The Tale of the Star Who Didn't Want to Sleep

The Tale of the Star Who Didn't Want to Sleep

Once upon a time there lived in the kingdom of the stars the Golden Moon. As soon as it got dark around him, he went on night watch to check if all the stars were sleeping and seeing sweet dreams. One day he left the house, walked along the Milky Way, looked around. He will adjust the pillow for one star, tuck in the blanket for another, and quietly begin to hum a lullaby to the third. The stars sleep sweetly. The Golden Moon is pleased that everything is calm in his kingdom. Suddenly I heard some noise. He went in the direction from which cheerful laughter was heard. He sees that the little star is having fun, playing, and singing songs. The Month was surprised:

“Why aren’t you sleeping,” asks Laughing Star.

- This is boring! “I’ll sleep during the day, and at night it’s so fun to play,” the Star answers in a ringing voice.

- It’s a mess not to sleep when everyone else is sleeping. I'll come tomorrow and check. If you don't sleep, we'll have to punish you!

Asterisk missed the words of the Golden Month and ran on to play.

The next night came. I went on patrol again for a month. What's happened? Again there is noise, din, and laughter.

-Are you awake again? - The Month became more angry than ever at Zvezdochka.

“I slept during the day,” she answers as if nothing had happened.

“I’m warning you for the last time,” threatened the Golden Moon.

The third night has arrived. The month comes again to inspect its possessions. Once again, boisterous laughter is heard. The little star is jumping from one leg to another, rejoicing.

- All! I’ve had enough,” the Moon became seriously angry. “All stars should sleep at night and illuminate children’s dreams with their magical twinkling.” I’m depriving you of daytime sleep for this, you won’t be able to rest when you’re tired of playing.” He said this, turned around and went home.

Since then, Asterisk has stopped sleeping during the day, but in the evening it appears first in the sky, and in the morning it burns longer than the others - it sleeps and restores its strength. Everyone should sleep at night, both children and stars. After all, even the Golden Month, finishing its night watch, returns to its home and falls asleep in a warm, cozy bed.

Fairy tale for children “Star”

Kristina Naumtseva

Fairy tale for children “Star”


High, high in the sky, where thunderclouds are born, a little star was born.

She was so beautiful that even her fellow stars admired the amazing beauty of the Star. Our beauty grew quickly, and the older she became, the more magnificent she was.

Stars are very hardworking people. In the morning they get up, clear the sky of clouds, warm everything around with warmth, shine brightly, show the way to wanderers setting off on a long journey. They really love to work and always do the work together.

But Star didn’t want to work; it seemed to her that she was special. And so she thought that there was no place for her with simple Stars and decided to leave home:

“I’ll go where I’m valued and loved!” - Star exclaimed and went home.

- Wait, Star! We love and appreciate you, but mothers need to work and do good! - the other Stars shouted after her, but she no longer listened to them, walking off into the distance.

Whether long or short, she walked and walked and reached the edge of the sky. The little star looked at its reflection in the Heavenly River and accidentally fell to the Earth.

She splashed down a lot, and while she was getting up, rubbing her bruised sides, she saw people and animals crowding around her:

-What kind of wonderful miracle is this? What a beauty! - exclaimed in the crowd.

- I am a real star . I fell from the sky! – explained the fallen Star.

- You are beautiful, Star ! - people admired.

From that day on, everyone came to admire the Star: people painted pictures from it, photographed the Star , wrote poems, odes and poems in honor of the extraordinary guest, sculpted sculptures and monuments to the Star .

Now our Zvezdochka has become a real star


This is how the star traveler’s life on Earth began. During the day, Zvezdochka was surrounded by many people, animals and even birds. And at night they dispersed, scattered and crawled into their homes, holes and nests. A " star "

I was left completely alone. She wandered through deserted streets and roads, hoping to surprise at least someone with her beauty, but everyone was busy with their own affairs or shared this time with their friends and loved ones.

Time took its course and the Stars began to get used to the splendor, because external beauty is not so valuable compared to internal beauty, which is confirmed by good deeds and good deeds. They began to admire our beautiful Star less and less, and visit her less and less. And the star guest herself was tired of being just star

. No one became her friend, no one saw her as a person, no one expected help from her.

And she yearned so much for her Stars in her native sky that hot tears began to roll from her beautiful eyes.

And Zvezdochka decided to definitely return home. She got ready for a long journey, said goodbye to the people, animals and birds, and went to where Heaven meets Earth.

Asterisk walked for a day, walked for a second, and on the third day, at the end of the day, she approached a dense forest. It was very dark in the forest, but the Star was bright and easily passed through the gloomy forest jungle.

Suddenly she heard desperate crying nearby.

-Who is this crying? – asked Star.

It was a little girl:

- It's me! I'm lost. I decided to take a shortcut home from my grandparents, and I still don’t know how to get home. What should I do? - the girl sobbed.

“I’ll help you, girl, don’t cry.” I will light your way and you will find your home! – our Star reassured her.

Together, things go well. Less than half an hour had passed before the girl returned to her home.

- Thank you, dear Star, I will never forget you! – the girl thanked her assistant.

And Star felt so pleased by her words that she began to shine even more beautifully and boldly continued on her way.

And the star traveler began to help everyone she met on her way.

In one town she met an unhappy lover wandering in the night. He shed bitter tears because he had lost the ring he was carrying to his beloved. The star illuminated the earth for him, and the unhappy lover found what he had lost.

In another city, she warmed the poor beggars, chilled by the terrible cold. The star hugged them with her warm rays, and with her kindness warmed not only the body, but also the heart.

And in the third place, passing by the house, she heard quiet crying. The Star Traveler looked out the window. It was a small blond boy with frightened, tear-stained eyes.

- Why are you crying? – asked Star.

“I’m afraid of the dark, I’m very scared alone.” - the baby stammered.

- Let me stay with you until the morning. I'm bright and you won't be scared.

And Zvezdochka sat until dawn with the little boy, who, having calmed down, immediately fell asleep, snoring pleasantly.

The next morning, Star continued on her way. She now realized that the greatest happiness is giving joy to others.

And finally, she reached the place where Heaven meets Earth. Time passed towards evening.

- How I would like to be with my Stars now! – the traveler sighed.

And suddenly she saw the brightest and most amazing thing she could ever see in her life - Star Light . These were lovely Stars. They had been waiting for her to return home for a long time.

- Forgive me, dear ones. – said the Star.

And they, of course, forgave her, because they had been waiting for Zvezdochka back for a long time.

And the Star now began to work from the heart, to shine brightly with all its might, because it was now an adult and smart Star .

This is the end of our fairy tale . And whoever listened and read it is truly a great guy!

Star in a cage

A shooting star streaked across the sky, leaving a trail of tiny sparks that quickly faded into the darkness of the night.

Mark has not yet reached that age when, with a beating heart, they look at the stars all night long and make only one wish. He liked shooting stars the way others like fireworks because they light up the sky beautifully.

- Look, this star is very close to us! - he said to his sister Gislena, who at that time was dreaming about completely different things.

“No,” the girl answered, “it’s so high that you’ll never reach it.”

- Even on a balloon?

- Even on a balloon.

- Don’t the stars ever want to get closer to the earth?

- Stars don't have wishes.

- How do you know! - Mark muttered incredulously, shrugging his shoulders.

He believed that his sister lacked imagination.

Another star streaked across the sky and disappeared beyond the horizon.

- Very small! - said the boy.

Gislena did not answer, dreaming of the fulfillment of the wish she had just made. The sound of her brother's footsteps on the sand brought her back to reality.

“Isn’t it time for you to go to bed?” - she remarked.

- Let me see one more star, just one!

At that moment, a small star crossed the sky and seemed to linger for a second above their heads.

- She wishes us good night! - the boy shouted in delight.

The next day, Gislena had a different companion for an evening walk, and Mark was playing alone in the garden. In his hand he had a butterfly net.

“You can’t see butterflies this late,” his mother told him, “wait until the morning, then you’ll catch them.”

But Mark had his own plan. It is useless, however, to try to explain anything to parents - they have read many books in which nothing can be understood, and therefore they believe that they know everything.

It was a beautiful August night. The narrow crescent of the moon went in pursuit of the sun, leaving thousands of stars to illuminate the alleys of the large garden, lined with heliotrope and petunias along the edges.

Mark did not notice any flowers, no bushes, no dark mass of fruit trees, the branches of which bent under the weight of mirabelle, peaches and almonds. He saw only the sky, a clear, cloudless sky in which the Milky Way sparkled. His sister taught him to recognize the North Star, identifying it by the last two stars of the Ursa. He didn't know much about the rest of the stars.

Here is the trail of a falling star! Mark raised the net, but the distance between him and the star was too great. Maybe if he climbed the hill... Mark left the garden, crossed the road, ran along a bridge over a stream and came out onto a winding path that led to the hills that rose on the other side of the valley. The branches of the hazel trees, intertwining, created a dark vault overhead, hiding the stars. Although Mark knew the way, he was a little scared; he stumbled in potholes and sometimes touched stinging nettles with his hand. He tightly clutched a net in his hand, which seemed to him a reliable weapon in case of any danger.

The path somehow changed at night, and Mark navigated with the help of his friends - the stars. He just couldn’t understand why, no matter how much he climbed up, they didn’t get closer. The immense scale of the universe did not fit into his mind.

At the top of the hill, a wondrous sight opened before him. The firmament appeared in all its splendor and splendor. Many shooting stars crossed their paths here, greeting each other as they went.

-Are you looking for fireflies? - asked the owl Olga, who, as usual, was sitting on a dry branch of an old apple tree.

Owls are known to be nearsighted and cannot distinguish a star from a firefly. Mark shrugged.

“Carpenter Ademar,” he answered, “promised to attach such a long handle to my net that it would reach to the sky.”

“In the meantime,” said Olga, “don’t wave your arms like that.” You'll gouge out my eye.

But the boy fussed even more and shouted:

- Here she is! Here she is!

He saw the shooting star that had so tenderly wished him good night the day before. Undoubtedly, he recognized her - a tiny sparkling star flying low above the earth.

A small star slipped across the sky, but did not disappear, like others, among the large planets, but made a sharp turn and began to smoothly descend towards the hill. First she passed over Mark's head, throwing a brilliant spark at him and winking at him conspiratorially, then she made another circle, then another, this time very close to the ground. And suddenly Mark felt something very heavy fall into the net, which he was holding in his hand raised to the sky. It was a star.

Mark walked down the path with his heart beating. The dark vault of hazel branches was illuminated by the soft light emitted by his captive, hidden in the blue muslin of the net. The star did not show any concern and did not move. She seemed to be resting after a long journey across the sky.

“Where will I put it? — the boy thought on the way. “How can I make sure she is always with me?”

He was already beginning to feel the anxiety that people always experience when they find a treasure and want to hide it from the greedy gaze of other people. He was ready to defend his find to the last drop of blood.

In the garden, the petunias, which had already closed their corollas for the night, woke up from the light of the star, confusing it with the dawn. Heliotropes spread a sweet aroma as they swayed rhythmically on their stems.

Fortunately, no one noticed Mark's return. He managed to carry the net with the star into his room.

The star illuminated the bedroom like a small electric light bulb.

How to hold a star if it suddenly wants to fly away? And most importantly, how to hide it from adults who will come to check how he sleeps, whether the blanket is well tucked in, whether the shutters are closed?

Then Mark noticed an empty cage; A hummingbird escaped from it last year because it did not want to put up with captivity. Mark, burning his fingers, carefully placed the star there. Then he covered the cage with a blanket, which had previously been used to allow the bird to sleep in the twilight or to muffle its singing.

- Good night, dear star! - he said tenderly and went to bed.

That evening neither Mark's mother nor Ghislena noticed anything.

The shutters opened silently and starlight entered the room. There was great excitement in the sky. An uninitiated person might not notice this, because the movement of stars across the sky always occurs with great accuracy, not allowing any deviations. However, Venus looked more pink than usual. Mars seemed to be on the warpath. The she-bear carried mysterious legions in her blue ladle. There are more shooting stars. They fell in threatening silence from the Milky Way.

Just think, the smallest of the stars, the youngest in the family, was kept captive in a birdcage!

A fireball flashed past the open window, illuminating the room more than the midday sun, followed by another.

The little star, comfortably covered with a blanket, slept blissfully. Mark even thought he heard light snoring.

At dawn the excitement in the sky subsided. The shutters closed on their own.

Birds began to sing on the large spreading linden tree that shaded the house.

Mark woke up early in the morning, ran to the cage and lifted the blanket. The star was in the same place, but it seemed to Mark that it was brighter at night. “It’s not a problem,” the boy thought, “the stars don’t shine during the day. In the evening my star will shine again. The only important thing is that no one sees her.” After thinking, he hid the cage in his toy box, where there was usually such a mess that no one wanted to look into it. Then he ran to the kitchen for breakfast.

-What did you use to smear your hands? - asked Gislena, warming up the coffee. - They look like gold!

Soon the whole family was looking at the boy’s hands. Mark knew perfectly well where the gold spots on his hands came from, but he wouldn’t tell anyone about it for all the toys in the world.

“I must have gotten sandy in the stream,” he muttered.

- When it was?

— Last night, before going to bed.

“I forbade you to mess around in the water after sunset!” - said the mother.

Mark remained silent. Luckily for him, his father suddenly became interested in the other side of the issue.

“Maybe there is gold in the stream,” he told his wife. - That would be good luck!

- Let's see now! - Gislena suggested, and soon the whole family, having taken off their shoes, was digging in the sand, muddying the clear water and scattering the frightened minnows.

Mark quietly went up to his room and opened the toy box. The star didn't look good. It resembled a champignon grown in a cellar.

The day passed in excitement. The boy, whom everyone tormented with questions, firmly stood his ground: he got his hands dirty with sand in the stream.

Finally night came. Mark was looking forward to being left alone: ​​he wanted to take out the cage and give the little star some fresh air. The star shone brighter than in the morning, but there was no previous radiance. She was undoubtedly wasting away in the box.

Around midnight, under the influence of a nimble wind, the shutters opened, as on the previous night, and the room again felt the excitement that reigned in the sky. One fireball passed by the window, then a second. Then the first one returned and stood at the windowsill, blazing with an almost unbearable heat.

- Boy! - he said. “You took our daughter, you will starve her to death.” Stars need space and night.

Then the second fireball spoke:

- Child! Are you really going to act like adults who lock everything they love in a cage - birds, stars, dreams? What joy will the suffering of a little star bring you?

- Boy! — the first ball intervened again. - Open the cage before it's too late! Would you really leave a fish to die on the shore, without water? Don't get used to violent games.

Mark woke up. The fireballs disappeared, but the shooting stars continued their fantastic movement across the firmament, leaving an unusually bright, sparkling trail.

Mark lifted the covers. The little star in the corner of the cage had almost gone out. He took her in his hands, stroked her tenderly and placed her on the edge of the window. With difficulty, like a stricken bird, the star fluttered and flew away. Mark followed her pale trail, then lost sight of the star. He stood for a long time and looked at the sky, from where the stars sent him in their mysterious language a tender testimony of their gratitude.

Below, in the valley, a noise was heard: people, bent over, were looking for gold in the stream.


A bedtime story for your girlfriend...

Beloved... My little Ray of Light... My Princess! I'm so glad that you and I are together.

It’s so nice to feel such a dear, warm, fragile body next to you. Feel your breath. Inhaling the aroma of your golden-red hair...

I almost whisper to you so as not to frighten your sweet half-asleep.

You smile at my words - and my heart begins to beat even faster.

I am grateful to you for suddenly bursting into my life and charming me. Now all my thoughts are only about you. And everything I do is for you.

In the meantime, you closed your eyes, enjoying the words that I whisper in your ear, I will tell you a fairy tale.


Once upon a time there lived a small but very bright star. She was so beautiful - almost diamond-like in appearance.

She really liked to appear in the sky when the sun set behind the horizon. She believed that she brought great benefits by illuminating the Earth at night. Although her friends, who were next to her in heaven, took it for granted.

The star tried very hard to shine brighter than everyone else, with the exception, of course, of the moon. After all, it was very important for her to benefit people. This little girl was very happy when, as she herself believed, she helped a lost evening traveler find his way home. Or if any little person could not sleep, he had the opportunity to admire her through the window, hoping for something good, deep in his secret thoughts.

But lately she began to feel that something was wrong. Something darkened the joyful thoughts of the little star.

She began to think about what made her so sad.

And then the little bright star realized that she really felt sorry for the beautiful girl with golden-red silky hair. Every evening the little girl watched as the girl sat on the windowsill, turning her sad gaze to the sky.

The little star really wanted to help the stranger, but she didn’t know how yet.

From her heavenly friends she heard a legend that when a star falls from the sky, people make a wish - and it will definitely come true.

“But then you’ll die...” her friends were saddened.

- But I will be of great benefit! – she answered joyfully.

The little star really wanted to help the sad girl at the window, for this she was even ready to give her life.

Having looked for the last time at the beautiful red-haired girl, the star, breaking away from the sky, began to rapidly fall down. She no longer felt anything except the noise of her own flight...

And then, suddenly, she was overcome by an indescribable all-consuming frantic joy - the girl took advantage of the moment and made her cherished wish. The little star was very glad that she could help the beautiful stranger. Now this little girl knew that she had fulfilled her true purpose. She, somewhere deep inside, felt calm. This is the last thing the star thought about before disappearing into oblivion...

The star’s deed was not in vain - the stranger’s wish soon came true...

And another little star appeared in the sky, even brighter than the previous one...

Who knows, maybe she will be the one who will be able to fulfill one of your deepest desires, Darling...


You are already sleeping, My Precious... I will kiss the top of your head, gently touch your eyelids with my lips and also fall asleep, greedily wrapping you in my arms, guarding your sacred sleep...

Sweet Dreams, my angel!..

Author: Chervochka

Author's Fairy Tales by Tatiana Antre

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