Features of articulation The problem of incorrect sound pronunciation (if the child does not have other speech problems, for example, dysarthria)
Summary of the drawing lesson “Decorate your toys (decorative drawing)” Summary of the lesson “Decorate your toys
Preview: Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution 108840, Moscow, Troitsk, st. Shkolnyaya, 10, tel/fax 8(4958)-51-03-11,
Didactic game “Wonderful Bag” in the younger group The purpose of the didactic game “Wonderful Bag” is improvement
Application “My Family” lesson plan on application, modeling (junior group) Purpose: to form an idea of
NOD "Indoor plants" (middle group) Well done! Guys, you already know that every plant has
Vowel letters of the Russian alphabet for preschoolers Formation of vowel sounds, their difference from consonants, weak
Summary of a lesson in kindergarten on the topic: Transport. Junior group Introduction lesson notes
A story about Russia for children Contents There is such an important concept - the state. The state is
Teaching children safety is not an easy task. But this needs to be done from a very young age.