Summary of an individual lesson on sound production [C]
Articulation of the sound [S] The sound [S] is a consonant, voiceless, hard, front-lingual. Normal by four
Lesson notes on manual labor in the middle group. Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the middle group of compensatory orientation. teach children to plan tasks
Summary of a modeling lesson in the senior group: “The bullfinches flew to us”
In this lesson we have published several step-by-step master classes that clearly show how to make birds
Plasticine cats
Accountant about taxes and personnel. Taxes, accounting, reporting, cash register
How to calculate income from making sculptures from plasticine Income from selling products from sculpture
Lesson in non-traditional technology. Drawing with stamps. "Bizarre patterns."
Lesson in non-traditional technology. Drawing with stamps. "Bizarre patterns." Lesson in non-traditional technology. Drawing with stamps.
Animals of hot and cold countries - Charushin E.I.
Abstract of GCD on the surrounding world on the topic “Animals of hot countries”
Rhinoceros The branches in the forest are cracking, the trees are swaying and shaking. This is straight through the tropical thicket
PRESENTATION “TRAVELING BY METRO” (for senior preschool age)
The boys ride the escalator in the subway. They rode up the stairs, got on the train and went
Musical and theatrical activities under the guidance of a teacher in the senior group of a preschool educational institution Topic: “Journey through fairy tales”
Project “Project of musical and theatrical activities “The Magic World of Theater” in senior group No. 2” LIST OF DIDACTIC MATERIALS
"Journey into the natural world." Summary of organized educational activities on cognitive development (the natural world around us) in the preparatory group
Methods and techniques In the course of his work, the teacher uses different teaching technologies. Someone does
Vsevolod Ivanov. Brownie
The image of a cat and a cat in Russian folklore. The cat is the hero of Russian folk tales. Russian fairy tales about cats. Cats in Ancient Rus' - signs, rituals, beliefs. The origin of the word cat and the word cat.
The story of a cat and a mouse In house number five on Kosmonavtov Street, on the third floor
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