Card file of notes using story therapy in the senior group

Summary of the lesson on fairy tale therapy “Naida”

Reading the fairy tale “Naida”. Fairy tale therapy


at a verbal and emotional level, show the child what is good and what is bad, try on the roles of the offender and the offended, the strong and the weak, and develop the ability to express one’s opinion on a problem.


album, pencils.

  1. Reading the fairy tale “Naida”


You, my dear, look at yourself in the mirror... You see, the corners of your mouth have dropped down and there are wrinkles on your forehead. This is beyond his years. And my eyes were swollen. Why did you make a fuss yesterday? Did you tear your mother's heart out? There won’t be enough money for everything that my girlfriends have... Don’t be jealous! Envy, because it eats the soul like rusting iron. Before you know it, life will become a continuous pursuit of prey. And the prey, my dear, it also comes in different forms. Some reach for knowledge and happiness, while others tear at their veins.

Take a seat. I’ll tell you one true story, and if it seems like a fairy tale to you, well, maybe so...

Two brothers lived in the same village, they were the same age. Zakhar is only a year older than Markushi. We grew up in the same house, okay, but we lived together amicably. And as they grew up, they got married, got their own houses, and ended up as neighbors. Markusha found himself a bride in his native village. Masha grew up in a large family, knew how to do everything around the house and had a soft and compliant character. And Markusha himself is a little excited, calm and helpful. Their children, of course, are family. Maria is behind her husband like behind a stone wall: there is somewhere to hide from both bad weather and adversity.

And the elder Zakhar is a strict man, although he is fair. He married Anisya. She also grew up in the village, she could do a lot, but she was too envious, always dissatisfied with everyone. If only the parents were alive, maybe they would have told their sons how to choose a bride, otherwise the brothers are their own masters. I liked the girl, so they matched her. It was not for nothing that our ancestors used to say: “Choose a horse by its teeth, and a bride by its parents!”

With Maria, Markusha was not mistaken, he was not mistaken. The one in her native hut had fewer brothers and sisters, but her parents were not poor. They worked, tried, managed everything themselves, and the kids helped as best they could. The father was the master of their house, his children respected him and obeyed him. And the mother is an easygoing and handy woman. That is why Maria became a good housewife.

But Anisya’s home is different! In that house the mother is the mistress. Father, wife, and children were not considered a person; they were not allowed to open their mouths. Sometimes, if something didn’t happen in a motherly way, the woman would start screaming. Well, the man was silent. And so as not to tear his soul, he left the house away from sin.

He would sometimes wave his hand: “Do as you know!” And get out of the hut. Here's Anisya at first and it's the same in her house. But Zakhar is not a father. Baba was not allowed to command the hut. So Anisya became embittered. Moreover, the mother will sing: they say, you are no longer the mistress of the family. No patience at all.

To tell the truth, Anisya didn’t wander around other people’s yards: her husband didn’t allow it. But no, no, no, he’ll visit Maria. And when she comes back, everything will be wrong for her in her house. Either Maria has new curtains, then the chickens lay eggs more often, then the children are more thrifty: they wear as many clothes as possible. And we don’t know how they tear our own! Zakhar listens to her, listens, in his hearts and spits - and get out of the house! He won’t understand: Maria has a yard full of children, their food is not very sweet, and, look, her cheeks are rosy, she herself is always smiling. Why is that? But Anisya and the children have a son and a daughter, and there’s nothing on the table, but the woman withers and withers. Is it really out of envy?

Maria and Markusha couldn’t, of course, treat their boys like that. Every bite counts. But, look, they accepted a stray dog ​​into the house. The kids found a nobody's dog. Oh, that was bad! So they ask the parents to take them into the house and not to take the dog outside. Well, they left it. They called that dog Naida because she was a foundling. Anisya was angry: there was nothing to eat ourselves - they got a dog! Is it good to protect the owner’s property, which is not there?

Naida grew up over time and became a favorite. Sometimes the children wouldn’t eat a piece themselves—they brought it to her. Well, Naida, of course, earned her bread honestly. You used to walk past their yard and there was silence, but try opening the gate! Naida is right there. She knew everyone in the village: whom she silently let through, whom she wagged her tail in front of, and whom she barked at. Everyone received their due in full. And only the dog couldn’t stand Anisya at all. That one goes to the hut, and Naida goes to the kennel, that one goes to the porch - the dog runs under the gate. But Anisya still hated the dog. She couldn’t forgive her for her goats. One day, hear, Anisya’s goats came into Maryin’s garden and let’s take over there! How much they dented and broke! After all, there was no one at the neighbors’ house—who could have guessed whose goats were in charge here? So this Naida started barking. Moreover, the goats rushed back into their yard, but the dog did not let them out. That's how they found out whose goats were disgraced.

How can you forgive a dog for such an insult? So Anisya decided to find some lime. But as? I boiled some herbs and slowly poured them into the dog’s bowl. Then she buried that vessel behind the vegetable gardens so that no one would accidentally get poisoned. In the morning the kids come out, and Naida is already lying dead near the kennel. There were some tears! And no one found out why she died. They buried Naidu behind the vegetable gardens, at first they even wove and wore wreaths of dandelions for the grave.

And from that very day things started to go wrong for Anisya. The strange thing has begun. As darkness fell, the woman began to meet this Naidu everywhere: in the yard, at the bathhouse, in the entryway. Stands and looks at the woman. Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, just looks with his eyes. And Anisya’s gaze is so painful, his soul is so disgusting, even if he doesn’t go out into the yard at all.

I told my husband and he laughed. The children have never seen Naidu, but Anisya keeps getting under her feet. And then - more. Anisya began to notice: where Naida appears, there will be trouble! I saw a dog in the chicken coop - the next morning two hens died. Why only? I met Naidu at the threshold - two days later the steps under my feet gave way, and the woman almost fell to her death. A dog appeared in the hayloft, a rake thrown by someone hit Anisya on the forehead so hard that sparks came out of her eyes! Then I tied a scarf up to my eyebrows for a week and tried to cover the bump. And Zakhar is all his own. Laughs: again, they say, Naida is to blame?

And then one night everyone heard it. How suddenly a dog barks in the yard! Yes, he barks like that - I won’t save you! He strains as if calling his owners for help. It wasn’t just Anisya who jumped out onto the porch. The children Maryina crowded on her porch, shouting: “Naida! Nayda!” They look, but there is no dog in the yard. Where does she come from, a dog? Anisya was completely scared: she knows that this is not without reason, so she went down the porch. And from the well there seemed to be moans and screams. She ran to the well, looked down, and there her youngest son was hanging, grabbed onto a bucket, and almost drowned. Apparently, in the middle of the night he went out into the yard and into the well and fell. The woman screamed. Zakhar jumped out and Markusha and Maria helped. They got the boy.

Then everyone started talking about Naidu: they remembered who made the fuss. It turns out that Naida saved the boy from certain death. Anisya began to cry and confessed that she had killed the little dog. And she, you see, gave her a son again. Zakhar, of course, was angry with his wife and scolded her for her hardness of heart. And Maria calms Anisya down, wipes away her tears, and persuades her with words.

From that day, from that very night, Anisya began to look more and more closely at Maryina’s life. What he likes, he doesn’t get angry, doesn’t envy, but adopts for himself. I began to grumble and shout less at my loved ones. And Zakhar now more often stayed in the hut with his loved ones: where he would play with the children, where he would talk to his wife. Soon things were all right in the house.

So judge: a dog was able to change a person! Naida, she became Naida for Anisya too. It seems like the woman found herself, the envy and anger in her soul was exhausted. When six months later, the son and daughter brought a small puppy, the mother did not curse or drive. She even gave that little dog a name. Can you guess which one?


Envy and anger do not bring happiness to the home. Don't spit in the well, you'll need to drink the water.


-What good deed did Mary do?

- What evil deed did Anisya commit? Why do you think so?

— Would you like to be like Maria? Why?

- What is envy?

- Why can we say that Naida did good to people even after her death?

— What did Anisya understand at the end of the fairy tale and why did she accept the puppy into her home?

  1. Drawing "Naida"

Children are invited to draw a Dog from a fairy tale. Then everyone talks about their “I’ll find it.” What is she like? Is she kind? Helps people? Does he like to play? etc.

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