Application of migratory birds for manual labor classes in the senior group of kindergarten using various materials and step-by-step instructions
After the walk, the teacher seats the children at tables and shows them a craft - this is an applique
Lesson summary for the middle group “Hello, folk toy!”
Summary of the lesson “Folk toy” (decorative drawing) Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Combined nursery-kindergarten”
Kindergarten, teacher and children
A selection of artistic words about labor card index (senior group)
Modern professions Logistician. The word logistics is not familiar to us, but its meaning, we all
Lesson in the first junior group “Choosing a healthy lifestyle”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of a lesson on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the first junior group “On a visit to
Hot Air Balloon Flight
Summary of educational activities for preserving health in the middle group “To help the bunny”
Summary of educational activities for preserving health in the middle group “To help the bunny” Summary of integrated educational activities
Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing in the second junior group on the topic “Rain”
Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing in the second junior group on the topic “Rain” Summary of the organization
sensory development of children 1-2 years old
Abstract of OOD on sensory development in the second group of early age
Abstract of educational activities on sensory development in the second group of early age. Abstract of educational activities on sensory
Modeling flowers goal. Flowers as a theme for children's modeling classes. Theme: “Fairytale flower”
Modeling classes in kindergarten: Develop patience, perseverance, accuracy, ability to plan and complete what started
Notes “Pedestrian crossing” (application) middle group
Creative techniques for familiarizing yourself with the rules of the road The selection describes effective, inexpensive types
Nikitin's methodology and educational games
Nikitin's cubes - a logical puzzle for the intellectual development of a preschool child
There is one wonderful Japanese proverb that Nikitin followed. It sounds like this: “Tell me, and
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