Journey to the land of interesting games: a project for children of senior preschool age

Journey to the land of interesting games: a project for children of senior preschool age

Rizyapova I.I., Khabibullina V.N. Journey to the land of interesting games: a project for children of senior preschool age // Owl. 2022. N 4 (18). URL: (access date: 01/25/2022).

Order No. 431957

APPENDIX: Approximate game plan for the implementation of the project “Journey to the Land of Interesting Games”

Type of project : speech, cognitive and creative.

Implementation time: long-term.

Project participants: children 5-6 years old, 6-7 years old, teachers, parents of students.

Relevance of the topic:

Currently, the requirements of the educational system for the speech development of children have increased. The Federal State Educational Standard has defined as one of its objectives the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world. The comprehensive development of a preschooler can be achieved only on the basis of play activities, during which the child develops imagination and the symbolic function of consciousness, gains experience in communicating with peers, and comprehends moral values ​​and rules of behavior in society.

In this regard, the issue of developing verbal creativity in preschool children using various methods and technologies is relevant.

Based on the above, goals and objectives were set for the development of verbal creativity of older preschoolers in the process of developing gaming technologies that stimulate verbal creativity and independence of children.

Goal: Development of speech creativity of preschool children in the process of play activities through inclusion in various types of activities, teach them to speak the Tatar language, develop dialogic and monologue speech.



  • to cultivate independence, initiative through the organization of play activities, positive relationships between children and adults.
  • cultivate a desire to communicate in the Tatar language.


  • develop variable thinking, imagination and creative abilities, curiosity, observation, the ability to experiment, create conditions for the formation of fantasy, imagination, and creativity.
  • improve all aspects of speech: achieve clear pronunciation of all sounds of the native language, expand and activate the vocabulary, continue to develop dialogical speech,
  • develop interest in learning the Tatar language, promote speech understanding and the desire to speak and communicate in another language.


  • teach word creation;
  • teach forms of monologue speech in the Tatar language;
  • teach answering questions in a short and common form.

Project implementation principles:

  1. Accessibility: taking into account the age characteristics of children; adaptability of the material.
  2. Systematicity and consistency: gradual presentation of material from simple to complex; frequent repetition of acquired knowledge, rules and norms.
  3. Visual and entertaining: the proposed material must be understandable, have an entertaining beginning, be playful or have elements of a game or surprise.
  4. Dynamism: integration of the project into different activities.
  5. Supporting children's initiative in various activities.
  6. Taking into account the individual characteristics of each child.
  7. Introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state.

Stages of work on the project

Stage I – information and analytical support for the project.

  1. Collection and analysis of information.
  2. Selection and study of literature on project activities.
  3. Study of advanced pedagogical experience in developing children's ideas about play.
  4. Selection of methods for pedagogical diagnostics of pupils and parents (observation of children, individual conversations).
  5. Analysis of the results of pedagogical diagnostics.

Stage II - main

Scheme for implementing work experience in areas of development

Directions of development Types of games in joint activities of adults and children and independent activities of children
Social - communicative Didactic, role-playing, nature history games. Board games, word games, bonding games, social interaction
Speech Didactic games, speech games
Cognitive Didactic games, word games, educational games, board and printed games, games with mathematical content
Artistic and aesthetic Games - dramatization, games - dramatization, folk games, games - round dances, logorhythmics
Physical Outdoor games with words, games with speech accompaniment, physical exercises, logarithmics, motor games.

Stage III – final

Generalization of work experience.

Collaboration with parents

  1. Visual information: consultations “Speech development: games with the family”, “Games for the development of creative imagination”. Recommendations for parents “Game is serious”, “The world in a child’s creativity.” Publication of the pedagogical and parent newspaper “Krepysh”.
  2. Children and parents projects: “Creative workshop”, “Interesting games”, “Dreamers”, “Rhyme”.
  3. Step-by-step drawing: “You start, and I will continue.”
  4. Exhibitions of drawings: “Fairytale World”, “Abracadabra”, “Nonexistent Country”.
  5. Questionnaire: “Does your child like to fantasize?”
  6. Baby dictionary “Our children come up with it.”
  7. “Parents’ Diary or “Nechukovsky” from 2 to 5.”
  8. Competition of inventions: “Funny story”, “Changes”.
  9. Training “Sharing family experience.”
  10. Mailbox "Question and answer".
  11. A collection of ideas: “An unusual toy.”
  12. Family gatherings.

Expected result of project activities:

  • To introduce children to the process of cognition through involving them in various types of practical and play activities.
  • Develop cycles of game-activities for sections of the project, each of which would combine elements of different types of activities.
  • Create a positive microsociety where each participant (adult and child) develops in the process of joint activity and co-creation.
  • Increase the authority of the teacher and other preschool employees.
  • Increase the pedagogical competence and activity of parents.
  • Invite kindergarten teachers to participate in the implementation of the project to create comfortable conditions for the child.
  • Teach children to speak the Tatar language, develop dialogic and monologue speech.
  • Encourage parents to want to independently organize joint, creative games with their children at home.

Approximate game plan for the implementation of the project “Journey to the Land of Interesting Games” (Appendix).


  1. Dyachenko O.M., Agayeva E.L. What doesn't happen in the world? 2001.
  2. Zaripova Z.M. Tatarcha sөylәshәbez // Methodology kullanma. Kazan, 2012.
  3. Karpova S.I., V.V. Mamaeva. Development of speech and cognitive abilities of preschoolers 4-5 years old // Creative Center. St. Petersburg, 2010.
  4. Kukushkina E.Yu., Samsonova L.V. Playing and learning to be friends // Teacher's Library. M.: Creative Center, 2013.
  5. Miklyaeva N.V. Interactive pedagogy in kindergarten // Library of the journal “Preschool Education Management”. M.: Creative Center, 2012.
  6. Miklyaeva N.V., Reshetilo E.A., Lopatina O.G. Play environment at home // Teacher's Library. M.: Creative Center, 2011.
  7. Miklyaeva N.V., Yu.N.Rodionova. Developing the abilities of preschoolers // Teacher's Library. M.: Creative Center, 2010.
  8. Penkova L.A., Konnova Z.P., Malysheva I.V., Perkova S.V. Development of play activity of preschoolers // Management. M.: Creative Center, 2010.
  9. Skorolupova O.A., Loginova L.V. Let's play?.. Let's play!!! From work experience. M., 2006.
  10. Shchetinina A.M. Teaching preschoolers to think // Teacher’s Library. M.: Creative Center, 2011.

Pedagogical project at the preschool educational institution “By playing we learn, by playing we learn!”

  • February 4, 2014

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative - 2013”
​​Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

Type of project: Gaming. Creative.

Project goal: Organizing children’s own activities in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. Own activity is the activity that the child wants to engage in and in which he: does, listens and hears, looks and speaks.

Project objectives:

1. Develop in children the skills of basic self-control and self-regulation of their actions and relationships with others.

2. Develop the individuality and intelligence of children.

3. Develop in children the skill of coordinated work.

4. Promote the accumulation of gaming experience for children by offering them various stories and ways of interacting with peers.

Project implementation period: October 2013 – May 2014.

Project participants: children; teachers; parents; representatives of society.

Educational area: “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Fiction”, “Music”, “Artistic creativity”, “Safety”.

Expected Results

  • Children know how to listen and hear each other, negotiate, come to agreement;
  • Children develop speech interaction, memory, thinking, attention, and imagination.
  • a positive attitude towards the surrounding world, other people, oneself, and peers is formed;
  • children learn to defend their position and object to adults reasonably and kindly;
  • their feelings of fear for making a mistake disappear.
  • Teachers and parents try to maintain children’s friendships, do not interfere with their independence, and create conditions for children to communicate with each other.

Directions of work, stages. Planning

1. Preparatory stage

Working with teachers. Goals:

  • arouse teachers’ interest in the project;
  • introduce its tasks;
  • lead to a vision of your place in the project;
  • provide teachers with everything necessary for the successful implementation of the project

Interaction with parents. Goals:

  • parents' interest in the project;
  • give an idea of ​​how you can participate;
  • direct them to joint play activities with children.

Educational activities for preschool children. Goal: to expand preschoolers’ ideas about role-playing, creative, intellectual and theatrical games.

2. Main stage

Working with teachers. Goals:

  • increasing the theoretical and practical level of professionalism of teachers;
  • increasing the competence of preschool teachers in organizing gaming activities (introduction to new plot-based, role-playing and other games)

Interaction with parents. Goals:

  • increasing the level of pedagogical culture of parents in the field of “Socialization” of preschool children.
  • parents' interest in the problem of transferring gaming activities into the family, organizing a single gaming space.

Educational activities for preschool children. Goals:

  • to help children diversify, reflect the richness of the actions of the person portrayed by the child, and clearly highlight actions aimed at different characters in the game. unfold actions in a sequence that strictly recreates real logic.
  • development of cognitive interest in preschoolers, development of thinking and imagination, enrichment of children’s emotions through play.
  • developing moral qualities in children: kindness, empathy, honesty, gratitude;
  • nurturing respectful and caring attitude towards loved ones, sympathy, empathy;

3. Final stage

Working with teachers. Goals:

  • improving the quality of gaming activity, and through it, developing interest in cognitive activity;
  • systematization of accumulated teaching experience;

Interaction with parents. Goals:

  • joint family games, watching plays, cartoons with children, enriching the children's home library;
  • involving parents in preparing costumes and scenery for theatrical games

Educational activities for preschool children. Goals:

  • development of children’s creative abilities, strengthening their desire to express in play activities (theatrical games based on a fairy tale), productive (exhibition of children’s creative works “My Favorite Game”, collective work on the construction of “The Palace of the Beast”, plasticine plastic “We are playing”), acquired knowledge , abilities, skills, to expand moral ideas about the manifestation of good and evil;
  • understand the connection between the present and the future of the native land (D/I “Journey to the Past”, S/R game “Experts of the Sengileevsky Mountains Nature Reserve”, “Walk along the streets of the city of Sengileya”, “Journey along the Volga”);
  • effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of a preschooler (literary quiz “Fairy Tales Are Our Guest”, intellectual game “Stars”).

Before the implementation of the project, parents referred to being too busy, not knowing and not being able to do anything regarding the content of the project, but the following work was carried out with them: conversations with parents: “The role of play in the development of a child’s speech”, “The role of fairy tales in raising children”, “Family theater".

A survey was conducted: “Do you like theater?”, “What games does your child play?”, consultation: “Playing fairy tales will help to cope with children’s disobedience”, “Cultivating hard work, obedience and responsibility through play”, round table “Theater games” as a means of developing children’s speech,” a competition of joint creative works between parents and children on the topic “My Favorite Game,” a parent meeting “The Role of Games in Raising Children.”

In the corner for parents there was placed a folder - a “Theater Warm-up” with photographs of children engaged in musical and theatrical activities, and a reminder for parents “Bedtime Story”.

Parents helped set up a costume room with costumes of fairy-tale characters, purchase coloring books for the group based on Russian folk tales, and printed board games based on fairy tales. They always helped in making scenery and costumes, and purchased tickets to visit the puppet theater. Parents very actively visited our “Theater Lounge”, where they watched musical performances, entertainment, concerts, celebrating the successes of their little artists: overcoming shyness, self-confidence, improving the clarity and expressiveness of speech.

Work on the project was carried out not only with parents, but also with social partners: employees of the library, museum, store, registry office, cinema post office. Children performed at a pedagogical conference, at the anniversary of the Sengileevsky district, where they read poetry, sang songs and danced, and watched a funny performance. We often go to the local museum, where we are introduced to the past of our city, its customs and traditions.

Project report

In the school preparatory group “A”, a game, creative project “By playing - we learn, by playing - we understand!” is being implemented, within the framework of which children develop gaming skills, enrich the child’s practical and gaming experience, independent play encourages preschoolers to creatively reflect reality, Moral ideas about the manifestation of good and evil are expanding.

Continuing to master the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, the creative and cognitive thinking of a preschooler effectively develops.

The implementation of the project is based on the implementation of the principle of unity of activities of children and teachers, cooperation with pre-school specialists and families of pupils, cooperation with social partners.

The project covers various types of play activities for preschool children. Cognitive and speech activities include plot-role-playing games, theatrical and intellectual games, excursions, targeted walks, stories, conversations, classes on topics included in the content of the project; reading the works of fellow countrymen writers. In the fine arts section, conversations are held about the wealth and beauty of the native land, conversations about the work of local artists with viewing of paintings, illustrations, and excursions to the museum. Children implement the acquired knowledge in playful and productive activities: didactic and role-playing games. drawing with colored pencils or paints of the children’s choice “Favorite Game”, designing from paper “Theater of Flowers”, appliqué using non-traditional materials “The Tale of a Pumpkin”, modeling using non-traditional materials “Theater for Babies”, etc. Children do not attend music classes They only listen to and learn songs and dances, listen to classics, but also play musical games, come up with new dance sketches for fairy-tale characters.

Parents have expanded their opportunities for cooperation with their children, and they began to listen to their opinions. Parents began to perceive themselves as more competent in organizing joint play activities for children.

The project is playful, creative, long-term. Implemented within the framework of a preschool educational institution with the involvement of family and society (library, museum, store, post office, children's art school, art house.) Work with social partners continues. Children show a need to visit the library, museum, and theater.

The project is interdisciplinary, since the game is included in educational activities for each area of ​​education, in unregulated activities, and in walks. In everyday life, in class, on a walk, while watching TV shows, looking at illustrations, the child learns the purpose of objects, the meaning of people’s actions, the essence of their relationships, and his first emotional and moral assessments are formed. All this serves as a source for the emergence of the game’s concept and the constant enrichment of its content.

Timely changes in the gaming environment, selection of toys and gaming material that help to consolidate in the child’s memory recent impressions received in educational games, aim the preschooler at independent, creative solving of gaming problems, and encourage different ways of reproducing reality in the game.

We try to change the subject environment taking into account the practical and play experience of children. New toys for the theater, knitted by the teacher and parents, new clothes for the Atelier. A new multifunctional screen: it is both a stand for theatrical play and a screen for an adult puppet theater, a window in the screen for a children's puppet theater, and it is also a decoration for a performance.

The child in the project is a participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result. Each child makes his or her own contribution to the common cause, children show initiative and individuality, see themselves in the project, evaluate their personal participation, and are convinced of the benefits of common efforts to achieve a common goal.

In order to achieve a game that is genuine, emotionally rich, and includes an intellectual solution to game problems, we try to comprehensively manage its formation, namely: to enrich the child’s practical and play experience, we organize the activities of preschoolers in increasingly complex problem play situations, taking into account their specific practical experience, as well as the play environment .

The project included plot-role-playing games developed by me: “Invitation”, “Katya’s doll’s birthday”, “Wizards of our group”, “Walk along the streets of the city of Sengileya”, “Experts of the Sengileevskie Mountains reserve”, “Journey along the Volga”, Theatrical game based on Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”, based on B. Grimm’s fairy tale “The Hare and the Hedgehog”, continuation of A. Volkov’s fairy tale “Ellie and Her Friends”. The scenarios of intellectual games turned out to be interesting: “Stars”, “Smart Men and Wise Girls”, the quiz “Fairy Tales at Our Guest”.

Application. Project.

Author: Lyudmila Lyudvigovna Meshcheryakova, teacher of the highest qualification category at the MDOU “Solnyshko”, Sengileya, Ulyanovsk region. Work experience 33 years.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

PROJECT “Development of educational games for children 3-4 years old”

What is an educational game?

In early preschool age, the development of a child’s personality and all his abilities occurs much more successfully in play than in classes.

Development is always the emergence of something qualitatively new: attitudes towards the world and other people, abilities, desires, interests and motivations for action. This is always reflected and expressed in children’s initiative and independence, when the child himself comes up with something, creates something, and strives for something. Actions dictated by an adult, as well as answers to his questions (even correct ones) have nothing to do with the development of the child. On the contrary, they can become an obstacle to development, since they deprive the baby of his own activity. Real development occurs only when the child himself, of his own free will, and therefore with interest and pleasure, does something. Therefore, emotional well-being and full development not only do not exclude, but also presuppose each other. It is this combination of the child’s interests and the tasks of his development that arises in educational games. If in class a child completes an adult’s task, then in the game he solves his own problem. In the daily teaching practice of kindergarten, there is virtually no time left for play. The enormous potential of educational games is, as a rule, not used.

The use of educational toys or aids is also often called play. Once you give a child a pyramid or a nesting doll, it is considered that the game has taken place. But that's not true. An educational game is not any action with didactic material and not a game technique in a compulsory educational lesson, but a specific, full-fledged and sufficiently meaningful activity for children. It has its own motives and its own methods of action.

The game concept is a game situation into which the child is introduced and which he perceives as his own. This perception can be achieved by constructing a game plan based on the specific needs and inclinations of children, as well as the characteristics of their experience.

The idea is realized in play actions that are offered to the child. In some games you need to find something, in others you need to perform certain movements, in others you need to exchange objects, etc.

Playful activities always include a task, the solution of which is for each child the most important condition for personal success and his emotional connection with other participants. Its content can be very diverse: not to run away ahead of time or to name the shape of an object, to have time to find the desired picture in a certain time, to remember several objects, etc.

Game material encourages the child to play and is important for the child’s learning and development and, of course, for the implementation of the game plan.

An important feature of the game are the game rules. They bring to the children’s consciousness its intention, game actions and educational task. Following the rules requires certain efforts from the child, limits his spontaneous activity and makes the game exciting, interesting and useful for the child’s development.

Due to the fact that educational play is an active and meaningful activity for the child, in which he willingly and voluntarily participates, the new experience acquired in it becomes his personal property, since it can be applied in other conditions.

Educational games are a fairly effective means of developing such qualities as organization, self-control, etc. In preschool age, educational games contain a variety of conditions for the formation of the most valuable personality traits. But for their development to really take place, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence in the selection of games. Choosing a game is a serious and responsible matter. The game should give the child the opportunity to put into practice what he already knows and encourage him to learn new things. It is important to trace the internal connection between the previous one and the next one, so that in each game the child builds on the acquired experience and takes a new step in his development.

The decisive conditions for the normal mental development of a child and the basis for his well-being in kindergarten are friendly and open relationships with peers and the teacher, and the ability to cooperate. Joint activities. It is very important to cultivate an active, positive, friendly attitude towards peers in early preschool age when entering kindergarten. Introducing children into a group, teaching them to make friends and communicate is the most important task of a teacher. After all, the child’s mood, well-being, as well as success in cognitive and personal development depend on how the child’s relationship with the teacher and with other children develops.

Therefore, in the first stages, games aimed at developing communication and moral-volitional qualities of the individual are necessary. These are outdoor fun games and round dances. The development of humane, moral relationships between children and volitional qualities of the individual occurs in actions and actions in favor of another: to help, to help out of trouble, to bring pleasure, etc. However, the implementation of these actions and deeds requires volitional efforts, the ability to overcome obstacles, and self-control.

In early preschool age, games aimed at sensory education are important. With their help, the child learns to identify and recognize the distinctive qualities of surrounding objects: shape, size, color, as well as various techniques of visual, auditory and tactile examination.

Games for the development of attention, thinking, and speech open up wide opportunities for cognitive processes, since the child not only fulfills the requirements of an adult, as happens in the classroom, but actively acts. Games create the necessary connection between practical mental actions, which leads to the development of the child.

Every game has two beginnings: one is entertaining, the other requires seriousness and mobilization of efforts. Based on the relationship between these principles, they distinguish: fun games, role-playing games, task games and competition games. These games not only rely on the interests of younger preschoolers, but also contribute to their development, which is achieved only if the game is interesting to the children.

2. The purpose and objectives of the project.

The goal of the project is to form certain mental processes in children of primary preschool age in the process of educational games.


  1. Increasing professional level in the formation of certain mental processes in children of primary preschool age.
  2. Increasing the gaming interest of younger preschoolers in educational games through playful communication between the teacher and the children;
  3. Intensifying interaction with parents on the formation of mental processes through games.
  4. Give basic ideas about educational games, teach how to use albums and diagrams.
  5. To develop in children the desire for independent activity in educational games.
  6. Expected Result.

The implementation of this project will improve the level of mental processes in children of primary preschool age; interest in educational games, perseverance.

The duration of the project is 1 academic year.

Educational games for children 3 – 4 years old.

Upon entering kindergarten, big changes occur in a child’s life, which are not always joyful and desirable for him. You have to get used to a stricter daily routine, unfamiliar adults and children, and unusual demands. But the main thing is separation from my mother. All of this can cause tension, uncertainty and anxiety. Such an unfavorable emotional background negatively affects first impressions of kindergarten and makes it difficult to get used to. Many children resist such changes in life and do not want to come to the group.

How to make it easier to get used to new living conditions? The best thing a teacher can do is to amuse, cheer up, and quickly distract from everything that darkens the children’s stay among strangers. Joint outdoor games will help with this. They will help the teacher bring children closer together, unite them in a common activity that is interesting for everyone. Regularly holding such games will not only enrich children with impressions, but also give them new social experience, which is so important for personal development.

Games that develop communication and moral qualities of the individual.

Such games are built on relationships of gaming partnership with the voluntary participation of each child in what is accepted by everyone. Competing with each other is unacceptable. The content and rules exclude reasons for conflicts and mutual repulsion.

By their nature, these are fun games, round dances. They are created according to folk models and contain elements of folklore and folk culture. Such games satisfy the need for movement and communication. Combining an action with a word helps the child understand the content of the game, which, in turn, makes it easier to perform the actions. These games will help the teacher win the sympathy of children, their trust and reasonable obedience. After all, they make the child open to communication, which creates important prerequisites for the formation of personality. The peculiarity of all fun games and round dances is that in them the center of attraction is the adult - he not only introduces a new game into the lives of children, but also serves as a model for them to perform game actions and movements. Behaving freely and artistically, an adult infects children with his enthusiasm and fun.

Fun games and round dances have a unique character. In fun games, all movements are familiar to children from everyday experience (running, walking, jumping, etc.). What is new is only the transition from one movement to another. Imitating an adult makes such transitions easier. Gradually, with repeated play, children begin to perform movements independently, imitating each other. Under no circumstances should you turn a fun game into an exercise in practicing a sequence of movements! Repeated participation in the game provides the child with the opportunity to naturally, without special training, master the necessary skills.

Round dance games differ from fun games in the unusualness of their movements: they are flexible, expressive, and subordinate to the rhythm of the text and the accompanying melody. The actions seem to dramatize the content of the game. All this awakens children's imagination, develops musical abilities and artistic taste. Vivid and expressive round dancing becomes a unique form of aesthetic education.

One of the main conditions for holding all these games is the voluntary participation of children. It doesn’t matter if not everyone immediately joins the game. You can start it with a small group of people who have responded to the teacher’s invitation. For others, observing peers will be an interesting and useful activity. Gradually, all the students in the group will be drawn into the game and become its participants.

Below are fun games and round dances:

Fun games:

"Sun and Rain"


"The dolls are dancing . Goal: to teach children to perform play actions one at a time, in small groups.

"Brave Mice" . Goal: to teach self-control, to create important prerequisites for the formation of self-control.

"The Fox and the Geese" . Goal: moral education.

"I brought you a gift"

Round dance games:


"Bunny" . Goal: overcoming such qualities as shyness and indecisiveness.

"Brave Mice"

"Blow up, bubble . Goal: introducing children to each other and to the teacher.

“Valya walked along the path”


"Gifts" etc.

I will analyze one of the games in more detail.


When pretending to be an airplane, each child “starts the engine” - making circular movements with his hands in front of him to the sound of [r-r-r]. Then, with a wide gesture, he spreads his arms (like wings) and flies (runs) in a circle with the sound [zh-zh-zh]. Having made a full circle, the plane slows down and lands slowly, i.e. the child squats.

This game can be played not only with children, but also in groups of different ages, both indoors and on the site. There is no need to first explain its rules to children; they become clear as the game progresses.

Games that promote the development of goal-directed perception.

Perception of sounds

The perception of sounds, the ability not just to hear, but to listen, to focus on the sound, to highlight its characteristic features is a very important ability. It needs to be purposefully developed in a child from an early age. Of course, the best way to do this is through games. The general goal of the games is to open up a special world of sounds for the baby, to make them attractive, meaningful, and telling about something important. For the development of children's hearing, it is very important to conduct these games systematically, repeating them day after day.

  • “Who woke up Mishutka?” . Goal: to teach children to listen to surrounding sounds, not only to distinguish each other’s voices, but also to control their own voices.
  • “What did Parsley choose?” . Objectives: to teach to recognize the source of sound by ear; contribute to the aggravation of auditory sensitivity and susceptibility to sounds; develop organization, the ability to manage one’s behavior and a sensitive attitude towards those who are experiencing difficulties.
  • "Welcome guests" . Goals: to teach how to distinguish a sound from others and perceive it as a signal of some action or event; teach the child to behave in a team, overcome self-doubt; promote further rapprochement between children; education to behave in a team; help overcome self-doubt.

Color perception

Conscious, purposeful perception of color is not an innate quality. Only adults can help children see the world of colors, grasp all the variety of color tones and form a stable visual image of color. The games offered below will help teach children to distinguish and name those color tones that are most often found in their environment. These games contain two types of learning tasks:

  1. for purposeful discrimination of color tones;
  2. on the correct naming of colors.

The teacher should have the following materials at his disposal:

A. multi-colored flags;

b. colored ribbons;

V. strips of colored paper;

d. colored mugs on pendants;

d. single-color pyramids with thick rings.

  • "Run to me" . Goals: to teach how to compare objects by color; develop the ability to behave in a team.
  • "Look for your home" . Objectives: to teach to distinguish color tones by comparing a sample with another object; contribute to the rapprochement and organization of the group; learn to manage your behavior: restrain desires, if necessary, use volitional efforts to achieve the goal.
  • “Fly, little dove!” . Objectives: to teach how to navigate color tones by their names without relying on a visual example; promote the development of imagination in children.

Shape perception

Active participation in joint games allows children to easily and successfully master rational techniques for tactile examination of the shape of volumetric and flat objects, if the following conditions are met:

  1. The child examines the object with both hands and feels it with his fingers, turning it in all directions.
  2. During the examination, both hands act in concert and actively.
  3. The participation of vision in this process is excluded.
  • “What did Mishutka bring us?” . Goal: to determine whether children can independently recognize an object by touch, just as a child is used to examining an object outside his field of vision - with one or two hands.
  • “Make no mistake, Petrushka!” . Goals: to develop tactile perception of the shape of objects; teach to purposefully examine the shape, turning the object with both hands and feeling it with your fingers from all sides; also contribute to the development of children’s cognitive activity and increase their interest in solving mental problems.

Perception of magnitude

Already in early preschool age, it is necessary to develop in children the ability to perceive the size of objects by comparing them in length, width, and height. Most of the games offered use folk toys: pyramids, nesting dolls, insert bowls and other wooden toys, the individual parts of which differ only in size. These toys teach children to compare and measure objects by height and width. With the help of an adult, in the games offered, the child masters rational techniques for comparative assessment of size (placing and applying objects).

The purpose of conducting these games in the younger group is to highlight size as a significant feature of an object and develop the ability to establish pronounced differences in height, length and width.

  • “What do nesting dolls do?” . Objectives: to introduce such quality as size; promote the formation of friendly relationships.
  • “Let’s take it apart and put it back together . Goal: to teach to distinguish and compare objects by size, i.e. according to their extent in space.
  • "Funny nesting dolls" . Objectives: to teach to distinguish and compare objects according to different indicators of size; compare objects by height, compare the sizes of planar and volumetric figures, etc.

Games that develop focused attention

Attention is a necessary condition for any activity: educational, gaming, cognitive. The special work of the teacher to develop attention contributes to the timely mental development of children and their successful assimilation of the kindergarten program. Meanwhile, the attention of preschoolers, as a rule, is very poorly developed. A baby can be equally interested in any subject; his attention easily jumps from one object to another. Therefore, he needs timely help to learn how to manage his attention. In order to promptly develop in children certain qualities of attention (purposefulness, stability, concentration) and the ability to control them, special games are needed, ones where this task is at the center of the activities of the teacher and the child. In each of them, purposefulness, concentration and stability of attention are the main conditions for gaming actions and communication with each other.

  • “One, two, three – speak!” . Goal: develop focused attention.
  • "Hide and seek with toys" . Goal: to develop stability of attention in children; the ability to hold a specific goal in memory without being distracted by other things.
  • “Answer me, don’t yawn!” . Goal: develop stable, focused attention.
  • "Mishka's pranks" . Goal: To develop concentration and stability of attention.

Games that develop speech and thinking.

In almost all the games described earlier, children encountered play actions in which both speech and thinking were actively involved. These two most important mental processes are inextricably linked with each other. But the games described above used the level of development of speech and thinking that children had already achieved, and the games given below are aimed at developing these processes in the necessary unity.

  • "Bunny and Bear" . Goal: to teach children to distinguish and correctly designate spatial relationships between objects.
  • “The birthday of the doll Alyonushka . Goal: to develop coherent speech.
  • "What's in the picture" . Goal: to teach children to independently identify the purpose of an object and designate it through words, which is important for the development of intelligence and coherent speech.
  • “Guess it!” . Goal: to develop holistic ideas about surrounding objects.


All the games described are joint activities between children and adults. It is the adult who brings these games into children’s lives and introduces them to their content. He arouses children's interest in the game, encourages them to take active actions, without which the game is impossible, is a model for performing game actions, and is the leader of the game - he organizes the play space, introduces the game material, and monitors the implementation of the rules.

Any game contains two types of rules - rules of action and rules of communication with a partner. Rules of action determine methods of action with objects, the general nature of movements in space (pace, sequence, etc.). The rules of communication influence the nature of the relationship between the participants in the game (the order in which children perform their actions, their consistency, etc.). These two types of rules, in a simple form accessible to the child, teach children to be organized, responsible, self-restraint, and develop the ability to empathize and be attentive to others.

The games described above are addressed mainly to children of primary preschool age - from 3 to 4 years old. However, the psychological age of a child is a conditional concept and is determined not only by calendar dates, i.e. the number of years and months lived, but also the stage of mental development. It is quite possible that the proposed games will be exciting and useful not only for three-year-olds, but also for five-year-olds.

When organizing games, it is necessary to take into account that different children require different approaches and need different educational influences. At the same time, sometimes kindergartens use methods that are unacceptable for any children and under any circumstances.

Under no circumstances should you force a child (by prohibitions, threats, punishments) to do something that he does not want or is not yet ready for. The teacher’s task is to interest the child, captivate him with useful activities, and support the slightest successes. Forcing can only discourage interest in the game, which will make it meaningless. It is also unacceptable to replace a game with an exercise or lesson, or to require mechanical repetition of some words or movements. Moreover, an irritated tone and rudeness in relations with children are unacceptable.

Kindness, surprise, and various kinds of surprises are much more effective means in working with children. You need to be able to be surprised or upset in time, to intrigue children with some surprise, to express admiration, to show through facial expressions, intonation, and movement your interest in the game and the child’s success in it. Of course, all this requires artistry from the teacher. But pedagogy is an art. Only joy from success, passion, and interest lead to the formation of a person’s personality.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 111" in Syktyvkar

The project was developed by teacher Kaneva Yulia Vasilievna Syktyvkar, 2015

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