The fly carries hay to the cart (carries, takes steps), And the mosquito throws (throws). They drove us to the hayloft (they turn the wheels with their hands). A fly from the cart screamed (twists its head): - I won’t go to the attic, I’ll fall from there (walks in place), I’ll break my little leg (they jump 4 times), I’ll be lame (limps). The guys sit down. I hand out a canvas with a set of plot pictures to the children. Educator (to children) : -Did you remember how to make a fable? How? Now in pairs you will make up one fable (compose, tell). Fables can turn out differently. For example, these: 1 The dog sits down to play the accordion. 2.Ginger cats dive into the aquarium. 3. Granddaughter’s grandmother plays with dolls. 4. The babies’ flowers are watered from a watering can. 5. Potatoes grow on a pine tree. -Is it interesting to make up tall tales? Why are they interesting? (Funny). Why were they making up fables? (Have fun). Do you know that people have been inventing fables in Rus' for a long time. Previously, there were no televisions or computers, and after hard field work, people wanted to relax and have fun. They made up different funny stories. Then, later, they were told by buffoons at fairs. Do you know who buffoons are? They looked like this (On the slide - buffoons). The buffoons played musical instruments (balalaika, tambourine) and took a bear with them. This is how they amused the people. Buffoons came to visit us today. Look how bright, elegant, noisy they are and how they brought bears with them. Come out, buffoons, and have some fun with us. (Children dressed as buffoons read fables). I give the children a task: - Try to remember the fables, and then name which ones you managed to remember. Performance by buffoons. (Two children in bear hats, one child has a jar with a whisk - he whips sour cream, the other has a cup with a wooden spoon, there is flour in the cup). There was nonsense on the fence. I ate jam. The chickens ate the rooster this Sunday. Two bears were sitting on a thin branch. One was churning sour cream, the other was grinding flour. One peek-a-boo, two peek-a-boo - They both fell into the flour! Nose in flour, mouth in flour, Ear in sour milk! (They show by touching their hand “nose in flour, mouth in flour, ear in sour milk”). Our dragonfly goat was so smart. He kneaded the dough, He also heated the stove, He greased the cakes with cottage cheese, He sang songs and told fairy tales, Songs-fairy tales of fables, unheard-of things, unheard-of things and unheard-of things. ( The last two lines say it all together ). Educator: -Did you like listening? What did you listen to today? (Tall tales). What fables do you remember? What else did you do? (They made up fables). Tell me how to write fables? (They said the sentence incorrectly so that something could happen that could not exist in the world.) Helped Dunno understand his work. What did Dunno write? (Tall tales). Only Dunno’s friends don’t know that, in addition to poetry, there are fables, funny, cheerful, but Dunno will definitely tell them about it. And he leaves his book in kindergarten - it’s a gift from him to us. We need to thank Dunno. Children: - Good, Dunno, you turned out to be fables. Thank you. Write it and bring it to us, we will be happy to read it. Educator: -Today you were all active.. Now you will show what mood you are in after reading the book Dunno. Answer my questions with movements: If you are having fun, stomp three times; If you're having fun, clap three times; If you are having fun, reach for the sun! If you are having fun, smile at everyone! Educator: -I am glad that our meeting today brought you great pleasure. And now it's time to say goodbye to the guests. Children: We would like to wish you good health at parting. Goodbye, goodbye, Come see us again! And you, Dunno, do not hesitate to contact us for help. We are your friends now! We will be waiting for you to visit again.

We recommend watching:

Games with words for schoolchildren in grades 5-9 Summary of a comprehensive OD for the development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements in the senior group Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world in the senior group with a presentation Summary of the organization of household work “Book Workshop” in the senior group

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Summary of the didactic game “Magic Baskets” in the senior group for deaf and hard of hearing children


TOPIC: “Magic Baskets”


  • Clarify and consolidate the concept of fruit.
  • Introduce fruits from warm countries.
  • Develop the ability to distinguish fruits visually, by touch, and by taste.
  • Form correct orientation in the surrounding objective world.
  • Develop the ability to see and highlight shape, size, color and other properties of objects.
  • Continue to learn to distinguish between questions and answers, learn to distinguish vocabulary by auditory-visual perception.
  • Monitor the strength of your voice, the clarity of pronunciation, and control the sounds that have already been evoked.
  • Continue to teach, understand the teacher’s speech.
  • Cultivate attention, friendly relationships in the team, and the desire to learn the educational material.
  • Cultivate a desire to understand the world around us more deeply.
  • Provide knowledge about the benefits of fruits.


Doll, 2 baskets, pictures of fruits, 2 pictures of a garden attached to the baskets, printed canvas, tablets, 2 scarves, apples for treats, “magic bag”.


Looking at illustrations of fruits, where they grow, sculpting and drawing fruits.


Doll, apple, lemon, plum, pear, tangerine orange, peach, basket, trees, orchard, “overseas garden,” train, plane, smooth, rough, sour lemon, sweet apple, I ate…., I have……. .


  1. Creating a game situation.

The doll Masha came to visit. The children meet her and seat her at the table.

  1. Phonrhythmics.

Doll Masha will listen to us pronounce the sound [n]

He - he - he

Here's a lemon.

  1. The doll tells the children that she brought 2 baskets with her.

Children look at baskets containing many object pictures.

Educator: What is shown in the pictures?

Children: The pictures show fruits.

Educator: What do you see in the pictures attached to the baskets?

Children: we see trees.

Educator: Correct. The pictures show trees with fruit growing on them. This is an orchard. One garden is located not far from the Ukrainian village. Another garden is on the shore of a warm sea, in hot countries.

Let's look into the first basket. Take one picture. What is this?

(Several children perform the action and pronounce the name of the fruit).

In the gardens of our Ukraine grow: apples, plums, pears, cherries, apricots.

Let's look into the second basket. The same is done with fruits from the second basket “Overseas Garden”. In warm countries, lemons, oranges, tangerines, and peaches are ripe in the garden.

Educator: Let's cover our baskets with a magic scarf. And let's see what miracle happens. In the meantime, you and I will play.

  1. Game – imitation “Here’s the harvest”

Educator: You and I are going to pick fruit in a garden near the village. What will we eat on?

Children: We'll eat by train.

Children board the carriages, imitating the movement of a train. The teacher is a train driver.

Educator: Stop “Fruit Garden”. (Children go out and see trees, and apples grow on them (dummies)).

Here we are in the garden. Fruits grow high on the trees. To pick them, you need to reach them. (Children rise on their tiptoes and stretch out their arms)

Educator : What are you doing?

Children: I'm picking apples.

Educator : We picked up a whole basket of what?

Children: We picked a lot of apples.

(Conjugate pronunciation of phrases)

Educator: Do you want to go to warm countries to buy fruit?

Children: Yes, we want.

Educator : How will we go there?

Children: By train.

Educator: No, the Overseas Garden is very far away. We will fly by plane.

(Simulation of an airplane flight.)

Educator: So we arrived. We are in the garden. What grows on trees?

Children: Oranges and lemons grow on trees.

Educator: What will we collect?

Children: Let's collect lemons.

(Children imitate harvesting)

Educator: We've collected the fruits, let's go home.

(During the game, the teacher quietly replaces the pictures and dummies in the baskets with real fruits, and a “Wonderful Bag” is hidden in one of the baskets)

Educator: Now let’s play and guess by touch the fruits that we collected.

(Children play the game “Wonderful Bag”)

Educator : What does fruit feel like?

Children: They are different: some are smooth, others are rough.

(Children find fruit by touch and describe it)

Children: I have……. apple, lemon, orange, plum.

Educator: Now let's taste the fruit.

(The teacher gives the child a piece of fruit so that he does not see).

Educator: What did you eat?

Children: I ate a lemon. It's sour. I ate an apple, it was sweet. I ate an orange, it's sweet.

Educator: You ate different fruits. And they all taste different.

Educator: We ourselves traveled to different gardens, examined and tasted different fruits. Fruits are very healthy. They contain many vitamins needed for good health. Help yourself to your health!

(Doll Masha treats children with apples and oranges)

Summary of educational activities for children of the senior group

Summary of organized educational activities in the senior group

Summary of a game - educational lesson on the topic: Rays of health

Abstract of the OOD “Rays of Health” in the senior preparatory group
Author : Frolova Natalia Aleksandrovna, teacher of the MDOU combined kindergarten “No. 42 “Teremok”, Serpukhov. Purpose of the work : the lesson notes are intended for children 5-7 years old, preschool teachers, additional education teachers, parents interested in instilling in children the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle in a playful way. I bring to your attention a summary of a game-cognitive lesson on cognitive development. In a playful way, children receive and consolidate knowledge about the components of health: vitamins, cultural and hygienic skills, routine, sports, healthy food. OOD is aimed at fostering the need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Goal : developing the desire to independently take care of your health. Objectives : Systematize children’s ideas about health, ways to preserve it and a healthy lifestyle. To form the ideas of preschool children about health as one of the main values ​​of human life; develop the ability to identify the components of human health and establish their relationship; consolidate the basic concepts: “daily routine”, “personal hygiene”, “vitamins”, “healthy foods”, “healthy lifestyle”; educate children in the skills and needs of a healthy lifestyle. To instill in children a desire to take care of their health and a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Ways to organize children
: standing, sitting on the carpet.
Equipment : footprints, TV, caps of vitamins “A”, “B”, “C”, didactic game “Daily Routine”, balloons, ball, dumbbells, cups of water and cocktail tubes for each child, silhouettes of trees and bushes, wonderful a bag with objects, autumn leaves with riddles, a tape recorder, Preliminary work : Conversations with children on the topics
: “What is health?”, “The importance of a regime in a person’s life?”, “Health is more valuable than gold,” “On the consequences of not observing life safety.”
Traffic rules”, examination of posters – “The street is full of surprises”, “Home Alone”, Conversations - reflection “What is good and what is bad”; “What is health”, “Cleanliness is the key to health.” Research activities
: “The importance of air for the body”, “Properties of water”, “Properties of snow”, comparison of clean and dirty hands.
Educational games
: - “Cut pictures”, “Guess what it is?”
Didactic games
: “Find the differences”, “Regular moments”, “Learn the sport”, “Helpful - harmful”, “Clean hands”.
Role-playing games
: “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, “Cafe”, “Family”, “Shop” “Washing toys”, “Washing doll clothes”.
Examination of paintings by I. Shishkin. “Morning in a pine forest”, I. Levitan “Birch Grove”, still lifes by I. Mashkov “Fruit”. Drawing
: “How I spent the summer”, “We are tempering ourselves”.
Methodological techniques : Conversation, riddles, game moments, breathing exercises, search and research activities, artistic expression, situational tasks, research activities, breathing exercises, the use of visualization, dynamic pauses, appeal to the life experience of children. Progress of activity Organizational moment ( Establishing emotional contact
) Children stand scattered.
Educator : It was invented by someone simply and wisely. When meeting, say hello: - Good morning! -Good morning to the sun and the birds. -Good morning to smiling faces. Good morning, guys! Have you ever wondered why we greet each other this way in the morning? It is very important that the morning be good, because it begins the day and it is so nice to see your kind eyes and smiling faces in the morning and hear from you “Good morning!” Let's all say these magic words again: “Good morning!” Educator : -I want to discuss with you one very important topic. It's called "Health" . We often hear: “Be healthy,” “Don’t get sick,” “I wish you health . How often do we think about our health? What do we do to be healthy? Let's try to answer these questions. -What do you think health is? ( Happiness, joy when you are not sick
Educator : Everyone needs health - children, adults and even animals. This morning the sun came through my window, and I brought it to you.

What do you think is wrong with him? ( sad, not smiling, bored, sick
) He needs your help, can we help? Today we will go on a journey together, And the rays in the country “Health” We will certainly find “Get ready for the journey, Go to the rays of health!” Walking is very good for health. Step march.

Music. Children walking
) (
Autumn leaves lie on the road

The teacher offers to collect the leaves
) There are riddles hidden on the leaves, can we guess them?
I take the leaves and read them. ( riddles

1. It slips away like something alive, but I won’t let it go.
It foams with white foam, I’m not too lazy to wash my hands. ( soap
) 2. I wiped it, tried to after the boy’s bath.
Everything is wrinkled, everything is wet, there is no dry corner. ( towel
) 3. The tail is made of bone, and there are bristles on the back.
( toothbrush
) 4.Whoever is our best friend will wash away the dirt from our face and hands.
( water
) 5. Rubber Akulinka went for a walk on the back She is going to wash the back until it’s red.
( washcloth
) 6 As many as twenty-five cloves for cowlicks and tufts.
( comb
) - Well done, children, you guessed all the riddles correctly.
What are all these riddles about? ( children's answers
) -Who will explain what the word hygiene means? But look, she was captured by terrible microbes. And in order to defeat microbes, you need to solve difficult problems.

germs are balloons with angry faces painted on them
Educator : Let's remember our chant, which helps us follow the rules of Hygiene. My hands, after the game And after the toilet I came from the street - again Don’t forget about this And another law is My hands before eating. reading a chant by children and as the children pronounce it, the “germ balls” burst.
And when should you wash your hands?
All the microbes burst from anger, but one microbe did not burst, but everyone said it correctly. Educator : To defeat the microbe, you need to complete the task Game “Wonderful Bag” Children take turns taking out objects and telling what they are for. Guys, the microbe wants to know what items you would not share, even with your closest friends and even with your mother. The task is to remove unnecessary items, explain what the remaining ones are for. ( soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, clothes brush, comb, washing powder, shampoo, towel, ball, bicycle, etc.
) Why?
What items do they belong to ( personal hygiene items
). - The last one - the “microbe ball” bursts (
I take out the ray
). Who will tell me the secret Hidden here, what advice?

Children : This ray says that you need to maintain hygiene. Educator : Health is a priceless gift that was given to you at birth. Always protect it, And strengthen it in every way. Continue the proverb: “ Cleanliness is... the key to health
” - How do you understand it? (
children’s answers
) Let’s continue to look for rays.
And so off we go. Jump - march ! ( Music ) To find the next ray, you need to close your eyes and say the magic password: “ Sun, air and water are our best friends !” "Here is the first hint! ( box
) look what's hidden there?
( dumbbells

What are they needed for?
( do exercises
) What benefits does physical education bring?
Where and when do you exercise? Let's tell one more of our chants. If you want to be healthy, very cheerful and cheerful, start your day with exercise! Never be discouraged! Guys, let's exercise our muscles. ( the phonogram “Charging” by Alina Kukushkina sounds

Dynamic pause Educator : Whoever does exercises gains health! -What do these words say? -What kind of muscles do you have? -Have you gained more strength after charging? Educator : It’s immediately obvious, “strong man through the veins, run like fire.” ( checks the muscles in the children’s arms
) Now a ray has appeared (
glue the ray on the sun
) (
Physical education and sports ) “In order not to lie sick, we must respect sports.” Let's repeat it all together ( repeat
Remember this, guys. Let's play. Game “Name the sport” Educator : -In the winter, the Winter Olympics took place in Sochi. -Name winter sports. ( children list winter sports and pass the ball
) -How did our athletes perform?
-What helped them become winners? (Children’s judgments) Educator : How fun, how fun it is for us to look for rays. How fun, how fun it is for us to help the Sun. Music sounds, children walk like a snake. Educator : To find out what the next ray is called, I will show you a trick. Take a look inside this bottle. What's in there?

Children : There is nothing. Educator : Now we will see who is hiding there. One, two, three, invisible, run from the bottle. ( I put the bottle in the water and press it, bubbles run out of the bottle
Educator : -What kind of invisible thing was sitting in the bottle? Children : -This is air. Educator : That's right, guys. Without breath there is no life, Without breath the light fades, Birds and flowers breathe, He breathes, and I, and you. Each of us has air. Let's check if this is true. I'll take a glass of water and put a straw in it. Now I will inhale through my nose and then exhale into the tube through my mouth. What did you see? ( I saw air bubbles
). Now take a glass of water, put a straw in it, inhale through your nose, and then blow into the straw.

-What do you see?
( I see air bubbles
Yes, real storms are brewing in cups! Where do you think the air came from? ( We blow air into the tube
) -Why do bubbles form?
-Where is air found in the human body? -Why can’t we be without air for a long time? ( Children's Judgment
Let's do an experiment. ( experiment-experiment with air
.) Now take a deep, deep breath and cover your mouth and nose with your palms.
Let's try not to breathe. How did you feel? ( not enough air
Why do we need air? ( For breathing
) That's right, guys.
It’s every cell of your body that says: “Please send us some air, otherwise we’re dying.” Let’s do some breathing exercises with you. ( we do breathing exercises
) Rise on your toes - inhale through your nose without raising your shoulders -
inhale all the good things, joy, health, good mood
Lower down - exhale through your mouth
all the bad things: anger, anger
Guys, tell me, why did we do breathing exercises?
: (
To enrich the body with oxygen. To harden your body, etc.
Educator : -When we breathe, our lungs, like a balloon, fill with air and expand. We take oxygen from the air, without which we cannot live. Oxygen-rich air is clean, fresh air. -So what is the name of the ray of health? (Air ) -What kind of air should we breathe to be healthy? ( clean
) -What can we do to keep the air clean?
( plant more flowers, trees
) -Where do you think the air is cleaner - in the forest or in the city?
( children's answers
). -So let's save the air and plant trees and bushes in the city.

Children make a panel “Take care of the air” by attaching silhouettes of trees
Educator : We are now in a great mood and we can breathe easily in our city. Let's pass on a good mood to each other: Touch your friend with your fist, elbow, palm. ( Music
) -Guys, why did this appear in our clean city?
( I show the watch model

Children : watch. Educator : -Why do you think we need a clock? ( judgment of children
) Yes, you are right, we need watches in order to navigate time, to know when to wake up, so as not to be late for kindergarten for morning exercises, to know when it is lunch, time for a walk and bedtime.
- Guys, what do you think the regime is? ( children’s judgment
Educator : A routine is when all tasks are completed during the day, according to time, and the clock shows the time the daily routine is completed. A daily routine helps you be disciplined and helps improve your health. And now I want to know how well you know and follow the regime. Game “Daily Routine” - children are given cards depicting different types of activities. ( As the game progresses, I draw the children’s attention to the fact that they need to go to bed and get up at the same time, do morning exercises every day, and eat at the same time
) Guys, what is the name of the ray of health?
Children : Daily routine . ( Opening a ray of health
The teacher and children approach the path.
She has white and red marks on her. Educator : -What is this? Children : Traces. White. Reds. Educator : - Whose red, hot tracks do you think these are? -Do not know? The cold left them. After all, a cold is a high fever. When does high fever occur? Children : When your head hurts. When a person is sick. I got infected and caught a cold. When they are not hardened. Educator : These white marks are signs of health. What tracks will you and I follow on our journey? Of course, on white! Children walk along the white footprints and approach the TV ( electronic gymnastics for the eyes with Cheburashka

We close our eyes, these are the miracles.
Our eyes are resting. Exercises are performed ( Open the eyes and perform corrective gymnastics for the eyes
). After performing corrective gymnastics, turn around and see the letter.
It contains the address of our kindergarten, and the recipient is the group “Sun”. It is addressed to us, and that means we have the right to open it. “Hello guys, my name is Cheburashka. I had a problem, I got sick. It was my birthday, they gave me a lot of sweets, they said that in order not to get sick, you need to eat right. I tried, I ate only delicious things: pastries, cake, candy, and drank Pepsi-Cola. But, unfortunately, I'm getting worse and worse. Guys, please help me figure out what I need to eat so as not to get sick.” -Guys, let's try to help Cheburashka. -What do you think will happen to a person if he eats only sweets? ( children's answers
) -You need to know that the human body needs various products.
Raw vegetables and fruits are especially useful: those who constantly consume them, as a rule, have a good, cheerful mood. ( Children - vitamins talk about themselves
) And here are our guests.

Children in vitamin caps, with a picture of the products of this vitamin
A on the cap)
Vitamin “A” I’ll tell you without hiding how useful I am, friends! I'm in carrots and tomatoes, pumpkin, peach, salad. Eat me and you will grow up and be good at everything! Remember the simple truth: Only those who chew raw carrots or drink carrot juice see better! Vitamin "B" Fish, bread, egg and cheese. Banana, chicken, kefir, dried apricots, nuts - This is the secret of success for you! And I’m in the peas too, there’s a lot of benefit from me! It is very important to eat oatmeal at breakfast. Brown bread is good for us. And not only in the morning! Vitamin “C” If you pick a strawberry, you will find me in the berry. I'm in currants, cabbage. I live in the apple and onion, I live in beans and potatoes, in tomatoes and peas! Oranges help with colds and sore throats. Well, it’s better to eat lemon, even though it is very sour. Educator : -What foods are rich in vitamins “A”, “B”, “C”? ( children’s answers
) - I didn’t see or hear anything about sweets?
-Why? Sweets, chocolate, ice cream, especially in large quantities, are very harmful to health. - Of course, you shouldn’t completely give up sweets. It is necessary to eat a variety of foods to be strong, healthy and grow quickly. -What foods will you eat? ( survey of children
) That's right, vitamins strengthen our entire body, making it easier for the body to fight diseases.
You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. What proverb do we know about vitamins? We will always eat vitamins and we will never get sick! (together) I suggest you draw healthy foods for Cheburashka, you will do this at home, so that he knows what to eat so as not to get sick. So what ray is hidden here? That's right - Healthy products. That's why another ray appeared. -What's happening to the sun? ( getting well
Educator : To stay healthy, you need to eat right. Don't get carried away with sweet chocolate food. Beware of very sour and salty things. Only vegetables and fruits, very tasty products. I want to know what you remember about healthy food. If the advice is useful, then you all say together: “That’s right, that’s right, that’s absolutely right.” If you talk about something that is harmful to health, you stomp your feet. ( Reading
) 1.Eat more oranges... 2.Drink delicious carrot juice.
.. 3. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets... 4. Eat candy, chew toffee, become as slim as a cypress... 5. Drink milk, children, you will be healthy... 6. Porridge is a delicious food - It’s good for us... 7. Onion green sometimes, is it good for us children? 8. Is dirty water in a puddle sometimes useful for us? 9.Fruits are simply beautiful! Is this useful to us? - Guys, do they give us healthy food in kindergarten? -Who cooks it? -Would you like to turn into a chef and prepare a healthy three-course meal? Game "Cook" . (I post pictures: potatoes, onions, beans, rose hips, beets
) We need to prepare a three-course lunch.
( Children tell what they prepared from the given products
Result : -Health is the most important wealth that needs to be protected. Our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays, each ray is a rule that must be followed. If the rules are followed, the sun shines brightly and our health is good. They are very important to know! The sun is shining and smiling. Thanks for your help.

Let's please our body with the vitamins that live in these fruits ( fruit bowl
.) From them we will make a delicious kebab. Well done! Thanks for good job!

Reflection Come to me and tell me. -Did you like our trip? -What do you remember about this trip? Tired? This is, it turns out, the difficult path we have overcome in search of rays of health. We learned a lot of interesting and useful things. But we have not yet found all the rays of health; there is still a lot of interesting things ahead of us.

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