Summary of a lesson on speech development for children 5-6 years old “Making descriptive stories about toys” using mnemonic diagrams

Abstract “History of the development of toys”

MBDOU "Dobryansky kindergarten No. 19"

Yakovleva O.N. educational psychologist, Muravyova N.E. teacher

"Journey into the past toys"

The goal is to create conditions for the development of skills in cognitive and research activities among older preschoolers


— consolidate the ability to apply cognitive actions: analysis, comparison, generalization

- activate and expand children's vocabulary.

- develop cognitive interest

— to cultivate curiosity, mutual assistance, a desire for joint activities with peers, to contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate in a group of children; help build group cohesion.

Types of children's activities: cognitive-research, communicative, motor.

Materials: ICT, laptop, various toys from different years.

Progress of the lesson.

Educational psychologist: Please look at the slide, you need to solve the puzzle and you will find out the topic of our lesson.

Children guess.

Guys, what is a toy?

A toy is a thing that you can play with. What appears in the house from the moment a child is born? Of course, toys. Moreover, since childhood he has been surrounded by bright, beautiful rattles, which over time turn into balls, pyramids, cubes, and rings. Toys have been necessary for children at all times. The first exhibits of toy museums appeared in the 12-13th century. Primitive children played with pebbles and animal bones. This time can be called the beginning of Toy Story.

Gradually, toys began to become more complex, they were carved from stone, wood, and the first rattles and figurines were created. Painted cows and skates, and they were called Filimonov toys. Clay toys were also made in Kirov. They called it Dymkovskaya, because the former village was called Dymkovskaya Sloboda. The toys were painted in different colors. And they took this beauty to the fair, and invited buyers with jokes and jokes.

But rightfully the most ancient toy of mankind is a doll. The first dolls were made from bread crumb, clay, wood, and a bunch of straw. Moreover, not only girls, but also boys played with dolls. By the end of the 19th century, dolls played the role of a talisman among people. They were hung over the cradle after the baby was baptized, still protecting him from the machinations of evil spirits. Afterwards, these dolls served as amulets for children and at home while parents went to work. As a rule, these toys were small in size and all of different colors, which helped the development of the baby's vision. Stolbushka dolls also became widespread in those days. They received this name due to the fact that their basis was a birch pole dressed in a dress. A distinctive feature of such toys was that they could stand steadily, so they were readily used to decorate houses and use them to play out various scenes.

Matryoshka is a unique toy that has become a symbol of our country, along with the Russian birch tree and the Russian samovar. Matryoshka has an amazing history.

Here it is in front of you - a Russian nesting doll. Here they are “girlfriends sitting next to each other”: all cheerful, elegant, wooden Russian dolls. The first nesting doll was made in Moscow more than a hundred years ago. The sketch of the nesting doll was drawn by the artist Sergei Vasilyevich Malyutin. In 1958, at the world exhibition in Brussels, our nesting doll received a gold medal. The largest nesting doll is as tall as a first-grader, the smallest is no larger than a sunflower seed.

In the twentieth century, toys began to change at such a speed that they need to be considered in separate decades. And here we can rightfully talk about the fashion for toys.


— Cotton Christmas decorations, teddy bears and, of course, soldiers have come into fashion. Also in all houses, porcelain figurines were a standard decoration for chests of drawers and dressing tables.


— In the toys of the sixties, as a rule, two themes were reflected - agriculture and astronautics, because golden ears of corn and a joyfully smiling Gagarin became the symbol of the sixties.


— The toy industry of this time reached its peak. Plush has replaced faux fur, and the modest tonal palette of previous decades is giving way to bright colors. The main images of the toys are taken from cartoon characters, such as Winnie the Pooh, Kitten Woof, Burenka from Maslenkino, and of course everyone’s favorite Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka.


— These ten years can safely be called the time of foreign toys, the fashion for which has changed more often than once a year. Here are Barbie and Ninja Turtles, as well as jumpers, lickers, rainbows and other strange fun in the company of Kinder surprises and the ever-dying Tamagotchi.

And yet, all these toys were undoubtedly made in order to develop children physically and intellectually, to teach them to respect their country and its history. And we children should have a very good relationship with toys, so that each of them is not forgotten by us and does not lie in the dust. After all, since ancient times, people have believed that children who mishandle toys, carelessly, will be in trouble. They believed that toys protect the lives of those who play with them.

Outdoor game: “Who is most likely to take the toy”

Children move in a circle in a column one at a time to rhythmic music. In the center of the circle is a doll in a hoop. On command, children perform imitative movements (we walk like dolls, we walk like bears, we jump like parsleys). The music stops playing, the children run to the center of the hall to the doll. Whoever touches the fastest is the winner.

Finger game "Ball"

Make movements in accordance with the text.
I roll the ball in circles between my palms.
I drive him back and forth.
Change of hands.
I will stroke their palm.
They roll it back and forth.
It's like I'm sweeping up crumbs.
Change of hands.
And I’ll squeeze it a little,
They squeeze it.
How a cat squeezes its paw.
Change of hands. I will press the ball with each finger. Press the ball with your fingers.
And I'll start with the other hand.
Change of hands.
And now the last trick: The ball flies between the hands!
Throwing a ball from hand to hand
Teacher: Guys, we suggest you tell us about your favorite toy? What toys do you like to play with? ( children's stories)

Summing up the lesson.

Summary of OOD on speech development “Composing a descriptive story “My favorite toy”

Yulia Kutova

Summary of OOD on speech development “Composing a descriptive story “My favorite toy”

Abstract of OOD on speech development, compilation of a descriptive story

Topic: “My favorite toy

Educational field: Speech development

Goal: to develop the ability to present specific content

Educational: continue to teach how to compose a descriptive story about a toy based on a diagram , telling it consistently , grammatically correct and figuratively, intonationally expressive;

Educational : develop and activate vocabulary on the topic Toys

and grammatical structure
of speech ;
Educational: cultivate a respectful attitude towards peers (listen carefully)

and careful attitude towards
, looking at illustrations depicting toys , modeling toys , tracing stencils and coloring, didactic games: “Dominoes”

“Loto” “What are they made of?”

Equipment and material: various toys made of various materials, algorithm diagram for describing the toy , easel

Organizational moment, surprise moment, artistic moment. word, play moments, dynamic pause, looking at and exploring toys ; conversation with children; joint story , sample teacher, children's stories according to the scheme , questions, hints, art. word, physical minute, reflection, encouragement, individual. an approach

When toys cry. Fairy tale

Elena Kustova

When toys cry. Fairy tale

When toys cry.

At night Mashenka woke up from quiet crying . At first she couldn’t understand where the crying ? There was no one in the room except her. In any case, when Mashenka went to bed, no one came to see her. The girl lay quietly and tried to determine who disturbed her sleep? And suddenly she heard from under the bed: “My mistress does not love me. When they gave me to her , Mashenka kissed me, stroked my beautiful dress and promised never to leave me . And now, look at me - my hair is not combed, my dress is dirty, one shoe is missing, and what about my face? I already forgot when they washed me !”

“And the mistress doesn’t love me!” - Mickey Mouse squealed. “Look, I’m missing one eye! Do you know how uncomfortable it is to look with one eye?”

“Mashenka doesn’t love me either!” the white dog once . True, she was no longer white, and her paw had been torn off long ago.

“And they don’t like me, and me, and me. " - rushed from all sides.

Mashenka was terrified. She realized that it was her toys . But they can't talk, can they? And then suddenly Mashenka remembered that her mother once told her that at night all the toys come to life and lead their toy lives . Is that really true? Mashenka opened her eyes and carefully began to look around. The toys were sitting near her crib, but Mashenka remembered that in the evening she watched cartoons, and she was too lazy to clean the room. Who put the toys in the circle ?

“Our mistress is a bad girl,” muttered the old shabby bear.

“We need to get away from her,” said the plastic Santa Claus sternly.

“Mashenka is not bad, she’s just a very lazy girl,” the new toy , a red fox, stood up for the girl.

“Let's give her one last chance,” suggested the Malvina doll. “If Mashenka doesn’t put us in order, we will all leave her. We don’t need such a mistress.”

Mashenka was very ashamed. Only now did she realize how poorly she took care of her toys . As she fell asleep, Mashenka promised that now everything would be different.

In the morning Mashenka saw scattered toys , Mickey Mouse without an eye, and a dog with a torn paw. Having quickly had breakfast, the girl got down to business. First, she washed all the dolls, asked her mother to wash all the soft toys , put things in order in the doll corner, and arranged the dishes beautifully. When my mother asked what happened to her daughter, she seriously replied: “They are alive too!”

In the evening, before going to bed, Mashenka put the dolls in her crib, wished all the toys good night and fell fast asleep. Dad, seeing that his daughter was cramped with toys , promised to make a crib for the dolls. Since then, the toys no longer cried at night.

E. Kustova.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Compiling descriptive stories about toys according to a diagram”

Prepared by: teacher of the 1st qualification category Belyaeva Lilianna Viktorovna, Moscow region, Ruza urban district, Tuchkovo village.



  • to develop the ability to talk about a subject using a model, to describe it
  • improve the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals.


  • develop the ability to write a story about a subject
  • develop the ability to use a variety of means of expressive speech
  • develop logical thinking and memory.


  • develop children's learning skills (the ability to answer questions with complete answers, listen carefully to the answers of their comrades)
  • create a positive emotional mood.

Preliminary work: examining toys, role-playing games “Toy Store” , “Zoo” , didactic games “Riddles and Answers” , “Wonderful Bag” , learning riddles.

Equipment: children's toy Parsley, toy truck, toys in a chest for writing descriptive stories (soft toy hedgehog, wooden matryoshka, doll, car), object pictures (airplane, ball, dragon, bicycle, doll, ship), diagram for a descriptive story, magnetic board, magnets, radio tape recorder, music disc.

Progress of the lesson:

A surprise moment: Petrushka drives into the group in a truck.

Parsley: Hello, guys! I am Petrushka, a merry girl, I came to meet you!

Parsley greets the guys. If children want to touch Parsley, give them this opportunity.

Educator: Hello, Petrushka is a cheerful girl! You came to visit us and we are very glad to see you. How did you get to us?

Parsley: I arrived in my favorite truck and I want to talk about it, but this magic card will help me - a hint (hangs a diagram of a descriptive story about toys on a magnetic board).

Petrushka gives an example of a descriptive story about a car for children: “My toy is called a truck. The car is large. My truck has a red body, yellow cab, black wheels, and lights. The cab, body and wheels of the truck are plastic. I really like to imagine myself as a driver, driving my truck, washing it and repairing it if it breaks down .

Educator: What a wonderful truck you have, Petrushka.

Parsley: Guys, I came to you for a reason. I really wanted you to tell me about your favorite toys too. I am the cunning Parsley and have encrypted words in such a magic card that will help you tell about the toy.

Parsley hangs up a diagram of a descriptive story about toys.

Parsley: I brought you a big chest, I put various toys in it. Your task: take the toy and tell about it using my encrypted clues.

Children take turns choosing toys and writing descriptive stories about them using a diagram.


Educator: Guys, let's have a little fun with Petrushka to some fun music

(Physical training is held to cheerful music).

Parsley: Guys, who wants to play with me? "Funny Counting" together . You will count with me to five, saying the number and naming the toy in the picture. Be very careful!

Children count together with Petrushka: one plane, two planes, three planes, four planes, five planes.

(pictures: plane, ball, dragon, bicycle, doll, ship)


Parsley: Guys, tell me, was it difficult to play with me? What was the most difficult? What was the easiest thing?

Petrushka says goodbye to the children and leaves in a truck to the music.

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