Summary of wind observation in the second junior groupmaterial (junior group)
Summary of an autumn walk in the junior group of a kindergarten Autumn walk in a junior group of a kindergarten
Summary of an open lesson in the middle group on the formation of a healthy lifestyle “Journey to the land of health”
Card index of didactic games on the formation of a healthy lifestyle Topic: “Child and health” Arrange the pictures in order
manuals for educators
List of toys for the middle group of kindergarten (4-5 years old)
The main purpose of a child’s time in kindergarten is to prepare for school and develop the necessary
plasticine crafts mushrooms
Senior group, modeling “A fairytale tree grew in the forest!” outline of a lesson on applique, modeling (senior group) on the topic
Making mushrooms The autumn forest is so rich in mushrooms! That’s why I really want to sculpt them from plasticine!
Summary lesson on fire safety for children of the senior group Topic: “Be careful with fire
Publications about the preparation and conduct of classes on fire safety. We strengthen children's knowledge about the causes
Drawing on the theme of autumn in kindergarten
Lesson summary for the second junior group on artistic creativity “Beautiful Flower”
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes The lesson is designed for the younger group during
a group of children sitting on balls
Fitball gymnastics as a means of developing motor activity and strengthening the health of preschool children in preschool educational institutions
Currently, preschool educational institutions are faced with the acute question of ways to improve work to strengthen
Human body structure
Body parts – pictures for preschool children, tasks, games
Preschoolers need to receive at least minimal information about anatomy and be able to name the parts of their body.
Mathematics classes with children 3-4 years old at home and in kindergarten
The emphasis in modern education of preschool children is on developmental education. Math classes are not
Draw step by step
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Rainbow - Arc”
Notes for a drawing lesson “Rainbow-arc, don’t let it rain” Olga Penkovskaya Notes for a drawing lesson
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