Summary of an open lesson on speech development in the senior group Topic: “Journey through the fairy tale “The Flower of Seven Flowers””

Summary of a lesson on speech development reading the fairy tale by V. P. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”

Inna Krymova

Summary of a lesson on speech development reading the fairy tale by V. P. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”

Summary of an integrated lesson on speech development for children of the preparatory group on the topic of reading a fairy tale by V. P. KataevaSeven-flowered flower .

- continue to teach children to correctly perceive works of art, highlight the main idea (Educational area Speech Development


— to develop the ability to select the most appropriate figurative words and expressions (Educational field Speech Development


— encourage active participation in the conversation, correctly answer a question on a given topic (Educational field “Communication”


— to develop the ability to convey one’s impressions in speech , one’s attitude towards the heroine of a fairy tale (Educational field “Communication”



- develop speech attention (listen carefully to a fairy tale )

(Educational field

develop curiosity , memory and thinking (Educational area “Socialization”


— develop the ability to listen to each other (Educational field “Socialization”


- to cultivate interest in the book (Educational field Speech Development


— to foster cognitive activity (Educational field “Socialization”


- relieve muscle tone and nervous tension in children with the help of physical education


Activation: Tsvetik – seven-tsvetik

, petal.

Equipment: magnetic board, model of a magic flower , portrait of V. Kataev , illustrations for the fairy tale Flower - Seven Flowers


- productive reading

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