Mother's Day at school. Summary of extracurricular activities for grades 5-7

Mother's Day at school. Summary of extracurricular activities for grades 5-7

Mother's Day is an international holiday in honor of mothers. Scenario of the holiday program

We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother!

Author: Tatyana Petrovna Medvedeva, mathematics teacher at MKOU Novomelovatskaya secondary school, Kalacheevsky district, Voronezh region. Description: Mother's Day is an international holiday in honor of mothers. This holiday exists in almost all countries of the world. It has different traditions and a different history of formation, but carries one common idea: gratitude to the mother for life, for all her efforts for the benefit of her children and simply selfless love. The script may be useful to practicing teachers: deputy directors of educational institutions for educational work, organizers of extracurricular activities, class teachers when conducting classes for Mother's Day in grades 5-7. Goal: to educate students in love, mercy, and respect for their mother. Objectives: - introduce students to the origins of the International Day in honor of mothers; — to form highly moral personal qualities; — develop the artistic abilities of students; - teach to be caring, kind, gentle, affectionate towards loved ones. Equipment: Souvenirs for mothers, 2-3 balloons, A-4 sheets, felt-tip pens, pins, “crown”.
Progress of the event.
Presenter 1. Everyone stand up and listen while standing, preserved in all its glory. This word is ancient, holy! Straighten up! Get up! Stand up everyone! Presenter 2. This word will never deceive, There is a being hidden in it. It is the source of everything. There is no end to it. Get up! I pronounce it: Mama! (R. Gamzatov) Presenter 1. Dear mothers! Today is your holiday - International Mother's Day. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts. Good wishes and warm words of gratitude are addressed to you! Presenter 2. Mom, mother... These words are used to describe the dearest, closest, only person. This suggests that mothers all over the world are revered and loved.

Reader 1. (5th grade student) Mom... There is no more precious word! Whatever path you follow, Mom’s love shines above it, To help you in difficult times. Mom illuminates your days, roads and deeds with a tender heart. Justify your mother's hopes - Just do good every day! (A. Kostetsky) Presenter 1. Honoring a woman - a mother - has a long history. According to some sources, the origins of the celebration should be sought in the spring festival, which the inhabitants of ancient Greece dedicated to Gaia, the mother of all gods. Presenter 2. This holiday exists in almost all countries of the world with its own traditions and symbols, although it is celebrated at different times. For example, in Finland, the national flag is raised on this day, and the president of the country awards mothers with the Order of the White Rose. Presenter 1. In Mexico, a festive dinner is organized for all mothers. Presenter 2. In Japan, this holiday is accompanied by a red carnation - it is pinned on the chest. It symbolizes the love of a mother for her child. Presenter 1. For our country, this holiday is relatively young. It was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin in 1998 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. Presenter 2 . On this day, grateful children give their mothers flowers and gifts, organize holidays to once again express their love, tenderness, attention and gratitude to them.

Presenter 1. Dear mothers, accept gifts from your children that are made with your own hands with love. Children give their mothers souvenirs.
“Song about Mom” performed by 7th grade students.
Congratulations to 6th grade students

1. Mom... In this word is the first cry, The joy of a sunny smile, In this word of happiness is a moment Dear and very close! 2. Her job is responsible. Being a mother is difficult work! Every second care - everyone remembers it, loves it, waits for it. 3. Where do all the mothers on earth get so much strength and patience?! To hide worries and worries and give happiness to you and me! 4. Thank you, mommy, for your tenderness, your holy kindness! Love the universal vastness, Patience, tact and warmth!

5. You are dear to me, you are priceless! You will understand, help and forgive. Your smile is precious, by smiling you will heal! 6. Know, mom, you are necessary, I need you every moment and hour! You are adored, loved, Then, recently and now! Girl: We are simple girls, Boy: We are simple boys 7. We declare to the whole world, What is more valuable than mother, There is no human being! Dance to the song “Waltz for Mom” performed by 7th grade students Presenter 2. Guys, now listen to the forest story about mom. This morning the little owlet fell out of the nest and crawled far away, unable to find its native nest. The birds saw a chick - yellow-mouthed, big-eyed, big-eared, with a big head - and asked in surprise: - Who are you, where did you come from? “I’m an Owl,” the chick answers, “I fell out of the nest, I don’t know how to fly yet, and I see very poorly during the day.” I'm looking for my mom. - Who is your mother? - asks Drozd. “My mother is an Owl,” the Owl answers proudly. -What is she like? - asks Woodpecker. - The most beautiful. “She has a head, ears and eyes just like mine,” the little owl answers proudly. - Ha-ha-ha! – Woodpecker and Drozd laughed. - Yes, you are a freak. So your mother is the same. - Not true! – the Owl cried. The mother owl flew in to hear the cry, picked up the owlet and carried it to its native nest.

The owlet clung to his mother and said with love: “Mom, you are the most beautiful!” Reader 2. (7th grade student) Poem “Beautiful Mothers.” Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world, You look into your eyes openly and directly... No matter how far the road takes you, We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers. We so rarely bring bouquets to mom, But everyone upsets her so often... And a kind mother forgives all this, A beautiful mother forgives all this. Under the load of worries, without bending stubbornly, She fulfills her duty patiently... Every mother is beautiful in her own way, She is beautiful with her maternal love. Presenter 1. Mom’s love and care warms us like the sun. Guys, let's remember the proverbs about mother: (if the children find it difficult to name the proverbs, then the presenters come to the rescue)

- When the sun is warm - when the mother is good. - Without mother, my dear and the flowers bloom colorlessly. - There is no sweeter friend than your own mother. “A mother’s heart warms better than the sun.” - The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about its mother. - Living with your mother means neither grief nor boredom. “The mother feeds her children, like the earth does people.” - Dear mother, is an unquenchable candle. - A blind puppy is crawling towards its mother. “There are many relatives, but my mother is dearest of all.” Presenter 1 . Popular wisdom placed the word “mother” next to another great word “Motherland”: “A person has one native mother, he has one Motherland”, “The native land is the mother, the foreign side is the stepmother” and others. Reader 3: (6th grade student) Mom and Motherland are very similar: Mom is beautiful, Motherland is too! Take a closer look: mom’s eyes are the same color as the sky. Mom’s hair is like wheat that sprouts in endless fields. Mom’s hands are warm and tender, they resemble a ray of sunshine. If a mother sings a song, then a cheerful and ringing stream echoes her... This is how it should be: what is dear to us always reminds us of our mothers! (A. Starikov) The song “Mother’s Eyes” performed by 6th grade students Presenter 2. Quiz “My Mother’s Favorite Flower” (Conducted by 7th grade students.)

Based on the brief description, you need to determine which flower mom loves. 1. Are the flowers of this plant hunted in the jungle in the same way as wild animals are hunted? (Orchids.) 2. The Indians called this flower a “shooting star,” and the ancient Romans simply called it a “star.” The inflorescence of this flower really resembles a bright star. What is this flower called now? (Astra) 3. Not a single flower in the world was so expensive. They paid for the bulb of this flower in gold and precious stones. What is my mom's favorite flower? (Tulip) 4. According to legend, Lakshmi, the most beautiful woman in the world, was born from the opening bud of this flower, which consisted of 100 large and 1000 small petals. The Progenitor of the Universe, Vishnu, woke up the beauty with a kiss, and she became his wife. From that moment on, Lakshmi was proclaimed the goddess of beauty, and this flower was a symbol of the divine secret, which the flower keeps under the protection of its sharp thorns. (Rose) 5. Translated from Latin, this flower means “sword”. People call it “saber”. And in fact, its leaves are shaped like a sharp sword. They surround stems that bear several flowers with silk, velvet, double or shiny petals. Name this flower that you know well. (Gladiolus) 6. The ancient Greeks gave this flower its name after the goddess of the rainbow, Iris. People affectionately call him “killer whale”, “songbird”, “piskulnik”, “pigtails”, “rainbow”. We call it “cockerel”. (Iris) 7. In China, you can talk with the help of this flower. This flower is considered the flower of “fiery love”. It is given by grooms to their brides. If the girl agrees to get married, she accepts the flower. (Peony) Presenter 1. A Russian woman is a woman - a mother, strong, strong-willed, kind, gentle. Most Russian families have only one or two children. There are much fewer families in Russia with three, four or more children. Such families are called large families. Our school is attended by children from the large family M..., whose parents are raising three sons. Today our mother is visiting us - A.P. - A.P., please tell me, is it difficult to have three children? — How did your sons react to the birth of another boy? — Do older sons take part in raising their younger brother? Presenter 2. Thank you, A.P., for the interesting story. We wish your family harmony in feelings, good luck, all the best. And now from the M family... a musical number - ditties performed by a mother with her twin sons (5th grade) Son 1. Our dear guests, we will tell you from the bottom of our hearts, How we help at home After all, we are no longer kids. Son 2. We are mother’s sons, She doesn’t have daughters, I’ll try, How can I not help her. Son 1. To restore order, I took a broom for revenge. But all that was left of him was three straws in total. Son 2. I decided to clean the frying pan once a year, and then for four days they couldn’t wash me. Mother. What's that noise, what's that noise? The walls keep shaking. These are our sons, They are cleaning the house. Son 1. Brother Alyoshka washed the floors, The cat helped. It’s just a pity that Mother washed it later. Son 2. I polished the floors to a shine, prepared a vinaigrette, Mom is looking for: what to do? There is no work. Son 1. Our Alyoshka gave his mother two candies in the morning. He barely had time to give them, and then he ate them himself. Son 2. Although the open spaces beckon us, We are not a step away from our mother. Dad and I can move mountains... If mom tells us how! Mother. I am the happiest mother, even though I don’t have a daughter. After all, our two sons help me and my dad. Together. We sang ditties for you, To please you, So that you don’t forget us, We tried our best. Presenter 2. Dear mothers, guys, and now the competition program begins.

Competition: “Relay Race” of compliments (competition for children). Anyone can take part in the competition. Participants form a circle. Everyone’s task is to compliment their mother (one at a time) with one phrase that begins with the words “You are my most ...” (for example, “You are my most beautiful,” “You are my most beautiful,” etc.) Participant who did not find new pleasant words or repeated himself, drops out of the game. The last player remaining is the winner. The presenter thanks the competition participants and draws attention to the fact that mothers were pleased to hear kind words addressed to them, and children were pleased to say them. Competition: “Queen” (competition for mothers) The “crowned” mother must walk a given distance. You need to walk majestically, with a “royal” gait, with your shoulders back and your head held high. The presenters thank all the mothers participating in the competition. The winner is awarded the “crown”

Presenter 1. How does a person differ from other people? (student responses) Your task is to distinguish your mother from the large crowd of people with some incredible inscription on a T-shirt. Competition: “T-shirt with an inscription” (mothers with their children participate) Children make an inscription on pieces of paper that expresses their feelings, attitude towards their mother: for example,

and attach it to mom’s T-shirt. The presenter reads out all the inscriptions on the T-shirts and thanks the children for their kind, beautiful words.
Our dear mothers!
We tell you without embellishment - Honestly, sincerely and directly - We love you very, very much! Competition: “Charball” (mothers with their children participate) Before the start of the competition, a line is drawn (you can pull a rope), beyond which you cannot step. The team of children stands on one side, and the team of mothers stands on the other side of it. The presenter throws a balloon, which the players take turns hitting.

At this time, cheerful music is playing. From time to time, the host turns off the music and awards a point to the team that does not have a ball at that moment. If the ball lands on the floor of one of the teams, then the point is awarded to their opponents. The team with the most points wins. Summarizing. Presenter 2. The holiday dedicated to you, dear mothers, has come to an end. Presenter 1. Mom... We wish you health, joy, mental strength in reserve, Thank you, dear, for everything you have done for us. Presenter 2. For tireless worries, For the world of family warmth, May God grant that you will always be the same in everything! Presenter 1. We really hope that you leave in a good mood. And we tell you once again: All together: “We love you very much!”

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Summary of the holiday in kindergarten "Mother's Day." Preparatory group

Summary of the holiday in the preparatory group “Mother's Day”
Goal: to continue to cultivate a sense of love and respect for their mothers. Objectives: continue to develop children's artistry and creative abilities. Contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family. Create a warm moral microclimate between mothers and their children. Continue to instill in children a kind, attentive attitude towards their mother, a desire to help her, to please her. Ways to organize GCD: the use of literary words, a gaming technique, a didactic game, the performance of songs, dances, a surprise moment, the arrival of a game character.
GCD move

Children enter the hall in pairs to the music.
Presenter: Dear guests! It has already become a tradition in Russia to celebrate Mother's Day every last Sunday in November. And our children should know about this. In this way we will cultivate reverence, love and respect for the mother in children's hearts. Today on this day we welcome you to our hall and want to please you with our performances. And they were prepared by your most beloved, most charming children. 1. “Mother’s Day” is a special holiday, Let’s celebrate it in November: Nature awaits winter, And there’s still slush in the yard. But we will give our dear mothers a fun concert! We wish you warmth and smiles, a huge greeting to you from childhood. 2. From the bottom of my heart In simple words Let's, guys, Let's talk about mom. 3. Why, when I’m with my mother, Even a gloomy day is brighter? Because, because there is no dearer mommy. 4. Why, when I’m in pain, do I hurry to my mother? Because, because there is no more tender mommy! 5. Why, when we are together, am I the happiest in the world? Because, because There is no kinder mother! Song "Mommy" . 6.Smile quickly, Mom, don’t be sad! I will give you Sunny days. I'll give you leaves, I'll give you flowers. Let all your dreams come true! 7. Well, just think, worries - Washing, ironing, shopping, Holes in pants, compotes... You don’t need a lot of effort here. Is life easy for me? After all, there are so many worries! Learn a poem, Songs, dances, round dance... How tired I am, It would be better if I became a mother! 8. Mom was making a pie, I helped her a little, I put cinnamon in the dough, I poured a jar of mustard, I poured lentils into a jar, In general, I did everything I could to make the pie delicious! Song “Mom” Presenter: Our children love to sing and dance. Our children love to represent adults. Actors and theatergoers are still small, so don’t be strict with their performances. Sketch “Three Mothers” Reader: Tanyusha came back from a walk in the evening, And asked the doll: Daughter (approaches the doll, takes her by the hands): How are you, daughter? Have you crawled under the table again, fidget? Did you sit all day without lunch again? These daughters are just a disaster! Soon you will be like a matchstick. Go have lunch, spinner, Cheesecake for lunch today. Reader: Tanya’s mother came home from work and asked Tanya: Mom is a doctor (approaches her daughter and addresses her): How are you, daughter? Playing around again, probably in the garden, Did you manage to forget about food again? “Dinner,” Granny shouted a hundred times, And you answered: “Now, yes now!” These daughters are just a disaster! Soon you will be like a matchstick. Go to lunch, spinner, Cheesecake for lunch today. (Mom sits her daughter on the right) Reader: Grandma is here, mom’s mom came and asked mom: Grandma (puts the shopping bag on the chair and turns to mom): How are you, daughter? Probably in the hospital. During the whole day, again for food. Not a minute was found? Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening? You can’t sit all day without lunch! I’ve already become a doctor, but I’m still a fidget! These daughters are just a disaster! Soon you will be like a matchstick. Go to lunch, turntable. Today for lunch - cheesecake. (Grandmother sits at the table with the others) Reader: Three mothers are sitting in the dining room, Three mothers are looking at their daughters. What to do with stubborn daughters? All: Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers! Host: What is the most important thing for a child? This, of course, is a home and a mother who will always take pity and call you with the kindest and most gentle words: sunshine, kitten, bunny... After all, that’s what you call your children? And now I would like the guys to say the warmest and most tender words to their mothers. Guys, I have a “heart” in my hands. The heart is a symbol of love. Whoever gets it at the end of the music will tell us about his mother from the bottom of his heart. Game “Tender Words” (Children stand in a circle and pass their hearts to each other to the music). Host: Guys, today is your grandmothers’ holiday too! Let's not forget about them either. After all, your grandmothers are mothers too! Moms of your moms and dads! 1. Dear grandmother, I hug you tenderly, I dream of being next to you every day! 2. My dear grandmother! With all my heart I love you! For joy, fairy tales and care - I thank you for everything! 3. I have a beloved grandmother, kind and good. Beautiful! Only it’s cozy, like in a nest. And it’s light, as if from the sun! Baba Yaga flies in to the accompaniment of music . Baba Yaga: Oh, my dears, how well you remembered your grandmother. When I heard your poems, I shed tears and became so emotional that I decided to drop by to see you. Presenter : Baba Yaga, we weren’t expecting you here at all. Yaga (almost crying) How could they not have expected it... I, I, I, I... Presenter: But you’re evil, you always fly to the holiday, and you ruin the holiday, you constantly play some nasty tricks. Yaga: What are you saying... Today everything will be different. Today is my holiday too. Who am I? Children: Baba Yaga. Yaga: That's it. I am B-a-b-a-Yaga, that means grandmother! This means me and MOM! Yes, yes, this means that I have children and grandchildren... And today is a holiday - Mother’s Day, which means it’s my holiday too. Presenter: But really, guys, today is the holiday of all mothers, let's also congratulate Grandma Yaga and invite her to stay with us at the holiday? Children: Let's go! Yaga: Oh, thank you, oh. Thank you! And now I want to play with you! I’m such a needlewoman, I’m such a smart girl! ..But your mothers, it’s interesting that they also know how to do needlework? Children: Yes. Yaga: What are you talking about? And they even know where in the needle to insert the thread? Children: Yes! Me ha: What? Is it true? Have you seen it yourself? And I thought that your mothers only know which button to press on the washing machine and how to download cartoons from the Internet. Now we’ll check how skilled and smart your mothers are. Competition for mothers “Sew on a button” Yaga: Well done, well done. Well done. We coped with the task, I didn’t expect it... And your mothers are so beautiful, let’s make them even more beautiful. Competition “Dress up and comb your mother’s hair.” Yaga: Well, well done. We made Yagulka happy. Presenter: Grandmother Yaga, why are you still working, playing with our children, organizing various competitions. But it’s your holiday too, have you forgotten? Yaga: Oh, I forgot, iris, I forgot, I’m old, my memory is not the same as 300 years ago! Host: Guys, let’s congratulate grandma too, so that she will be pleased! We'll dance for her! A gift for Baba Yaga, and a treat for your mothers! Yaga: Oh, how I want to look at my gift, dance quickly! Dance “Barbariki” Yaga: Well, thank you very much, guys, you amused your grandmother. And it’s time for me to fly to my place, prepare a festive dinner, otherwise guests will come to me today. (Flies away). Presenter: And our holiday is coming to an end. In parting, we will say kind and gentle words to our mothers: 1. Today, I will kneel down and kiss my mother’s hands tightly! I wish her happy days and peace and quiet at night. So that the heart does not know trouble, And sadness and melancholy do not pour out into tears. May everything she dreamed come true! And happiness would overwhelm fate! 2. Know, mom, you are necessary, I need you every moment and hour! You are adored, loved. Always and right now! I wish you to always be beautiful, cheerful, sincere, dear! Satisfied with life and happy, Carefree, joyful - with me! (Children give their mothers gifts and invite them to tea).

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