Find the odd one out
Card index of didactic games on the topic "Space" card index on the topic
The goal of the didactic game “What’s extra” The goal is to develop the skill of classifying objects according to key characteristics,
“How to learn the days of the week with your child” consultation on the topic
You need to teach something when a question arises. Children are sent to kindergarten at the age of three.
Children in the forest
Pictures of behavior in the forest for children – Rules of behavior in the forest in pictures for preschoolers
Summer is a great holiday time for adults and children. Leaving the city noise and
'English lesson on the topic "Family"'
Summary of an English lesson on the topic “My family” in kindergarten
NEW STRUCTURE - THIS IS MY MOTHER Place the “My family” cards on the table. Explain
Finger Theater
Abstract of GCD Construction with elements of application (children 4-6 years old) “Journey to the land of theater”
Theater is a magical world, based on something so understandable and close to children
We show what applications can be made on a spring theme
A spring paper applique can convey many signs of the awakening of nature: the warmth of the sun's rays, melting
Volumetric applique on the topic: Flowers in spring. Junior group
Volumetric applique on the topic: Flowers in spring. Junior group Spring crafts in the second junior group
Consultation for teachers “Non-traditional forms of classes.”
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Non-traditional forms of work with children in the organization of educational activities aimed at the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
Applique machine for junior, middle and senior groups - a selection of interesting photo ideas, tips and master classes
Application helps develop creative skills and hand motor skills. This kind of art is relevant for all ages.
We teach a child to tell time using a clock: when and how
Distinguish between “left” and “right” For study in general and so as not to confuse the concepts of “by
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