Summary of direct educational activities for children of the second junior group in drawing “BEAUTIFUL Rug”. Drawing mat second junior group

Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Rug for the dog”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Rug for the dog”

Goal: to develop artistic abilities in the process of drawing.

Objectives: Continue to teach children to make a decorative pattern on a rectangular shape using vertical straight lines. Learn to use brush typos as an element of a pattern.

Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly, consolidate colors: blue and red, yellow. To cultivate aesthetic feelings, to evoke a positive, emotional mood from the results of one’s work.

Materials: White paper, on which a rectangle of light-colored colored paper (“mat”) is glued, with a picture of a dog glued next to it. Gouache paints: red, yellow, blue; jars of water, brushes, napkins. Equipment: Magnetic board and magnets, bear toy

Progress of the lesson:

-Guys, a guest will come to us today, who could it be?


A friend appeared in the house, more affectionate than all the friends. He barks loudly, plays with everyone, and wags his tail funny. (Puppy)

- That's right, a puppy came to visit us! (shows a toy - a puppy) - Who has dogs at home? (children's answers).

-What does the puppy like to do? - What do you think the puppy does when he is left alone at home? - Look what kind of dog I have (index and little fingers are raised up, the rest are in a fist)

Finger gymnastics “Puppy”.

There was a lock on the door. Hands in the “lock” A puppy was locked up. The index and little fingers are raised up,

the rest - in a fist, tail wagging, extending the index finger and rotating it. He was waiting for the owners.

“They love to play, run around the apartment, and chew bones. Our puppy will play with you a little. Let's stand in a circle.

Phys. minute “Dog” (low mobility game) The guys went out for a walk, They started dancing merrily. Like this, like this They started dancing merrily. The guys were playing, They saw the Dog. She barks loudly, Scares the kids.

The guys were scared, they all squeezed into a little ball.

But the dog walks around and doesn’t find the kids. His fists are knocking. (they knock on the floor with their fists) They scared the dog. Well, the kids started dancing together again. They danced, danced, Oh, how quickly we got tired!

- How fun we played. Look guys, it seems our puppy is very tired.

We need to put him to bed. But where do we put it? (on the mat)

— Guys, the puppy wants to tell me something (whispers in the teacher’s ear)

— The puppy says that he doesn’t have a rug, but he would really like to have a beautiful rug.

- Let's draw beautiful rugs for the puppy and his friends.

Practical activity (the teacher explains step by step how to make a pattern on a rug)

Dip the brush into the red paint and draw a vertical straight line from top to bottom, from one edge of the sheet to the other edge of the sheet. Repeat after me. Step back like I did and draw another horizontal line nearby. Now rinse your brush and take the blue paint. Draw a vertical blue line between the red stripes.

We will also draw stripes on the right edge of the rug.

Using yellow paint, we will draw a pattern in the middle of the rug, applying a brush to the paper, leaving imprints, like this.

Draw carefully and beautifully. Rinse the brush thoroughly after finishing work, do not leave it in the jar.

-I drew a rug for this puppy, and you draw it for your dogs.

“Today in class you were all great, you all worked hard and drew beautiful, striped rugs for the dogs.”

Sample drawing templates for each child.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Beautiful rug for Gainigul”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Beautiful rug for Gainigul”

Daniyarova Bayan Zangirkhanovna teacher

Goal: Learn to draw horizontal lines, consolidate the ability to hold a brush correctly, consolidate colors: red and blue, cultivate aesthetic feelings.

Vocabulary work: Horizontal lines, long, from left to right.

Equipment: sheets of paper, brushes for each child, paints (red, blue), oilcloths according to the number of children.

Demonstration material: sample rug. Previous work: conversation with children about the rug, surprise moment. Organization of children: the lesson is held at the table.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment: a knock on the door.

Educator: Someone is knocking on our door. Look, guys, who came to visit us? That’s right, it’s our Aunt Gainigul. She came to us for a reason. Aunt Gainigul wants you to draw a rug for her. She loves to lie on a rug, but she doesn't have a rug. She will be very happy if you give her a painted rug. Gainigul likes different rugs, but she really wants a striped one. Today we will draw a striped rug for Aunt Gainigul. Guys, should we give her a rug?

Children's answers

Educator: you, Gainigul, sit down and sit on a chair, and I will show the guys what kind of rug we will draw. Look what I’m holding in my hands, I drew a rug (I’m showing a sample) Look how long, horizontal the lines are. Take the brush in your right hand and show how to hold it correctly. Let's first try to draw it in the air. Raise your right hand up like I did and draw a horizontal, long line in the air, from left to right. Repeat after me. Well done, you are doing the right thing. On everyone’s table there is a piece of paper, jars of blue and red paint, and oilcloth.

Educator: guys, let's start drawing, and I will help you. Our Gainigul will look to see who draws correctly. Dip your brush into the blue paint and draw a straight line from left to right, from one edge of the leaf to the other edge of the leaf. Repeat after me. Step back like I did and draw another horizontal line below. Now rinse the brush and take the red paint. Draw a horizontal blue line between the red stripes. Draw beautifully, carefully so that the bear likes the rug. Alternate red and blue stripes until the end of the sheet. Rinse the brush thoroughly after finishing work, do not leave it in the jar.

In the process of working, I approach children who have difficulty drawing and help, give instructions, and encourage them.

Educator: Well, we're done. Put down your tassels, get up from your desks

Along the carpet, along the path

We gallop on our right leg,

And along the same path

We jump on the left leg,

We'll rest a little and we'll all go play with Gainigul.

Educator: Well done, guys! Our works have dried out a little, let's take them and go give them to our aunt Gainigul. Gainigul says that the rugs are very beautiful, she really likes them, she takes them all and will give some of the rugs to her friends. Today at the lesson you were all great , everyone tried their best and drew beautiful, striped rugs.

The lesson is over.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The child’s thinking is capable of perceiving the content of environmental education, which is based on concepts. At a young age, children can trace only single connections. In this summary.

Strengthen children's understanding of geometric shapes; the ability to recognize geometric shapes by touch: circle, square, triangle. Reinforce knowledge of primary colors: green, red, blue, yellow.

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Introduce children to a new way of drawing - poking along the contour. Evoke an emotional response in children. Cultivate neatness. Reinforce knowledge of color (yellow).

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group. Theme of the lesson: “Okay, okay.”

Strengthen children's understanding of geometric shapes; the ability to recognize geometric shapes by touch: circle, square, triangle. Reinforce knowledge of primary colors: green, red, blue, yellow.

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Summary of a drawing lesson in the 2nd junior group. Topic: “Rug for Masha”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the 2nd junior group.
Topic: “Rug for Masha” Goals: 1) teach children to draw the figure of waves 2) develop aesthetic perception. 3) teach children to draw different objects - a rug. 4) develop multidirectional, united, smooth movements of the hands. Method: 1) showing the drawing 2) explaining how to draw. 3) help children if necessary 5) analysis of the work of the teacher Materials for the lesson: gouache in yellow, red and green colors, brushes, water cans, napkins, a painted mat Preliminary work. Looking at a painted rug. Progress of the lesson. Before class, distribute paints, brushes, and prepare jars for water. Let's look at the drawing. Introduction. Children we have a drawing lesson today. In this lesson we will draw a rug for the Masha doll. Look at how beautiful the patterns are, how beautifully drawn, what amazing patterns - waves, straight lines. Today we will learn to draw waves. Take the brushes in your hands. Let's see if everyone took the brushes correctly. Now let's try to draw waves in the air, and then straight lines. Repeat after me. Like this! Well done! NOW LET'S TRY TO DRAW ON YOUR LEAVES - RUGS. - WHAT SHAPE IS OUR RUG - RECTANGULAR. Carefully bathe the brushes in water! How we do it! – Bul – Bul! The brush went for a swim! We wipe the water on the edge of the jar - drip! - drip! Now we take paint with a brush and paint on paper. The first lines are waves, and then we draw straight lines. Whoever can't do it, raise your hand! Everyone can do it!! Well done! Everyone drew waves and straight lines. Now let's rest a little! Physical education minute. Get up quickly, smile, Stretch higher, higher. Come on, straighten your shoulders, raise them, lower them. They turned left, right, touched their knees with their hands, sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up, and ran in place (stopped) - Let's sit down! And now we have dots left, we take the paint with our fingers and draw dots with our fingers between the waves. Everyone can do it. Let me see if everyone has drawn the dots. We finished, and now the 1st table goes to wash their hands, the 2nd and 3rd tables. Analysis. Look, guys, what beautiful rugs you drew for Masha. Well done! Real masters and craftswomen! Doll Masha is very happy! Thanks to all the guys for such beautiful rugs! Bottom line. We hang the pictures on a display board to show parents.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle near the teacher.

Educator: Since we want to get to a fairyland, then let’s choose a fairytale transport.

I invite you to fly on a magic carpet magical music sounds )

Guys, get on the magic carpet. (The children sat down on a small
rug ) .
Look how beautiful and unusual he is! (we look at the pattern on the carpet , the children tell us what patterns they see. Have you flown? The flying carpet rises high, hold on tight! Look at the magical castles , forests, seas below us. It’s so beautiful all around! So we’ve arrived!
Let’s go on a hike, how many of us are discoveries await (turns left and right)

We follow each other, the forest and the green meadow (step in place)

Motley wings flicker, butterflies flutter in the field (wave your arms up and down)

One, two, three, four, we flew, we spun (step in place, we spin)

We see two green frogs jumping along the edge of the forest (we squat down)

Jump-jump, jump-jump, jump from heel to toe (jumping on two legs)

We went down to the fast river, bent over and washed ourselves (bending to the right to the left, imitating washing)

One, two, three, four, that's how nicely refreshed you were (sipping)

One, the other is a crawl (arm jerks)

Rocking on the wave, we float on our backs (turns with tilts left and right)

Twist your hands like this and swim like a dolphin. (circles with arms forward and backward)

We went ashore on a steep bank, turned our heads, looked left and right (turns left and right)

And run home quickly (run in place)

Educator: Well, here you and I have arrived in the fairyland of wizards . What types of wizards ?

Children's answers: (good, evil)


Educator: Guys, what do you think wizards fly ?

Children's answers: (on airplane carpets )


Educator: Guys, I completely forgot, the postman brought us a letter. I wonder who it's from? Let us open it and read it. (I glued the envelope and put the “letter”


Letter: Hello, dear guys! We are good wizards , we wanted to go to visit you, but evil wizards ruined our airplane carpets . And now we have no transport and nothing to go on the road with. We ask you for help.

Educator: Guys, there is trouble in a fairy-tale land, an evil wizard has ruined all the airplane carpets , and the good wizards don’t know what to fly on, but let us help the good wizards !

Drawing lesson in the second junior group Beautiful striped rug

Notes on drawing in the 2nd junior group on the topic: “Beautiful striped rug.”
Tsurikova Z.V. Author: Tsurikova Zinaida Vladimirovna Purpose: To learn to draw horizontal lines, to consolidate the ability to hold a brush correctly, to consolidate colors: blue and red, to cultivate aesthetic feelings. Vocabulary works Horizontal lines, long, from left to right. Equipment: sheets of paper, brushes for each child, paints (blue, red), oilcloths according to the number of children, a toy - a teddy bear. Demonstration material: rug sample. Previous work: conversation with children about the rug, a surprise moment. Organization of children: the lesson is held at the table. Progress of the lesson Organizational moment: knock on the door. Educator: someone is knocking on our door. Look guys, who came to visit us? That's right, it's a bear. And the bear came to us for a reason. Teddy bear told me in my ear that he wants you to draw a rug for him. He loves to lie on a rug, but he doesn't have one. He will be very happy if you give him a painted rug. Bear likes different rugs, but he really wants a striped one. Today we will draw a striped rug for the bear. Guys, should we give the bear a rug? Children's answers Teacher: You, Mishenka, sit down, sit on the chair, and I will show the children what kind of rug we will draw. Look what I'm holding in my hands, it's me who drew the rug. Look how long the horizontal lines are. Take the brush in your right hand and show how to hold it correctly. Raise your right hand up like I did and draw a horizontal, long line in the air, from left to right. Repeat after me. Well done guys, you're doing the right thing. On each table there is a piece of paper, jars of blue and red paint, and oilcloth. Educator: Guys, let's start drawing, and I will help you. The bear will look to see who draws correctly. Dip the brush into the red paint and draw a straight line from left to right, from one edge of the leaf to the other edge of the leaf. Repeat after me. Back off like

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