Conversation in the senior group on the topic: “Russia Day” lesson plan (senior group)

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF


Goal: to cultivate patriotic feelings in children: pride in their country, for belonging to it, love for their Motherland - Russia.


  • familiarize children with the state symbols of Russia: the Anthem, Flag and Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation, and generalize knowledge about them
  • teach carefully, standing, listen to the Russian anthem
  • develop observation, attention, coherent speech
  • activate vocabulary, cognitive interest
  • to cultivate love for one’s Motherland, a careful, caring attitude towards one’s native land.

For an educational lesson, it is necessary to prepare a presentation where each slide corresponds to the teacher’s speech.

1. Organizational part

Educator: I say hello everywhere at home and on the street. I even say hello to the next street. Hello golden sun, hello blue sky, Hello light breeze, hello little oak tree, Hello morning, hello day, we are not too lazy to say hello!

Q: Every person has words that evoke strong feelings. The Russian people also have such a word. This word is “Motherland” . What is the Motherland?

Q: Popular wisdom says: Motherland is your mother - know how to stand up for it. Let's repeat.

Q: What is the name of our country? (Russia) Our country is called Russia, and all the people living in our country are called... (Russians).

June 12 is a holiday - Russia Day and today we will talk about our wonderful country - the Russian Federation.

2. Main part

We call the country in which we live, with love, Motherland,

And we know: in all our Russian land there are no miles!

Q: All states have their main distinctive signs - coat of arms, flag, anthem. Symbols of our Russia, at the sight of which a person from any country in the world can guess which country we are talking about.

Q: Let's look at the flag.

Q: What can you say about it? What is he like? (Solemn, elegant, tricolor, large)

They fight under the flag for their Motherland. Flags are hung on holidays.

What is Russia's flag? (Russia has a tricolor flag. Three stripes: white, blue, red)

Q: What do these stripes mean? (White color is the color of peace. It says that our country is peaceful. It does not want war. Blue color is faith, loyalty. The people love their country, protect it, are faithful to it. Red color is the color of strength, courage, blood shed for the Motherland)

Q: Now let's look at the coat of arms of Russia. What is the shape of the shield of the Russian coat of arms? (Rectangular)

Q: Who do you see in the center? (Orla)

Q: Tell us about it. What is he like? (The eagle on the coat of arms denotes strength, it means that the state is strong, invincible)

Q: Why does the eagle have two heads? (The state is large and the heads of the eagle look to the west and east, thereby showing that the state is not only large, but also united)

Q: What does the crown mean? (The crown means that Russia lives by its own laws and protects its laws, and these laws are protected by the tsar, and in our time, by the president (Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin).

Q: What’s in the eagle’s paws? (scepter and orb)

B: the eagle holds symbols of state power: an orb and a scepter.

The scepter is a symbol of military power. This means that the country has an army, and the king or the president controls it.

The power (also called the sovereign's apple) is a symbol of spiritual power, indicating that Russian people are believers. This Russian coat of arms is many years old. Of course, now there are no kings, but the crown and the scepter, or rather the orb, remind us that our Motherland is a very ancient state.

Q: Every state has an anthem - this is a solemn song. The Russian anthem is always listened to at various special events. When athletes win competitions, during the presentation of awards the flag of the winning country is raised and the anthem is played. When our president comes to another country, the Russian anthem is also played in his honor. The anthem is listened to while standing, silently, as a sign of respect for our Motherland. Let us also listen to the anthem of our country.

(Russian anthem plays)

Q: The anthem, the symbol of Russia, has now been played. The coat of arms, anthem and flag are symbols of Russia that every state has. But there are symbols that are the same for all countries. One of them is a symbol of peace. The symbol of peace is the white dove, which brings purity, kindness, and bright peace.

Q: The anthem contains the following words: “Our native country, we are proud of you!” . Tell me why we are proud of our country?

(- Russia is the biggest country;

  • Russia is rich in forests and minerals
  • The first cosmonaut on earth is Russian
  • Russia defeated the Nazis during the war)

Q: How beautiful our Russia is with the beauty of our birch groves, lakes, rivers - the beauty of our nature. Russia is the country in which we live. Russia ranks first in terms of territory among all countries in the world. Russians are proud of the vastness and beauty of their Motherland. There are mountains, forests and steppes, seas, rivers and lakes on Russian soil. Our land is rich in oil, natural gas, coal and other minerals. But the country's greatest wealth is its people.

3. Final part.

We are proud of our country, we experience sorrows and joys with it, we try to make it strong and rich. While you are still small and cannot do anything for Russia. But you can make our country strong and powerful. If you love your friends and loved ones, you will not quarrel. Let's look at each other, smile and let's not forget that you and I are Russians. The people are very wise, patient and kind. A person loves the people with whom he lives, loves his people.

There are a lot of Words in the world, Like snowflakes in winter.

But let’s take, for example, these: The word “I” And the word “We” .

“I” is lonely in the world, “I” is not of much use.

It is difficult for one or one to cope with trouble.

The word "WE" is stronger than "I" . WE ARE FAMILY AND WE ARE FRIENDS...

Q: Let's all say together: “If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong!”

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Conversation in the senior group on the topic: “Russia Day” lesson plan (senior group)

Conversation with older children on the topic

"Russia Day"

Objectives:• To introduce the main symbols (anthem, flag, coat of arms). • Expand children's understanding of the state symbols of the Russian state and their historical origin.

Progress of the conversation

We live in a large, kind, strong and very beautiful country called Russia.

Our forests and fields stretch from the southern seas to the polar region. You are the only one in the world! You are the only one - God-protected native land!


These are the words from the National Anthem of the Russian Federation. But the country is not just fields and forests, cities and villages. This is a state. And each state has its own conventional signs - symbols that distinguish it from others. Symbols are objects, images or words that have special meaning for us. State symbols are symbols that have special meaning for citizens of a particular state. Usually, while life goes on as usual, citizens do not very often remember state symbols - they do not walk along the streets with state flags every day, do not admire their state emblem for hours and, when gathering together, sing not the national anthem, but other songs. But if suddenly some serious danger appears that threatens everyone, for example, cruel enemies come or, conversely, general joy happens, for example, the country’s national team becomes the world champion, then it turns out that state symbols are the very thing which helps citizens feel their community, unity, and unite into one whole. Citizens take to the streets with national flags, look with pride at the coat of arms of their country and even, standing shoulder to shoulder, can sing the national anthem with tears in their eyes. Our country, like any self-respecting state, has its own state symbols. These are the National Flag, the National Emblem and the National Anthem.

Flag It is known that the flag was created to flutter. Therefore, usually flags are raised high up on flagpoles and masts - where there is more wind and where the flag can fly beautifully - so that everyone can see it and be proud of their country. The flag is one of the important symbols of the state. The State Flag of Russia is a symbol of unity and harmony, national identity and culture. And if you approach a government building, you will certainly see the Russian flag flying over it. The flag is a sign of respect for the Motherland. Desecration of the flag is subject to severe punishment, as an insult to the state. – Tell me, guys, what does the Russian flag look like? (Children's answers.) - That's right, this is a rectangular panel consisting of three stripes of three colors: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red. – Does anyone know what these colors mean? (Children's answers). Each color of the Russian flag has its own meaning. (slide No. 3)

Coat of Arms of Russia The State Emblem is necessarily depicted on all important state papers, letting everyone who sees these papers understand that they are important and state-owned. For example, the state emblem adorns all decrees of the President of Russia. The state emblem also adorns the passports of Russian citizens and other documents issued by the Russian state. Slide 4 The coat of arms with a golden double-headed eagle on a red field is reminiscent of the coats of arms of the late 15th-17th centuries. The eagle design is similar to those designs that decorated the monuments of the era of Peter the Great. Above the heads of the eagle are three historical crowns of Peter the Great, symbolizing in the new conditions the sovereignty of both the entire Russian Federation and its parts. The scepter and orb represent state power and a unified state. The image of a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear is one of the ancient symbols of the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, and the defense of the Fatherland. The restoration of the double-headed eagle as the State Emblem of Russia symbolizes the continuity of Russian history. The coat of arms of modern Russia is new, but its components are made in the traditions of the history of our state. Let's repeat once again what the elements of the coat of arms mean.

Anthem The national anthem is a solemn song of praise dedicated to the Motherland. The anthem is exactly the same symbol of the state as the coat of arms or flag, but unlike the coat of arms and flag, the anthem can not only be seen, you can also hear or sing it yourself. There is a special Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Anthem of the Russian Federation”. This law explains where and when the national anthem is played and how people should behave. For example, the law says that you cannot sit or lie down during the official performance of the Russian anthem. You must listen or sing the national anthem while standing. Moreover, boys must remove their hats during the singing of the anthem, while girls can remain in hats or scarves. - Guys. Do you want to hear the anthem of our state? You and I love and are proud of our country, which means we should be proud of its symbols. Let's express our respect for the Russian anthem and listen to it properly, standing. Listening to the Russian anthem. Slide 5 Guys, who runs our country? (children’s answers)

President (slide No. 6) The President of Russia is the head of state. He is the most important person in our country. The President has power. But the President is not a leader, not an emperor, not a ruler or a ruler. We should not fall on our knees before our President and swear allegiance to him. On the contrary, it is not we, the citizens, who serve the President, but the President has sworn to faithfully serve us, the people of Russia. Being President is a job. Today, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the President of the Russian Federation. Citizens of Russia are proud of the State Emblem, flag and anthem and the President.

- Motherland means dear, like mother and father. Homeland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live, of which we are citizens. For each of us, love for Russia begins with love for the places where you were born and live. Our Motherland is Russia, this is the house in which we live, and the Russian birch tree, and the cry of the cuckoo, and endless open spaces. This is the place where you were born and raised.

I have a homeland - Russia. This is happiness, this is my life, This is my future strength, This is my friendly family. This is the silk of the azure sky, And the immeasurable expanse of forests. This is a field of golden bread, And my people are good heroes. Only - as soon as you get back on your feet, You are at the beginning of a long journey, You will first walk along the path, You will walk along the road.

- You are our students only at the beginning of your journey. But now, I think, you want to study well, become competent specialists, work for the good of the Motherland and glorify it with good deeds.

Guys, love your Motherland, take care of it, live in peace and friendship, because this is the future of our country, the future of Russia. And I wish you peace, goodness and prosperity. Once again, happy holiday – Russia Day!

Lesson summary:

Educator: What state symbols does our country have?

What color are the stripes on the flag?

What is shown on the coat of arms?

What is an anthem?

How should you listen to him?

When is Russia Day celebrated?

Well done boys.

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