lesson notes “in the preparatory group “Travel around the Country Economy”

lesson notes “in the preparatory group “Travel around the Country Economy”

Summary of a lesson on financial literacy in the preparatory group on the topic: “Traveling around the country of Economics”

Goal: To consolidate the acquired economic knowledge in various types of economic activity, to expand social ideas about modern society.


- consolidate children’s understanding of economic concepts: money,

family budget: income and expenses; needs.

- develop in children the ability to notice the simplest things in fairy tales

economic phenomena;

- highlight words and actions related to economics, enrich


- consolidate the ability to participate in a joint game, conduct short

dialogues in a creative and playful situation;

-develop cognitive interest, thinking, memory, attention and


— cultivate curiosity in the process of cognitive and playful


- form positive relationships among children

Progress of the lesson:

1. Educator: -Children, do you like to travel? Why? (Children's answers). Everyone loves to travel: both adults and children. While traveling, people learn a lot of new, interesting, and important things.

— Q: Then, today I invite you to a country called Economy. Want to? Fine. But let’s do an economic warm-up before we start our journey:

What is economics? (Economics is the science of how to run a household correctly, thriftily and profitably).

Why should you study economics? (to gain knowledge, and when we grow up, to become competent economists).

Guys, tell me what is the name of money in our country?

What kind of money is there?

What is the difference between metal money and paper money (Iron coins are heavier than banknotes, but coins will not deteriorate from water and dirt. They are made in a special factory called the “Mint”. Paper banknotes are lightweight, take up less space, but can tear, get dirty or burn in a fire. They are printed at a factory called “Gosznak”

Guys, tell me why we need money? (Children: Buy goods, save, put in a bank, lend, collect..). Can everything be bought with money?

Q: So, the warm-up went great. We hit the road.

Close your eyes and repeat after me: “1,2,3 - you will find yourself in the country of Economics.” 2. Guys, look, there is a surprise for you, in order to find it, you need to solve a diagram with 5 puzzles. Each puzzle contains an interesting task on financial literacy; you must consistently complete all the proposed tasks.

Puzzle 1 - Q: -I suggest playing with you the game “WHAT CAN MONEY BUY?” If this item can be bought for money, then clap your hands, if not, don’t clap. (Shows pictures: wind, doll, rainbow, milk, etc.).

Project "Children's Economy"

Kindergarten preparatory group

Project content

Project name: “Children's Economy”.

Project type : educational, creative, informational.

Duration : short-term (2 weeks - from January 15 to January 29, 2022).

Content : socio-pedagogical, informational.

By the nature of contacts : teacher - child - parent, within the preschool educational institution.

Participants: children of preparatory group No. 17, teachers, parents.

Educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Problem: lack of awareness among children about finances.


In the modern world it is very difficult to live without economic knowledge.

The basics of economics are not taught in preschool educational institutions, despite the fact that knowledge about finances and the ability to distribute them competently, taking into account opportunities, needs and desires, opens up good opportunities and contributes to the financial well-being of children when they grow up.

Teaching economic culture to preschoolers is not limited to teaching children how to earn money in the future. In preschool age, the basics of financial literacy should initially be instilled through basic moral ideas: about good and evil, beautiful and ugly, good and bad. The main task is to give the concept of a thrifty attitude towards things, natural resources, and then money.

The earlier children learn about the role of money, the earlier healthy financial habits can be formed.

Children, one way or another, are involved early in the economic life of the family: they encounter money, go to the store with their parents, and acquire primary economic knowledge.

Children should know that they must live within their means, they must spend less than they earn, that a sufficient amount of financial resources opens up great opportunities for them that can give them joy.

Formation of the foundations of financial literacy in preschool age must be carried out from simple to complex, in a playful form understandable to children. It is in preschool age that we have a unique opportunity to give children the basics of financial literacy and primary experience in participating in basic economic relations.

All this makes relevant the problem of developing basic economic concepts and developing financial literacy in preschool age.

Project goals: to create conditions for the formation of the basics of financial literacy in preschool children.


for children:

  • To promote the formation of initial ideas about money as a universal means of exchange, payment and accumulation;
  • Contribute to the formation of initial ideas about the family budget and the importance of financial literacy in the family economy;
  • To contribute to the formation of ideas about the relationship between the concepts “labor - product - money”, “quality - price”;
  • To promote the formation of knowledge about the qualities: frugality, rationality, economy, hard work, generosity, nobility, honesty, responsiveness, empathy (using the example of a person’s wealth in financial and moral terms);
  • To promote the formation of the ability to rationally evaluate ways and means of fulfilling desires, and adjust one’s own needs;
  • Develop the creative abilities of preschoolers in various activities;
  • Develop the skills to analyze, reason, generalize, compare, contrast, and draw conclusions;
  • Develop children's interest in financial literacy through games, quizzes, and events;
  • To instill in children purposefulness, organization, initiative, hard work, and mutual assistance;
  • To cultivate the value and respect for human work and the surrounding objective world, as a result of people’s labor.

for teachers:

  • Create conditions for students to successfully master knowledge about the basics of economics and financial literacy;
  • Prepare children for the final event on financial literacy “Visiting Pinocchio and Alice” among pupils of groups of senior preschool children of preschool educational institutions.

for parents:

  • Developing interest in the economic education of children together with preschool educational institutions;
  • Forming the foundations of financial literacy in children through a personal example of competent distribution of their financial capabilities, taking into account their needs and desires in practice;
  • Strengthening relationships between adults and children.

Practical significance: the formation of financial literacy in preschool educational institutions brings preschoolers closer to real life, promotes the development of economic thinking, allows them to acquire qualities inherent in a real person (dedication, honesty, commitment, the ability to subordinate their desires to opportunities, law-abidingness, mutual assistance, etc.)

Novelty of the project:

The novelty of the “Children’s Economy” project lies in the fact that financial education and economic education are a relatively new direction in preschool pedagogy. This work allows teachers to simultaneously solve several problems of preschool education, namely:

  • raising and teaching children;
  • development of comprehensive personality development;
  • preparing children for independent social life through the formation of the foundations of financial literacy.

Work on this project is carried out by integration into all educational areas of preschool education: “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

As a result of the implementation of the “Children’s Economics” project, children of senior preschool age will form ideas about the basics of economics, which is part of not only financial literacy, but also the aesthetic and moral education of the child.

Expected results:

  • Children acquired primary financial experience, the ability to establish reasonable financial relationships in various spheres of life;
  • Teachers have practically mastered the first experience of a system of work on developing financial literacy in preschool children;
  • Parents received additional knowledge on raising financial literacy in children.

Stages and timing of the project:

Stage 1 - Information and accumulation stage

(from January 11 to January 13, 2022):

  • Studying the level of knowledge of senior preschool children of group No. 17 about the basics of economics, identifying the level of financial literacy (ascertaining diagnostics);
  • Questioning parents (legal representatives) on the topic “Financial literacy of preschool children”;
  • Studying methodological literature, collecting material (fairy tales, poems, riddles, proverbs, active, role-playing games, interactive manuals, educational films and cartoons on the topic of the project) necessary to achieve the goal of the project;
  • Drawing up a long-term plan, developing a system of measures aimed at implementing the project;
  • Including project cycles in the long-term work plan;
  • Involving parents (legal representatives) to participate in joint creative and educational activities with children in the implementation of project activities.

Stage 2 - Organizational and practical stage

(from January 14 to January 20, 2022):

  • Reading fiction;
  • Examination of illustrations, photographs;
  • Joint production of attributes and organization of role-playing games on the topic of the project;
  • Watching educational and animated films for children on the topic “Financial literacy of preschoolers”;
  • Consultations for parents on the project topic: “Practical advice to parents on developing financial literacy in children of senior preschool age”, “Teach your child to count money”;
  • Conducting OOD and joint activities on the project topic.

Stage 3 – Presentation and final stage

(from January 21 to January 27, 2022):

  • Studying the level of knowledge of senior preschool children of group No. 17 about the basics of economics, identifying the level of financial literacy (final diagnosis);
  • Exhibition of children's activity products;
  • Creation and design of collective creative work - book group No. 17 “My needs and desires”;
  • Conducting performances by children of group No. 17 on the topic “My Finances”;
  • Exhibition “Piggy Banks”;
  • Exhibition of joint creative works of children and parents “Do-It-Yourself Piggy Bank”;
  • Replenishment of the RPPS with electronic manuals (presentations, interactive games, educational films, cartoons, audio fairy tales) on the topic “Financial literacy of preschoolers”;
  • An entertaining event “Visiting Pinocchio and Alice” among pupils of groups of children of senior preschool age at the preschool level.

The implementation of the “Children's Economy” project made it possible to develop in children of senior preschool age knowledge about the basics of financial literacy, to instill in children the desire and desire to replenish, multiply, and maintain their family budget.

Educational areas : social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Joint activities of children and teachers.

Goal: to intensify cognitive interest in the basics of economics, financial literacy (the history of money, methods of obtaining it, saving, increasing it, budget distribution, etc.).


Conversations: “Money and its role in life”, “Why do all adults work?”, “What is financial literacy?”, “Why can’t everything be bought and sold?”, “What are the types of goods?”, “Product - price” , “needs and desires”, “Where does the money live?”, “Budget”, “etc.

Educational films for children: “The History of Money. From martens to paper ones”, “What is a budget and how to draw it up”, “How cash works”, “How and why to save”, “Types of income”, “Types and frequency of expenses”, “Bank cards”, “House of Money” . Banks."

Conducting educational activities and joint activities using interactive manuals on the topic of financial literacy.

Reading fiction

Fairy tales: A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, S. Ya. Marshak “Cat’s House”, K.I. Chukovsky “Telephone”, Lipsits I.V. “Amazing adventures in the country “Economy”; Popova T.L., Menshikova O.I. “The Tale of Queen Economy, the villainess of Inflation, a magical computer and true friends”; Uspensky E. “The Business of Crocodile Genes”; Kotyusova I.M., Lukyanova R.S. “Economics in fairy tales and games: A manual for educators”, A. Romanov “Miracles in the Wallet”, K. Chukovsky “Tsokotukha Fly”, etc.

Introducing children to proverbs and riddles related to finances.


Role-playing games: “Shop”, “Family”, “Bank”, “Post Office”, “Beauty Salon”, etc. (acting out stories, combining several stories into one, etc.)

Productive activities:

HER (artistic design made of paper using the origami technique with drawing elements) “Wallet”;

HER (plastelinography) “Coin”

HER (drawing) “Bill”, “Need - desire”;

Physical development

  • Competition games “Wants - Needs”, “Fastest”, “Top up your wallet”;
  • Imitation games “Pretend your profession”, “Who does what?”;

Interaction with parents

  • Questioning parents (legal representatives) on the topic “Financial literacy of preschool children”;
  • Consultations: “Practical advice to parents on developing financial literacy in children of senior preschool age”, “Teach your child to count money”;
  • Exhibition "Piggy Bank";
  • Exhibition of joint creative works of children and parents “Do-It-Yourself Piggy Bank”;
  • Photo exhibition “My personal finances”.

The performance indicators were the following:

For children:

  • Children's knowledge about the basics of economics and financial literacy has been developed:
  • Knowledge has been formed about money as a universal means of exchange, payment and accumulation, methods of saving and increasing;
  • Knowledge has been generated about the family budget and the importance of financial literacy in the family economy;
  • Knowledge has been generated about the relationship between the concepts “labor - product - money”, “quality - price”;
  • Knowledge has been formed about the qualities: frugality, rationality, thrift, hard work, generosity, nobility, honesty, responsiveness, sympathy (using the example of a person’s wealth in financial and moral terms);
  • Knowledge has been formed about the ability to rationally evaluate ways and means of fulfilling desires, and adjust one’s own needs;
  • We took part in the entertaining and educational event “Visiting Pinocchio and Alice” among pupils of groups of children of senior preschool age at the preschool level, where children of group No. 17 successfully completed the assigned tasks.

For teachers:

  • Increased professional competence of teachers;
  • Enrichment of the methodological base on the topic “Formation of financial literacy in preschool children”;
  • Strengthening a conscious attitude towards your own budget.

For parents:

  • Financial literacy awareness;
  • Showing interest in developing the fundamentals of economics and financial literacy together with children;
  • Strengthening relationships between adults and children.

The implementation of the “Children's Economics” project made it possible to form and expand the understanding of children in group No. 17 about the basics of economics and financial literacy.

Parents showed interest in developing financial literacy in preschoolers and reflected their impressions in joint creative activities.


  1. HELL. Shatova Path to Economics: for classes with children 5-7 years old / VENTANA-GRAF Publishing House, 2015.
  2. Amend A.F., Salamatov A.A. Formation of moral ideas of preschoolers in the process of economic education // Kindergarten from A to Z. 2003. No. 4. p.55.
  3. Anoshina L.M. Economic education of older preschoolers in the process of familiarization with new professions // Kindergarten from A to Z. 2003. No. 4. p.103.
  4. Belokashina S.V. Economy and children. Proverbs and sayings // Preschool pedagogy. 2009. No. 7. p.8.
  5. Preschoolers about economics: a guide for teachers of institutions providing preschool education / E.N. Tabih. – Minsk: Vysh. school, 2007. – 48 p.: ill.
  6. Playing economics: comprehensive classes, role-playing games and didactic games / author - comp. L.G. Kireeva. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. – 169 p.
  7. Kryuchkova N.A. Educational and methodological manual for improving financial literacy “First steps on the steps of financial literacy” (for preschoolers), Kaliningrad, 2015.
  8. Lushnikova E.V. How we play economics //Teacher of the preschool educational institution “TC SPHERE” M.; 2008. No. 11. p.75.
  9. Methodological recommendations for teaching staff on the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education in terms of economic education of preschoolers - Moscow, 2022.
  10. O.A. Blokhina Collection of methodological developments “Formation of the foundations of financial literacy in preschool children. Scenarios of educational events and activities for children and their parents in preschool educational institutions.” — Kaliningrad – 2022.
  11. Approximate partial educational program for preschool education “Economic education of preschool children: formation of prerequisites for financial literacy” // Bank of Russia. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
  12. Collection of methodological developments “Scenarios of educational games and educational events on financial literacy for preschool children” - Kaliningrad, 2022.
  13. Smolentseva A.A. Introduction to the world of economics, or How we play economics: Educational and methodological manual, - St. Petersburg: “Childhood - Press”, 2001. – 176 p.
  14. Smolentseva A.A. We introduce a preschooler to the basics of economics with the help of fairy tales. M.: ARKTI, 2006. – 88 p.
  15. Smolentseva A.A. Problem-based game technology for economic education of preschoolers // Kindergarten from A to Z. 2003. No. 4. p.63.
  16. Yagunova N.M. Introducing preschoolers to economics in creative activities // Kindergarten from A to Z. 2003. No. 4. p.128.

Card index of games for economic education of preschoolers

Content. Children look at the cards, name the activities of the adults, the result obtained, and highlight the main and additional incomes.

"Freight train"

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the place of manufacture of goods; classify goods by place of production.

Material: Cards with the image of the product, a flat image of a freight train with wagons.

Contents: Children lay out goods among the carriages so that each contains goods that are identical at the place of production. For example, meat products are products of a meat processing plant, dairy products are products of a dairy plant, etc.

Option. Children group objects by place of production: furniture - furniture factory, dishes - earthenware factory, toys - toy factory, etc.

"Product routes"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to distinguish goods according to their belonging to a certain group (household appliances, industrial goods, furniture, agricultural products, etc.)

Material: Pictures depicting goods or real objects and toys, signs with the name of stores: “Clothing”, “Furniture”, “Household appliances”, “Agricultural products”, etc.

Content. Each child chooses a picture card, names what is drawn on it, and determines which store this product can be taken to. The winner is the one who correctly matches the cards to the signs with the name of the store.

"Put it together"

Target. Expand children's understanding of products; teach how to group them according to different characteristics.

Material. Map (panel) depicting various products.

Content. Each child has a card with different objects drawn on it. Using Euler-Venn circles (diagrams), children combine objects according to various criteria: edible - inedible; toys - tools; goods that are mandatory for everyone are optional, etc.

"Guess where they sell"

Target. Teach children to correlate the name of the store with the goods that are sold in it; develop the ability to generalize groups of objects.

Material. Pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, furniture, shoes, etc.

Content. Children select groups of cards with images of vegetables, fruits, furniture, etc. Lay them out in front of the corresponding plot picture, where the stores “Furniture”, “Vegetables”, “Supermarket”, etc. are drawn. Establish a relationship between the name of the store and the goods that are in they are sold there.

"A toy shop"

Target. Give children the opportunity to practically carry out the buying and selling process; develop the ability to “see” a product: material, place of production, price (cost).

Material. Various toys, price tags, trademarks, play money.

Content. Before buying a toy he likes, the child names the material from which it is made (wood, metal, plastic, fabric, paper, etc.). Place of production (where and who made it). Next, the price of the toy is determined. The child counts out a certain amount of money and buys a toy. As toys sell out, the seller adds new ones.

Basic economic ideas of children as a pedagogical problem in preschool education

Bibliographic description:

Ablitarova, A. R. Basic economic ideas of children as a pedagogical problem in preschool education / A. R. Ablitarova, E. Sh. Sagandzhieva. — Text: immediate // Current tasks of pedagogy: materials of the VII International. scientific conf. (Chita, April 2016). - Chita: Young Scientist Publishing House, 2016. - pp. 36-39. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/189/10056/ (access date: 01/25/2022).

Formulation of the problem. Modern children and the younger generation have to live in constantly changing conditions of the surrounding world. They will have to master a new picture of the world, including economics, philosophy, and sociology. Modern society and the ability to navigate life correctly, act independently, creatively, and therefore build your life in a more organized, reasonable, interesting way. It is in preschool age that children acquire primary experience of orientation in elementary economic phenomena and form the basis for creating future economic thinking.

The presence of elementary economic concepts and information in the lives of preschoolers contributes to their development of the prerequisites for real economic thinking, which will make this process more conscious. The problem of the content of economic education and upbringing of preschoolers is very ambiguous and in connection with this, a contradiction arises between the need to increase the level of development of children's economic education and an insufficiently developed system of classes for preschoolers to develop basic economic concepts. Traditional economic upbringing and education as a single process of forming economic thinking, developing business skills, social activity and entrepreneurship is only partially applicable to preschoolers due to the age-related characteristics of their mental development.

Senior preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of memory, attention, speech, the formation of creative ideas, as well as the economic socialization of children. Analysis of children's games and questions indicate children's interest in problems related to the economy. The reasons for this are considered to be the penetration of the economy, first of all, into the life of the family, where the child faces economic problems, which are most often discussed by family members. The older the children, the more active they are in solving many economic issues: distributing the family budget, creating menus, equipping the apartment, and the like.

Economic education of children is an organized pedagogical activity, a specially thought-out system of work aimed at developing the economic consciousness of preschoolers. In the process of its implementation, children master the concepts of an organized and efficient economy, the development of productive forces and production relations. Economic education is understood as the result of economic education, contributing to the formation of an economic attitude towards material and spiritual values ​​and the formation of the principles of value orientations [1, p. 8].

The goal of economic education is to reveal to the child the objective world of spiritual and material values ​​around him as part of universal human culture and, in the process of cognition, to form appropriate behavior (at an accessible level to realize that the work of many people is invested in every thing or object).

The need for it has always been there, but its importance intensified during the period of reforms of the 1990s, and the desire of our economy for market relations. The more preschool children come into contact with social reality and everyday life, the more questions they have. Everyday life, family, communication with peers, educational work in a kindergarten form the experience that becomes the basis for further work on economic education.

The created favorable, comfortable conditions in the group allow each child to find his own path into the “economy” through play, mathematics, drawing, etc., provide the formation and needs for cognition, and promote mental and personal development. Saturating the lives of preschoolers with basic economic information helps them develop the prerequisites for real economic thinking, which will make this process more conscious.

Economic education should begin as early as possible, preferably from preschool age, because this problem, as a branch of economic education of preschoolers, forms a worldview, a value attitude to the objective world and the surrounding reality, develops positive character traits, therefore work experience can be used by educators in their professional activities [5, p. 12].

The dominant forms of work between a teacher and a child within the framework of a person-centered model of interaction between people is play. The created favorable conditions help each preschooler find his way into the economy through play, mathematics, drawing, provide the formation and needs for cognition, and promote mental and personal development. The mathematical development of children is, first of all, aimed at their mastering subject-specific content, the formation of cognitive and creative abilities; equips the child with the means of rational knowledge of the world. Elementary calculations, counting, measurements are the methods that a child uses to solve various problems, including economic ones [2, p. 25].

Together with other branches of education and upbringing (physical, labor, mental, aesthetic), economics appears to be relatively young. The first mentions of the economic education of preschool children can be traced back to the works of Ya. A. Komensky in “Mother’s School”, Makarenko A. S. “Family Economy” and “Pedagogical Poem”, in the works of J.-J. Russo, I. G. Pestalozzi, N. K. Krupskaya, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, in the practice of M. Montessori. At the present stage, this problem is considered in the works of L. M. Klarina, E. A. Kurak, A. D. Shatova, A. A. Smolentseva, which reveal the role and significance of children’s acquaintance with the surrounding reality and economic relations. These studies raise questions about the formation of children's economic ideas (about work, about money, about professions, about the family budget, about the qualities of a business person).

In this way, older preschoolers learn to operate with economic concepts (categories) and directly apply them in various types of activities. The results of these studies are partial programs for the economic education of preschool children, as well as teaching aids. At the same time, as the analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of economic education of preschool children has shown, its solution in the aspect of moral development of children is not sufficiently considered [ibid.].

A child acquires basic knowledge of economics at the everyday level - in communication with peers, discussing his own or other people’s purchases, when he hears his parents talk about planning a family budget, and when he absorbs information coming from the TV. According to psychologists and teachers, it is best to begin the economic education of children at an older preschool age. And this needs to be done in a comprehensive manner - the teacher in kindergarten, and the parents at home, but you should not overload the child with a theory divorced from real life, which misleads the preschooler.

The moral side plays a special role in economic education. The mere presence of knowledge and ideas about economics cannot mean that a child knows how to apply them correctly in life. Here the other side immediately comes into play - the moral one, which helps the child understand the current situation. An urgent task of preschool pedagogy is to find effective ways to develop the personality of a preschooler, including his moral and economic education. It is generally accepted in domestic preschool pedagogy and psychology that the development of a child is carried out in the process of his active activity.

Play activity, as the leading activity of a preschooler, contains enormous opportunities for solving many educational problems. The influence of play on the development of the personality of preschool children is confirmed by many psychologists and teachers. In this regard, play activity should be the main one in the formation of qualities that play a large role in the development of the child’s personal sphere.

Classically, when implementing the tasks of economic education in a preschool educational institution, four areas of work are distinguished [5, p. 10]:

  1. Familiarizing children with economic terms, providing knowledge about labor and everything connected with them, in accordance with the main programs of development, education and training in preschool educational institutions. The implementation of the tasks of economic education is possible provided that the tasks of labor education are fully resolved in all age groups of the preschool institution, because labor is the basis, the leading category of economic science.
  2. Introducing children to the simplest economic terms: economics, budget, price, money, product, cost, bank, advertising, owner, competition, products, fair, etc.; with new professions, such as manager, entrepreneur, businessman, financier, advertiser, farmer, etc. Consolidation of knowledge from the field of categories related to labor (subjects of labor, results of labor, individual, collective work); familiarization with the concepts: more expensive - cheaper, profitable - unprofitable, won, lost, changed; formation of knowledge about a neat and thrifty person, a good owner; teaching the rules of honest, fair play, the ability to lose without being offended by a partner.
  3. To form economic thinking in children by involving older preschoolers in the process of role-playing games, board games, printed games, and didactic games; reading fiction.
  4. Pedagogically interact with parents, conduct educational work on issues of economic education of preschoolers and actively involve them in the process of developing children’s economic knowledge in a preschool and family setting.

Based on modern research there are

specially developed programs, thanks to which children become acquainted with economic concepts, categories, laws, which take into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of preschool children. Research in recent years, reforms in the education system, and social factors indicate the need to introduce economic education specifically during preschool childhood, and the creation of appropriate programs (partial) in preschool institutions. In kindergarten, general mathematical concepts are formed and elementary mathematical concepts are formed. The issue of economic education of preschool children becomes relevant in modern conditions of social development [4, p. 6].

The problem of including economic education in the general education system is considered by researchers as one of the main basic directions in the upbringing and education of preschool children. Economic education of preschool children is part of the general education system, an organized pedagogical process aimed at developing a caring attitude towards the surrounding world of values, another facet of the educational process. The following methods and techniques of economic education of preschool children are distinguished:

Solving a problem situation. By solving a problem situation (economic, mathematical, environmental content), the child becomes familiar with economic reality, learns to think, navigate the environment, take initiative, express his own and accept someone else’s position, his creative potential grows and is realized.

Reading fiction. The fairy tale is a literary genre with enormous didactic potential. The author's fairy tales are interesting and successful, each of which represents a mini-program for introducing children to economic concepts.

In the didactic games “Who to be?”, “Exchange”, “Family Budget”, “Small Purchases”, children’s ideas about the world of economic phenomena and terms are clarified and consolidated, and new economic knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired. Story-based didactic games will help make economics understandable. In plot-based didactic games, real life situations are simulated: purchase and sale operations, production and marketing of finished products, etc. The combination of educational-game and real-life activities is most effective for preschoolers to master complex economic knowledge.

Logical and arithmetic problems, joke problems, and drawing assignments enliven the path to understanding complex economic phenomena. They combine elements of challenge and entertainment, cause tension in the mind and bring joy, develop fantasy, imagination and logic of reasoning. Solving such problems increases the child’s interest in economic knowledge and teaches them to see life and the beauty of the world of things, nature, and people behind names and terms.

Classes broaden their economic horizons, clarify their existing ideas, introduce them to new prestigious professions, allow them to understand the role of work in a person’s life, the specifics of commodity-money relations and advertising, teach them to spend money wisely, take care of things (toys, clothes, shoes) and natural resources.

Manual labor classes are important components of economic education, since productive activities provide great opportunities for developing the foundations of economic thinking.

The mathematical development of children is primarily aimed at their mastering subject-specific (mathematical) content, the formation of cognitive and creative abilities. The use of these methods in cognitive and practical activities stimulates search and opens the path to creativity for the child. Mathematical knowledge can be considered as the basis for the development of elementary economic concepts in older preschoolers. At the same time, familiarization with the economic sphere of reality contributes to the child’s transition from the formal acquisition of mathematical knowledge to their conscious application in a new area. The natural combination of mathematical and economic knowledge should be carried out already at the initial stage of their study.

One of the promising methods that helps solve this problem is the method of project activity. Based on a personality-oriented approach to training and education, it develops cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge and develops cooperation skills.


  1. Kurak E. A. Economic education of preschool children. - M., 2002.
  2. Vinogradova N. F., Kulikova T. A. Children, adults and the world around us. - M., 1993.
  3. Kotyusova I. M., Lukyanova R. S. Economics in fairy tales and games. A manual for educators. - N. Novgorod, 1994.
  4. Smolentseva A. A. Plot-didactic games with mathematical content. - M., 1993.
  5. Smolentseva A. A., Moiseeva M. A. Economic education of a preschooler. Guidelines. - N. Novgorod, 1999.

Key terms
(generated automatically)
: preschool age, economic education, child, kindergarten, formation, economic education of children, economic education of preschoolers, economic thinking, economic education, economic education of children.

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