Author's fairy tale." Mother Earth." For children from 6 to 12 years old.

Ecological fairy tale about the Earth

Bugaeva Lyudmila Valerievna

Ecological fairy tale about the Earth

Author: Bugaeva Lyudmila Valerievna.

In far, far away space there lived a family named "Solar System"

It was a very friendly and cheerful family: six brothers: Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars. And two sisters: Venus and Earth . The brothers were brave, strong, powerful, and the sisters, like all girls, were very sweet and romantic. Today's tale is about the youngest sister, named Earth .
She was a very beautiful, clean, blue planet. There were many seas, lakes and rivers in which there were a huge variety of fish. There were also many forests and fields where various animals lived. The sky on this planet was so blue and the sun was so bright that everyone living on this planet rejoiced every day. The whole family loved their little sister very much, and she loved them all. But most of all she loved the inhabitants of her planet, people.

The people of the earth fished in rivers , hunted animals in forests, built buildings, roads, and produced cars that drove along these roads. Day and night, these machines emitted huge amounts of harmful substances into the air. And then one day there were so many harmful substances that our beautiful, blue planet fell ill. Every day its health only worsened: flowers began to wither, animals began to die, leaves on the trees dried, and the blue and clear sky became gloomy and gray. And people also continued to drive their noisy, smoking cars. Every day the beauty of the earth faded .

And then one day people finally noticed that the grass was not so green, that the birds stopped singing, and some animals completely disappeared from the face of the earth . And it became difficult for the inhabitants of the Earth to breathe . Then people started thinking: “What happened?”

"Why did it happen?"
“Why did their beloved planet get sick?”

The inhabitants of the Earth began to conduct various experiments and studies, during which they found out that the cause of the disease on their planet was in themselves. The problem was that the cars that people loved to drive polluted the air very much and it became uninhabitable. People began to think about how to help their beautiful Earth , how to cure it, what kind of medicine they could invent. They thought for a long time, consulted, and finally decided to use a type of transport instead of cars that does not pollute the air: ecological (electric cars, bicycles, scooters, and someone decided to just become a pedestrian.

And after some time the Earth began to recover. The flowers bloomed again, the birds began to sing, and a rainbow appeared in the blue sky. Since then, every year on September 22, people all over the Earth hold the “Car Free Day”

, urge everyone to give up their
“iron horse”
at least for one day, so that their beloved, clean, blue planet does not get sick again.

Structure of the Earth

Based on various studies, scientists have divided the Earth into three parts - core, mantle and crust.

The core is the heaviest part of our planet, its radius is about 3500 km, and its temperature is 4000 degrees and above. It is supposedly divided into an outer liquid part, consisting of sulfur and iron, and a solid inner part, containing an alloy of iron and nickel.

The mantle is not yet available for full research, so all data was obtained using geophysical and geochemical methods. It is in a solid state, from 30 to 3000 km from the surface and consists of ultrabasic rocks, refractory elements.

On top of the mantle lies the earth's crust, consisting mostly of rocks and minerals. It is on it that the oceanic and continental crust is located. Its thickness ranges from 5 to 10 km under water and up to 80 km on land.

Scientists have hypothesized that the oceanic crust was initially formed, and as a result of various processes that occurred inside the planet, folds were formed - sections of mountains. Over time, the thickness of the crust increased, forming the continental crust.

General characteristics of the Earth

The planet's surface consists of 80% water and only 21% land, which consists of 6 continents (Eurasia, Africa, Australia, North and South America, Antarctica), and a large number of islands.

The continents are separated by oceans and differ in geological structure. Modern outlines were obtained as a result of the movement of lithospheric plates. There are two types of continental structure: folded belt and platform.

The platform is the most stable section of the earth's crust; earthquakes do not occur here. Examples of platform regions are Siberian, African, Hindustan, North American, South American, Australian and Eastern European.

Fold belts include: the Pacific, Ural-Mongolian, Mediterranean, North Atlantic and Arctic belts.

The largest continent is Eurasia, which includes Europe and Asia, the smallest is Australia.

The highest point is Mount Everest, 8852 meters above sea level.

And you can’t ignore the Kola superdeep well, which is the result of human activity and is included in the Guinness Book of Records. It is located in the Pechenga district of the Murmansk region, near the city of Zapolyarny. The depth of this well is 12262 meters.

The planet has four main climatic zones - equatorial, tropical, temperate and polar. There are also four transitional ones - subequatorial, subtropical, subarctic and subantarctic.

At the equator the highest temperatures reach + 70, and the coldest is in Antarctica, where the thermometer drops to -85. The average t on the planet is approximately 12 degrees.

View of planet Earth


Water was not discovered on any of the planets. Our planet is the only one with a hydrosphere, and its most important part is the World Ocean. The world ocean is conventionally divided into the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic oceans. The lowest point, 11,022 meters below sea level, is located in the Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean. The world's oceans are the most active participant in the water cycle in nature.

What is the atmosphere for?

Our planet is protected from many unpleasant things by the atmosphere, a kind of shield. Thanks to it, meteorites that burn in the upper layer do not reach the planet; it is precisely it that does not allow dangerous ultraviolet radiation to pass through.

Many have seen the mesmerizing photographs of the Earth taken by astronauts. shrouded in clouds and emitting blue light - the most beautiful planet. This glow is possible thanks to oxygen, which is contained in the air and makes up 21% of the total volume. 80% is nitrogen content, approximately 1% is argon, and the remaining gases: carbon dioxide, neon, methane, helium and others complement the composition of the air.

The lowest layer is the troposphere; the presence of this layer makes the stay of all life on Earth comfortable, because it contains up to 80% of atmospheric air. The troposphere extends up to 8 km in the north and up to 18 km in the south from the surface of the planet. This is the main “forge” of weather and climate on Earth - cyclones, anticyclones, clouds and winds are all formed in this layer.

Then comes the stratosphere - the ozone layer located here blocks solar radiation. Ozone occurs when oxygen reacts photochemically with ultraviolet radiation. Located at an altitude of 11 to 50 km. Airplanes fly in the lower layers of the stratosphere.

The mesosphere extends its boundaries up to 90 km. Meteors begin to burn up in this layer. Scientists have nicknamed it the “ignorosphere” because it is the least studied layer in the atmosphere.

The thermosphere originates at an altitude of 90 km and extends up to 800 km. Unmanned satellites fly here.

Exosphere - begins above 500-1000 km and gradually passes into the vacuum of space.

In addition to the atmosphere, we are also protected by the Earth’s magnetosphere - the outer and longest shell. This sphere does not allow solar and cosmic radiation, which is harmful to all living things, to penetrate to the earth. Scientists are still studying the origin of the magnetic field.

By the way, thanks to the magnetosphere, people admire the northern lights. Charged particles of the solar wind are successfully reflected, but some lucky ones manage to penetrate the magnetic field. When they collide with molecules of oxygen (red, yellow, green) and nitrogen (shades of purple and blue), they form a beautiful glow.

The best places for observation are the north of Russia, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Canada, as well as Alaska and Greenland. The best period is from October to February. The main thing is that there are no city lights nearby, and the sky is free of clouds. We will get acquainted with the structure of the Earth in more detail in the following articles.

Earth's Moon - explanation for children

Children should not forget that the Earth has a faithful satellite - the Moon. It reaches a width of 3474 km (about a quarter of the Earth's diameter). Our planet has only one satellite, although Venus and Mercury do not have them at all, and some have two or more.

The moon was formed after a giant object crashed into the Earth. The torn off debris became the constituent material of the Moon. Scientists believe the object was roughly the size of Mars.


A bedtime story about a clean planet. Read and listen

A fairy tale about a clean planet - from a chain of environmental fairy tales.
The goal of environmental fairy tales is to teach children to protect nature and understand it. Children are happy to do things the purpose of which they understand well. If you tell them in a timely manner that we need to take care of our planet, that the planet is our home, then they will sooner show sympathy for all living things, will be more careful about their native nature, and they will develop a sense of responsibility. Listen to a fairy tale (4min34sec)

A fairy tale about a clean planet Author: Iris Review

In outer space there lived a planet called Blestiana. Everything about it was beautiful: deep seas and blue rivers, lush forests and blooming gardens, mountains supporting the sky and water meadows.

The planet Blestiana was home to animals, insects and birds. They were all very different. Some of them mooed, some croaked, some chirped, some clucked. But they all, as if by choice, loved cleanliness and order. No one littered or threw away unnecessary things.

But one day, on the planet Blestiana, creatures appeared that walked on two legs, lit a fire, cooked food and made various things. They called each other “people.”

At first people were careful. But then something happened to them, and they started littering. Not all, of course. At first there wasn't much trash. But over time, garbage filled such spaces that insects, animals and birds were horrified.

The inhabitants of the Mysterious Forest were especially indignant. Ant Chick was running through the forest in terrible excitement.

- What's this? - he asked. And he himself answered:

- Bags, newspapers, napkins, scraps...

Ant Chick stopped near a pile of garbage and grabbed his head.

- How are you, ant? - Boulder the bear asked Chick the ant.

“It doesn’t matter,” said Chick, “I’m crawling around some cans.”

- And I’m not happy either. “I’m a night hunter, I was looking for prey and all night I was tripping over some bags,” said the bear Valun.

“And I’m for some bottles,” the hare Zisha picked up the conversation.

And they all began to talk together about how the Mysterious Forest was completely littered.

“The garbage sorcerer Gryazean I is to blame for everything,” said the titmouse Pichuga. “He bewitched people and they started littering.” We need to disenchant them and everything will fall into place.

“But we don’t know how to do it,” said the ant Chick.

“Let’s restore order in our Mysterious Forest,” muttered the bear Boulder. - And we will support him. And whoever litters, I will show him my bearish strength!

Everyone agreed with Boulder the bear. And if you try to disagree with him, you will experience the bear’s strength yourself!

Everyone, young and old, began to clear the Mysterious Forest of garbage. The garbage sorcerer Gryazean I tried to poke his head into it, but the woodpecker quickly hit him on the forehead.

Soon everything in the Mysterious Forest sparkled and sparkled.

People, looking at the purity and beauty of the Mysterious Forest, thought that it would be nice to restore order on the entire planet Blestiana.

Maybe someday they will be able to do this?

This is such a fairy tale about a clean planet.

Now it's time to sleep.

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How easy is it to remember the order of the planets?

Children remember various rhymes and poems well. As in the example of remembering the colors of the rainbow, there are rhymes for remembering the planets. Below are options for rhymes for memorizing the planets. Read them to your children so that they can remember and better understand the names of the planets of the solar system.

Reading book about planets: for children to quickly memorize

Variant of a rhyme for children about the planets

BOOK FOR CHILDREN “Tales of Mother Earth” page 1 of 2

(for preschool and primary school age)

The book shows the beauty of our native land, fosters a love of nature and a sense of responsibility for the world around us. The book contains 250 fairy tales and poems that will bring children’s consciousness closer to nature and teach them to care for it; lyrical poems that deeply reveal the wonder of nature to children; creative tasks and games that develop in children a sense of the relationship between nature and man. In the book you will find legends and fairy tales on the topics:
  • the beauty of the sky, the treasures of the earth;
  • Seasons;
  • tales about trees and plants;
  • clear voice of water.
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