Traditional and non-traditional forms of work of preschool educational institutions with parents

Traditional and non-traditional forms of work of preschool educational institutions with parents

1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families.

Interaction between preschool teacher and parents

Modern operating conditions of preschool institutions put interaction with the family at one of the leading places. According to experts, communication between teachers and parents should be based on the principles of openness, mutual understanding and trust. Parents are the main social customers of the kindergarten, so interaction between teachers and them is simply impossible without taking into account the interests and requests of the family. It is for this reason that many preschool institutions today are focused on finding forms and methods of work that allow them to take into account the current needs of parents and contribute to the formation of an active parental position.

Today, when parents often experience difficulties in communicating with their own child, one cannot limit oneself only to the promotion of pedagogical knowledge, in which parents are only passive participants. When teachers initiate interaction with families only on financial and economic issues, it hinders the development of versatile, constructive relationships that are beneficial to all participants in the educational process. Underestimation of family resources and the inability to “manage” them competently hinders the transition of both public and family education from one qualitative state to another.

The desire of preschool teachers to change the form of communication between teachers and parents is undoubtedly a positive trend. Effectively organized cooperation can give impetus to building interaction with the family on a qualitatively new basis, which involves not just joint participation in raising a child, but awareness of common goals, a trusting attitude and a desire for mutual understanding.

When organizing joint work between teachers and families within the framework of the new philosophy, it is necessary to observe the following basic principles:

• openness of the kindergarten to the family (each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops); • cooperation between teachers and parents in raising children; • creation of an active developmental environment that provides unified approaches to personal development in the family and children's team; • diagnosis of general and specific problems in the development and upbringing of a child.

The main goal of teachers

preschool institution - to professionally help the family in raising children, while not replacing it, but complementing it and ensuring a more complete implementation of its educational functions: • development of the interests and needs of the child;
• distribution of duties and responsibilities between parents in constantly changing situations of raising children; • supporting openness in relationships between different generations in the family; • developing a family lifestyle, forming family traditions; • understanding and acceptance of the child’s individuality, trust and respect for him as a unique person. This goal is achieved through the following tasks:
• fostering respect for childhood and parenthood; • interaction with parents to study their family microenvironment; • increasing and promoting the general culture of the family and the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents; • providing practical and theoretical assistance to parents of pupils through the transmission of the fundamentals of theoretical knowledge and the formation of skills in practical work with children; • using various forms of cooperation and joint creativity with parents, based on an individually differentiated approach to families.

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Non-traditional forms of working with parents

“Only together with parents, through common efforts, can teachers give children great, human happiness”.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Slide 3.

The Law “On Education” states that parents are the first teachers. The family, together with the kindergarten, creates the most important set of factors in the educational environment, which determines the success of the entire educational process. Parents are an integral link in the educational space of the kindergarten.

The way we work with parents is constantly changing. Traditional forms of work, in which the main place was given to messages and reports, have lost their importance due to their low efficiency and insufficient feedback. New, active forms of work with parents are increasingly being used, allowing parents to be involved in the process of learning, development and knowledge of their own child.


In working with parents, I actively use a variety of forms, both traditional and non-traditional.


While working in this direction, I did a lot of work with parents. I introduce parents to the life of the kindergarten and their child through parent meetings, corners, information stands and newspapers, conduct consultations, conversations with video recordings, and entertainment with parents.

Today I would like to dwell on some of the non-traditional forms of working with parents.

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In order to develop a unity of approaches between educators and parents in raising our children, to establish mutual understanding and harmonious relationships with children, I use a form of work with parents called a “round table”.

Slide 7.

Goal: in a non-traditional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, discuss current issues of education with parents.

We invite parents who have expressed a desire to participate in a discussion of a particular topic with specialists to the round table meeting. When organizing and holding a round table , we pay attention to the following:

– the duration of the round table should not be more than one and a half hours;

– the number of participants should not be very large;

– it should be ensured that the discussion participants have the necessary stationery at their disposal, communication is convenient, and speakers have the opportunity to clearly demonstrate various material;


In our group we held a round table meeting on the topic:

“About children's friendship, about communication of preschoolers with peers”.


1. The teacher had a conversation on the topic: “First lessons of friendship”

Slide 9.

2. Speech by a psychologist “How to help children establish contact with peers”

Slide 10-11.

3. Game training with parents “Let’s play” (games to develop interpersonal relationships). In which parents acted as children.

4. We held discussions with parents, at which the parents shared their experience (2 children in the family have experience in resolving conflict situations).

By communicating with each other and experts at the round table meetings, parents were able to get answers to many questions they had: how to establish contact between a child and his peers? How to react to the whims and disobedience of a child? What to do with a preschooler in his free time, and what games to play with him? We learned to interact with each other and children, solve problem situations, and apply acquired skills in creative games and practical exercises.

This form of collective discussion is widely used in the modern world, as it provides the maximum opportunity to conduct fruitful discussions, comprehensively consider various issues and develop joint solutions. Topics for discussion at the round table can touch on any socially significant problems, be aimed at solving specific tasks, or suggest possible ways of development.

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I also widely use open classes with children in preschool for parents.

Goal: to acquaint parents with the structure and specifics of conducting classes in preschool educational institutions.

This form has been used before. However, today the principles on which communication between teachers and parents are based have changed. These include communication based on dialogue, openness, and sincerity in communication. Therefore, these forms can also be considered innovative. In our group, we try to hold open classes with parents twice a year.

One of which was dedicated to the Winter Olympic Games.

Slide 13.

Goal: Expanding ideas about the surrounding reality by introducing children to Winter Olympic sports.


During the lesson, I tried to include elements of a conversation with parents (referring to their competence in some issues, or vice versa, encouraging children to tell new things to guests. I also involved parents to take part in didactic games and warm-ups.

The opportunity to see your child in other conditions, his knowledge, in comparison with other children, different from those at home, helps parents reconsider their methods and techniques of education. They see that in kindergarten they not only, as parents put it, hang out with their children, but also give them certain knowledge and prepare them for school.

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Information and educational form of interaction with parents

"Pedagogical Library"

Goal: To familiarize parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children. Formation of practical skills in raising children in parents.

This form of communication between teachers and parents is close to the tasks of cognitive forms and is aimed at enriching parents’ knowledge about the features of the development and upbringing of preschool children. The specificity is that communication between teachers and parents here is not direct, but indirect.

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Our group has created a selection of books and recommendations for parents.

mini library,

In this case, the teacher needs to act as a qualified adviser who can suggest the necessary material and discuss the difficulty with the parents.

Our “Game Library” (cards with games) helps parents learn simple, interesting, and educational games and gaming exercises.

Slide 17.

Every month our kindergarten publishes a newspaper with an interesting selection for parents.

Slide 18.

We keep a chronicle of our group's events.

Slide 19.

And to develop practical skills among parents, a page has been created on the VKontakte network. Where I post various exercises on logic and development, diagrams of descriptive stories, etc.


DOW website.

On our kindergarten’s website, parents receive all the latest information and can see what events and holidays are taking place in the preschool.

This form is very relevant and in demand nowadays. Since parents, due to the large increase in the disease, cannot attend groups and events.

When using this form of work, it is necessary to observe the principle of purposefulness and the principle of systematicity.

Conclusion: I would like to say that every person, having done some work, needs an assessment of his work. Our parents need this too. “Praise is useful if only because it strengthens us in benevolent dimensions,” wrote F. La Rochefoucauld. I think this is true always and everywhere. I always do this whenever possible. Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world.

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The purpose of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family

Definition 1
Interaction is one of the ways of organizing joint activities, carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication.

Definition 2

Collaboration is peer-to-peer communication in which no one has the privilege of control, evaluation, or direction.

Currently, the entire system of activities of preschool educational institutions is aimed at accepting the pupil’s family as the main and most important person directly involved in the process of raising and educating the child. That is why the participation of the pupil’s family in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions helps to improve the quality of education for preschool children. This is explained by the fact that each parent knows his child, his interests much better and, accordingly, is able to develop the necessary strategy for his further development.

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Note 1

The main goal of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family is to ensure optimization of the continuity of child upbringing in the preschool educational institution and the family, providing parents with the necessary professional assistance on educational issues.

There are two main forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families: traditional and non-traditional.

Definition 3

Forms of interaction are ways of organizing joint communication and activities.

Traditional forms of communication are time-tested, have been used for a long time, and are used by all preschool teachers. Non-traditional forms appeared relatively recently, their use in practice is not as widespread as traditional forms.

Definition 4

Non-traditional forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents are forms of communication and activities organized between parents and preschool educational institutions and used to establish informal contacts with parents.

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