“Card index of mathematical riddles for children of the preparatory group”

Mathematical problems for children 6-7 years old - Conditions:

Here you can download and print mathematical problems for children aged 6-7 years on the topic “Shop”. Children love to play store, imagining themselves as buyers or sellers. Therefore, they will like such tasks. To solve them, first read the terms of the problems to the children:

  • First task: Mom sent Masha to the store to do some shopping and gave her 20 rubles. How much money did Masha spend and how much does she have left?
  • Second task: Mom decided to bake a cake and sent Dasha to the store to buy ingredients for the cream. What do you need to buy for the cream? How much money will Dasha spend?
  • Third task: Dad decided to paint the fence. Misha went to the store to buy what dad needed for painting. What will Misha buy? How much money will he spend?

download mathematical problems for children 6-7 years old “Shop” in the original size (for printing on a computer) in the attachments at the bottom of the page.

The tasks are the author’s development of the children’s portal “Miracle-Yudo”. Copying or republishing the assignment on other websites or in printed publications is prohibited by copyright law.

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Source: https://chudo-udo.info/matematika/2432-matematicheskie-zadachi-dlya-detej-6-7-let-magazin

Fun math problems in poetry

Hurray, another vacation begins! Congratulations to everyone who successfully completed another school year and became a year smarter and more mature! ????

And in order not to completely lose the acquired knowledge in mathematics in the summer, I suggest that from time to time, during the holidays, you practice mental arithmetic. ???? And entertaining and fun problems in math verses for elementary school children will help you with this.

  • Spend your holidays fun and usefully! ????
  • 2 chickens are standing, 2 are sitting in shells, 6 eggs are under the wing of the hen. Count more accurately, answer quickly,
  • How many chickens will my hen have?
  • *****
  • Seryozha is soon ten years old, Dima is not yet six, - Dima still can’t grow up to Seryozha.
  • How many years younger is the boy Dima than Seryozha?
  • *****
  • A squirrel, a hedgehog and a raccoon, a wolf, a fox, a baby mole, there were friendly neighbors, they came to the bear for a pie. You guys don't yawn,
  • Count how many animals there are.
  • *****
  • There are swans in our pond, I'll come closer: 9 black, 5 white.
  • Who managed to count them?
  • *****

The squirrel was drying mushrooms, but forgot to count. There were 25 white ones, and also 5 buttermilks, 7 milk mushrooms and 2 chanterelles, very red-haired sisters. Who has the answer?

  1. How many mushrooms were there?
  2. *****

The children hung feeders for the birds. 10 tits, 4 crows, 6 bullfinches, a Thieving Magpie and with her a sparrow flew there. Who will answer us faster?

  • How many birds did the children see?
  • *****

A squirrel made a swing under the tent of a branchy spruce tree. And the forest animals gathered on the squirrel swing. 20 hares, 7 martens, 8 red foxes, 6 hedgehogs and 5 hares. Everyone is rushing to the swing. You guys don't yawn,

  1. Count all the animals.
  2. *****

Hares ran through the forest, Wolf tracks along the road were counted. A large pack of wolves passed here, everyone could see their paw in the snow. The wolves left 120 tracks.

  • How many wolves, tell me, were there here?
  • *****

The children were picking apples in the garden. After weighing them, the harvest was calculated. The children collected 16 baskets. 8 baskets were taken to the store, 3 were given to a kindergarten. Everyone else was sent to school. How many apples will get to school?

  1. When will they deliver all the baskets?
  2. *****

The hedgehog went mushroom hunting and found 10 saffron milk caps. I put 8 in the basket, the rest on the back.

  • How many saffron milk caps are you carrying on your needles, hedgehog?
  • *****
  • 3 yellow-eyed daisies, 2 cheerful cornflowers Gifted to mother by children.
  • How many flowers are in the bouquet?
  • *****

A group of baby ducklings want to swim and dive. 6 swam far, 2 dived deep.

How many ducklings are there in the pond? I can't count.


The fox taught her kids to catch funny mice under the bushes. The mice heard the evil fox and all hid under the tree in the forest. There were 5 mother mice in total, each mother had 9 mice. So, tell me, how many mice are there?

  1. Are they sitting quietly under a branchy spruce?
  2. *****

3 baby squirrels were waiting for the mother squirrel near the hollow. The mother squirrel brought them 9 cones for breakfast.

Divided into three. How much is each of them?


3 neighbors jumped up to 3 bunnies at lunchtime. The hares sat down in the garden and ate 7 carrots.

  • Guys, who is smart and can count how many carrots have been eaten?
  • *****

- Dear Grandma, I want a pie! - Okay, I'll bake it. How much do you need, my friend? - 2 - for mom, 2 - for dad. There are also 2 for my sister. You and I will bake 2 each. Oh, I can’t count them all! Who is ready to help the baby?

  1. How many pies do you need?
  2. *****
  3. 7 calves, 7 sheep, 7 cows, 7 lambs were grazing in the meadow. “I’m small,” says the shepherd boy, “
  4. I can’t count how many animals there are in the meadow.

Fanta for preschoolers

  1. Entertain a random passerby with a song.
  2. Make a selection of 5 favorite cartoons.
  3. Offer your hand and heart to any child of the opposite sex.
  4. Have fun to the rhythm of the music turned on.
  5. Look at a simple picture, and then repeat it with a pencil.
  6. Answer 5 easy questions about Russia.
  7. Talk about your greatest joy.
  8. Fill your mouth with sweets and say a phrase. It is better to choose a not very easy phrase, for example: “I have a plump sweet tooth.”
  9. You will have to stroke yourself on the top of your head and on your stomach with your hand in different directions.
  10. Let the child jump on one leg and say that he is a butterfly.
  11. Solve an educational puzzle.
  12. Say pleasant words about each guest about his character.
  13. To make one of the guests laugh on purpose.
  14. This forfeit allows a child to be guaranteed to ask his parents for anything in the store.
  15. Sit with a mouth full of water for 10 minutes.
  16. Take a photo with all the guests who will be present.
  17. Let the child walk around the room with a model gait.
  18. Age fanta: line up all the children from the youngest to the oldest.
  19. Each participant says the words, and the performer does not think for a long time and says a rhyme.
  20. Using finger paints, draw something fabulous, for example, an old hut on chicken legs.

Poems for children about mathematics

Many guys consider mathematics a boring subject. Poems for children about mathematics will help them see the opposite.

In fact, mathematics is of great importance in everyday life and this is exactly what is said in children's poems.

If a child has problems with multiplication and division, then poems for children about mathematics will quickly teach him to count and perform complex arithmetic operations.

For children, funny poems about mathematics are a kind of incentive to action, just like exercises in verses for preschoolers. Therefore, every mathematics teacher should take note of a few things.

Why is there solemnity around? Do you hear how quickly the speech fell silent? This is about the queen of all sciences

We start this evening.

  • It is no coincidence that she is so honored. It is given to her to give answers, How to do a good calculation
  • To build a building, a rocket.
  • There is a rumor about mathematics, That it puts the mind in order, That’s why good words
  • People often talk about her.
  • Mathematics, you give us the strength to overcome difficulties, the youth to study with you.
  • Develop both will and ingenuity.
  • And for the fact that in creative work you help out in difficult moments, today we sincerely thank you
  • We send thunderous applause.
  • ***

Mathematics is the Queen of all sciences, I advise you to make friends with her, my friend. If you study complex laws at school, then you will overcome any difficulties. You can solve the problem, You can fly into space, You can sail on the sea, Without fear of going astray.

Don’t be lazy, work, try, Learning the essence of science, Try to prove everything You tirelessly. Let him become a Newton binomial For you, like a dear friend, Like Maradona in football, In algebra he is the main one.

If you study everything firmly, You will know everything at “5”, Then perhaps you will be able to

Count the stars in the sky.


Mathematics is needed like air; courage itself is not enough for an officer. Calculations! Volley! And the target is struck by Mighty blows of metal.

And the warrior remembered for a moment, How a schoolboy dreamed during the hours of study: About the feat, about the barrage of fire, About the furious impulse of the offensive. .

But the teacher was strict, and every time he interrupted the boy rudely: “Enough of dreaming, repeat the story about the properties of a circle and the angles of a square.” And the warrior’s love is preserved For the distant, gray-haired teacher. Like air, mathematics is needed

  1. Today to the young officer.
  2. ***
  3. I love mathematics: Equalities, problems. I will solve examples
  4. Put it in your stash.

One two three four five! Math again!

  • We learned to count accurately with a calculator. So that we don’t break our heads,
  • Give us the operators!
  • ***

Geometry and algebra are a huge amount of work. But I will gain “a whole lot” of knowledge and skills. I’ll thank mathematics more than once later.

  1. After all, I am gaining more practice now.
  2. Calculate equations, systems, logarithms, This is not for you to lie on the couch! Axioms, theorems in planimetry...
  3. These are the problems of geometry.

Mathematics is a big country. After all, how much she gives us! Fate presents us with important science.

  • You should never forget about this.
  • ***
  • Learn mathematics, children! Delve more carefully into the essence... Drive away laziness, master tactics -
  • There is no way to learn a subject.
  • Listen diligently to the teacher, Keep an eye on what is on the board, Do your assignments diligently
  • And without whispering to anyone.
  • Learn mathematics, children! By the numbers, glancing with your eyes, Count thoughtfully, carefully,
  • Moreover, crows cannot be counted.
  • Take on board the Habit of repeating topics. After all, as you know, repetition
  • Teaching affectionate mother.
  • Learn mathematics, children! She will help you in life Reach heights, explore the galaxy,
  • Fly to mysterious worlds.
  • Over the years, having developed practice, Decide, calculate wisely: “Teach, children, mathematics!” —
  • You will tell the children later.
  • ***

My brother will soon be five. I teach him to count, but he doesn’t want to learn. Then I came up with a thing. I say: give me your hand, you will count the bunnies -

One two three four five.

These fingers are rabbits. The first one hid somewhere. Bend your finger once.

How many of them do we have now?

The brother spread out his palm and suddenly answered: “four.” Well done. A capable boy.

Bend your finger again.

How many are there now - look? The brother counts: - one... two... three... The third hare suddenly disappeared:

The prankster ran away into the forest.

Our little bunny had barely disappeared, and my brother was already shouting to me: “two!” We only left How many fingers? - One. - And then this bunny lay down on his side in his bed. We bend the fifth finger, And now what remains? The brother looks slyly and laughs:

- What remains is... a fist.

  1. ***
  2. Mathematics is a science, good and everyone needs it, it’s difficult for us to live without it,
  3. Without her, life is difficult for us.
  4. But sometimes it will come like this, That you don’t know what to do, Mathematics is forced
  5. I'm trying to memorize.
  6. But cramming is all in vain It doesn’t reach me, This is not a toy at all,
  7. It's okay, I won't give up.
  8. Mathematics is harsh, we have to try very hard, we will try again,
  9. To get twelve.
  10. ***

Mathematics is a science. She is very necessary. Can't do without her

Neither the director nor me.

Mathematics is mental gymnastics. She teaches us to think logically. Of all the sciences, the most important

  • Wise, most accurate.
  • ***
  • The Equation said modestly: - Let me express my doubt: I’m afraid there won’t be enough room in me
  • For the forty-first unknown.
  • ***
  • To drive ships, To fly into the sky, You need to know a lot, And at the same time, and at the same time, Notice, this is a very important science
  • Mathematics!
  • Why don't ships run aground, but go on course through fog and blizzard? Because, because, mind you, it helps the captains
  • Mathematics!

To become a doctor, a sailor or a pilot. First of all, you need to know mathematics. And there are no professions in the world, mind you, Where would you need

  1. Mathematics!
  2. ***
  3. They say that the mathematician Laplace once punched his opponent in the eye. And then in the other, and then with the foot
  4. X more times to the nth degree.
  5. ***
  6. We are ready to learn mathematics, even if we dream about it at night.
  7. A series of natural numbers.

Non-standard solution We will be able to find the Multiplier - the product...

  • What is there to rack your brains about?
  • The divisible is the divisor, This fact is known to everyone, But today, our teacher,
  • Will live without theorems.
  • ***

How many do you need to sort? Where to add, What to take away?

  1. Mathematics will help you understand and understand.
  2. ***
  3. Two lines about a subject that needs to be known, And in our life this
  4. You need to get used to it.
  5. A few words about mathematics, About how we need it, It is important for us to learn all the numbers,
  6. We must be able to calculate.
  7. It can be difficult to understand, Even more difficult to memorize, But how meagerly we would live,
  8. If only they couldn’t add it up in their minds!
  9. ***

My dear 6th grade! Today we have mathematics. Here I open the textbook,

I scroll very slowly.

Numbers, formulas, addition, Sine, cosine, division. And there are so many different verbs!

  • Prove and simplify
  • Find out, establish, And build, and decide, Write down and decompose.
  • There is compare, depict,

Calculate and find. Label, show, multiply, tell.

The schedule is in the first chapter.

What a mess in the head! Newton, Hilbert, Lobachevsky - Mathematicians from God.

  1. And for the accuracy of science
  2. You follow very strictly. Sometimes I look at the signs: Logarithms, equations, And I end up with quotes,
  3. Ask for a comparison.
  4. If you try - study well, you are a mathematician

It can work!!!


In order to solve problems, we must know mathematics. You need to know about Pythagoras.

Theorems... And you're done!


Mathematics is the queen of sciences! You and I have endured a lot of torment! They give us tasks - that’s the problem, But we always try to solve them! And so that we can become at least a little smarter,

This queen and I have been friends since the first days!


Oh, our endless spaces! - Here, no matter how parallel, the wires C close with stubborn constancy.

And Lobachevsky is extreme. As always.


There are eight clouds in the sky, and thirteen more clouds. And off to the side - five. Next to them are five again. If you put these clouds together,

Then you will get rain in return.


What is mathematics? This is a smart addition. After all, it’s smarter to multiply times,

  • How to put everything together for an hour.
  • The multiplication table is useful to all of us in life, and it’s not for nothing that it’s named
  • She multiplies!
  • ***
  • Hypotenuses, graphs... Learning without end. Fun math
  • No person found.
  • Examples and problems are here, Inequalities, systems are. So that we can solve them all,
  • You need to attend classes.
  • Learn trigonometry, learn all the formulas. Yes, even in practice
  • Know how to apply them.
  • ***
  • They ask Kolya to count how many there are five and five. Kolya snorted: “Nothing,

TOP 100 cool tasks for a group of children for their birthday

  1. Don't get up from the table for half an hour.
  2. Draw a tiger.
  3. Talk about your biggest fear.
  4. Come up with a congratulation in poetic form for the birthday boy.
  5. It is interesting to congratulate the birthday person with humor.
  6. Make a funny face so that the other kids laugh.
  7. Write a note on paper to the boy/girl you like.
  8. Play an improvised musical instrument.
  9. Build a house of cards.
  10. Fulfill any wish of the birthday boy.
  11. Capture a popular trend from Tik Tok.
  12. Imagine a fairy tale without words.
  13. Say congratulations for a minute without stopping, which will make everyone laugh.
  14. Play the role of an adult family member throughout the evening.
  15. Stuff your mouth with nuts and congratulate the birthday boy.
  16. Walk around the room with a book on your head so that it doesn’t fall.
  17. Say 10 wishes to the birthday boy.
  18. Find 3 people out of all the people who will help you show the concert number.
  19. Sing any song for fun.
  20. Do 10 push-ups.
  21. Make a house in 1 minute from matches and glue.
  22. Quickly make a flower from scrap materials for the birthday girl.
  23. From a set of 10 words that the participants name, make a congratulation.
  24. Name 10 names starting with the letter “A”.
  25. Compose a quatrain about the birthday boy and read it artistically.
  26. Answer questions from each participant.
  27. Make your own pirate image for the birthday boy in 1 minute.
  28. Have the little ducklings dance together with the participant on the left.
  29. Sweet eating task. You have to eat the candy without using your hands.
  30. Blindfolded, guess all the participants who will line up.
  31. Pass the move to the next person in the circle.
  32. Let the birthday boy hold something between his knees, and the player must pull it out.
  33. Come up with some “smart” word and tell a story about it.
  34. Show any party hero without words.
  35. It is necessary for the participant to freeze in one position for 3 rounds.
  36. Dip your nose into any dish, preferably sweet.
  37. Give a review of one of the gifts.
  38. Come up with a review of the guest on the right as if he were a modern character in a computer game.
  39. Draw an elephant on a piece of paper without using your hands.
  40. Show your imagination and come up with a short competition where the birthday boy has the main role.
  41. Select 3 participants who will perform the next 3 forfeits.
  42. You can use a chair to recite a poem from an elevated position.
  43. In prose, congratulate the birthday person in a very boring tone.
  44. Take a cute photo with the birthday person for a social network.
  45. Make a chamomile from a special ball.
  46. Organize a competition for the best singing skill.
  47. From certain 3 items, come up with a table figurine and draw attention to it. The items included may vary.
  48. Describe all the guests as colorfully as possible in a comic style.
  49. Show how girls/boys behave when getting ready for school in the morning.
  50. Give advice to your future self.
  51. In 10 seconds, draw a sun with any sauce from the table on a plate.
  52. Tell a joke so emotionally that everyone laughs.
  53. Find 5 colorful toys indoors.
  54. Arrange sports activities for all guests.
  55. Explain the meaning of a scientific phrase.
  56. Prize phantom! Choose a gift from a special basket.
  57. The neighbor on the left draws any bright picture on his face with a marker.
  58. Find an adult on the street who will be happy to make a funny video with you.
  59. For an hour, tell only the truth about yourself to all questions from guests.
  60. Name 5 types of sweets.
  61. Don't read this fantasy right away. We need to do an unexpected prank.
  62. Portray a capricious one-year-old child.
  63. Come up with a rating of the top 10 favorite dishes of children.
  64. Show a famous fairy tale character without words, only with gestures.
  65. Imagine yourself as a hero of a black and white movie.
  66. Dance like a ballerina on your toes for 1 minute.
  67. Behave like an active puppy.
  68. Reading a congratulation on a piece of paper is like the President sometimes chimes on New Year's holidays.
  69. Show some magic trick.
  70. Tell us about your hobby.
  71. Solve an example from the school curriculum.
  72. If the holiday is in winter, then the participant needs to build a snowman.
  73. Observe the participants carefully for 10 minutes and then tell them 10 different habits.
  74. Talk throughout the evening in different mixed voices.
  75. Get the passerby interested in your story.
  76. Read a Russian fairy tale in rap style.
  77. Find the optimal solution to a logical riddle.
  78. Pluck up the courage and burst the balloon with your teeth.
  79. Offer an original ransom for the birthday boy.
  80. Walk in heels along a specially prepared carpet path.
  81. Arrange a verbal journey to an imaginary country.
  82. Drink 3 glasses of liquid. The content can be different: juice, water, drink, etc.
  83. Cheer up the saddest person at the holiday.
  84. In the middle of the celebration, hide from the guests.
  85. Add salt to the juice and drink.
  86. For a certain period of time (10 minutes, half an hour, etc.) say “yes” to all offers.
  87. Take a family photo with all participants.
  88. For preschool age: show how teachers behave in kindergarten.
  89. For schoolchildren: say 10 facts about your dream lesson in class.
  90. For 10 minutes, be bored and show everyone a dissatisfied mood.
  91. The characters show some figure, and the performer must come up with a completely opposite analogy for it.
  92. Make a cocktail that the birthday boy will love.
  93. Show what the opera would sound like performed by the participant.
  94. Use a pen to complete a printed riddle in the form of a labyrinth in 3 attempts.
  95. Come up with a new type of study.
  96. Correctly answer 5 questions about the birthday boy.
  97. Give useful advice to the birthday boy.
  98. Show an understandable pantomime that will show some animal, cartoon, fairy tale. The rest need to guess it.
  99. Dance the dance of one of the peoples of the world.
  100. Show what the birthday boy was like when he was a baby.

Problems in verse

Chanchibaeva Tatyana Pavlovna Teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Urlu-Aspakskaya OOSH"

1. The Serpent Gorynych to Grandma Ezhka Was in a hurry along the path, Because Yaga had pies in the oven. Each head has 15 pieces in total. And Gorynych has 3 heads. Tell me how many pies he will eat.


2. On Cheburashka’s birthday, Gena carried a kilo of cookies. And it should be noted that he carried half a kilo of chocolate. Now it’s time to answer, How many grams is this, children?


3. Once, dear Malvina taught Pinocchio to count. He solved 103 examples, Exactly 100 of them were incorrect. How many correct examples?


4. Cheburashka received a letter from Gena. The crocodile made 7 mistakes in the letter. And from the rat Anfiska he received a note. She made 7 times more mistakes than a crocodile. How many mistakes does the rat Anfiska have? Did Cheburashka find it in the note?


5. The old woman Shapoklyak commits 8 evils in a day. How much will it be in a week? How many of you will know?


6. Vinnie walked towards Piglet And counted his steps: - To the porch 45, Down the steps exactly 5. Who managed to count them?


7. The genie is sitting in a bottle, crying bitterly and sad: “I’ve been here for three hundred years, And there’s no way to freedom!” What will your answer be, If after seven centuries my grandfather releases Gina, How old will Gina be?


8. Kai for the Snow Queen The chair was made of ice. He worked for three weeks - the chair came out of nowhere! Answer quickly, How many days did Kai spend?


9. Duremar caught leeches - Six large and seven small ones. How many leeches does he have?


11. A three-headed dragon lived in the world. For three hundred years he lived in a fairy tale, children. How many years did each of his heads live?


12. Three little gnomes worked, they were tired: they bound magic books. The gnomes sat down to rest, and the youngest began to count. He counted only thirty pieces for each, ten books left. How many books are there in total, guys?


13. King Koschey in his palace hides a hundred keys in a casket. Those keys to the chests, You can't open the locks without them. Stores goods in chests: Gold and silver. Forty small keys, How many big ones, answer quickly?


14. Cat Bayun wrote riddles. Count how many there are, guys: Eight about bunnies, Two about foxes, Nine about boys, Three about girls. How many riddles? It's time to answer!


15. One hundred and twenty Granny Hedgehogs set off on a flight. Twenty in their mortars surged forward. You probably guessed, How much is left behind?


16. The hero Mikula swore publicly that he would accomplish 30 feats every year. He did not break his oath and kept it for three years. But then, there is a version, He retired. Think, consider, children. How many feats, answer?

Fanta for teenagers

  1. Make a video report from your holiday.
  2. Confess your love to any teenager of the opposite sex.
  3. Laugh devilishly.
  4. Count to one hundred without ever missing a beat.
  5. Drink a cocktail made by the player opposite.
  6. Eat two incompatible dishes, for example, jam and onions.
  7. Play a familiar melody with spoons.
  8. Give the lightest participant a ride on the back.
  9. Draw a forfeit for the player opposite.
  10. Do clown makeup.
  11. Write the status “I’m a dunce” on social networks.
  12. Place an ice cube under your T-shirt and sit there for a minute.
  13. Make a funny video on Tik Tok.
  14. Draw yourself on a T-shirt that will be given to the participant.
  15. Get yourself a temporary tattoo.
  16. Paint your nails a very bright color.
  17. Portray a famous film actor, and the rest must guess him.
  18. Say an action you would do with each of the guests.
  19. List the ingredients of charlotte.
  20. Stand in the plank position for 1 minute.

Mathematics for children 7-8 years old

1 difficulty level

  • 16 Counting without passing through ten

Difficulty level 2

  • 1 Addition with transition through 10
  • 6 Subtraction with transition through 10
  • 16 Subtracting a two-digit number

Difficulty level 3

Parents play no less a role in a child’s education than school teachers. Of course, examples and problems in mathematics for 7-year-old children seem quite simple to adults. But understanding a task and sharing your own knowledge are not the same thing.

Online mathematics exercises for a 7-year-old child, presented in the corresponding section, are designed to help in the development of the little student and improve his learning of new material.

Education on the Razumeikin website will make it possible to interest a child in the world of numbers and facilitate the process of his adaptation to school.

Mathematics assignments for 7-year-old children introduce children to the second ten numbers. By coping with them, kids learn to count without going through ten and with going through ten.

In addition, the children master counting within a hundred. Developmental tasks in the section “Mathematics for 8-year-old children” will be interesting and useful for students in grades 1-2.

By completing them, the children will be able to practice and consolidate the material they have covered.

Mathematics test tasks for 7-year-old children allow them to master this exact science in the form of an educational game. When developing the exercises, the specialists of the Razumeikin website sought to make them not only as understandable and exciting as possible, but also truly useful in practical terms.

For each problem for 7-year-old children in mathematics, a detailed explanation is provided. You can find it in the training video before the exercise.

An appropriate explanation for mathematics tasks for preschoolers, schoolchildren 7 years old and older is also provided in a situation where the child gave an incorrect or insufficiently complete answer.

How is the training material presented?

To make the educational games in the “Mathematics for 7-year-old children” section easy for young fidgets and really interesting, the employees of the “Razumeikin” website supplemented each exercise with thematic pictures. In addition, they contain audio accompaniment, and some tasks even involve the motor sphere. All task-games in the section “Mathematics for children 7-8 years old” can be completed online.

How are results assessed?

Specialists of the development site “Razumeikin” have developed a whole reward system. By completing math tasks, preschoolers, schoolchildren aged 7 and older receive virtual rewards. Our website provides medals, cups, pennants and certificates. We are convinced that in this way we can increase children’s interest in independent learning and develop positive motivation.

Almost all game problems in the “Mathematics for 8-year-old children” section are graded depending on the attempt at which the child gave the correct answer. If necessary, the guys can return to the exercise they did. By completing it again, young students will be able to improve their previous result and become owners of a higher award.

Is your child ready to start learning? We recommend that you undergo testing first. The results obtained will help you understand which topics need to be discussed in more detail. In addition, parents will be able to determine which exercises in the “Mathematics for 8-year-old children” section are best completed first.

Source: https://www.razumeykin.ru/zadaniya/dlya-detej-7-8-let/obuchenie-matematika

Children's forfeits for Halloween

  1. Make a web from threads.
  2. Scare any other participant.
  3. Draw a spider.
  4. Give yourself an original make-up.
  5. Cut out a pumpkin figure (under parental supervision!).
  6. Blow out the candle with your breath without blowing directly on it.
  7. Tell a creepy story.
  8. Mix the paints and get a red color without a red tint.
  9. Make yourself a ghost costume.
  10. Dye a strand of your hair a bright color.
  11. Drink a cocktail prepared by your neighbor on the right.
  12. Tell 3 facts about Halloween.
  13. Beg your neighbors for at least 10 candies.
  14. Come up with an interesting presentation format for going to neighbors and asking for candy.
  15. Give your neighbor on the left a scary make-up in 5 minutes.
  16. Climb under the table when no one is looking, and then suddenly scare him.
  17. Write a poem about Halloween.
  18. Pour a glass of tomato juice over your head.
  19. Laugh evilly.
  20. Draw a web on the face using finger paints.
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