Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. Birds of our city

Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. Birds of our city

Lesson notes for preschoolers.
Topic: “Conversation about birds” Objectives of the lesson: Expanding knowledge about the birds of our city. Objectives: to introduce children to the structure of feathers and their significance in the life of birds, to explain the reason for the migration of birds (migratory, wintering, nomadic) to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds; the desire to help birds during a difficult period for them. Preliminary work: bird watching on a walk; looking at illustrations with birds; learning the outdoor game “Birder Catcher”; reading fiction about birds. Equipment: demonstration material “Birds”;
models - diagrams for comparing birds with other animals; feathers of different shapes, colors, sizes; scissors, cups of water; cards for the didactic game “Where do birds winter?”; feeders and various bird food. Progress of the lesson.
Educator: Hello, guys! So autumn has come. What changes have occurred in nature? Children: (list the signs of autumn). Educator : why are there fewer birds? Children: insects disappeared, and birds that feed on insects flew to warmer climes. Educator : Guys, how do birds differ from other animals? Children: (answer based on models - diagrams). Educator : what birds do you know? Children: (list birds). Educator: where do birds fly in the fall? Children: south. Educator : What are the names of the birds that flew south? Children: migratory birds. Educator : What migratory birds do you know? Children: ... Educator: with the onset of cold weather in the fall, the migration of birds begins, this is how it is written about in the poem by E. Blaginina: Soon white snowstorms will raise the snow from the ground. The cranes are flying away, flying away, flying away. You can’t hear the cuckoo in the grove, And the birdhouse is empty, The stork flaps its wings - It flies away, it flies away. A patterned leaf sways in a blue puddle on the water. A black rook and a black rook are walking in the garden, along the ridge. The rare rays of the sun, crumbling and turning yellow, The rooks are flying away, flying away, flying away. Guys, what birds is this poem about? Children: about migratory ones. Educator : the first to fly away from us are the fast-winged birds. These are swifts, swallows, starlings, larks. They fly away at the end of August, because... many insects disappear. These birds feed on insects and are called insectivores. Now your task is to find insectivorous birds? On the golden autumn days, the cranes gathered to fly away. They circled over their native swamp, gathered in schools, and headed to distant warm countries. The strongest one flies ahead - the leader. Wild geese and ducks fly away later than everyone else - when rivers and lakes freeze. These birds are called waterfowl. And again you have a task, find waterfowl? Flocks of birds fly high, and we hear their farewell calls from the sky. It’s as if they are shouting: “Goodbye, see you joyfully in the spring!” And now I propose to play the game “The Birds Have Arrived!”
Birds have arrived: Pigeons, tits, Flies and swifts... (children clap) Educator: What's wrong?
Children: flies. Educator: And who are flies? Children: insects. Educator: you are right. Well, let's continue. Birds arrived: Pigeons, tits. Storks, crows, Jackdaws, pasta!.. (children clap) Teacher : let's start again... Birds have arrived: Pigeons, martens!.. (if the children do not pay attention to the martens, then the teacher announces the score) Teacher: one zero in my favor. Martens are not birds at all. Let's continue... Birds have arrived: Pigeons, tits, lapwings, siskins, ticks, swifts, storks, cuckoos... Even scops owls... (children clap) Teacher: what is it? Not buns, but scoops - scops owls! Birds arrived: Pigeons, tits, Lapwings, siskins, Jackdaws and swifts Mosquitoes, cuckoos... (children clap and say that mosquitoes are insects) Educator: Birds arrived: Pigeons, tits, Jackdaws and swifts, Lapwings, siskins, Storks, cuckoos, Even Owls - Scops Owls, Swans, Starlings... Well done to all of you! Educator: guys, there are feathers on the tables in front of you, look at them carefully. How are feathers different? Children: color, size, shape. Educator : each feather has a rod, guess where the pen's rod is? Show it. The feather also has barbs. Find the beards. Show them. Notice how the barbs are attached to the shaft. Place the feathers on the table. What will happen if the wind blows now? Children: feathers will fly, they are light. Educator: if we cut the feather shaft, we will see that the inside is empty, so the feathers are very light. Dip the pen into a glass of water, is the pen wet, has the pen changed? Children: no, the water rolled down in droplets. Educator : feathers protect the bird from water and dampness. Think about why birds need big feathers? Children: to fly. Educator: why do they need small feathers? Children: for warmth. Educator: now look at the color of the feathers. What can you say? Children: feathers are different colors. They decorate the birds. Educator: You can often meet very beautiful birds. In most birds, only the males are brightly colored. They use their coloration to attract females. Females of the same birds most often have a uniform color, which helps them hide from enemies when they hatch eggs. (the teacher demonstrates birds with bright plumage) Teacher: you are probably a little tired, so I suggest playing the outdoor game “Birder”. The players choose the names of the birds whose calls they can imitate. They stand in a circle, in the center of which is a blindfolded birdcatcher. The birds walk, circle around the bird-catcher and say: In the forest, in the little wood, On the green oak tree, The birds sing merrily. Oh! The bird catcher is coming! The bird catcher claps his hands, the players stop in place, and the driver begins to look for birds. The one he finds imitates the call of the bird he has chosen. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the player. The player becomes a bird catcher. Players should not hide behind objects encountered along the way. Players must stop in place exactly when signaled. Educator: not all birds fly away, there are those that stay with us for the winter. What are their names? Children: wintering, sedentary. Educator : What wintering birds do you know? Children: (list the wintering birds of our region). Educator : I suggest playing the game “Where do the birds winter?” Here are cards with a snowflake on the left and a sun on the right. Your task is to place wintering birds on the left side from the small cards provided, and migratory birds where the sun is. (the teacher checks the task together with the children) Teacher: Well done, guys, you completed the task. Why do they say that winter is a difficult time for birds? Children: (speak out). Educator: how can you take care of them in winter? Children: ... Educator : what can be used as food for birds in winter? Children: ... Educator : Indeed, winter is a difficult time for birds, especially if it is frosty and full of snow.
Birds cannot find food under the snow. A hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. Winter days are short, and in order to survive without freezing, you need to eat much more food than in summer. You need to support the birds, make feeders for them and don’t forget to bring food to them. This is a very useful thing. Excursion to the winter park “Observation of wintering birds”
Purpose: Observation of birds in nature. Objectives: - consolidate knowledge about wintering birds - form an idea of ​​how wintering birds obtain food - cultivate a desire to care for and protect them. Progress of the excursion Organizational moment: The blizzard has cleared up again, Tearing off the snow caps. The bird is completely frozen and sits with its paws tucked in. The teacher asks the children questions. What birds are called wintering birds? What do they eat? What wintering birds do you know? Why don’t wintering birds fly to warmer climes for the winter? How can a person help wintering birds? — Wintering birds do not fly away from us to warmer climes, since they find food even in winter. They feed on buds, seeds and fruits of plants, hidden insects, and look for food near human habitation. Some birds die from the cold in winter. People can help wintering birds - tits are given unsalted lard, sparrows love millet and seeds. Speech therapist: The snow is fluttering, spinning, it’s white outside and the puddles have turned into transparent glass. In the garden where the finches sang, look today - Like pink apples, there are bullfinches on the branches. Who can say, who knows when this happens? Children: In winter! Speech therapist: That's right, in winter. Anyone who listened carefully to the riddle heard the name of the birds. Which ones? Children: Bullfinches. Educator: What kind of birds are these? How did you guess that it was a bullfinch? That's right, his chest is red. It’s not for nothing that in the riddle it is compared to an apple. Tell me, Miron, about the bullfinch. Guys, who knows what bullfinches eat? (Children's answers). Yes, bullfinches eat rowan berries. What other birds do we see in the park? Children: Crow. Educator: Who wants to tell you about the crow, what is it like? (Children's answers). That's right, the crow is big and gray. What does she eat? Crows collect crumbs and pieces of other food. Children also talk about the magpie, sparrow, and dove. Educator: And this bird is a frequent guest at our feeder. What is it called? Children: - Tit. Educator: Why do you think it is called that? (Children's answers). That's right, because it has a blue tint on its head, wings and tail. Educator: Life is hard for birds in winter. Why don’t they fly to warmer regions, like starlings, rooks, and swallows? Why do they stay? (Children's answers). Everything is correct, because tits, magpies, crows, pigeons, sparrows are wintering birds. They stay with us for the winter to make our lives more fun. Life is difficult for birds in winter, and to make it easier for them to get food, they gather in flocks. How can we help birds in winter? (Children's answers). The speech therapist reads a poem by A. Yashin: Feed the birds in winter! Let flocks of people flock to your porch from all over, like home. It’s hard to see how many of them die in the world. But there is warmth in our hearts for them too. Accustom the birds to your window in the cold, So that we don’t have to greet spring without songs. Dynamic pause: Gray crows flew and sat down at our feeding trough. They pecked, pecked, and jumped around the feeding trough. They all ate the treat and quietly flew away. The speech therapist reads a poem: The paws are getting cold in the cold near the pine and spruce trees. What a miracle - the apples are ripe on the birch tree! I’ll come closer to her, And I can’t believe my eyes - A flock of scarlet bullfinches has stuck around the tree! (I.V. Kravchenko) The teacher conducts a conversation: - Whom does the author compare to ripe apples? (Bullfinches). — Bullfinch are birds. — When do bullfinches come to us? (With the onset of the first frost) - Bullfinches are migratory birds, that is, they move from one place to another over a short distance in search of food, wintering, and rest? — What do bullfinches eat? (Berries of rowan, viburnum, juniper and plant seeds, some insects). - What does a bullfinch look like? (Children's answers) - Yes, guys, the male bullfinch has a bluish-gray back, a dazzling white undertail, a black tail and wings, and a bright red breast. The female is more modestly colored - her breast is not scarlet, but dark gray. - Do you know how bullfinches behave? (Children's answers.) - These birds are slow, clumsy, important, pugnacious, cocky. They slowly fly in small flocks from tree to tree, slowly pecking at rowan berries. -What does a bullfinch whistle sound like? To the sound of a flute: gentle, sad. Listen. (The teacher plays an audio recording of bullfinches whistling) - How can we help these birds in winter? (Children's answers). — The most important rule for humans is not to interfere with nature and take care of our little feathered friends! Without them, our life will become boring and “ugly”. Outdoor game "Bullfinches" Bullfinches. Bullfinches. (Children stand facing in a circle, clapping their hands at their sides). One two Three. One two Three. (They bend three fingers on both hands, starting with the big ones.) They arrived, sat, (They bend the remaining two fingers on each hand.) They made a noise, flew away. (They run in a circle, flapping their arms like wings.) They flew into the sky. (They stop and wave with crossed palms.) What miracles! (They spread their hands in surprise.) - Well done, guys! - And now we will feed the wintering birds. Let's hang a feeder with treats for them. — What shall we treat the birds with? (millet and seeds). -And we also want to tell you about bread crumbs. Bread crumbs freeze in the cold, and when birds start pecking at them, the crumbs can get stuck in the throat and the bird will die. Therefore, it is better not to feed with bread crumbs! — Our excursion has come to an end. But we can still watch wintering birds on the way to kindergarten.

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Ecology lesson “Hello, birds!”

Birds are a powerful source of knowledge.
They are an important factor in maintaining biological balance. Communication with birds ennobles a person, makes him sensitive, can serve as rich material for the development of aesthetic feelings, sensory education, and contributes to the formation of character and interest. To understand the art of communicating with birds, one cannot do without ecological knowledge. After all, misconceptions that cause an unfriendly attitude towards birds not only harm the birds, but also affect the psyche of children, making them bitter. Correcting misconceptions is much more difficult than forming new, correct ones. We provide knowledge in the form of environmental campaigns and activities with children. Hello birds!

Ecology lesson in the preparatory group.


  • To develop children's knowledge about birds.
  • Develop empathy for the troubles of birds, the desire to fight for their safety.
  • Cultivate a love for birds through direct communication with them, appreciating their diversity.

Materials: carpet, dummy wood, chicken egg, magnifying glass, illustrations with bird nests, pictures of birds, basket, leaves with riddles about birds, magnetic board, hat for playing, birdhouses.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, talking about birds, looking at illustrations, outdoor games, making birdhouses with parents.

Progress of the lesson

Updating knowledge on the topic “Spring”

There is a tree on the carpet and birds on it. A bird trill sounds in the recording.

The buds swell quickly and leaves appear. Everywhere there is hubbub, bird trill, April has come to us. - April has come to us. Spring came. And what miracles happen in the spring: snow turns into water, water gurgles everywhere, streams run, icicles melt from the heat, ice floes break off (is this dangerous?), buds swell, primroses appear, etc. But the most important miracle is that it is in the spring that some birds return, bringing spring on their wings, others survived the harsh winter and enjoy the warmth of spring (listening to a recording of birdsong).

Game "Good - Bad"

- What good is it that the birds flew away from us? (In winter it is cold in our area, they have nowhere to hide from the wind and snow, but in the south it is warm; the birds are hungry and have nothing to eat, since all insects sleep in winter, and in warm areas insects are found all year round). - What's wrong with birds flying away from us? (We don’t see birds; we don’t hear their singing; many birds, when they fly, die on the way, can’t stand the difficult road; without birds it’s boring and quiet).

Conversation on the topic “Migratory birds”

— The bird world is diverse! The spring parade of the feathered population is very interesting and vibrant! Rejoicing in spring and warmth, they improve our mood with their bird songs. So let there always be a lot, because they are not cramped in the air. - Guys, why do the birds come back to us? (Continue your lineage). Having arrived, the birds occupy nesting areas, forming pairs. At this time, bird song is most often heard. For example, a sparrow - father and a sparrow - mother, are looking for a place for a nest in any secluded place - in a hollow, birdhouse, under the roof of a house, in dense tree branches, etc. They collect branches for the nest, cover it with blades of grass, feathers, down, and scraps of wool. Then the mother bird lays eggs in the finished nest and sits on them. - Do you know how birds are born? I will tell you about a wonderful transformation. What do you think I'm holding in my hands? This is one of the miracles. The egg is life. The female bird lays eggs, and then incubates them for a long time, warms them with her warmth, protects them from predatory animals that want to feast on them, and protects them from bad weather.

Looking at illustrations of bird nests.

- Look at the clutches of eggs. What do they have in common? What is the difference? What do you think they made of? How long do you think it takes a bird to build such a nest?

Cognitive activity of children. Familiarization with the structure of an egg.

- Why do we need eggs? Whose egg is in my hands? (Chicken egg). Look how beautiful it is. Let's look at it with you. The egg has a shell. What is she like? Let's use a magnifying glass to look at the shell. The shell has tiny holes that allow air to pass through. What's inside the shell? (carefully break the egg) What is this yellow thing? What is it for? This is a yolk, in the yolk there is an embryo, (look at it) which will develop from the heat, having developed this embryo will turn into a bird. Protein contains the necessary supply of water and nutrients that are necessary for the development of the embryo. Are all eggs built like this? Can we go into the forest and check the birds' eggs? Why? Why can't you break the eggs of wild birds? Imagine that you find yourself in a spring forest and find a nest.

Working on the content of the poem

- I found a forest nest, of a small motley bird, made in early spring. There were eggs in the nest. How frightened she was, the bird pretended to be sick, dragged its wing, tossed about, in the thick grass, in front of me. It was given right into my hands. She took me away from the nest. And how much torment there was in it, And how much strength there was in it. - Why did the bird behave this way? (Birds will definitely hatch from the eggs of wild birds, so you can’t touch or break eggs found in the forest, you can’t pick them up, because the mother, sensing someone else’s smell, can throw them and the unhatched chicks will die).

Familiarization with the rules of conduct in the forest.

— At the end of May - beginning of June, chicks appear in bird nests. Caring parents feed them and, of course, protect them. A little extraneous sound or noise - mothers begin to leave their nests. Lead enemies away from the bird's house. People should remember this. Therefore, we should not make noise in the forest, so as not to scare the mother away from the nest, so as not to leave the babies without parents. Of course, you must follow other rules of conduct in the forest.

Don't destroy birds' nests! Do not take chicks from the nest! Don't break branches! The sun laughs tenderly, The sun shines hot. And in the ravine the Talkative stream flows loudly. After the winter silence After the winter cold, Birds fly from beyond the mountains, from beyond the seas.

So the birds came with me. Can you guess their names?

Game "Guess the bird"

There are cards with pictures of birds on the table, and leaves with riddles about birds in the basket. The child attaches the picture - the answer - to the magnetic board.

I sing loudly and loudly, Returning from the south on time. But I borrow songs from even forty. (starling)

He never builds a nest, leaves eggs for his neighbors, and doesn’t remember the chicks. (cuckoo) Heather - white-sided And her name is... (magpie)

The bird is small, has legs, but can’t walk. Wants to take a step, It turns out - a jump. (sparrow)

I'm knocking on wood, I want to get a worm. Even though he hid under the bark, he will still be mine. (woodpecker)

- Guys, do you want to fly and play with birds? Game "Birder"

Using a rhyme, a driver is selected and a hat is put on. Counting table: Tili - tili, the birds sang, soared to the sky, flew. The birds began to build nests. Those who don’t make nests should lead them.

The birder must determine by voice which bird he has “caught.” Children walk in a circle and say the words: In the forest, in the woods, on the green oak tree, the birds sing merrily. Hey, is the bird catcher coming? He will take us into captivity. Kar - kar - kar! (crow) Chik - chirp, chiv - chiv! (sparrow) Blue - blue - blue! (tit) Drink tea, drink tea! With sugar (thrush) Five - five, five - grouse (hazel grouse) Yula - Yula - Yula! (lark) Siskin - siskin, cha - cha - cha! (starling) Have you seen Vitya? Have you seen Vitya? (lentils)

Introducing children to signs

By watching birds, we can also determine what the weather will be like. We can name one of the birds that predicts the weather by solving a puzzle.

If this bird flies low, it means it will rain.


Also, what signs do you know?

Sparrows gather in the dense foliage of trees and noisily meet - for clear weather.

The pigeons cooed - to clear weather.

Birds are tufting - it means rain.

The cuckoos cuckooed together - for clear weather.

Sparrows bathing in dust mean rain.

Birds sang in the rain - for clear weather.

Conversation “Save the birds”

- Guys, what would happen if the birds did not return to us? (environmental disaster)

There will be no one to protect parks, gardens, forests, fields, and vegetable gardens from harmful insects. Insects will eat all the vegetation and destroy the harvest of bread, fruits, and vegetables. There will be no one to spread the seeds of berries, herbs, and flowers across the earth. We will never hear their wonderful songs.

So that flowering gardens do not die in vain from harmful insects, Always, at any time of the year, take care of the birds, friends! What does it mean to save birds?

Looking at a birdhouse

— Look, guys, what wonderful houses your dads made. After all, the birds are already rushing towards us from the south. Birdhouses, wagtails and titmice with sparrows will settle in them. They will line them with soft down, moss, and blades of grass and lay their eggs. And from the eggs little starlings and sparrows will appear, and all day long they will fly, search, and carry worms or caterpillars to their chicks. One starling makes up to 200 flights per day. And today, on a spring day, Let's celebrate the birds' housewarming. We will hang these houses all together on birch trees. We guys are preschoolers. We invite all birds, come whoever wants. We love you very, very much.

There's a knock on the door. The postman Pechkin enters. He brought a telegram from the birds:

“Guys, please hang cotton wool and rags on the branches of trees and bushes with your parents. We will insulate our nests with this material.”

Practical work on the street

Together with the children and parents we go to hang up bird houses and cotton wool.

Author: Yakovchenko Nina Stefanovna teacher - ecologist MBDOU “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 41 “Ugolyok” Kemerovo region, Mezhdurechensk city, Russia.

The article is published in the author's edition.

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