Library lesson “Hour of Poetry” based on the works of T.L. Petukhova

Stories by Tatyana Petukhova for children

From the series “Stories about Animals” by Tatyana Petukhova
September evening. The dacha is warm and cozy. Parents, chatting merrily, prepare dinner. The family's favorite puppy, Michelle, never leaves their side. Red-haired, round as a bun, he is patiently waiting for his favorite bone. Ksyusha, wearing headphones, is briskly tapping on the keyboard, answering his friends via contact, and Dima decided to take a walk.

- Mom, I’ll go and get some fresh air.

“But it’s already dark and we’ll have dinner now.”

- I quickly. I'll take a flashlight with me. Michelle, take a walk.

The yellow beam of a flashlight glides through the bushes; in the darkness they seem like mysterious creatures. Black branches, like someone’s bony hands, stretch and move in the wind. Bravely passing them, Dima moves on. The trampoline, wet from the rain, looks sad now, but just recently it was the most favorite place with Ksyusha and her friends. They could jump on it for a long time, and then sit and talk, talk about everything. I also greeted my beloved pond silently.

Suddenly Michel jumped up and rushed to the gazebo barking menacingly. Dima runs after him. I illuminated the gazebo with a flashlight and noticed that there was someone under the old newspapers. Michelle barks aggressively, but is afraid to approach.

Dima carefully threw back the newspaper, gasped and rushed into the house.

- Ksyusha, Ksyusha! Georges is back! Returned.

The whole family hurried to the gazebo, and there, snorting, ran a gray bun - a plump hedgehog.

-George, dear George, well, finally, you’re back! He's back!

... At the beginning of summer, at the dacha, under the Christmas tree, a hedgehog was noticed, Michelle, a red-haired fluffy puppy, was furiously attacking him.

Dima and Ksyusha ran to save the hedgehog. Having driven Michel away, they

carefully, wearing gloves so as not to prick himself, they put the gray lump in the hat. In the gazebo they put him in a large box with grass.

- Ksyusha, look how funny and plump he is.

- Yeah! He's probably shaking with fear, don't be afraid, little one.

The hedgehog suddenly snorted funny.

“Oh, he’s sneezing, or maybe he’s cramped in the box, let’s let him out and let him run,” Dima suggested.

- What if he runs away? - Ksyusha doubted, - then we need to block the gazebo.

They dragged a large board, blocked the entrance to the gazebo and began to examine the forest guest. The hedgehog's back was covered in hard gray needles, its muzzle was small, with an elongated nose, its eyes, black as buttons, carefully examined the unfamiliar place.

After running a few steps, the hedgehog froze and suddenly snorted loudly again, in response Michel immediately growled menacingly.

- Well, don’t be jealous, don’t be jealous! - Dima affectionately patted the puppy, - you and I will play football later. Michel, wagging his tail, looked at him devotedly.

“Mishenka, Mishenka has eyes like cherries,” Ksyusha sang affectionately.

-Dim, I think our hedgehog is very hungry.

And within a few minutes there were saucers and plates in front of the hedgehog, and on them were apples, pears and even pieces of chicken, but for some reason the hedgehog sniffed everything indifferently and settled down to sleep under old newspapers.

All day long the guys ran to the gazebo to look at the hedgehog and were surprised:

- Dad, why does he sleep for so long?

— Because hedgehogs sleep during the day and go out hunting at night.

- And he needs needles for protection, right, mom?

- Certainly. The hedgehog will curl up into a prickly ball, bristle its sharp needles, and no one will be afraid.

— Over the course of a year, a hedgehog only changes one of its three needles. His paws are short with small sharp claws, they also serve as protection for him, dad added.

- ABOUT! - Mom was surprised - and where does such knowledge come from? Internet resources?

Dad winked mischievously and cheerfully sang the promotional song: Dad can, Dad can...

“Well, then, perhaps, I should also look into this well of knowledge this evening.” - Mom smiled.

The summer day is long, it smoothly turns into a warm evening.

Dima enthusiastically assembles Legos, and Ksyusha draws, singing,

— Young trees, hard needles

proudly wears a gray hedgehog

- Georges! — Dima happily picked up

- Georges?! – asked Ksyusha. Dimka, what a great guy you are. Well, of course, Georges!

“Listen, let’s persuade the parents to allow us to spend the night at the gazebo.”

— Near Georges? In a tent? - Dima whispered admiringly.

Ksyusha ran to the kitchen, Dima followed.

“Mommy, we can cut salads for dinner,” she suggested.

“And we can wash the dishes,” Dima added, clinging to his mother.

- Oh, tomboys, do you want to ask for something? - she laughed.

“You see,” Ksyusha hesitated.

Mom was silent, then they turned to dad and began to beg him:

- Well, please, please... We are not little anymore.

Dad looked at them carefully:

- And what? The nights in our area are already white and warm now,” he supported them, “if mom doesn’t object.

-Okay, I agree, but to sleep in sleeping bags.

- Hurray! — the guys shouted joyfully and ran to set up the tent. Michel raced ahead of them.

The night passed quickly. The guys were fast asleep. Michel's loud barking woke them up. Jumping out of the tent, they ran to the gazebo, and there the old newspapers were torn to shreds. All the food was scattered, and the hedgehog, curled up in a ball, hid in the corner.

“He didn’t like it with us,” Dima frowned.

- Maybe we should have broken some spruce branches? — Ksyusha said thoughtfully, upset.

The parents came up and looked at each other knowingly.

“Yes,” said dad, “how can one not remember: it’s good to be away, but it’s better to be at home.”

“He missed his little Georges,” said the mother with conviction.

- Does he have little hedgehogs? - Dima became interested - mommy, tell me.

- Listen. In the spring, hedgehogs appear in a hedgehog's hole; they are born with their eyes and ears closed, their spines are soft and not sharp at all, and the hedgehog mother feeds them with her milk.

When the babies grow up, their eyes and ears open, and the needles darken and become hard, the hedgehogs come out of the hole. The hedgehog and the hedgehog teach them to catch various insects and they love to treat themselves to strawberries.

“Very informative,” said dad and looked at mom respectfully. “So that’s why you went to bed so late.” Did you draw knowledge from a well?

Mom smiled and continued:

-And now that Georges has disappeared so unexpectedly, they are very worried and are waiting for him.

“I think Georges should be released,” dad said seriously, “but make the decision yourself.”

- By yourself? - Dima asked in surprise.

- What if he gets lost? — Ksyusha became worried.

“He won’t get lost, the hedgehog can’t see well, but he has an excellent sense of smell and will definitely find his way home.”

“Well, urgent matters await us, but you stay,” said my mother, “Michelle, catch up, you’ll get a bone.”

“I don’t want to let him go, I’m sure we’ll become friends,” Ksyusha sobbed.

- Do you miss it when dad leaves? - My brother asked sternly.

- Certainly. “She nodded and suddenly began to resolutely move the board away. Dima rushed to help her, freeing the exit from the gazebo.

In the distance, they watched as the hedgehog carefully emerged from the gazebo. He stood there for a while, and then quickly, quickly trotted off with his short legs. They only saw him.

“Goodbye, Zhorzhichek,” Ksyusha whispered affectionately.

“Come back, Georges,” Dima waved after him, “bye...bye, we’ll wait.”

Mom came up and hugged them.

-Don’t be sad, I’m proud of you and dad too.

...And only in the fall did Georges return. He's back! The hedgehog was photographed many times and admired.

“How he has matured,” Ksyusha admired.

“After all, they’ve been waiting for you all summer, and now they’re here,” Dima laughed cheerfully.

“And perhaps this is not our Georges,” dad carefully expressed his doubts.

- Why not ours?! Of course, ours! — The guys objected heatedly.

“Look, Georges brought us a gift,” my mother said, smiling affectionately, “and picked up an elegant maple leaf.”

“Yes, the wind brought the leaf here,” dad began to reason, but seeing mom’s stern, expressive look, he added embarrassedly, “I think Georges came running to say goodbye to us, before his winter sleep.”

“But there’s still a long time until winter,” Dima objected.

“Indian summer is short, it will flash by and you will notice it,” my mother sighed, “so Georges needs to take care of it early so that winter does not take him by surprise.”

- And How? - Ksyusha asked.

— Usually, a hedgehog makes a hole for itself near an old stump and covers it with dry fallen leaves. He prepares the bedding in his own way. It rolls head over heels on the grass and pinches leaves on its needles.

- Oh, wow, how interesting. What does he eat in winter? - Dima asked.

“But the hedgehog doesn’t store supplies for the winter,” dad answered. - When the cold comes, he will climb into his warm, cozy house and sleep soundly until spring.

“Let’s go to dinner, and there’s no need to bother Georges anymore.”

...On a foggy, dewy morning, the guys no longer saw their forest guest in the gazebo. He ran away, leaving a bright maple leaf, which in the winter will remind them of their meetings with the plump hedgehog - Georges.


The website “Your Child” invites you to get acquainted with the work of poetess Tatyana Petukhova. Beautiful and touching poems for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 years old!

Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova is a native Vologda resident, born on February 3, 1942.

Education - secondary technical, worked as a curator in the Vologda region at the CSTI (center for scientific and technical information and propaganda). For 15 years she headed the bureau of rationalization, patent research and technical information at the Vologda Machine Tool Plant.

She began writing poetry during her school years.

Author of 15 books for children The first book “Sun” (Petukhova T.L. Sun: Poems: for preschool age / T.L. Petukhova. - Arkhangelsk: North-West book publishing house, 1982. - 17 p. .: ill. - Circulation 10,000 copies) The poet S. Vikulov said about the book “Sun” that “indeed, just as much light and warmth comes from it as from the sun.”

T. Petukhova’s book “Shaggy Gift” was awarded a Special Prize of the Russian State Library (Diploma) in the “Children’s Literature” category.

The script of the play in verse “The Fate of the Family is the Fate of Russia” by Tatyana Petukhova was awarded the Certificate of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

Poems by Tatyana Leonidovna were included in a collection of literary local history

From the annotation to the book “The Good Word”: “The poems of the Vologda poetess Tatyana Petukhova are about children and for children. Kind, mischievous, cheerful, they teach kindness, hard work, and open the doors to children into the world of complex and endlessly interesting human relationships.”

More details can be found on the website “Vologda poetess Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova “Dreams of different heights”

  • Children's poems about Victory Day
  • Poems about summer for children
  • Poems for boys on February 23
  • Children's poems about the Olympics
  • Children's poems about spring
  • Poems about vegetables and fruits
  • Let's all be friends!
  • My house
  • Poems about the New Year
  • Poems about friendship “Let's all be friends!”
  • Poems about mothers and grandmothers
  • Poems about ecology



- Hello, dad, it's me, Hello, do you recognize me? Eh, dad, why didn’t we go to the cinema together a long time ago?

Eh, dad! You still don’t have time to play football with me again, but you know, dad, you know, let work delay you again. I will definitely wait, I really want to be with you!


Every day from morning to night We asked very, very much: - Give us a puppy! But in vain, and so far there was only one answer for us: - Don’t ask! No and no!

...March is prankish outside the window, Mother's holiday is coming. Congratulating you on this day, We solemnly bear

Our mother has three flowers and a shaggy... puppy!


Why did the Evil, cruel, vile word come out of me again? How difficult it is for me to approach now, How difficult it is to say: “Mom, forgive me!”

I offended you, dear, with words. “But don’t cry,” I beg my mother. Well, scold me, punish me strictly. But just forgive, don’t be angry, for God’s sake!

And my mother suddenly smiled sweetly and said quietly: “I have forgiven you a long time ago.” I will never forget my mother’s tears, And I will never be rude to anyone again.


I’ll send a letter, a big letter, a complicated one, registered! Letter to letter, line to line, Even the dots are not forgotten, No mistakes, no blots, There are eight stamps on the envelope!! ...Hello, Grandma Tanyusha, my granddaughter Ksyusha is writing to you. I miss you so much, and I dream about meeting you so much. I’m saving cookies for you, Come to us on Sunday, I’m waiting impatiently, grandma, Definitely... with jam!!


The grandson and grandfather remained at home. Grandfather prepared lunch: Soup, omelet, sweet compote. After lunch, they decided to play hide and seek with their grandson. The grandson crawled under the bed.

There he snorts quietly and watches his grandfather. The grandfather was looking for his grandson for a long time, slowly opened the buffet,

He took out a box of chocolates: “Oh, what a pity that there is no grandson!” Chocolate candies, fancy wrappers.

He took the candy, and at the same moment He heard an angry cry! - Grandfather! It's time to stop, You yourself always taught to share. It’s better to sit quietly in a chair, Grandfather, I’ll tell you honestly:

You are dear to me and we love you, Sweets are harmful to the elderly, I say this to everyone, saving you, I will eat you myself!


Today Vanyushka has black dirt from his heels to the top! And even the curls stick out Black! Dirty. Very dirty My brother came from a walk. Mom is upset. She doesn't smile. Ivan ruined the mood in an instant. She'll have to do laundry all day again!

Today at Andryushka's place From the heels to the top of the head there are green flowers everywhere! And even the curls stick out green. Green-pre-green Today is the younger brother! But mom doesn’t swear. Mom smiles! I stroked Andreika. He painted the bench and even managed to paint the entire balcony, to everyone's surprise on Mom's birthday!


Someone in the make-believe house locked a cat in the refrigerator!! Pepper in the kettle ladle Who poured it for fun?! Punish. whether. An earring? Isn't it really just make-believe? He sheds tears. It pours into the palm, Maybe. Make-believe too?!


The soap foams quickly. Foams. Not lazy. Washing dirty fingers. Washes white. The fingers had different things to do all day: in the paint. And the second one is covered in putty. The third one is in plasticine. The fourth one is in shoe polish. The fifth finger is covered in soot. You can't even see your finger! Washcloth, soap, foam Fingers will certainly be washed white. And Gena will take it. Back to business!


The son asks dad: - Interesting. Why there are two ears. one language. Well, I don’t understand? - - Okay, what did you ask. Let me explain, Ilyusha, so that you talk less. And I LISTENED more!


I always trust my grandfather with secrets. How I dream of a fast rocket! And so I waited. I waited hurray!! Grandfather gave me a rocket yesterday. I am very glad. and grandfather is happy. In the morning we rushed to the garden with a gift.

How high the rocket flew! I hug my beloved grandfather. And his eyes shone. He's been playing with Rocket for half an hour already!! And I stand at the bench and roar. Tears are dripping straight into the grass. and yet I love my grandfather very much. Let him play. I'll be patient!


Dad was proud today! He baked a huge cake. The cake is beautiful and flaky. But it was so salty and surprisingly tasteless. Dad walks around sad and sad.

He explained to everyone later how he confused salt with sand. He spoke. What a clueless one. I feel sorry for dad! Apparently the new Japanese recipe was like this. Sprinkle salt on each layer!

Oh. how surprised my mother was. I was surprised. She smiled, And then she said: The beginning is always the hardest! Let's forget the failure. We won’t bake in Japanese. Let's bake a big delicious cake now with the whole family!


The gentle sun rolled away. Night fell in the dark blue shawl. Our ancient city. sleep and rest. Children fall asleep: bye-bye-bye. Here he is swimming in a headscarf. Slowly. the moon And she carries stars in her basket. In the house, grandma's song is barely audible. Bai-bai-baiushki - she sings everything.

Freckled stars shine in the heights. They are sleeping. hugging the pillows. children in silence Slumber-slumber-slumber. naughty grandchildren They will sleep until the sun rises. Sleep.grandchildren. you should see. Bayu-baiu-baiushki sunny dreams.


Today granny has delicious borscht in a blue saucepan. Ksyusha and Dima really like to eat borscht.

- Who else needs more supplements? There is dill and herbs in the borscht, and beets and cabbage. The plates are already empty, Look, the grandchildren actually ate all the borscht! - And when they were full, their cheeks were flushed, they smiled at grandma. All!!! We've had enough!


My dad is strong and big, he is so dear to me. Kind smiles in his eyes, He carries me on his shoulders! My dad and I are very interested, He teaches us to act honestly, everywhere, in everything, always, always, so as not to be ashamed EVER!

Will answer any question. But only without capricious tears. Dad and I read together, saw boards and plan. Dad will say: “Well, son, you helped me well!” I try my best so that dad will praise me again.

And if I’m afraid of something, I run to him, I’ll cuddle up to him, So that he can protect me, But he can be very strict, If I suddenly become rude, I’m proud of my dad and I LOVE him!

© Tatyana Petukhova

  • Children's poems about Victory Day
  • Poems about summer for children
  • Poems for boys on February 23
  • Children's poems about the Olympics
  • Children's poems about spring
  • Poems about vegetables and fruits
  • Let's all be friends!
  • My house
  • Poems about the New Year
  • Poems about friendship “Let's all be friends!”
  • Poems about mothers and grandmothers
  • Poems about ecology
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