Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Birds of Migratory”

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Birds of Migratory”

Maria Shandybo

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Birds of Migratory”

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group of compensatory orientation for children with speech impairments

Topic: “Birds of Migratory”

Software tasks:

1. Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Migratory birds”.

2. Practical learning by children of the names of bird body parts.

3. Learn to compose simple common and complex sentences with subordinate clauses.

4. Agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

5. Practical mastery of the skill of forming complex adjectives.

6. Teach the practical use of prefixed verbs in speech (flew out, flew around, flew in.) and prepositions (from-, in-, above, under-, to-, from-).

7. Practicing the correct use of nouns in the dative and prepositional cases.

8. Teach children to compose descriptive stories according to the plan given by the speech therapist.

9. Development of visual perception, auditory attention and memory in children.

10. Correction of fine motor skills.

11. Development of logical thinking in children.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

The one who correctly names one after another “chain of words” will sit down: swallow-stork-rook; starling-swan-crane; stork-swan-swallow.

2. Goal setting, activities.

Today we will talk about birds.

3. Game “Fold it correctly” (cut-out pictures depicting migratory birds).

Name who is in your pictures. (Rook, starling, swallow, stork, crane, swan).

-Who is this? How to call it in one word?

-These are birds.

-What birds? Migratory or wintering?

-Why are birds called migratory?

-Birds fly to warmer regions in the fall and return back in the spring.

-Why do birds fly to warmer regions?

-Because in winter it’s cold and there’s no food.

-Which birds fly to us first?

-Rooks and starlings.

4. Game “Select, name, remember”

We will name words - signs characteristic of each bird that answer the question: “Which one?”, “Which one?” You can also name complex words consisting of two words.

a) rook (what,.

black, small, smart, noisy, useful, loud, black-eyed,

sharp-billed, swift-winged;

b) swallow (what...

small, dexterous, cheerful, beautiful, agile, caring, smart, black-winged, white-breasted;

c) starling (which one).

small, black, shiny, beautiful, singing, smart, sharp-beaked,


d) stork (which one).

big, white, smart, strong, caring, black-eyed; black-winged,


d) crane (which one).

big, gray, strong, beautiful, long-legged, sharp-beaked;

e) swan (what).

big, snow-white, beautiful, proud, caring, waterfowl,


5. Treats for birds.

Connect the bird with its favorite food with a string.

-What will you give to the birds?

-I'll give the starling a worm. -Crane - frog. - Stork-frog. - Swan-fish.

-Rook-worm. -Cuckoo caterpillar. - Swallow-mosquito.

6. “Excursion to the park.” The sound of birds singing.

-What did you hear?


7. Practicing prefixed verbs “Bird in the nest.”

-What is the bird doing?

-Bird from the nest. flew out. Around the nest. flew around. Above the nest. flew by. Through the nest. flew over. To the nest. flew up. Under the nest. flew by. To the nest. arrived.

9. Physical exercise. Game "Hungry Chicks".

The mother bird has flown away. The first group of children (chicks) are sitting in the kids looking for beetles. nest, and the second group (mothers) fly, looking for food. The little chicks are waiting for food. Then they change roles. Mom's gifts.

10. Compiling a short story - a description according to the plan given by the speech therapist. Birds want us to write a story about them, and pictures will help us with this

- assistants. You must name the bird, what it looks like, what it eats, where it lives.

-I want you to tell me about the swallow.

-Swallow is a small and beautiful bird. She has a small black head

black back. The wings and tail are black. The swallow's breast is white and red.

blue tie. She has short legs. The swallow flies very quickly because

that she has long, strong, sharp wings. The tail is also long and strong,

forked. The swallow feeds on small insects, flies, mosquitoes, and

nest under the roof of a house.

Riddle about the stork.

This is an old friend of ours

He lives on the roof of a house

He flies to hunt

For frogs to the swamp.

-This is a stork. It is white. It has black feathers on its wings. It has a large red beak, a long neck, and long legs. The stork feeds on frogs, snakes, grasshoppers, and builds a nest on the roofs of wooden houses and trees.

11. Game “Fourth is odd”.

-Which picture is the odd one out? Starling, magpie (wintering, swallow, rook. Stork, crane, swan, turkey (domestic). Swallow, starling, stork, cuckoo (does not build nests).

12. Are birds beneficial?

-Destroy plant pests in fields and vegetable gardens, orchards and forests.


-Who did we talk about today?

-About migratory birds, about the benefits they bring.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic “Migratory Birds”

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic “Migratory Birds”
Author: teacher Rybak Victoria Aleksandrovna MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 15, Kropotkin Caucasus region Program content: 1. Introduce children to migratory birds, find out why they are called that, give the concept of “insectivores”, “waterfowl”;
learn new concepts (fly: in a flock, in a line, singly, in a wedge); consolidate concepts about complex words (insectivores - eat insects, and so on). 2. Develop children’s active and passive vocabulary; improve question-and-answer conversation skills. 3. Foster a caring attitude towards nature and birds. Activation of vocabulary: flock, string, singly, wedge, insectivorous, waterfowl, long-tailed, sharp-billed, black-winged, long-necked. Equipment: illustrations with different types of birds, subject pictures depicting different types of birds, animals, fish, insects. Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part. I place illustrations with different types of migratory birds in front of the children. — Today we will talk about migratory birds. Why do you think they are called that? That's right, because they fly away to warmer climes. What time of year does this happen? What migratory birds do you know? 2. Main part. - Do you know how birds fly to us? That's right, in a flock, but they can also fly: in a string, singly, or in a wedge. (I hang up the corresponding pictures). Insectivorous birds are the first to leave us all. There are two words hidden in the word insectivores: they eat insects. Repeat - insectivores. They eat chafers, butterflies, wasps, dragonflies and bees. And these birds fly away immediately after the first frost, as soon as the insects disappear. The earliest birds to fly away are flycatchers, redstarts, wagtails, thrushes, larks, buntings, and starlings. When bodies of water (rivers and lakes) freeze, waterfowl - geese, ducks and swans - head south. The word waterfowl also contains two words - swim in the water. Repeat - waterfowl. What spring bird almost lands on Tractor’s nose? A black messenger of Spring runs after the plow shouting and galloping... (Rook). In the spring, when the tractor is plowing the ground, rooks fly into the field, they collect earthworms and May beetle larvae. In summer they catch grasshoppers in the grass. Rooks build nests in trees, somewhere near the village, or at the edge of a grove. Flies to us with warmth, Having traveled a long way, Sculpts a house under the window, From grass and clay. (Martin). Swallows fly in the sky for hours, catching mosquitoes and various midges, and then sit on the wires and rest, preening their feathers. Their wings are long, narrow, the tail is forked, they are black, the breast is white, the throat is reddish-brown. Swallows build nests in villages under the roof. The nest itself consists of clay mixed with saliva and then they sit in such a nest like in a cup. He helps us with the housework, and willingly inhabits his Dark Bronze Wooden Palace... (Starling). The starling's feathers are black-black, shiny, and speckled. He lives near a person, in a birdhouse, although this does not always happen. Starlings love old parks and forests, where there are many fragrant trees, and build their nests in hollows. Starlings eat insect larvae and caterpillars. Game “Who has what body?” - Look, it's a starling. What kind of tail does he have? (Short). So what kind of starling is it? - Short-tailed. - This is a swallow, it has a long tail. So, what kind of swallow? - Long-tailed. - This is a rook, it has a sharp beak. What rook? - Sharp-beaked. - Does he have a black wing? - Blackwing. Well done guys, that's right. Physical exercise “Birdhouse”. Sticking out of the birdhouse are the beaks of little starlings, beak one, beak two, paws, paws, head. Working with proverbs. -Guys, let's remember the proverbs about birds. 1. Every bird sings its own songs. 2. It’s good for a bird in a golden cage, or better yet, on a green branch. 3. The bird is small, but its claw is sharp. 4. Every bird seeks warmth. 5. Every bird is afraid of the net. -Well done, guys, you remembered all the proverbs correctly. Let's repeat them all together again. (children pronounce proverbs in chorus) Game “Birds, animals, fish, insects.” - Look, we have these pictures, they depict animals, birds, fish, insects. Now we will mix them with you. Everyone must take one card for themselves. I will name the group and those guys who have someone from this group must quickly put them on the table. During the course, we pronounce the names of groups, animals, and discuss whether the group turned out to be correct. I draw attention to mistakes and encourage correct answers and statements. 3. Summary of the lesson. - So, let's remember what we talked about today? We talked about rooks, swallows, starlings - they are migratory birds that live close to people. Well done today! They talked a lot about birds and showed diligence in doing the work. Let's end our lesson with the poem we learned. (Children recite a poem in chorus) Take care of the birds. Don’t touch the swallow! She flies here from afar, raises her chicks with us, don’t ruin her nest. Be a bird friend! Let the nightingale sing under the window in the spring, And let flocks of doves fly over the expanses of the Earth! Musa Dzhangaziev.

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Summary of a lesson on speech development in a preparatory school group on the topic: “Migratory birds.”


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Toguchinsky district “Toguchinsky kindergarten 2” Summary of a lesson on speech development in a preparatory school group on the topic: “Migratory birds”. Educator: Sannikova Yu.V.

2 Goals: -replenishment of children’s vocabulary on the topic “Birds of Migratory”, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech, learning to compose a descriptive story. Objectives Educational objectives: - activation and replenishment of the vocabulary on the topic “Migratory Birds”; — development of word formation skills; - an exercise in constructing grammatically correct sentences; - practice dividing words into syllables; - consolidate the use of prepositions in speech from, on, under, in, over to; - fix the names of the chicks; - learning to compose a descriptive story based on a subject picture and a schematic plan. Corrective tasks: - development of attention, memory, thinking; — development of general and fine motor skills (physical minute); — automation of delivered sounds, control and self-monitoring of sound pronunciation. Educational objectives: - to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and a desire to protect it and all living things; - cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other; — cultivate patience, perseverance, the ability to listen and kindly evaluate the stories of comrades. Working methods: playful, visual, verbal, practical. Techniques: riddles, leading and prompting questions, remarks, reminders, speech sample, assessment of children’s participation in the lesson, surprise moment. Equipment: silhouette pictures depicting migratory birds, a plan diagram for writing a descriptive story, a magnetic board and silhouette pictures for the exercise “Who lives where.” Progress of the lesson. Educator: - Children, listen to the riddle. About what time of year? She comes with affection and with her fairy tale. He waves his magic wand and the snowdrop blooms in the forest. (Spring) -What is spring? (warm, bright, joyful, ringing, sunny, green, affectionate, kind.) -What miracles happen in spring?

3 Children call. “But the most important miracle is that it is in the spring that feathered friends fly to us. Let's listen to the voices of birds, and you tell me which birds' voices you heard. Listening to the recording. Children call. - Guys! Today Dunno came to visit us. He claims to know all migratory birds. Let's check it out. Tell Dunno the riddles that you know about migratory birds. 3 - Riddles (training children's memory, attention, thinking - the ability to identify descriptive signs of a migratory bird, developing dialogic speech, improving the grammatical structure of speech, automating sounds). 1. Who is this bird? Never builds nests. He leaves the egg to the neighbors and does not visit the chick. Dunno makes mistakes all the time and the children correct him. Cuckoo. After each riddle, the children explain: How did you guess the correct answer? What new have you learned about migratory birds? 2. This is an old friend of ours. He lives on the roof of the house Long-necked, long-beaked, Long-nosed, voiceless. He flies to hunt for frogs in the swamp. Stork. 3. He cleans the arable land of worms from all migratory birds. 4. Under the roof I make a nest from lumps of clay. For the chicks I put a soft feather bed on the bottom. Rook. Martin. 5. There is a palace on the pole. There is a singer in the palace. Starling. - Children! You see that Dunno doesn’t know migratory birds very well. Let's help him tell him about these amazing travelers. And here is a diagram that will help make your story detailed and interesting. - Children's stories (2 people - children choose a silhouette picture of a migratory bird if they wish) (an exercise in composing a descriptive story based on a subject picture and a schematic plan; development of monologue speech using

4 detailed, grammatically correct phrases; automation of delivered sounds; formation of attention to the statements of other people, goodwill, the ability to wait for one’s turn to participate in a particular activity). Physical exercise. Outdoor game "Flock". -Let's have a little rest: let's turn into birds and fly in a flock. Fly, little birds, to the meadow, quickly make a circle. We play as a flock. Flock, let's fly! The birds flew away, (Run on their toes in a circle, one after another.) The birds are not big. (Flash your arms like wings.) Birds fly, They don’t know how to get tired. Stop! The birds sat down on the path, (Sit down, turning your face in a circle.) The birds pecked the crumbs: (Knock your index fingers, like beaks, on the floor.) “Peck, peck, peck, we’ll peck, Then we’ll sing a song.” (Stand facing the circle.) - And now the riddle: Without hands, without an ax, a hut was built... What is this? (nest) - Where do birds build their nests? Answers (complete) Birds make nests in trees (on bushes, in grass, in hollows, in birdhouses). D. game “Insert the correct preposition” Guys, who is this sitting on a branch here? This is a starling. For some reason he is sad. Let's help him use the correct little word, preposition. Maybe he'll have fun later! I will show the movements, and you will name the sentence with the preposition correctly. The starling flew out of the birdhouse. (from) The starling flew into the birdhouse. (c) The starling flew up to the birdhouse. (k) The starling is spinning around the birdhouse. (above) The starling sat down on a branch. (on) A starling sits in a tree. (under) -The starling is happy and says “Thank you!” D. game “Who has what body?”

5 Look, it's a starling. What kind of tail does he have? (short). So what is he like? (short-tailed starling). What kind of legs does a starling have? (thin). So what kind of starling? (thin-legged). This is a swallow. What kind of tail does she have? (long). So what is she like? (long-tailed). This is a rook. What kind of beak does he have? (spicy). So what is he like? (sharp-billed). What color is the rook's wing? (black). So what kind of rook? (black-winged). What color is a swallow's breast? (red). So what is she like (red-breasted). This is a crane. What's his neck like? (long). So what is he like? (long-necked) D. ball game “Who has who?” Migratory birds have chicks. What are the names of the chicks of different birds? The children and the teacher form a circle. The rook has rooks, the starling has nestlings, the swift has swifts, the cuckoo has cuckoos, the crane has chicks, the jackdaw has chicks. - Guys, Dunno came to us with an envelope, he can’t cope with the task. Let’s help him. D. game “Hide the syllables in your palms” So-lo-vey Rook Ku-kush-ka Skvo-rets Skvo-rech-nick Las-dot-ka Duck-ka - Let's teach Dunno how to make sentences and lay out a diagram for it. The birds will be very pleased. Children make a proposal and lay out a diagram. -What benefits do birds bring? (children's answers) - Guys, Dunno really enjoyed playing with you. Now he won't confuse the birds. What have we taught Dunno?

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