Educational activities of children in the preparatory group on the topic “Geometric shapes”
At what age can you start learning geometric shapes? A child’s knowledge of the world around him begins with
Scheme of drawing a truck for older children
List of used literature Program from Birth to school Similar works Pedagogical conditions for teaching children
Abstract on the surrounding world “Titmouse Day” in the preparatory group
GCD summary in the preparatory group Topic: “A very useful bird Titmouse” Eleonora Bucayran GCD summary
Lesson on appliqué in the middle group “House of geometric shapes”
Preparatory stage Even in the younger group, the teacher involved the kids in preparing for the classes. Then
Safety themed crafts are the best kids crafts of 2022. Instructions with detailed diagram and photo
Creative approach to learning Unfortunately, not all kids will listen to you in that
Summary of drawing lesson “Our favorite kindergarten”
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes collective work of children of group No. 91 senior
Summary of mathematics lessons in the preparatory group. Problem solving
Abstract of GCD for FEMP “Solving arithmetic problems” in the preparatory group
First steps into mathematics. notes notes in the preparatory group - a child in kindergarten
Integrated lesson in the senior group “Wild animals in winter”
Wolf The wolf that lives in the forest looks like a shepherd - not surprising, because it is from
Lesson summary for the preparatory school group “Getting to know school”
Lesson summary for the preparatory school group “Getting to know the school” Lesson summary for the preparatory group
PROGRAM for civic-patriotic education “I am a patriot, I am a citizen” 
Objectives: Obtaining and expanding the knowledge of students and pupils about Russia: its history, traditions, culture, law
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