Summary of a lesson on application in the senior group “Family”

Application “My Family” lesson plan on applique, modeling (junior group)

Goal : to form an idea of ​​a family as people who live together; cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride in one’s family, and activate children’s vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their family.


- develop a positive attitude towards the family;

- create a sense of belonging to the family;

- cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones

- develop a sense of pride in your family;

- develop speech, activate children’s vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their family.

A new kind of creativity

Crafts on the theme of the palm can be found on the Internet, in methodological recommendations in children's magazines, more and more often; this is a modern type of applied children's creativity, which is gaining momentum every day.

Many adults saw handicrafts made from palms in the photo and were surprised. Parents are often skeptical about handmade hand crafts for children.

But recently they have changed their minds - and now they not only leave crafts made from children’s hands as souvenirs, but also consider this a way to develop creative abilities.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

What is a family? A family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. In the theory of family law, family.

Goals: Creating a living creative union of adults and children for the full development of the child and self-realization of adults. Objectives: Teach parents to observe the child, study his appearance.

Plan for an open event on working with families We are a family, even though we are not seven. Everyone will help everyone! Goal: creating conditions for successful interaction between kindergarten and family. Objectives: .

synopsis of a physical education lesson for Family Day on the topic “A sports family is a healthy family.”

Creating conditions aimed at creating in young families a healthy lifestyle, a moral and psychological climate necessary for the successful development of the child’s personality.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Lesson summary on artistic creativity Application in the middle group of kindergarten Lesson topic “Me and my mother”

MDOU combined type kindergarten No. 390 Moskovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod

completed by: teacher gr. No. 5 Resnyanskaya I.V.


1. Educational objectives:

  • Formation of a mother's image in children.
  • Strengthening the ability to work using diagrams and tables.
  • Consolidating the ability to distribute finished elements evenly across the entire plane.
  • Strengthening the skill of neat gluing.

2. Developmental tasks:

  • Development of figurative ideas about the features of holidays using the example of the Mother's Day holiday.
  • Development of precision and dexterity of hand movements when working with a brush and a napkin on a horizontal plane.

3. Educational tasks:

  • Cultivating a kind, respectful attitude towards your mother.
  • Cultivating a sense of pride and joy for the deeds and actions of a loved one, a feeling of gratitude for care.

Materials and equipment:

  1. Schemes for writing stories about your mother.
  2. Tables “What your mother can do.”
  3. Phonogram for conducting physical education with children.
  4. Whatman paper for group work.
  5. A glue brush and napkin for each child.
  6. Glue in jars.
  7. Ready-made elements from colored paper for creating a collective applique

Methods and techniques:

  1. Verbal-conversation of problem presentation. questions of a partially search nature.
  2. Visual-examination. analysis of the object to work on the composition. drawing up diagrams and tables, searching for associative connections.

Z. Game - conducting a dynamic warm-up “Washing clothes”.

4. Practical - making a group work - “Gift for Mom”.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversation “My mother.” 2.Looking at photographs of your mothers. 3. Compilation of a story about your mother. 4.Listening and singing songs about mom. b.Reading poems, stories about mom.

b. Design of the exhibition “I will give the name Mom to the big ship.”

Progress of the lesson

1st part of the lesson. Organizing time. Conversation about mom.

Educator: Guys. Today guests came to our lesson. Let's say hello to them. (Children say hello, go to the easel on chairs, and sit down).

Educator: Guys, let's talk about the person closest to you. Can you name it?

Children: This is Mom.

Educator: Of course it’s Mom! There will be a holiday soon

called "Mother's Day".

2nd part of the lesson. Main part.

1. Names.

Educator: Do all children know the names of their mothers? Children say the names of their mothers.

2. Compiling a story using diagrams.

Educator: Guys, your mothers not only have different names, but also

different appearance.

How do you recognize your mother?

Children's answers. The teacher draws up a diagram based on the children’s answers and supplements it.

Educator: Look carefully at the diagram and try to tell about your mother.

Children's answers: (My mother is tall (short), slender (plump), She has blue (brown) eyes, plump (thin) lips, red (black, blond) hair, she has a green dress, black shoes, beads and earrings) .

Educator: Of course. your mothers are different. They have different names, different appearances. different clothes. but there is something in which they are very similar, what are they like, your mothers?

Children: Beautiful, kind, lacquered, gentle, smart, etc.

3. Working with tables.

Educator: And I also know that your mothers are very hardworking. In this they are all very similar to each other. What can your mothers do?

The children answer. complete and create a table.

Educator: Well done guys, let's repeat once again what your mothers can do

Children repeat.

4. Physical education.

Educator: Guys, who has already learned to help their mother?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, do you want to help wash your mother’s clothes?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Then I suggest you help your mother wash the clothes right now.

Children perform the following exercises to music:

  • Erased
  • Squeeze out
  • They will rinse
  • Squeeze out
  • Shake
  • Hanging
  • Petting

Educator: Well done! Mothers are very glad that they have such wonderful children as helpers.

5. Doing practical work.

Educator: It’s so good, guys, that you have such kind people; mothers who love you!

Educator: Guys, do you love your mothers?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Do you want to give mothers a gift? Children: Yes!

Educator: Guys, what do you think your mothers love most?

Children: Flowers.

Educator: I suggest giving your mothers a large bouquet of flowers?

Children: Yes!

Productive activity applique “Bouquet of Flowers”. -Drawing up a work execution plan. -Practical part.

3rd part of the lesson.

Final part. Summarizing.

The teacher praises the children for a wonderful gift for their mothers.

Follow-up work.

1. Reading works about mom. 2.Photo exhibition “Portraits of Mothers”. 3. Promotion “This is my mother.”

4. Organization of the role-playing game “My Family”.

5. Looking at family photo albums.

b. Drawing on the topic: “My mother.”

7. 0teaching children storytelling based on a plot picture


8. Work with parents: “Consultation for parents on the importance of traditions in family education.”

Next >

Drawings using prints and outlines

It's always interesting to compare children's hands with adult versions. Such comparisons and childhood memories can be captured and preserved. There are the following ways to do this:

Collect an album. Hand marks are placed in a frame. To do this, lower your palms into a surface painted with gouache or paints, and then lean them against a clean sheet. Kids do this with the help of their mother, older children do it on their own. After all, this is much more interesting.

  1. Trace the outline of your palm with a pencil.
  2. You can also use a felt-tip pen for this.
  3. Such drawings can be done after some time to see how the child grows up.
  4. It turns out to be a kind of tree.
  5. The design can be decorated with threads and fabric fragments.

This kind of family tree can be “grown” with the help of the palms of all family members.

Heart in palms

This is a craft that can be considered universal. It is suitable not only for children's events and activities. But also for adults. Holidays such as Valentine's Day, as well as other personal moments of lovers, cannot do without hearts.

This option is quite suitable. Well, to show the baby’s love for his mother, March 8 or his birthday will melt the hearts of both parents.

Let's make a snowman with white palms

White palms connected in circles are building material for a snowman. If you lay round blanks in several layers, the snowman figure will be fluffy.

To make the remaining parts for the craft, you will need colored paper. It is advisable to place the snowman figure on a blank sheet of paper or a picture with a winter landscape. Using this technique you can create figures of different animals.

Chamomile from palms

Cut out several palms from white paper and glue them together into a fan. A yellow oval fixed in the middle of the finger petals will form a daisy. The bud is obtained from a peduncle - these are palms glued together.

Using blue paper you can make cornflowers, and a sunflower from yellow and black.

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