Pedagogical guidance of play activities for preschool children

Pedagogical guidance of play activities for preschool children

Natalya Valentinovna Tretyakova

Pedagogical guidance of play activities for preschool children

The relevance of this topic is beyond doubt, since some educators pay little attention to play activities , being overly carried away by either passive teaching methods, or being passive observers of children's games. For learning through play to be effective, adults must not take a passive position. The advantage of the game over any other activity is that during its course the children themselves voluntarily obey certain rules, open or specified by the role. This is practically the only area where preschoolers can show their initiative and creativity. And at the same time, it is in the game that they learn to control and evaluate themselves, understand what they are doing, and act correctly.

Since the leading activity in preschool age is play , in his work with children, the leader of children's groups should place the main emphasis on play. Since the game is based on sensorimotor activity in the early period , and then more on verbal thinking and communication in older childhood, I will briefly dwell on the condition of a person’s success in effective mental and psychomotor activity .

Therefore, the game has recently received a lot of attention. The game is a school of morality, intellectual development, a school of personal and psychological qualities and the sphere of socialization of a child. In order for these aspects to be successfully resolved, it is necessary to reconsider the role of the teacher in leading gaming activities .

1. The role of the teacher in the development of children’s play activities

“Without the help of an adult, the path to developing social behavior can be long and painful, especially for children with developmental problems. In influencing children's and their relationships with each other, the teacher must take into account their individual characteristics and developmental trends. But all preschoolers , without exception, need to be encouraged to want to be independent, to develop skills that will actually ensure independence. The teacher must think about what routine processes can be put into the form of a game in order to arouse children’s interest , increase activity, and evoke positive emotions.” (S. A. Kozlova, 2001.)

Considering the fact that the entire life of preschool age is spent in play, this begs the question about the essence of the game. There are many theories on this subject, the most significant of which are the theories of Piaget, Freud, and Montessori. Piaget considers the essence of play to be that a child plays not because he wants to play, but because of his way of thinking. According to Piaget, play is a child’s way of thinking, a form of his existence. Freud has a different approach to play. For him, a game is a symbolic activity with a specific object, and a dream is symbolism in its purest form. He assumed that the game expresses the child’s connection with life, adults and everything around him in the same way, in the form of symbols, as the dreams of an adult. Freud is sure that play has two tendencies: one is the desire to be an adult, the second is a tendency to repeat, and repeat until the tension associated with playing on a given topic . That is, according to Freud, play acts as a psychotherapeutic tool that relieves traumatic stress. This is true for mentally traumatized children as a means of diagnosis and treatment. However, not only offended, traumatized children love to play. And for children's play activity it is not necessary to offend and injure children , since play is a healthy children's activity . The most successful preschool children's natural inclinations combined with management, specific materials and personal experiences.

Preschoolers play different games: role-playing, active, didactic, games with rules. Role-playing is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a generalized form, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them. Games with rules. The peculiarity of these games is that they seem to accumulate all other types of games and become the dominant game form in older preschool age . In these games, the child plays out the role of an adult, with the conditions of the game gradually becoming more difficult. However, it should be noted that along with games with rules, children continue to play functional, symbolic, and role-playing games. Games with rules arise from role-playing games with imaginary situations. Their content is a rule and a task. The motive of these games is contained in the game process itself, but is already mediated by a specific task.

Outdoor games can be divided into five groups:

1. Intellectual procedural games and elementary games - exercises with objects.

2. Dramatized games based on this plot.

3. Story-based games with simple rules.

4. Games with rules without a plot.

5. Sports games and games-exercises focused on certain achievements.

These games with rules include not only outdoor games, but also didactic games. The purpose of these games is to develop the child’s cognitive activity through the child’s solving didactic problems. Depending on the material used, there are games with objects (toys, natural materials, etc., board - printed and verbal games.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher must create in a group room and in the play area a content-rich, aesthetically attractive, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe subject-spatial environment that provides the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults , motor activity of children , as well as opportunities for privacy. Periodically update and enrich the subject-spatial environment with new toys, gaming and teaching aids, and equipment. In the daily routine, allocate time for active independent interaction of children with the subject-spatial environment. (N. E. Veraksa, 2014, p. 209)

In recent years, the role of the teacher . From a passive observational function, she moved on to tactical management of the development of games and the formation in their process of moral qualities and intellectual skills of children . It should be noted that intervention in children's play presupposes that the teacher the necessary knowledge and skills, as well as authority, respect and trust among children . Otherwise, a negative effect will occur.

Children's play activities are based on knowledge , skills and abilities acquired by children in the past. The teacher should try to see the world through the eyes of a child, understand what he knows, and in accordance with this, encourage the child to overcome his ignorance or inability through play. Adults are expected to behave in ways that help children feel knowledgeable and confident in their ability to overcome challenges. Making a game a means of education means influencing its content and teaching children ways to fully communicate. (S. A. Kozlova, 2001.)

In order for the process of awareness and cognition not to stand still, the teacher is required to :

- the ability to observe the game, analyze it, assess the level of development of gaming activity , and, in accordance with this level, plan techniques aimed at its development;

— for the further development the game the children’s impressions ;

- in order to diversify the plot of children's games, it is necessary to draw children's to various impressive aspects of children's ;

the teacher is required to be able to organize the beginning of the game, to interest children in the plot of any game;

the teacher must be able to create favorable conditions for the game to move to a higher level;

- establish playful relationships with children ;

- be able to teach the game in direct ways (showing, explaining, telling)


-use indirect methods of guiding the game (questions, advice, reminders that activate his experience, mental processes, problem situations;

- be able to get involved in the game yourself in the main or secondary roles;

- offer new roles, game situations , game actions for the further development of the game;

- an important point in resolving relationships and resolving conflicts that arise during the game should also be taken on by the teacher .

The teacher required children in the game , offering them bright game roles , to include shy , insecure, inactive children , and disabled children .

To consolidate positive aspects, for a deeper understanding and assimilation of any qualities and actions acquired during the game, an adult must teach children to discuss the game and evaluate it.

2. Pedagogical conditions for effective management of play activities of preschoolers

The word educator means “one who brings out the best in a student.” And in order to identify and develop the best in a student, you need to know how to structure the educational process so that the child perceives the necessary information and takes it into account. Game management should not be reduced to purely indirect or direct methods. It is necessary to create such optimal conditions that would contribute to achieving more effective management of children's play activities .

In a group setting, it is necessary to create a favorable emotional background (the teacher must treat all children kindly, encourage children to be sensitive to each other , and suppress hostility, aggression, and rudeness in the group). It is necessary to establish a trusting, friendly relationship between the teacher and the students (only under this condition can we talk about an effective pedagogical process ). In the process of upbringing, it is necessary to pay primary attention to the positive, and not the negative, qualities of the child (focus more attention on the positive aspects in the lives of children , voice positive manifestations of character). Respect the individuality in each child (give children the opportunity to express their selfhood, the uniqueness of their character traits; a very serious point in educational work is not to frighten off a child’s attempt to express himself somewhere, to try himself in something). Show your children that you appreciate their work, even if it's just trying (trying adds up to action)

Do not criticize or dampen the enthusiasm of children (criticism kills any desire, any attempt; remove criticism from the pedagogical process ). Help children cope with difficulties so that they do not oppress them (the accumulation of difficulties creates a feeling of powerlessness, which lowers the child’s self-esteem). Support children in their endeavors (the main thing is to create confidence that the child will cope with the task assigned to him, to give an incentive to complete this task).
When children feel respect, interest, love, psychological help from the teacher trust in , when they internally accept the teacher as an older comrade, an authoritative adult, in a word, “one of their own,” only then can we talk about effective leadership from this teacher.

Among other things, it is necessary to pay attention to the material equipment of play areas , which would stimulate and encourage children to play activities . The main principle is the indispensable connection of the knowledge acquired by children with the content of the gaming environment , that is, its correct organization. It is necessary to think over a reasonable combination of toys, role-playing attributes, substitute objects with the knowledge that children have already received and to introduce such attributes that would stimulate the cognitive activity of children , excite their imagination, and encourage the emergence of a play situation . Substitute items are necessary for the development of play at any age . The developing environment should act as a dynamic space, mobile and easily changeable. When designing an object environment, one must remember that a frozen object environment will not be able to fulfill its developmental function due to the fact that it ceases to stimulate the child’s imagination. (N. E. Veraksa, 2014, p. 211)

Children must be given sufficient time to engage in play activities . “An important condition for the development of play activity is not only the availability of all types of toys, but also the correct determination of the time for games in the daily routine of the child care institution.” This is the time before exercise, during a walk, after sleep, in the evening. You cannot abruptly stop children's if the time has come for another activity . If children are playing a large role-playing game, it is advisable to leave the attributes in place until the next free time to continue it.

The more a child is inferior in development to other children, the poorer his play potential . The child does not play not because he does not want to, but because he is poor in knowledge and experience. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to such aspects as enriching children with knowledge about the world around them, new impressions, the formation of practical experience and the development of their individual abilities. To do this, it is necessary to pay great attention to classes to familiarize yourself with the surrounding world, where it is necessary to provide sufficient material about nature for a given age ; phenomena of social life (the work of adults - to reveal the essence of various professions)

family relationships. Conduct conversations to consolidate the material covered, various holidays that enrich the experience of children .
Great teachers such as A. S. Makarenko, N. K. Krupskaya, A. P. Usova argued that the game should be a form of organizing the life and activities of children in kindergarten , since games perform various functions: educational, organizing, educational. “As a form of organizing the life and activities of children, play should have its specific place in the daily routine and in the pedagogical process as a whole .” (S. A. Kozlova, 2001.)

It is unacceptable to use the time allocated for games for any other activity . Children's games must be approached very seriously, carefully monitor the progress of the game and try not to miss the opportunity for educational work during the game. Children's games are distinguished by their diversity “in their content, the degree of independence of children , forms of organization, and game material .” Depending on the type of game and its objectives, it is necessary to carefully consider the degree of participation of the teacher in it , techniques and methods for managing this game . “To manage a child’s play requires tact, the ability to determine the measure of intervention in the game, to see how children behave in play situations .” (S. A. Kozlova, 2001.)


However, you cannot completely take on the functions of a game organizer, which is acceptable in early preschool age . It is necessary to create conditions for children to be game organizers themselves, since children often wander around the group, not knowing how to organize a game on their own, without the participation of an adult. It is necessary to encourage children to be independent in playing games .

So, independent games. Of course, they cannot arise out of nowhere. For their occurrence, a lot of and painstaking work is carried out by the teacher to enrich children with knowledge , experience, and to broaden their horizons. For the successful implementation of role-playing games, it is necessary to continuously deepen children’s knowledge about the world around them and introduce them to modern events. Observation, reading, conversations about radio and television programs, stories from adults encourage an understanding of what the child sees and hears and the creation of prerequisites for the emergence of games. Of all the variety of independent games throughout preschool childhood, role-playing games are the main ones in children’s play activities . The development of role-playing games “does not occur spontaneously, but depends on the living conditions and upbringing of the child, that is, on social influences.” (S. A. Kozlova, 2001.)

We can say that the plot-role-playing game is independent in its essence, but this independence is relative, since it contains indirect pedagogical guidance . The plot-role-playing game goes through several stages of development: from the direct work of the teacher to enrich children with knowledge and experience to independent play, where this experience and knowledge is transformed by children in accordance with personal experience and their emotional relationship to the environment.

Guidance on play activities remains , but it moves away from direct methods (showing, explaining)

to indirect methods
of guiding the game , activating the child’s mental processes, his experience, problems (questions, advice, reminders, etc.)
Direct instructions and comments addressed to a child at play are unacceptable, as this can take him out of the state of involvement in the image or game. Previously, in younger groups, the teacher directly taught children how to play - showed how to play with a toy, explained why this toy or thing is needed, how it can be used in a game, independently composed a simple plot of the game, distributed roles, played with children, demonstrating images of roles and plots, then by older age children independently come up with a plot, distribute roles, choose game material , create a play space , bring their own vision of the situation into the game, unfold the event in accordance with their social experience. Sometimes, when children become fixated on one content, “you can use the hidden instruction method
(S.A. Kozlova, 2001.)
Its essence is that the teacher in a hidden , unobtrusive form offers new plots, roles, game actions through a story with a modified plot for a given game situation , or children suddenly receive a letter, the situation of which is contained you can play around, or come up with a trip, an excursion somewhere, etc.

Sometimes you can “save” the situation by taking on the role of a new character and encouraging the further development of the plot with your remarks and actions. But this approach to guiding the game is acceptable if the children accept the teacher as an older friend , if he is respected and has authority. Role-playing games should be spontaneously organized by the children themselves. As a rule, the organizer of the game becomes its leader, the distribution of roles occurs according to interests (who wants to be who, if difficulties arise, the adult offers to discuss candidates. The content of the game is transformed and enriched thanks to the individual experience of each child. Therefore, sometimes it is advisable to replace the performer of a specific role. During games, you can apply such replacement of roles as “vacation”, “moving”, “hiring”, “change of position”, “introducing a second employee”.

As practice shows, play is determined by the desire for independence, the desire to obtain the final result of one’s actions, communication with peers, and the desire to satisfy various cognitive and artistic interests. The progress of the game at an older age is greatly influenced by the formation of the children's team, the teacher's positive assessment of the relationship between children, friendship, as well as the children's mutual assessment of each other , since at this age relationships come to the fore in the game. The teacher should voice approval of such manifestations in the game as care, mutual assistance, and respectful attitude towards each other. Praise is a very strong stimulus in childhood , so any manifestation of initiative to include a new storyline in the game is a good approach to stimulating the game. As interest in the game fades, the teacher introduces complication into the game: diversifies the options, comes up with more complex rules, changes the game task , introduces a measure of encouragement, uses the method of replacing some items with others. includes new characters. includes new game activities . The attractiveness of didactic games is the opportunity to win. But for this you need to have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. However, there are children who are both active and liberated, and those who are passive, timid, and unsure of their abilities. It is these children that the teacher should pay special attention to. The teacher's guidance of the game should always be combined with an individual approach to children.


N.K. Krupskaya emphasized the polar influence of play on a child’s development, depending on the content of the activity : through play you can raise a beast, or you can raise a wonderful person needed by society. (S. A. Kozlova, 2001)

The development of a child’s body is a condition for the development of intelligence. Piaget understood intelligence as the progressive adaptation of the organism to the environment. This adaptation is an ongoing process. The instrument of intelligence is thinking. The development of thinking is determined by the development of speech. Speech is the expression of conscious thought.

The body interacts with reality. And when a person grows, the body develops and interacts with the environment. Through this interaction, social relationships develop. Social relationships are the foundation in the development of thinking, intelligence and speech. Words and activities contribute to the development of thinking.

Since the leading activity in preschool age is play , in his work with children, the leader of children's groups should place the main emphasis on play. Since the game is based on sensorimotor activity in the early period , and then more on verbal thinking and communication in older childhood, I will briefly dwell on the condition of a person’s success in effective mental and psychomotor activity .

Any activity of children in a preschool institution takes place under

Under the supervision and direct guidance of a teacher , a deep and complex process of transformation and assimilation of life impressions occurs in games, the basic concepts of human relationships are formed, the personal qualities of children , the children's team unites, and the adaptability of children in interpersonal relationships increases. Therefore, the role of the teacher in implementing these processes is enormous.


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3. Zaporozhets A.V., Neverovich Ya.Z., Kosheleva A. D., Emotional development of a preschooler : A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden /A. V.Z - M.: Education, 1985

4. Zebzeeva V. A. Organization of regime processes in preschool educational institutions. — M.: Sphere shopping

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5. Kozlova S. A., Kulikova T. A. Preschool pedagogy . - M.: Academy, 2009.

6. Kozlova S. A., Kulikova T. A., Preschool pedagogy . – M.: publishing house

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7. Mukhina V. S. Developmental psychology : phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence - 5th ed., stereotype. – M.: Publishing House

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8. Podlasy I.P., Pedagogy : 100 questions – 100 answers. – M.: Vladospress Publishing House, 2006.

Pedagogical conditions for organizing play activities of preschool children, classification of games, their functions

This is a complex, multifaceted activity, since much of the game happens internally. The structure of the game (D.B. Elkonin) is the structural components, elements of the game, namely: plot, role, game actions, game and real relationships, game rules. The plot of the game is a chain of interconnected events that are conveyed in the game. The role, according to D.B. Elkonina is the main element in creative games. Formation of play (N.Ya. Mikhailenko) is a systematic process of pedagogical influence aimed at imparting to children methods of play activity.

Game management (N.Ya. Mikhailenko) - creating conditions for the game, indirect methods of influencing the game.

Game management is the direct participation of the teacher in the game with the children.

Pedagogical game technology is the consistent use in practice of a pre-designed educational process using different types of games.

Pedagogical support for games is a set of methods and techniques aimed at enriching the content of games, relationships, developing creativity, and creating conditions for games.

Play creativity - independence, initiative of children in choosing play partners, toys for play, distribution of roles, choice, construction of a plot.

The culture of the game is its content, psychological, moral, and aesthetic aspects.

Playful position (N.N. Poddyakov) – the presence in children of a playful, humorous attitude towards life.

The theoretical, scientific foundations of the game include methodological, psychological, biological, social and pedagogical foundations.

Philosophy views play as a natural human activity associated with the expression of emotions; the game promotes personality development. During the game, the child experiences positive emotions. The main one is joy. Freedom brings joy when a child chooses his own story, toys, and partners. In phylogenesis, in the development of human society, labor arose first. Game is the “child” of labor; she is also the “embryo” of art. In ontogenesis, play first appears in a person’s life, then work. These are the basic philosophical principles underlying game theory.

The psychological foundations are based on research data from domestic psychologists A. Leontyev, D. Elkonin, L. Vygotsky, N. Poddyakov.

Their main provisions boil down to the following:

1. Play is the leading type of activity for preschool children, since intensive personality development occurs in it, new mental formations appear; Other types of activities arise within the play activity.

2. Play is an introgenic activity, i.e. A child’s behavior in play is determined not only and not so much by external, but also by internal factors (motives, need for communication). Needs, desires, inclinations depend on the creative capabilities of the individual. Creativity depends on the level of development of memory, thinking, and imagination.

3. The game intensively socializes the child. Children master orientation in the world around them, in the world of human relations and human activities.

4. Play is a means of child self-development, self-renewal, self-improvement, self-education, self-regulation, and processing of impressions.

5. The game has a psychotherapeutic effect, since there are two levels of emotions in it. For example, a child cries like a sick person; rejoices like a player; when, with the help of play, certain negative traits of aggressiveness are eliminated.

The biological basis of the game is that:

- play is the destiny of a young organism;

- the child plays due to imitation of adults, other children and the impressionability of the nervous system;

- the child enjoys the game.

The social foundations of the game include:

- the game is a reflection of the surrounding reality, social environment, nationality;

— society designs the content of children’s play through the creation of toys and their production;

— the society prepares teachers who professionally supervise children’s play activities.

The pedagogical foundations of the game are based on the recognition of the unity of the social and biological foundations of gaming activity. There are several theories of the game.

Among them:

1. S. Freud's theory, a form of overcoming barriers, secret desires.

2. Theory of K. Gross: exercise, warning and preparation.

3. S. Hall’s theory includes the position that play is a desire for freedom and autonomy.

4. D. Elkonin’s theory states that play is a special form of reflection of the surrounding reality, a means of socialization. 5. N. Poddyakova functions of development and self-development; the phenomena of the child’s psyche are positively manifested in it.

6. K.D. Ushinsky understood the game as a reflection of real life. 7. A. S. Makarenko play is a meaningful activity, and the joy of play is “creative joy,” “the joy of victory.” The similarity of the game is also difficult to express in the fact that children feel responsible for achieving the set goal and for fulfilling the role that the team assigns to them.

Game as the leading activity of a preschooler.

The leading activity in preschool age is play. A game is a form of activity in which a child reproduces the basic meanings of human activity and assimilates those forms of relationships that will be realized and implemented later. He does this by replacing some objects with others, and real actions with abbreviated ones.

D.B. Elkonin argued that a game is a symbolic-modeling type of activity in which the operational and technical side is minimal, operations are reduced, and objects are conventional.

The subject of the game is an adult as a bearer of some social functions, entering into certain relationships with other people, adhering to certain rules in his activities.

In the game, an internal action plan is formed. This happens as follows. The child, while playing, focuses on human relationships. In order to reflect them, he must internally play out not only the entire system of his actions, but also the entire system of the consequences of these actions, and this is only possible by creating an internal plan of action.

As shown by D.B. Elkonin, play is a historical education, and it arises when a child cannot take part in the system of social labor, because he is still too small for this. But he wants to enter adulthood, so he does this through play, having a little contact with this life.

The importance of play in the upbringing and development of a child (R.I. Zhukovskaya, E.V. Zvorygina, Mendzheritskaya, etc.).

R.I. Zhukovskaya viewed play as a means of education. In her opinion, play is a form of individual, creative reflection of reality, its conditional transformation, a means of comprehensive education. R.I. Zhukovskaya developed a theory and methodology for developing children's speech in games; development of imagination; formation of children's interests, strong-willed character traits, such as determination, independence; nurturing strong-willed character traits in timid, absent-minded, undisciplined children; nurturing a sense of collectivism.

D.V. Mendzheritskaya, defining the game as a child’s social practice, his real life in the society of his peers, emphasized the relevance of the problem of using the game for the purposes of comprehensive education, and, first of all, the formation of the moral side of the individual. At the same time, she notes that in role-playing games, children reproduce in a visual, figurative, effective form the work and relationships of people, and this allows them to better understand and more deeply experience this reality, and is also a powerful factor in the development of thinking and creative imagination, the education of high human qualities.

E.V. Zvorygina, noting the role of a plot game in the educational process, points out that the value of such a game for the further mental development and comprehensive education of a child lies not only in obtaining, consolidating and expanding knowledge about the environment, but in the fact that the game improves the imaginary situation with a gradual transition from objective play to internal, mental games, the transition from individual to collective, a new level of understanding of reality expands the creative capabilities of children.

Pedagogical conditions for organizing play activities for young children:

- games environment, includes didactic, figurative toys related to toys; one games equally.

- teacher-organizer of didactics, outdoor games, fun games, construction games, games with sand, in the third year - role-playing games.

Preschool age:

- involving children in changing and creating a play environment;

- encouraging children to play independently;

- application of tactics of selective interaction between the teacher and children in the game;

- the teacher’s use of different positions when leading the game (organizer, partner, referee);

— use of different game development technologies;

- use of alternations of all types of children's games.

Subject to the above conditions, adults form in children a culture of emotions (a rich aspect of positive emotions), trust in others, and self-confidence. Organizational and partnership skills are formed, the ability to manage one’s behavior, influence the behavior of others, to better know oneself and the world around them; creative contacts between adults and children develop in play; the optimal style of gaming activity is formed.

- in early preschool age, didactic toys (turrets, inserts) are required;

- figurative; rolling toys that develop movements; fun toys.

In older preschool age, attributes are needed for role-playing games, for theatrical games, various construction sets, educational games, multifunctional toys-modules (environment-forming objects). Substitute items are selected by children and adults to use in the game (reels, scraps, boxes, waste material).

For the middle group, open space is used for play, the entire area of ​​the group room, where toys are stored in places accessible to children. In the older group, toys are stored in themed cabinets and drawers.

In pedagogy, there were several classifications of children's games.

Classification K.D. Ushinsky. The classic suggests distinguishing games with rules, folk games, and games for education.

Currently, several classifications of games are used in preschool pedagogy:

1. Games with open rules (didactic, active, fun games). These games are created for children by adults. Games with hidden rules (creative games). The authors of these games are children.

2. N. Mikhailenko, I. Korotkova offer a classification of games taking into account children’s activities: games that are used in the classroom; games organized together with adults and children; games initiated by children.

3. S.L. Novoselova proposed in the 90s of the twentieth century. the following classification of games for preschoolers depending on the initiator of the game:

1st grade - games initiated by children (theatrical, role-playing);

2nd grade – games initiated by adults (educational games, fun games);

3rd grade – folk games (leisure, training, ritual, archaic).

4. Avdulova T., analyzing the current state of play of preschoolers, identifies their varieties: game-role, game-attitude, game-action; about modern preschoolers - the game is losing its traditional meaning, perhaps for objective reasons.

A significant group of games are didactic games. They are called educational games for intellectual competence. Conventionally, they are divided into didactic games with toys (objects), with pictures, and verbal (table and printed). There are didactic games related to the development of speech, with the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, musical and didactic games, didactic games to familiarize with nature, and games of environmental content.

Didactic games taking into account educational tasks:

— desktop-printed (puzzles, task games);

— verbal (riddles, logical problems);

— verbal and mobile (exercises, competitions);

— structural (volumetric and planar);

- games in class;

— games with special teaching materials (maps, diagrams, computer programs);

— games for children’s independent activities.

The group of outdoor games is also diverse: plot-based, plotless, attraction games, elements of sports games (hockey, volleyball, badminton, checkers, chess).

Musical games: round dances, fun games, plotless musical games.

Each type of game has its own specific, educational and developmental effects. It is necessary that all types of games be used in the educational process of the kindergarten.

The problem of development and education of preschoolers in the game involves two sides:

1. Development of the game as an activity. The stages of game development were highlighted by S.L. Novoselova (subject, display, plot-display, actual role). N.Ya. Mikhailenko proposes to distinguish the following stages: subject-role, role-playing action, stage of plot formation. E. Kravtsova points out that first director’s games appear in children’s lives, then role-playing games, after playing with rules, and again director’s games at a higher level. D. Elkonin distinguishes 4 levels of development of role-playing games, regardless of the biological age of children.

2. Development of various aspects of the child’s personality (intellectual, emotional, development of independence, sociability, humane feelings, mental processes). The plot of the game has an educational effect. A group of children playing has a developmental influence. In the educational process of preschool educational institutions, play is a method, a means of teaching, upbringing, and a form of organizing children’s lives. Creative games have the greatest impact on the development of imagination, mental and creative abilities. Games with rules develop speech, attention, memory, and movement.

The main structural elements of the game: goal, motives, means of implementing actions, results and their characteristics

Play is a type of children's activity and, like any activity, has its own structure. It has all the components of the activity structure: motive, goal, planning, means of implementation, game actions, result. The plot-role-playing game, being creative, imposes its own specifics on the structural components.

T.A. Kulikova identifies the following structural components in a role-playing game: plot, content, roles, game actions.

The plot of the game is the child’s reflection of certain actions, events, relationships from the life and activities of those around him.

One of the main means of implementing the plot is game actions. V. I. Loginova, P. G. Samorukova distinguish two types of game actions: operational and figurative - “as if.”

Numerous studies by domestic teachers and psychologists (D. V. Mendzheritskaya, P. G. Samorukova and D. B. Elkonin) have shown that the main content of role-playing games is the social life of adults in its various manifestations: the actions and attitudes of adults to objects, the content of their work, relationships and communication between people in everyday life, work, etc.

The role is the main core of the role-playing game. The presence of a role in the game means that in his mind the child identifies himself with this or that person and acts in the game on his behalf, appropriately using certain objects, entering into various relationships with other players.

D. B. Elkonin dealt with the problems of role development in the game. Based on research, he concluded that the central part of play is the fulfillment of the role assumed by the child. In the course of development, the child’s awareness of his role changes, a critical attitude towards playing this role or playing the roles of playmates appears, the content of the role changes - from displaying actions to depicting relationships between people.

V. I. Yadeshko, V. Ya. Sokhin also identify the following components of a role-playing game: game concept, rules. The game plan is a general definition of what and how children will play: to the store, to kindergarten, etc.

The rules during the game are established by the children themselves, and in some games - by adults; they are designed to determine and regulate the behavior and relationships of the players. They give the game organization and stability, consolidate the content and determine further development, the complication of relationships and relationships.

Analysis of various literary sources on the problem allows us to identify the following structural components in role-playing games: game concept, plot, content, roles, game actions, rules. These components and their deployment by children in joint activities with adults and other children form a variety of plot-based role-playing games that occupy a significant place in the lives of children at all stages of preschool childhood.

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