Making toys in class
Open lesson on manual labor in the preparatory group “Journey to the World of Flowers”
Open lesson on manual labor in the preparatory group “Journey to the world of flowers” ​​Lesson on
GCD for children of senior preschool age on the topic: “My favorite books.”
Conversation on the topic “Books are my friends.” Summary of the conversation on the topic “Books are mine”
Bread is the head of everything children's drawing – Outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic: Drawing “Bread is the head of everything” | download for free
Project. Bread is the head of everything! | Country of Masters Good day everyone! Last year
Lesson notes on paper appliqué for the senior group “Houses on our street”
Features of conducting applique classes in the senior group Applique is the creation of plot or
Lesson summary for the collective application “Magic Garden” (middle group)
Features of conducting appliqué classes in the middle group Children in the middle group replenish very quickly
poems about transport
Practical tasks and exercises on the lexical topic “Transport”
Types of transport is a fascinating and interesting topic for almost any little person. Introducing children
Plan – synopsis of a technology lesson. 1st grade Topic: “Applique “Underwater World””
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Lesson summary on the application on the topic: “Underwater Kingdom” Prepared by: teacher of the first qualification
Northern Lights
Northern (polar) lights: what is it, its types, how is it formed, why does it have different colors and answers to many other questions
The Northern Lights are a glow in the upper atmosphere caused by the collision of charged particles in the solar wind.
Health-improving gymnastics
Project in the second junior group on developing a culture of health “Zdoroveyka”
Project on health conservation in the second junior group “Our health is in our hands” Health-improving gymnastics
Children's safety in public transport
Rules of conduct on public transport for children
Are there any rules of behavior for children on public transport? The question is far from idle.
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