Summary of the final drawing lesson in the middle group “Yellow dandelions grow on the lawn”
Dandelions. Drawing - Photo report on an unconventional drawing technique “Dandelions” Publication “Photo report on an unconventional technique
Features of development of children of senior preschool age
5-7 years, or senior preschool age, is an important period in personal and psychological
exercises for pronunciation of complex sounds
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group “Learning to speak correctly”
Pronunciation of complex sounds Articulation develops gradually; children usually master the pronunciation of complex sounds last
How to tell your child about the War. And about the holiday of May 9
We tell children about Victory Day on May 9. In our huge country, everyone should know
Non-traditional drawing techniques in the preparatory group
Non-traditional drawing techniques: meaning and tasks in the preparatory group Children of the seventh year of life confidently
Methods of teaching applications in the second junior group of kindergarten.
Methods of teaching applications in the second junior group of kindergarten. Visual activities in kindergarten
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group “Red spring with flowers”
GCD summary for speech development in the middle group “Red spring with flowers” ​​GCD summary for
Lesson on speech development in the second junior group. Sound culture of speech. Repetition of the poem “Horse” by A. Barto. Working on the “I” sound.
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group “Sound culture of speech: sounds s, s”
“Miracle Tree” educational activity for children of the first junior group
Long-term plan for introducing nature to the first junior group Yulia Kulkova Long-term plan
Summary of an open lesson on ecology in the senior group: “Walk in the winter forest”
Notes for a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Walk in the Forest” Notes for a lesson on
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