Card index of physical education minutes about water for older preschoolers.

Physical education lessons for preschoolers, on “T” and “U”

print version Published by: Natalya for

Motor ship The motor ship pushed off from the green pier, (The children stood up.) One, two, He stepped back first (Step back.) One, two, And then stepped forward, (Step forward.) One, two, And swam, swam along the river, (Wave-like movement with hands.) Gaining full speed. (Walk in place.)

Tick-tock Who's walking left and right there? This is the pendulum in the clock. It works properly and repeats: “Tick-tock, tick-tock.” (Hands on his belt, tilts to the right and left.) And a cuckoo sits above him. This is not a toy at all. The bird opens the door and tells you the exact time. (The arms are bent in front of the chest, the arms are straightened to the sides with sharp jerks.) And the clock goes on and on, It doesn’t hurry, it doesn’t lag behind. Without them, we won’t know that it’s time to get up. (Walk in place.)

The water is quietly splashing The water is quietly splashing, We are floating along a warm river. (Swimming movements with hands.) In the sky, the clouds, like sheep, ran away in all directions. (Stretching - arms up and to the sides.) We get out of the river, To dry off, we’ll take a walk. (Walking in place.) Now take a deep breath. And we sit down on the sand. (Children sit down.)

Let's sharpen the knife! Sharpening, Sharpening, Sharpening the knife! He will be very good. He will cut the supplies: Butter, Lard, Bread, Sausages, Tomatoes, Cucumbers... Help yourself, Well done! (Children imitate the movements of a sharpener. On lines 1-7, run the palm of the right hand back and forth over the palm of the left with a flip. From the 8th line, the same movements, but with the palm of the left hand run along the right, also with a flip. On the last two lines - four claps.)

Tra-ta-ta! (This fun game teaches children to strictly follow the rhythm. All students repeat in chorus.) Tra-ta, ta-ta-ta, tra-ta, ta-ta-ta. Tra-ta, ta-ta-ta, tra-ta! Tra-ta, ta-ta-ta, tra-ta, ta-ta-ta. Tra-ta, ta-ta-ta, tra-ta. (Then everyone beats this rhythm with their fist on their palm. In conclusion, everyone silently, without movements, in complete silence, without moving their lips, repeat the text to themselves (“Tra-ta, ta-ta-ta, tra-ta...”) and in the right moment (no one gives a sign) they must exclaim in unison the last “tra-ta!”)

Come on, don't be lazy! Hands up and hands down. Come on, don't be lazy! Make your swings clearer, sharper, Train your shoulders better. (Both straight arms are raised up, jerk your arms down and put them behind your back, then jerk them up and back.) Body to the right, body to the left - We need to stretch our back. We will make turns and help with our hands. (Turns the body to the sides.) I stand on one leg and bend the other. And now I will alternately raise my knees. (Take turns raising your legs bent at the knees as high as possible.) Rested, refreshed and sat down again. (Children sit down.)

We are surprised by nature We are standing in the garden, we are surprised by nature. (Stretching arms to the sides.) Here is the salad, and here is the dill. We grow carrots there. (Touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa.) We’ll work with you, we’ll declare a fight on the weeds - we’ll pull them out by the roots and squat lower. (Squats.) Nettles grew luxuriantly near the fence to everyone’s surprise. (Stretching - arms to the sides.) We won’t touch her - We’ve already been burned a little. (Stretching - arms forward.) We watered everything from a watering can and sat down on the benches. (Children sit down.)

Physical education minute. Smile Up and down jerking your arms, As if we were waving flags. Let's stretch our shoulders. Hands move towards. (One hand up, the other down, change hands with jerks.) Hands on your sides. Smile. Lean left and right. (Bend to the sides.) Start squats. Don't rush, don't lag behind. (Squats.) And at the end - walking in place. Everyone has known this for a long time. (Walk in place.)

Repeat the exercise We wave our arms vigorously, We stretch our shoulders. One-two, one-two, one-two-three, repeat the exercise. (One straight arm up, the other down, change hands with a jerk.) We rotate the body to the left, Three-four, one-two. We repeat the exercise: Shoulders, head to the right. (Rotate the body left and right.) We all had time to warm up, and sat down again. (Children sit down.)

Physical education minute. Exercises We turn the mill forward, and then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.) We will all bend over, as if we were jumping into a pool. (Bends forward.) And then we’ll bend back, Let’s warm up well. (Bends back.) And it’s time for us to jump, We haven’t jumped since the morning. (Jumping in place.) Step in place in conclusion. This is also an exercise. (Walking in place.) We jumped, stretched - and had a nice rest. (Children sit down.)

A rowan tree grew by the river. A rowan tree grew by the river, (From a crouching position, gradual straightening of the body, arms forward upward.) And the river flowed, rippled. (Turns right and left with smooth hand movements.) There is depth in the middle. (Bends forward, arms straight.) There was a fish walking there. (Squats.) This fish is the king of fish (Jumps.) It’s called a gudgeon. (Walk in place.)

Meadow duck Children: Meadow duck, Gray, field duck, Where did you spend the night?

Duck: Under a bush, under a birch tree. I walk by myself, I take my children. I'll swim on my own, duckling. I'll take my children. (A duck is selected. Children, following the duck, must follow all the movements behind it: they either waddle from one foot to the other, then walk with their palms on their knees, or swim, making circular movements with their hands in front of their chest.)

In the morning the gander stood on his paws. In the morning the gander stood on his paws, (Stretched, arms up - inhale and exhale.) Prepared for exercise. (Jerks of arms in front of the chest.) Turned left, right, (Turns left and right.) Did the squat correctly, (Squats.) Cleaned the fluff with the beak, (Tilts the head left and right.) Quickly into the water - splash! (Sit down.)


  • Kovalko V.I. The ABCs of physical education lessons for preschoolers: Practical development of physical education minutes, game exercises, gymnastic complexes and outdoor games (middle, high school, preparatory groups). - M.: VAKO, 2005. -176 p. — (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate). Read more.

‹ Physical education minutes for preschoolers, starting with “C” Up Physical education minutes for preschoolers, starting with “X”, “C”, “Ch”, “W”, “E”, “Y”, “I” ›

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