Lesson summary for the middle group “Hello, folk toy!”

Lesson summary “Folk toy” (decorative drawing)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Nursery-kindergarten of a combined type No. 352 in Donetsk"

Lesson summary “Folk toy” (decorative drawing)

Responsible: Zadvornaya I.N., teacher of the first qualification category

Goal : to form children’s interest in Russian folk art, to cultivate patriotic feelings - respect for folk traditions, pride in their people.



  • continue to introduce children to the traditions of the Russian people, Dymkovo painting, its features, patterns and colors, the Russian folk toy - the Dymkovo horse;
  • develop skills in comparing modern and folk toys, the ability to identify their distinctive features;
  • promote the development of speech, attentiveness, and observation when describing toys;
  • expand children's knowledge about folk toys, the features of Dymkovo toys (material, types of patterns, color variety), teach them to identify patterns familiar to children and see their beauty.


  • develop children's creative abilities through exposure to folk art and applied arts;
  • continue to develop the ability to apply patterns in the form of circles and lines on the image of a horse, navigate the sheet, and perform the work sequentially in two stages.


  • cultivate a love of folk art;
  • develop a caring, sensitive attitude towards toys;
  • promote the patriotic education of children , instill a sense of pride in our people.

Materials and equipment: table, magnetic board, magnets, parcel with a Dymkovo toy, letter, plastic toy horse, illustrations of “Dymkovo toys”, samples of step-by-step drawing “Dymkovo horse”; album sheets with images of Dymkovo horses (according to the number of children), gouache paints of different colors, cups of water, brushes, mats, napkins, stands for brushes.

1. Organizational moment

Surprise moment

Educator: Guys, look, today a package arrived at the kindergarten. Examination of the parcel.

Game “Guess who the package is from?”

— Guys, who do you think could send us the package? (Santa Claus, bear, friends, fairy, snowman, etc.)

The teacher reads the sender's address on the parcel (Russia, Dymkovo settlement), as well as the recipient's address (Donetsk city, Kalinka kindergarten, Bees group). This means the package has been sent to us, you can open it. - Guys, I don’t know who sent the package.

Opening the package: What do you think they might have sent us in the package? (Toys, gifts, candies, balls, pencils, books).

The teacher opens the package and takes out a Dymkovo toy - a horse. Looking at a toy.

2. Main part

Conversation with children:

- Guys, what did they send us? (Toy, horse).

Educator: Yes, this is a Dymkovo toy - a horse. Look how beautiful, unusual and bright she is. - What is painted on her body? (patterns, circles). - I wonder who made such a horse and sent it to us? (Someone stranger, friend, etc.)

The teacher finds a letter in the parcel.

Reading the letter: “Hello, guys! Grandma Melania is writing to you. I learned that you love toys very much and treat them with care. And I make folk toys. So I decided to give you my horse. I sculpted a horse out of clay, put it in the oven to dry and become hard, then covered it with white paint. When the paint was dry, I painted the horse with patterns. The horse is my gift to all the children in kindergarten. When you play with it, pass it on to the kids in other groups and let them get to know each other. Grandma Melania."

Educator: Thank you, Grandma Melania! Guys, we have never had such a toy before. But we have one more horse in our group. I suggest you play the game “Compare two horses”: we will compare our horse and Grandma Melania’s gift.

Didactic game “Compare 2 horses” (based on different characteristics)

Educator: Guys, you learned that toys can be made from different materials. But now we will rest and turn into one folk toy. They spun and spun and turned into nesting dolls (with their eyes closed).

Physical exercise "Matryoshka"

Clap your hands

Friendly nesting dolls. (Clap their hands)

Boots on the feet (Hands on the belt, alternately point the foot to the heel to the side)

Matryoshka dolls are stomping. (Stomping feet)

Bend to the right - to the left, (Tilt the body to the right - to the left)

Bow to everyone you know. (Tilt the torso forward.)

Educator: Guys, can you draw? (We can).

Our horse will be bored without friends. I suggest you draw friends for the horse. You want? (We want)

Conversation on illustrations:

-Guys, what color do the masters first paint the Dymkovo toy? (White)

-What do the masters paint then? (Tail, mane and hooves)

— What patterns do craftsmen draw on Dymkovo toys? (circles, lines).

-What are the colors of paints that folk craftsmen use to paint their toys? (Red, yellow, blue, black, green)

Word from the teacher : “The sequence of applying patterns to the image of a horse.”

The teacher demonstrates the 1st stage of applying a pattern with a brush to the image of a horse.

Stage 1 - children drawing patterns on the image of the Dymkovo horse.

Sketch “Horse” with a relaxation technique: Imagine that our horses came to life, smiled (show how), shook their heads left and right, then looked around. The horses ate the hay, drank some water and decided to take a walk. And there is a lot of snow outside, big snowdrifts. So the horses went for a walk in the snow. They walk, raise their legs high: Yoke-go, yoke-go! Oh, the horses froze and snorted (firrr-firrr), they returned back to the stable. And it's warm and pleasant here. The horses lay down on the warm floor and fell asleep until the morning.

Demonstration by the teacher of the 2nd stage of drawing.

Stage 2 – applying new patterns (circles, lines) and completing the work.

Exhibition of folk art "Dymkovo horses".

Educator: Guys, you did great, you worked hard as folk craftsmen and you turned out beautiful Dymkovo horses.

3. Summary of the lesson

Reflection: - Guys, what did you like about the lesson?

- Guys, where did the package come from?

- Who sent us the parcel?

Educator: Guys, don’t forget that folk craftsmen work very hard and make beautiful toys for children with love. Respect their work and take care of their toys.

Folk toy Matryoshka

There is even a fairy tale “About Grandfather Philemon”: the grandfather was walking along the road. He climbed from mountain to mountain, from hill to hill. He walked, he walked through dense forests, the sun was shining brightly. It got hot, and then there was a stream. He sat down on a pebble, and then there was clay. He turned it over in his hands - it turned out to be a bird, pierced the holes - the bird began to sing. This is how the “clay business” has been going on since then.

-A famous folk craft is the Gorodets toy. (Show pictures).

This amazing wooden toy is made in the Gorky region, the city of Gorodets, hence the name of the toy “Gorodetskaya”. The material for the products is deciduous and coniferous wood.

Toys are made on lathes and also using knives.

Painting is done with oil paints and nitro paints. During final finishing, the product is covered with a dense and durable film of varnish. Please note that the corners of the toys are pointed. -What primary colors predominate in the products? (Children's answers).

— A characteristic feature of the Gorodets craft is the execution of designs on colored backgrounds: yellow, green, blue.

Educator: These are the different toys there are. Adults have long made various toys and fun for children. Any material was suitable for this - from a piece of clay a whistle was made, from a piece of wood - amusing bear cubs, chickens, and little whistles. And from the remains of the fabric, wonderful rag dolls were born. This is not just a children's toy, it is an integral attribute of ancient rituals. It was believed that dolls made by hand from scrap materials had magical properties. Our ancestors believed that dolls were able to ward off evil spirits and bring happiness to the house. (Show a slide of pictures). Educator: A rag doll was the most common toy. They took care of the dolls: the girl grows up, becomes a mother and passes her doll on to her daughter. A rag doll lived in every family. The children made them themselves, they began to “twirl”, i.e. making a doll from the age of five. While playing with dolls, girls learned to sew, embroider, and spin. All the dolls were dressed in beautiful dresses, which were made with a special meaning - each outfit meant something different. But any outfit had to include red. Red is the color of the sun, health, joy, warmth; it was also believed that red protects against the evil eye and troubles. (Show pictures). -Look carefully at these dolls; when examining them, did anyone notice one feature of these dolls? How are they similar? What do they have in common? -Dolls have no face. All dolls were made faceless, i.e. did not have a face, it was believed that if the doll does not have a face, then no one can harm the owner. These are some interesting rag dolls. -Guys, what is a doll made of rags? -Rag. Educator: These are the interesting toys we met and found out what they are made of. Let's remember which ones exactly. - Matryoshka, Dymkovo, Filimonovskaya, Gorodets, rag. -What are these toys made of? - Made of clay, wood, fabric. -What do craftsmen use to make toys beautiful? - They paint them with paints. -How should we treat toys and the work of folk craftsmen? - Carefully, neatly. Educator: Well done, we will play with toys carefully and carefully.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Educational project "RUSSIAN FOLK TOY" Middle group

Hello, I would like to publish my project dedicated to Russian folk toys.

It all started when I came across a book about a Russian folk rag doll. I wanted to tell the guys about these wonderful dolls. But if we talk about dolls, then we need to talk about other folk toys. The result was a whole project: we painted; sculpted; played with Russian folk toys; learned nursery rhymes, fables, lullabies; staged them; played Russian folk games; made a Pelenashka doll with our own hands. Our parents also helped us. They participated in the family living room, in organizing the exhibition “Toys of Our Grandmothers” . I have attached the text of the project and a photo to it to the letter.

Sincerely, Olga Sergeevna Astakhova, teacher, GBOU School No. 947 Moscow 2015

Project Description

Relevance of the project:

A modern child is focused on toys from Western countries and does not have sufficient information about traditional folk toys. Therefore, given the importance of toys for both children and adults, it is necessary to introduce children to folk toys, which will help to introduce them in the future to the national culture of Russia. The relevance of the project lies in the return of the younger generation to Russian national traditions, to the study of historical roots.

Our project will allow:

  • to generate interest in folk toys, folk arts and crafts, master the art of making toys with your own hands, elements of painting;
  • instill respect for Russian history;
  • replenish the subject development environment;
  • put a piece of your soul into a toy, become masters.

Project goal: To introduce children to folk culture through familiarization with folk toys.

Project objectives:

  • Introduce children to the variety of folk toys (clay, wood, rag, straw, etc.), with the characteristic features of different crafts.
  • To form an aesthetic attitude towards objects of art, to teach them to see their beauty and originality.
  • Instill respect for the culture of your people.
  • To develop communication skills in children: communication and interaction with adults and peers, emotional responsiveness, empathy, and a friendly attitude towards others.
  • Enrich children's vocabulary, introduce new words and their meanings.
  • Create a desire to create something beautiful with your own hands.
  • To foster a value-based attitude towards family traditions and the joint work of adults and children.

Project type:

Composition: group

Duration: medium-term (1 month)

The participants of the project are middle preschoolers, teachers of the institution, and parents.

Nature of the subject area: cognitive development

Integration of areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

Project implementation stages:

  • 1. Preparatory
  • 2. Main
  • 3. Final

Estimated outcome of the project:

  • nurturing a love for Russian folk art
  • a child is a creator, master, creator of a folk toy
  • the child knows how to collaborate in a team

The expected product of the project: dolls made by hand, an open lesson “Visiting the hostess” .

Project implementation scheme

Preparatory stage

  • Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.
  • Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.).
  • Selection of visual and didactic material; fiction; didactic games, development of conversations, development of activities
  • Development of consultation for parents.
  • Organization of a developmental environment in a group
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Project in the middle group of a preschool educational institution. Dymkovo toy

Project “Acquaintance with the Dymkovo toy.” Middle group

Description : this project was developed for children of middle preschool age, it can be useful for kindergarten teachers. Project goal: Formation and development of the foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of children through familiarization with folk crafts - Dymkovo toys, painting. Objectives: Educational: - To introduce the Dymkovo toy and the elements of Dymkovo painting. — To develop the skill of using drawing materials. — Teach to see the beauty of the Dymkovo toy. — Develop artistic taste as a result of making crafts. Developmental: -Develop cognitive activity, visual memory, attention, curiosity. — Develop artistic taste as a result of making crafts. — Develop hand motor skills and fine finger movements. — Develop all components of coherent speech, its grammatical structure, dialogical speech, social and linguistic competence, and communication skills. Educational: - To cultivate a love for folk crafts and folk art. — Cultivate respect for the work of masters. Type of project : educational - creative. Project duration : short-term Project participants : educators, parents, middle school children. Relevance : The Dymkovo toy is a Russian folk toy that has firmly entered the everyday life of preschool institutions. It’s hard to imagine a more “childish” toy. Dymkovo toys attract children with their brightness and originality. These products delight the eye, lift your spirits, and reveal the world of a joyful holiday. Decorative drawings of Dymkovo toys are simple but original; they are naive but expressive. Decorative drawing of Dymkovo toys gives children the opportunity to feel themselves in the role of an artist - decorator, to reflect in their work an aesthetic vision and feeling of the beauty of the surrounding world and nature. Expected result : during the implementation of this project, I assume that as a result of the joint activities of pupils, their parents and the group teacher, children will develop an interest in the Dymkovo toy. They will learn the colors of this painting and be able to name all its elements. Learn drawing techniques and learn how to make patterns. Children will get an initial understanding of decorative and applied arts and expand their horizons with the help of poems, riddles, and games. Parents of students will show interest in implementing the project and will use it at home. Project implementation plan : 1. To interest people in Russian folk culture using the example of getting acquainted with the Dymkovo toy. 2. Preparatory stage: - Select and study literature about the history of the Dymkovo fishery and its current state. — Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project. — Development and accumulation of methodological aids for getting acquainted with Dymkovo painting. 3. Main stage (practical): - Introduction into the educational process of effective methods and techniques for developing preschoolers’ knowledge about the Dymkovo toy. — Implementation of the project through various types of activities: holding conversations with children, reviewing manuals, artistic and creative activities, conducting didactic and board games, learning poems, nursery rhymes, guessing riddles on the topic. 4. Final. — Exhibition of drawings on the topic, crafts. -Organization of consultations for parents “The role of folk toys in the upbringing of preschoolers” - Organization of an exhibition of joint works of parents and children “The Beauty of the Haze”. — Quiz for parents and children “Dymkovo Toy Factory.” Product of project activities: Didactic games, coloring books “Dymkovo toys”, replenishment of the Dymkovo toy collection, exhibition of handicrafts “The Beauty of Dymka”.
Progress of
the GCD project. Cognition. Goal: To consolidate the ability to examine, describe and compare folk toys. To develop knowledge about the features of painting toys, color, and the main elements of the pattern. To cultivate interest, respect and respect for folk art. 1. Topic: “Introduction to the Dymkovo toy.” 2. Topic: presentation “Merry Haze”. 3. Topic: guess the riddle “Beautiful Haze”. Communication. Purpose: Examination, comparison and description of objects. Formulating statements and independent judgments, drawing up proposals. React emotionally to the story, ask questions. 1. Topic: conversation “Features of painting Dymkovo toys.” 2. Topic: reading poems about the Dymkovo toy. 3. Topic: guessing riddles about Dymkovo toys. 4. Topic: learning poems about haze. Artistic creativity. Purpose: Examination of Dymkovo toys, study of details and features of the ornament. Participate in a conversation about color and rhythm in a pattern. Completing the task according to the sample. Independent choice of color for the pattern and composing a pattern from familiar elements. Develop fine and gross motor skills of the hands. 1. Topic: “Dymkovo toy” (coloring with pencils according to the proposed sample). Coloring book of children's choice. 2. Topic: “Patterns of Dymkovo toys” (drawing some patterns with gouache). 3. Topic: “Decoration of plates with Dymkovo patterns” (applique with drawing elements). 4. Topic: “Decorating a dress with Dymkovo patterns” (drawing). Educational games. Goal: enrich children's vocabulary. Develop coherent speech, attention, thinking. Consolidate knowledge about the Dymkovo toy. 1. “Dymkovo Lotto”. 2. “Find the same pattern.” 3. “Assemble a pattern.” 4. “Put the whole thing together.” Musical and artistic activities. Goal: to develop in children an interest in folk music and a desire to listen to it. Evoke emotional responsiveness. 1. L. Volokitina “Fair”. 2.Russian folk song “Berry”. 3. Russian folk song “Barynya”. 4. Russian folk song “We lived with grandma.” 5. Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field.” Outdoor games. Goal: to introduce children to folk games. Develop the ability to act in a team. 1. "Stream". 2. "Burners". 3. “The shoes are lost.” 4. "Tug of war." 5. "Golden Gate". Literature. 1. Vokhrintseva S. Learning to draw.
Dymkovo toy – 1. Didactic demonstration material for organizing visual activities for kindergarten and primary school programs. Publishing house "Fantasyland". 2. Vokhrintseva S. Learning to draw. Dymkovo toy – 2. Didactic demonstration material for organizing visual activities for kindergarten and primary school programs. Publishing house "Fantasyland". 3. Vokhrintseva S. Coloring book “Dymkovo toy”. 4. School of the Seven Dwarfs. Painted toy. For classes with children from 4 to 5 years old. 5. Tikhonova M.V., Smirnova N.S. Introducing children to Russian folk art, crafts, and everyday life in the kindergarten museum. St. Petersburg Childhood – Press, 2000. PHOTO REPORT

“Dymkovo toy” (coloring with pencils according to the proposed sample)

“Patterns of Dymkovo toys” (drawing some patterns in gouache)

“Decoration of a plate with Dymkovo patterns” (applique with drawing elements)

“Decorating a dress with Dymkovo patterns” (drawing)

"Gather the Whole"

Russian folk game "Golden Gate"

Outdoor games

We recommend watching:

Lesson with older preschoolers. Dymkovo toy Lesson notes on labor training in 2nd grade Notes of GCD in the middle group. Dymkovo toy Summary of the lesson “Dymkovo toy” for children of the preparatory group

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