Card index of educational conversations for preschool children

Card index of morning conversations of the preparatory group

Svetlana Chernova

Card index of morning conversations of the preparatory group

Expand children's ideas about school. Develop the ability to maintain a conversation . Develop the ability to listen carefully and interestedly to riddles. Develop the ability to participate in dramatizations. Foster friendships between children. Cultivate the habit of playing and studying together. To develop in children an interest and love for music and musical responsiveness to it.

2.“We are future schoolchildren”

Goal: to form attitudes towards responsible implementation of rules of conduct.

3."All about kindergarten"

Goal: Continue to familiarize children with the kindergarten, groups , and premises in the kindergarten building. Cultivate love for d/s, respect for its employees and their work. To form the concept of “I am a student of d/s”

“D/s is my home.”

4."Friends' Hobbies"

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about different types of activities and hobbies.

5.“A good word heals, but a bad word cripples”

Goal: To develop in children the need for a friendly attitude towards others, to cultivate in children a kind attitude towards loved ones, to be able to correct their mistakes by asking for forgiveness.

6. “Visiting the book”

Goal: To cultivate a love of books and develop literary speech. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

1."My home, my city"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about home address, street. Get to know your hometown.

2."Transport of my city"

Goal: Expand understanding of types of transport and their purpose. Develop skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

3."What distinguishes a city from a village"

Goal: To form basic ideas about the differences between a city and a village. Instill love for your native land. Foster a sense of pride in your city.

4."My city"

Goal: Continue to reinforce the name of your hometown and introduce it to its sights.

5."What is a street"

Goal: To form basic ideas about the street; pay attention to houses, sidewalks, roadways. Continue to fix the name of the street on which the d/s is located; the house in which the children live; explain how important it is to know your address.

1.“What has autumn brought us?”

Goal: Expand children's understanding of vegetables and fruits. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Give an idea of ​​the benefits of natural vitamins.

2."Sky in Autumn"

Goal: To be able to notice autumn changes in the sky. Introduce children to the concept of “clouds” and “clouds”.

3. "Water and Sediment"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Talk about the features of autumn rain.

4."Autumn is a good witch"

Goal: Develop creative imagination; introduce to beauty, art, creativity.

5."Leaf Fall"

Goal: Show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and inanimate phenomena. Conduct seasonal observations.


Goal: Expand children's understanding of the wind. Teach rules of conduct in windy weather.

7."Gloomy Autumn"

Goal: To introduce children to the most typical features of late autumn. Clarify the name and purpose of clothing items; specify the concepts: deep, shallow, sinking, floating.

1.“The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Formation of ideas about forest plants: mushrooms and berries. Expand your understanding of the benefits of natural vitamins for humans and animals.

2. "Mushrooms and berries - gifts of the forest"

Goal: to introduce the variety of mushrooms and berries.

3.“Why can’t you eat raw mushrooms?”

Goal: to consolidate a healthy lifestyle, the ability to distinguish between healthy foods and the dangerous consumption of raw mushrooms.

4. "Gifts of Autumn"

Goal: developing ideas about healthy food. Clarify children's knowledge about vegetables, recognize and name vegetables.

5.“Fruits and vegetables are good for adults and children”

Goal: Continue to enrich the understanding of vegetables and fruits. To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits as food products and their benefits.

6. "Harvesting vegetables in the garden"

Purpose: to show the characteristics of the growth of some vegetables.

7. "Mushrooms"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of mushrooms; activate vocabulary: names of mushrooms, cap, stem, edible-inedible, mushroom picker;

8. "Onion Tree"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about vegetable plants.

9. “Once upon a time there were vegetables”

Goal: To practice writing a descriptive story about vegetables according to the proposed plan, diagram: What is this? Where does it grow? What shape, color? What does the vegetable feel like? What does it taste like? Why do people need it? What can we cook?

10. "Forest. Berries - mushrooms"

Goal: Systematize and consolidate children’s knowledge about mushrooms and wild berries and their main characteristics.

1."At the flower bed"

Goal: Getting to know autumn colors. Show the structure of the plant. Reinforce the concept of high, low (flower, long, short (stem)


2."Flora world in autumn"

Goal: Expand the understanding of the diversity of the plant world. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance. To form a desire to reflect the beauty of nature in artistic and creative activities.

3. "Plant-living being"

Goal: To form in children an idea of ​​plants as living beings that have roots to breathe, hold on, and eat; trunk to deliver nutrients from the ground to other organs; that plant seeds are also living beings; For their growth and development, plants need soil, moisture, light, and warmth.

4. "Miracles around us"

Goal: continue to teach how to classify the plants and fauna of the forest; exercise children in determining the type of tree by the appearance of the leaves

5. "Trees around us"

Goal: to teach to distinguish and name trees and fruits; to expand knowledge about trees: structural features, growth, possibility of use by humans

1."Journey into the Past of Clothes"

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the history of clothing.

2. "Shoes"

Goal: To deepen children’s understanding of the concept of “Shoes”


3. “What is the name of what we wear?

Goal: To form children’s idea of ​​how clothes appeared, to cultivate curiosity in children; teach children to listen carefully to the teacher and carry out actions exactly at the teacher’s signal.

4. "Seasonal clothes"

Goal: To form the idea in children that clothing is appropriate for the time of year.

5. "Size and Shape"

Goal: To form in children the idea that clothes have different sizes and shapes

1."Birds in Autumn"

Purpose: To become familiar with the seasonal changes in the lives of animals in the autumn. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external features. Create a desire to observe the behavior of birds.

2."Getting to know ornamental birds"

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​ornamental birds. Show the features of keeping ornamental birds. Develop a desire to observe and care for living objects.

3.«Conversation about migratory birds

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Give an idea of ​​migratory birds. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external features. Create a desire to observe the behavior of birds.

4. "Feed the birds in winter"

Goal: To arouse interest in the world around us; form realistic ideas about nature; consolidate basic knowledge about what birds feed in winter; expand knowledge about the features of appearance.

5. "Bird's Dining Room"

Goal: Formation of ideas about wintering birds, their way of life, the role of humans in the life of birds, the design of bird feeders, and different types of food.

1.“What are they like - the Russian people”

2."Russian folk holidays"

Goal: Expand the understanding of the customs of the Russian people.


Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the folk traditions of the Russian people

4. "Our country is Russia"

Purpose: To form an idea of ​​public holidays.

5. "Bogatyrs - defenders of the Russian land"

Goal: To form in the imagination of children the image of the Motherland, the idea of ​​Russia as a native country, and to cultivate patriotic feelings.

1.«Conversation about pets»

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. Create a desire to care for pets.

2. "Cat with kittens"

Goal: To form an idea of ​​a cat as a domestic animal, the structure of its body, behavior, and methods of movement.

3. "Cockerel and his family"

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of poultry: hen, rooster, chickens; continue to learn to distinguish between them.

4. “The chicken went out for a walk”

Goal: Continue to introduce poultry - chicken, with parts of its body (head, comb, wings, legs)

5. "Duck with ducklings"

Goal: Continue to introduce the poultry - duck, with parts of its body (head, wings, paws)

6. “Dog with puppies”

Goal: To form an idea of ​​a dog as a pet, its body structure, behavior, methods of movement

7. "Domestic Animals and Their Babies"

Goal: To introduce children to domestic animals and their cubs.

8. "Poultry yard"

Goal: Continue to introduce children to poultry and their young; form a generalizing concept of “poultry”.

9. "My pet"

Goal: Enriching and deepening children’s understanding of pets living in the apartment, how to care for and communicate with them

10. "Home Compound"

Goal: To enrich children's understanding of domestic animals and birds and their young.

1." Conversation about wild animals in the forest"

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the life of wild animals in autumn. Develop an interest in the natural environment. Foster a caring attitude towards animals.

2. "Miracles around us"

Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants,

3. "Hedgehogs in the Forest"

continue to teach how to classify the plants and fauna of the forest;

4. "Travel with the Red Book"

Goal: To develop interest in the surrounding nature. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals

5. “Forest animals in winter”

Goal: To introduce children to rare and endangered species of animals listed in the Red Book. Develop a caring and respectful attitude towards animals.

1."We're friends with books"

Goal: Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction, expand vocabulary.

2.“How to please teachers”

Goal: To cultivate respect for educators, to create the need to please others with good deeds

3."All about kindergarten"

Goal: Continue to familiarize children with the kindergarten, groups , and premises in the kindergarten building. Cultivate love for d/s, respect for its employees and their work. To form the concept of “I am a student of d/s”

“D/s is my home.”

4."Our favorite teacher"

Goal: To acquaint children with the social significance of the work of a teacher, his caring attitude towards children and work. Show that the products of the teacher’s work reflect his feelings, personal qualities, and interests.

5."Me and my friends"

Goal: To teach children to highlight the positive signs of friendship and the characteristics of friends.

6.“Our kindergarten is so good – you won’t find a better kindergarten”

Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about d/s. Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in d / s.

1."Hooray! Winter!"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of winter phenomena in nature. Give basic concepts about the relationship between man and nature.

2."First snow"

Goal: To develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations and notice the beauty of winter nature.

3.“Why did the Snow Maiden melt?”

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water, snow and ice.

4. “How wild animals prepare for winter

Goal: To introduce children to preparing wild animals for winter. Show children the adaptability of animals to seasonal changes in nature.

5."Winter phenomena in nature"

Goal: Expand ideas about winter changes in nature. Activate vocabulary (blizzard, hoarfrost, frost)


6."Zimushka - winter"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the properties of snow and ice. Learn to admire the beauty of winter nature.

7.“How do you know winter?”

Purpose: To generalize children’s knowledge about typical winter phenomena. To develop aesthetic taste and the ability to admire nature.

8."Zimushka - crystal"

Goal: Expand your understanding of winter. Develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations, notice the beauty of winter nature

9."Flora world in winter"

Goal: To learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance.

1."Wintering Birds"

Goal: To consolidate the concept of “wintering”

birds. Give an idea of ​​the types of food of wintering birds. Develop a desire to take care of wintering birds.

2."A Flock of Bullfinches"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the diversity of birds. Learn to identify the characteristic features of the bullfinch.

3.“How we take care of animals and birds in winter”

Goal: Expand understanding of the life of animals and birds in the winter season. Create a desire to take care of them.

4. "Bird Life in Winter"

Goal: Learn to recognize birds: sparrow, crow, bullfinch, tit; expand children's knowledge about the life of birds in winter, about their habits and nutrition; to cultivate children's compassion and empathy towards “our smaller brothers”

5. "Feathered Friends"

Goal: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about birds, the structure of a bird’s body, to consolidate children’s knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, their way of life, to provide information about the sound signals of birds; develop interest in the life of birds, imagination, thinking, speech of children, enrich their vocabulary;

1.“The New Year will bring joy to children”

Goal: Encourage the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday and give gifts. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

2.“New Year is at the gates!”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about New Year traditions. Awaken emotions and feelings in situations of magic, surprise, unexpectedness.

3."Who feels good in winter"

Goal: To engage children in casual conversation about winter fun and activities.

4."Patterns on glass"

Goal: Develop creativity and imagination.

5.“Soon, soon, New Year!”

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with toys. Introduce the symbols of different years, the Chinese calendar.

1."Winter sport"

Purpose: To introduce winter sports.

2."Journey to New Year's Eve"

Purpose: To inform children that the countdown of each year begins on January 1. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

3."We are friends of nature"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature. Teach caring and kind attitude towards nature and each other. To clarify children's knowledge about spruce as a symbol of the New Year in Russia.

4."How do people go to visit"

Goal: Reinforce the rules of polite behavior. Arouse interest in family traditions of New Year celebrations.

5."Winter Games"

Purpose: To introduce winter sports, winter fun, and entertainment.

1."In the world of glass"

Purpose: To help identify the properties of glass. Cultivate a caring attitude towards things.

2."In the world of plastic"

Purpose: To introduce the properties and qualities of plastic objects.

3."Journey into the Chair's Past"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of household items.

4."In the World of Wood"

Goal: Identify the properties and qualities of wood. Learn to establish connections between the material and the way it is used.

5. "Journey into the Past of Clothes"

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the history of clothing.

1."Journey to the Country of Nosaria"

Purpose: To introduce the anatomical and physiological structure of the nose: its location, structure, safety and care rules. Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

2.“Morning of joyful meetings with Doctor Aibolit”


Goal: To develop cultural and hygienic skills. Developing practical skills and techniques aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

3."I will grow up healthy"


Purpose: To introduce the concepts of “Proper nutrition”

. Introduce a healthy lifestyle.

4.“If you want to be healthy, toughen up”

Purpose: To introduce the concepts of “Hardening”

. Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

5."Our favorite doctor"


Goal: Expand the understanding of the medical profession (pediatrician, dentist, ophthalmologist)

6.“Why does a person have two eyes?”

Goal: To form an idea about a person, about the functions and capabilities of parts of the human body, about ways to care for them.

7.“Why do my teeth hurt?”

Goal: To develop cultural and hygienic skills, self-care skills. Expand your understanding of the dental profession.

8.“Frequency is the key to health”

Goal: To foster a love of frequency in children.

1."Theatrical professions"

Goal: To give children an idea of ​​professions related to theater

2.“What does my mother do?”

Goal: To cultivate interest in various professions, paying special attention to the profession and place of work of the mother.

3.“All professions are important”

Goal: Expand ideas about transport-related professions.

4."Child and adults"

Goal: To deepen ideas about people: understand the differences between people by gender and age. Highlight some features of their appearance, clothing, shoes, and occupation. Recognize and name people of certain professions

5."Our hardworking janitor"

Purpose: To introduce children to the work activities of a janitor, to show the importance of work; cultivate a desire to maintain cleanliness and help adults.

6."Visiting a laundry worker"

Goal: To develop the ability to understand the social significance of the laundress’s work, her caring attitude towards children. Emphasize that the result is achieved through a conscientious attitude to work. Cultivate a positive emotional attitude towards the laundress.

7."Wonderful doctor"

Goal: To form an understanding of the importance of the work of a doctor and a nurse, their business and personal qualities. Develop an emotional, friendly attitude towards them.

8."Visiting the music director"

Purpose: To introduce the business and personal qualities of a music director. Develop an emotional, friendly attitude towards him.

1."Ground transport"

Goal: Expand your understanding of the types of ground transport and their purpose.

2."Water transport"

Goal: Expand understanding of the types of water transport and its purpose.

3."Air Transport"

Goal: Expand understanding of types of air transport and its purpose.

4. "Pedestrian School"

Goal: Expand understanding of basic traffic rules.

5.“Machines are assistants”

Goal: Expand your understanding of the types of special transport and their purpose.

6.“Why does a person need a car?”

Goal: To improve children's knowledge about the need for machines in human life.

7."The Path from Horse to Car"

Goal: Talk about the development of the car

1.“How to celebrate Maslenitsa”

Purpose: To introduce the Maslenitsa holiday. Expand knowledge about folk traditions.

2. "Russian folk holidays"

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the folk traditions of the Russian people

3."Russian folk tales"

Goal: To teach children to draw a moral conclusion from the content of fairy tales, to develop creative imagination.

4."Proverbs and sayings"

Goal: Getting to know proverbs and sayings. Introduce to Russian folk art.

5."Children's folklore"

Purpose: To introduce chants and song appeals to the forces of nature.

1."Our Army"

Goal: To expand knowledge about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security.

2."Defenders of the Fatherland"

Goal: Continue to introduce the “military”


3."Military equipment"

Goal: Continue to introduce military equipment.

4."Future Defenders"

Goal: To foster patriotic feelings. To form in boys the desire to be strong, brave, to become defenders of the Motherland.

5."How our grandfathers fought"

Goal: To expand the understanding of how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers bravely fought and protected from enemies during the war years.

1.“Congratulations to our mothers on the spring holiday”

Goal: Read poems about mother, grandmother and sister. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards those closest to you.

2.“Why do they give flowers?”

Goal: To foster the idea that flowers are a sign of love and attention.

3."Mom's Favorite Flowers"

Goal: Expand knowledge about flowers, cultivate love and sensitivity to mother.

4."My mom loves..."

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about their mothers' hobbies.

5.“Why I love my mother and grandmother”

Goal: To develop the ability to answer questions in detail. Cultivate love and attention to loved ones.

6."My family"

Goal: Introduce the concept of “family”

. Give an initial idea of ​​family relationships. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

7.“Family is me!”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge of your first name, last name and age, and the name of your parents. Form a positive self-esteem, self-image (help each child as often as possible to make sure that he is good).


Goal: To consolidate knowledge about family members and immediate relatives. Understand that everyone in the family cares about each other: they help, give gifts, everyone keeps the house clean.

1."Forest Hazards"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of poisonous plants. Learn to distinguish them by appearance

2."Spring on the reservoirs"

Goal: To establish the rules of behavior in spring on reservoirs, to warn about possible dangers.

3."Watch out for the car"

Goal: Expand understanding of the rules of behavior in the city, basic traffic rules.

4."How to Avoid Trouble"

Goal: To introduce the rules of behavior with strangers. Form the foundations of the safety of your own life.

5."Winter Injuries"

Goal: To form ideas about the safe behavior of people in winter.

6.“Watch out for the ice!”

Goal: To form ideas about safe behavior in winter.

1."Spring is coming! Spring is dear!

Goal: Expand the idea of ​​spring. Develop the ability to establish spatial connections between living and inanimate phenomena.

2."Trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants"

Goal: Expand ideas about changes in the plant world in spring. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance.

3."Signs of Spring"

Goal: To generalize knowledge about spring changes in nature, in the life of birds and animals.

Goal: To form children’s ideas about the past of their native land, about the heroes - fellow countrymen. To form an image of a warrior, a defender of the Fatherland.

3. “Birthday of B. S. Zhitkov”

Goal: To introduce children to the biography of the writer and his work. Instill interest and love for the writer’s books.

4. "Bogatyrs of the Russian Land"

Goal: To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people, the great Russian heroes - defenders of the Russian land. To revive the idea of ​​​​the epic, about the epic heroes - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich. Arouse interest in the language of epics, tales, songs, legends about Russian heroes. Introduce warriors to weapons.

5. "First Cosmonaut"

Goal: introducing children to a themed day by introducing pupils to the first cosmonaut of the planet, Yu. A. Gagarin.

1."Fire safety"

Goal: to introduce the basics of fire safety and human self-preservation, to teach how to use fire safety rules.

Goal: To familiarize children with the image of the national flag, the state emblem of the Russian Federation, and the national anthem. Form an idea of ​​their origin.

5. “My village Uspenskoye”

Goal: To form children’s knowledge about Russia and their native land; consolidate and generalize knowledge about the native village of Uspensky and its main attractions, continue to get acquainted with the history of the city with the names of streets and architectural monuments.

1."We are military intelligence officers"

Goal: to cultivate respect for military professions, the desire to serve in the army

2. “My small homeland”

Goal: To educate preschoolers with moral and patriotic feelings in the process of getting to know their small homeland.

3. “Victory with tears in our eyes”

Goal: Continue to introduce the events of the Great Patriotic War, consolidate knowledge of how people defended their country.

4. "Victory Day"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the Second World War. Activate vocabulary on the topic, enrich children's speech. To cultivate pride, patriotism, a sense of respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and a desire to take care of them.

5. "The Great Patriotic War"

Goal: To create in children a mood of empathy for the past events of the Great Patriotic War.

Walks and their types in extended day group mode (DG)

Sample conversations during walks:

Topic: “Ethical standards of communication” conversation: “Polite and impolite”, “He who is neat is pleasant.”
Topic: “Basics of etiquette” conversation: “I want, I don’t want and I need”, “Rules for everyone”.

Topic: “Norms of relationships with others” conversations: “What mood depends on,” “Emotions and health.”

Conversation on the topic: “Rules of behavior in nature.”

A brief statement of the rules of behavior in nature:

1. Do not break branches of trees and bushes.

2. Do not damage the bark of trees.

3. Don’t pick flowers in the meadow. Let beautiful plants and flowers remain in nature.

4. Collect edible berries so as not to damage the branches.

5. Don’t pick mushrooms, even inedible ones. Remember that mushrooms are very necessary in nature.

6. Don't destroy birds' nests.

7. Don’t make noise in the forest and in the park.

In conclusion, once again about the stages of the walk.

— Start preparing for a walk by analyzing previously conducted walks, so that the planned walk is not similar to the previous one.

— Determine the purpose and type of walk, outline the route. If the route is unfamiliar, study it carefully to avoid any surprises.

- Knowing the strengths and age capabilities of children, set the walking time, distance, places of temporary rest, objects of observation. Take into account the time of year, weather, and terrain features.

- Outline the types of children’s activities, determine what personality traits, character, behavior will be formed and corrected, what views and thoughts will be conveyed to the children during the walk.

The walk should begin with a safety message; if necessary, give instructions to individual students and distribute responsibilities. Then we observe the dressing and the organized exit from school, remind the group about the rules of behavior on the street and inform the route.

Having appointed guides and trailers from among the children, choose a place among the children in such a way that it is convenient to observe them, and at any moment it would be possible to stop the movement.

When moving along the route, conduct individual or group conversations with children. Make stops to draw the group’s attention to a particular object. If you need to answer children's questions, also make periodic stops.

Communication with all children is mandatory on all issues. Every student’s question requires an answer, every word requires attention. Once he waved me off, another time he didn’t answer, and then they wouldn’t come over, they wouldn’t want to share.

At the end of the walk, check the composition of the group, sum up the walk and allow them to enter the school building. At the same time, keep order in the locker room and ensure that children do not enter the room wearing dirty or snow-covered shoes.

When planning, keep in mind that walks are held regularly. Therefore, they should be varied, use different types, and introduce elements of novelty.

During walks, the emotional-volitional sphere develops (through play), imagination develops with the transition to the development of mental activity, knowledge of individual objects through labor skills (compiling booklets of medicinal plants, collecting leaves), etc.

The work is aimed at recreational activities, relationships between children, development and correction of behavior. It is necessary to develop trusting relationships with each other and adults. Develop the social and everyday sphere of children’s lives (go to the store, to the clinic, to the post office, to the bank). Spatial connections, orientation on the ground (crossing the road, square).

Taking advantage of good weather, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures to teach a healthy lifestyle. The more children are outdoors, the more they move, ride on swings, run, play outdoor games, the more the musculoskeletal system develops, and this, in turn, gives a noticeable leap in the development of intelligence in children, promotes the social adaptation of children with disabilities. Disabilities in society.


1. Raising and teaching children in a auxiliary school. – M.: Education, 1994

2. Games and entertainment in extended day groups. G. P. Bogdanov. – M.: Education, 1985

3. Extended day at school. – M.: Education, 1984

4. Gazman O. S. The problem of forming a schoolchild’s personality in the game. Pedagogy and psychology of play. – Novosibirsk, 1985

5. A. A. Ogorodnikov. Educational work in the GPD.

6. D. I. Latyshina. Methods of extracurricular activities at school

7. L.B.Gurevich. The work of a teacher in the GPD.

8. PA Gardening. Contents, organization and methodology of the walk

Preparing for the walk

Photos from walks

We recommend watching:

Organization of activities of an after-school group

Responsibilities of a GPD teacher

Job description of a GPA teacher

Calendar and thematic planning of the GAP

Goals and objectives of the after-school group

Pages: 2

Educational conversation “I am a citizen of Russia”

"I am a citizen of Russia"


Formation in pupils of a desire to master legal knowledge, a sense of civic responsibility for their behavior and the actions of others.


  1. Introduce the concepts of “citizen”, Motherland, Russia.
  2. Education of patriotism and citizenship.
  3. To develop cognitive activity and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in the lives of children through work in the children's association “Island of Goodness”


educational conversation.

Children's age:

10-11 years

Time spending:

40-45 minutes.

Materials and equipment for the lesson:

Epigraphs for the lesson, a computer, a multimedia projector, and speakers are attached to the board. Tables and chairs are arranged in a semicircle.

Progress of the lesson

Good afternoon guys.

Guys, what a beautiful day it is today. I am glad to see you all at our lesson. I would like to know in what mood you came to class. — I ask those who came to class in a good mood to smile; -Clap your hands if you do not like to conflict and argue; -Shake hands if you try to treat people with respect. -I think we can start working now.

Guys, the topic of our lesson is “I AM A CITIZEN OF RUSSIA.” Today we will talk about the Motherland and who a citizen is, remember state symbols, as well as rights and responsibilities.


Do you think that what we will talk about today in class will be useful to you in life?


I hope that our lesson will help you learn a lot of interesting things about the role of a citizen in society and the state.

Evaluation criteria

To make our lesson interesting and memorable, you must be attentive and also be active.

There will be many different questions during the lesson. For correct answers you will receive tokens, and at the end of the lesson we will summarize your work.


Now I will read you a short story. Listen to him carefully and try to find those words that relate to the concepts of Motherland and Fatherland.

The father returns from a long business trip. The whole family greets him: his wife and children. The guys are happy about their father’s arrival and begin to ask him:

- Dad, what is America like? What's interesting?

- Children, America, of course, is a wonderful country and there are a lot of interesting things in it, and the people there are different, but I really missed Russia, my home, you.

- So you didn’t like it there?

- No, I liked it there, but every person, leaving somewhere far from home, from the place where he was born, grew up, spent his childhood and his whole life, really misses this native corner, his homeland.

- So, when you go to visit your grandparents in the village in the summer, don’t you really miss the city, your friends?

- Of course we miss you! And around the city, and around the school, and around friends, and around you (parents).

— And when you sit by the fireplace on cold evenings in winter, don’t you really miss the summer days that you spent at the dacha?

- We miss you very much!

“So I missed you, my children, and our house, our street, our city.” And no matter how good it is in another city or another country, you are always drawn to where you spent your childhood years, where you have many friends and bright memories!


What conclusion can we draw from the story? What is the Motherland? And what is the Motherland for you?

(Children's answers)

Micro summary:

Well done guys, the Motherland means a lot to each of us and everyone has their own ideas about the Motherland. But one thing is clear: the Motherland is the most precious thing a person, a citizen, has.

Motherland, Fatherland is the place where a person was born, grew up, where he spent his childhood, where his family, his close and dear people lived or lives, where he feels good and comfortable; this is the place where you want to return, where they are always waiting for you, they remember you, where you are welcome, where everything is so dear and painfully familiar. For you and me, the Motherland, the Fatherland is Russia. And you and I are citizens of Russia.


Do you guys know what concepts the word “citizen” includes?

Micro summary:

The concept of “citizen” includes, first of all: patriotism; pain for native nature; love for native nature, land, loved ones, for one’s homeland. After all, a citizen, he is a patriot of his Motherland and he cannot be indifferent, only the active actions of a patriot will make the Motherland prosperous.



: Our Motherland is glorified by poets in their poems.

Listen to one of them.

Look how beautiful everything is,
Look how spacious it is, Like a mother, the willow bent over the sleeping river. The breeze blew up at once, breaking through the ring of clouds. And the daisy looks the sun in the face with its yellow eye. The sun is shining over Russia, and the rains are rustling over it. In the whole world, in the whole world There is no country of her kindred, There is no country of her kindred.
Our Motherland is the best and most beautiful. It cannot be compared with any other country in the world, because it is the only one. Everything that surrounds us is our Russia.


Now I would like you to name the official name of Russia?

- Russia;

— Russian Republic;

— Republic of Russia

Russian Federation;

— Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).


What is the name of a citizen's identity document?
( Passport

Why does a person need a passport?

Micro summary:

Well done guys, you really answered the question correctly:

– Without a passport it is impossible to move to another place of residence. - Apply for a job. - Enroll in universities. - Go abroad. – Prepare business papers. – Receive a parcel or money transfer. - Get married or get married. – Sign up for a clinic, check into a hotel, etc.


Guys, you know that every state has its own distinctive symbols? Guys, can you name the state symbols of Russia? (Flag, coat of arms, anthem)

Now we will talk to you about the national flag.

State flag.


You all know that the Russian national flag has 3 colors. And now I ask you to make a flag of our country from pieces of red, blue and white paper. (White blue red.)

I would really like to know from you what the colors of the Russian national flag mean?

White color means peace and purity of conscience; Blue – sky, loyalty and truth; Red is a symbol of courage and bravery.

The next state symbol is the coat of arms.

Coat of arms.


Guys, do you know what a coat of arms is and what is depicted on the coat of arms of our country?

The coat of arms is the emblem of the state; it is depicted on seals, passports, banknotes, and documents.

The coat of arms of our state depicts a double-headed golden eagle. The eagle is a symbol of the sun, heavenly power, fire and immortality. This is a very ancient coat of arms.

And another state symbol is the anthem.



Guys, can someone tell me what an anthem is? And when is it performed?

A solemn song of praise is called a hymn. The national anthem is performed on special occasions. They listen to him while standing. By doing this, people express respect and respect for the country. The Russian anthem is performed in other countries when welcoming our president or in honor of our athletes - winners of international competitions. Remember: listen to him and sing only while standing.

Micro summary:

All countries of the world, all states existing on earth have their own symbols. The state symbols of any country include the coat of arms, flag and anthem. Residents of different countries are rightfully proud of their symbols.



Citizens are residents of Russia, people who love and are proud of their Motherland. They try to make her rich and strong. You are still considered small citizens of the big country of Russia. What do we (citizens) have in common that makes us citizens of one Motherland - Russia?

Of course these are laws. What are laws?

Laws are obligations, rules by which we live. They are written in one book - the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Thus, every person living in Russia enjoys the rights of this state and bears responsibilities to his homeland.

The Constitution contains the rights and obligations of every person, a citizen of the Russian Federation.

— Do you think that only a person who is born is a citizen?

- Does he have any rights?

—What is the main rule of any citizen?

The main right of any citizen is the right to life (the right to live in our country, the right to equality, freedom, medical care, etc.)

— And when a person grows up and goes to school, what right does he have? (right to education and information)

— Where in life do you exercise the right to education? Where do you get information? (At school)

— When you graduate from school, what rights will you have? (right to work and choice of profession)

— What would you like to become in the future?

- You all have the right to choose, which you will use throughout your life.

— Every person has not only rights, but also responsibilities. What is the responsibility of every citizen? (obey the law)

— What is your main responsibility now? (study well)

Micro summary:

Well done guys, you answered all the questions correctly.

The main thing, guys, remember, everyone is equal before the law!


We become citizens of the Russian Federation.

And we all understand that the revival of our Russia and its future depends on our generation. Our orphanage also has its own rights and responsibilities. What rights and responsibilities of our orphanage do you know?

(Children's answers)

Micro summary:

Well done guys, by observing the rights and responsibilities of our orphanage and all rights and responsibilities in general, you become real citizens of Russia. I want to give you the rights and responsibilities of our orphanage so that you do not forget and respect them.


And now I will ask young citizens of the Russian Federation to say words of promise.

Stand up please.


By accepting the honorary title of citizens of Russia, we promise to strengthen the authority and good name of the Poltava orphanage through our studies, our work and our deeds.


in chorus
): We promise!

Bottom line.


Our lesson “I am a citizen of Russia” is coming to an end.

- Guys, let's remember what new you learned today?

I ask everyone to get up and leave.

I will throw the ball to everyone and ask a question, and you will answer and throw it to me.


What did you like about today's lesson?

What new did you learn?

(Children's answers)


And at the end of the lesson, I want each of you to write on pieces of paper why you consider yourself a citizen of Russia. But first, guys, remember the short story that I read at the beginning of the lesson, from which you can take something for yourself when you write why you consider yourself a citizen, and also remember about rights and responsibilities.

“I consider myself a citizen of Russia because...”

(I was born in Russia, I live in Russia, I love it, I follow the laws, I have rights and responsibilities)


Guys, now let's evaluate your work in class. Who do you think did the best job today?

I thank everyone for participating in the lesson.

Conversations with children on speech development in kindergarten and senior group. Card index. Theme: Seasons

Card index of thematic conversations with children on speech development on the topics “Autumn”, “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer”
For children of senior preschool age Explanatory note. We present to your attention a collection of teaching materials for planning group work for children of senior preschool age. It is recommended to all those who work with children of this age, and most importantly, it will be useful to those who care about expanding the vocabulary of children. After all, it is a correctly structured conversation and thoughtful questions that contribute to active participation in a lexical topic, enrichment of their knowledge and accumulation of lexical material. The material is systematized into blocks: “Autumn”, “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer”. During the conversation, it is important to monitor whether children construct phrases and sentences correctly, whether they correctly agree adjectives and numerals with nouns. Develop the ability to adhere to the chosen plot line in a story. Topic: “Autumn. What do you know about her? Questions for the conversation.
Do you know what day (according to the calendar) autumn begins? What is autumn like? Which animal gives birth to its young in autumn, during leaf fall? (A hare’s autumn babies are called deciduous ones). Where do butterflies, mosquitoes, and midges disappear in the fall? (Some butterflies pupate, some beetles lay larvae and die, some insects hide in the cracks of buildings, under the bark of trees, and thus overwinter.) What animal dries mushrooms for itself in the trees, creating winter supplies? (Squirrel) Where do frogs go for the winter? (fall asleep in silt at the bottom of reservoirs) What birds fly to us from the north in late autumn and winter? What is worse for birds – hunger or cold? How do trees prepare for winter? Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? How do ants prepare for winter? From what animals do collective farmers fence off haystacks in the forest and meadows?

Topic: “Trees in our yard” Questions for the conversation.
We can say that there are three states in the plant kingdom. Can you name them? What types of trees do you know? Why are some trees called deciduous? Why are other trees called deciduous? Why are other trees called conifers? What trees are called fruit trees? Why? After all, every tree has fruits? What deciduous trees can you name? What conifers do you know? What plants and trees do people like to eat the fruits of? Why are trees so important for humans and for all living things on the planet? What benefits do they bring? What things have people learned to make from wood? Why should trees be treated with care? Name your favorite tree. Why do you like it? Try to describe it, put it into words.

Topic: “Walk in the garden” Questions for the conversation.
What do we call fruit? What fruits do you know? What do you think is the difference between vegetables and fruits? What do they have in common? Name your favorite fruit. Do you know where it grows - on a tree branch, on a bush? Which fruit do you like best? Do you know how this vegetable is grown? What fairy tales do you know where fruits are the heroes? (When conducting a conversation, you can use the didactic game “Guess the vegetable (fruit) by answers and questions.” In this game, the leader guesses a vegetable, the other players try to guess it by asking questions: size? shape? is there a tail? what does the skin feel like? top or root? what does it taste like? which animal likes it? what is cooked from it? what can be prepared for the winter? By answering these questions, the presenter learns to accurately and fully express his thoughts, convey his feelings in words, and the playing children - guessing children - practice in formulating questions, in transforming figurative ideas into verbal descriptions.

Topic: “Walk through the garden” Questions for the conversation.
What do we call vegetables?
What do you think is the difference between vegetables and fruits? What do they have in common? Which vegetable do you like best? Do you know how this vegetable is grown? What fairy tales do you know where the heroes are vegetables? (When conducting a conversation, you can use the didactic game “Guess the vegetable by answers and questions.” In this game, the presenter guesses a vegetable, the other players try to guess it by asking questions: size? shape? Is there a tail? What does the skin feel like? Top or root? Which one? what does it taste like? which animal likes it? what is cooked from it? what can be prepared for the winter? By answering these questions, the presenter learns to accurately and fully express his thoughts, convey his feelings in words, and the playing children - guessing children - practice formulating questions , in transforming figurative ideas into a verbal description. Topic: “Bread is the head of everything.” Questions for the conversation.
Tell me how you understand this phrase: “Bread is the head of everything.” Why do they say this? Please remember what path bread takes before how to get to our table. What professions do people grow bread? What professions do people store bread? What are the names of the premises where grain is stored? What do breeders do? Tell us about their work. What professions do people make bread and various flour products? What other products can be made from flour besides bread? What birds come to us from the north in late autumn and winter? Remember what sayings and proverbs you know about bread? (When conducting a conversation with children, special attention should be paid to how they understand the meaning of proverbs and sayings, the wisdom contained in them. Encourage children to use figurative expressions and synonyms in their answers.)

Topic: “How we looked for mushrooms” Questions for the conversation.
Have you ever gone to the forest with your dad, mom, grandpa, grandma? Tell us what new things you saw and learned during this walk. What kind of forest was it - coniferous, deciduous or mixed? Which trees were there more - coniferous or deciduous? Remember what coniferous trees you saw in the forest. What kind of deciduous trees were there? By what signs did you distinguish them? What mushrooms did you find during this walk? Do you remember how adults picked mushrooms: did they carefully cut them with a knife or just tear them? How to pick mushrooms correctly? What else do you remember about this walk in the forest? Tell us what you did with the mushrooms after you returned home (to the dacha).

Topic: “Late Autumn” Questions for the conversation.
Name the autumn months. Listen to E. Trutneva’s poem “Autumn”, It suddenly became twice as bright, The yard is like in the sun’s rays, This golden dress is on the birch tree on the shoulders In the morning we go into the yard The leaves are falling like rain, They rustle under our feet And they fly... they fly. They are flying Cobwebs are flying with spiders in the middle. And the cranes flew high from the ground. Everything flies! This must be our summer flying away. determine what time of year the poem is talking about. What is autumn like in September and October? What is autumn like in November? (Late, cold, damp, frosty.)

Topic: “Where does the bear live?” Questions for the conversation.
What wild animals living in our forests do you know?
Why do you think these animals are called wild? Remember how wild animals prepare for winter? Do you think that among wild animals there are useful and harmful, useless, unnecessary? Folk tales, proverbs and sayings often talk about animals. For example: “No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking at the forest.” Do you think this saying only refers to the wolf? Which wild animal is considered the most cunning? What habits of a fox make it considered cunning? Which animal is called the most timid and cowardly? In fact, is the hare as cowardly as they think he is? Remember, the heroes of which fairy tales are wild animals? Try to tell one of them. Topic: “These amazing insects” Questions for the conversation.
Can you name the distinctive features of insects? How many legs do they have, what is their body made of, do they all have antennae? What types of insects do you know? Please remember what beneficial insects you know? (Let's play the game “Recognize the insect”. You will have to remember the distinctive features of different types of insects. In this game, the teacher guesses an insect, and the children must find out: - How does it move: flies, crawls, runs, jumps, swims? - What sounds does it make? sounds: buzzing, squeaking, chirping, silent? - What color is it: black, gray, green, yellow, speckled, striped, patterned? - What kind of body does it have: hard, smooth, shaggy, soft? - It stings, bites, tickles, harmless? - Does it live in a large family or in a small one? In the game you can use various pictures and rules of the game “Yes - no”.) Why do migratory birds return to us in the spring, having flown away to warmer climes in the fall? What insects appear first in spring? Where were the insects in winter?

Topic: “Winter signs” Questions for the conversation.
Name the winter months and make up a “winter word” from the first letters of their names.
Name the first signs of winter. When we say: “Winter has come!” Explain why it is so cold in winter? Are the Earth and the Sun close or far away in winter? How much heat from the sun reaches Earth in winter? Why do days become shorter and nights longer in winter? What is snow? Why does it snow and not rain in winter? Do trees grow in winter? How do you think why? What conditions are generally necessary for plant growth? Do these conditions exist in winter? What do you think is the meaning of the proverb “Everyone is young in the cold of winter”? What do these words mean? What does the saying “The frost is not great, but it does not tell you to stand” mean? What proverbs and sayings do you know about winter? What winter sports do you know? Which ones do you like to do? Topic: “Have a fun, fun New Year!” Questions for the conversation.
Remember how you celebrated last New Year? What was your holiday like? What did Santa Claus bring to you, your sister (brother)? What shows have you attended? What do you remember most? A year is a very long time. This year you have matured by 1 year, and you are... years old! And how many interesting and new things you learned! Traveled so much! How many sweets did you eat? How many surprises you had! Think about the brightest events of the past year with mom and dad. Now let's dream. What do you expect from the holiday - New Year's Eve? Have you written a letter to Santa Claus? Did you invite him to visit? What shows will you be going to over the holidays? Who would you like to meet there? What to see?

Topic: “New Year's Eve” Questions for the conversation.
“Guys, look at the festively decorated group!
What holiday will be soon? “Guys, why do you think the group should be decorated for the holiday?” “I come with gifts, shining with bright lights. Dressy, funny, I’m in charge for the New Year! Guess who I am? “Why do you think the Christmas tree will come to us?” “What do you think New Year means to you? Why do you need to decorate the Christmas tree? Who is Santa Claus? Where does Santa Claus live? “Guys, remember and name the fairy tales where I appear as a fairy-tale hero!” “How do people congratulate each other on New Year’s Day?” “What profession does a person help people receive letters, postcards, telegrams from relatives, close people, friends?” “Remember who in the familiar cartoon was the postman who had great adventures, but delivered a letter to Santa Claus from the guys?” “Perhaps you also want to ask Santa Claus for something for the New Year?” “Okay, guys, let's turn our Snowman into a Postman, attach a mail bag to the Snowman. Topic: “Funny stories about kind animals.” Questions for the conversation.
Look carefully at these photographs and pictures.
Which of these animals would you like to write a story about? Look at this lion (monkey, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, tiger, etc.). Let's try to imagine his character. Do you think he is good or evil? Cunning or simple-minded? Smart or stupid? Happy or sad? What other character traits do you think he has? Let's come up with a story that happened to this beast one spring day. Why did this particular story happen to him, do you think? Or maybe this story has a different ending? Cheerful or sad, happy or unlucky? During the conversation, monitor whether children construct phrases and sentences correctly, whether they correctly agree adjectives and numerals with nouns. Develop the ability to adhere to the chosen plot line in a story. Topic: “Inhabitants of the barnyard” Questions for the conversation.
What pets do you know? Why do you think these animals are called pets? Why did people start breeding domestic animals? How did they first appear in humans? How does a person care for pets? (Feeds, builds housing, heals.) What kind of food is given to domestic animals? What are pets' homes called? Do you think a cow, goat, pig, sheep can live with a person in the city? Remember which fairy tales talk about pets? Try to tell one of them.

Topic: “Cars on our street” Questions for the conversation.
Please remember the rules of behavior for people on city streets;
Tell us about the rules for crossing the roadway; What cars have you seen on your street? Describe what they look like; What types of urban transport do you know? Which of them belong to ground transport? What special purpose vehicles have you seen on your street? (Firefighters, ambulances, police, cleaning vehicles, “Products” and “Bread” vehicles); Why do you think fire trucks and ambulances don't obey normal traffic rules? Why are they allowed to drive through even a red traffic light? What road signs do you know that any driver should obey? Topic: “Air modes of transport” Questions for the conversation.
What types of air transport do you know? Do you know any story or fairy tale about human flight? Who was the first to fly in a hot air balloon? Who was the first to fly into space? Who was the first to walk on the moon? What fairy-tale flying machines do you know (the flying carpet, Baba Yaga’s stupa, the wooden horse, the Little Humpbacked Horse, etc.)? Do you think a balloon filled with air will fly as long as the air lifts it, as long as the wind blows, or until the warm air in the balloon cools?

Topic: “It’s spring on our street” Questions about the topic.
What signs of the coming spring did you notice on your street, on the site of the kindergarten, on a Sunday walk in the park?
Tell us how the snow changes in early spring. And what happens to him then? Tell us how the snow changes in early spring. What happens to him then? Why does snow melt in spring? Why do you think the days get longer in spring? This is associated with an increase in air temperature (warming) and melting snow. What is the process of melting ice on rivers called? Why was he called that? Why are there so many cumulus clouds in the spring sky? There are many more of them than in winter or summer. And why were they called “cumulus”? Tell us why active plant growth begins in spring? What causes this? And why did they grow in winter, but seemed to be sleeping? Why do buds swell on trees and shrubs? What are the first spring flowers? Why do migratory birds that flew to warmer regions in the fall return to us again in the spring? What insects appear first in spring? Where were the insects in winter? Topic: “Spring is coming to us with quick steps” Questions to the topic.
What signs of spring do you know?
Why do days get longer in spring? What is causing the warming and melting snow? Why are there a lot of cumulus clouds in the spring sky? Topic: “Migratory birds” Questions for the conversation.
What migratory birds do you know that fly away from us in the fall and return in the spring? Why do you think birds leave us in the fall? In your opinion, what is worse for birds in winter – cold or hunger? What do migratory birds eat? Why do migratory birds that flew to warmer regions in the fall return to us again in the spring? What spring changes in nature do you think allow birds to return to their native lands? There are migratory birds that come to us in the fall and spend the winter with us. Do you know such birds that we often see in winter, but do not see in summer? Why do sedentary birds stay with us for the winter? What do they eat? How does the behavior of sedentary birds change in spring? What do birds do after migration? You can offer children the game “Yes-no” or “which bird” using visual material: a child from the subgroup chooses one of the birds, the images of which are laid out on the table. The children ask him questions, to which the presenter can only answer “yes” or “no”: - Is this bird migratory? (Is this bird sedentary?) - Its breast is red7 (White, yellowish, etc.) - Does it have pointed wings? (Are her wings rounded?)

Topic: “Seven Colors of the Rainbow” Questions about the topic.
We say “Seven colors of the rainbow”, “Paints of different colors”, “Colored pencils”, and at the same time - “Wildflowers”, “Bouquet of flowers”.
Why do you think they use the same word “color” to refer to different things? Remember what states and how many exist in the great kingdom of plants? How do herbs and flowers benefit us? Do you think the beauty of flowers brings any benefit to people or is it meaningless and useless? What medicinal plants and flowers do you know? What diseases do they treat? Please remember fairy tales, poems, stories in which flowers and herbs play an important role. Now try to compose a fairy-tale story yourself in which your favorite flower would participate. When conducting a conversation, you need to pay special attention to how fully and accurately children answer the questions posed, and encourage the use of epithets and figurative expressions. Topic: “Victory Holiday” Questions about the topic.
What do you know about this holiday?
Who did we defeat? Why does the whole country celebrate this holiday every year? What is a military parade? Who are veterans? Tell us about your veteran relatives. Topic: “My family” Questions about the topic.
How do you understand the word “family”? How many people do you have in your family? Do you have brothers and sisters? Where do your grandparents live? How is your mother's mother related to you? And mom's dad? Who is older - you or mom? Mom or grandfather? Who is the youngest in your family? Who is the oldest? What fairy tales do you know where grandparents live?

Topic: “Red summer has come” Questions for the conversation.
Why do you think summer is called “red” and not “green”, for example? Name the summer months and make up a “summer word” from the first letters of their names. Name the signs of summer. How can you explain why it rains in summer and snows in winter? Why do the days get longer and the nights shorter in summer? Tell me what happens to plants in spring? What do the wild animals of our forests do in the summer? What proverbs and sayings do you know about summer? Tell us about your favorite summer activities. Where did you spend this summer? Where do you dream of going next summer?

Topic: “Water on Earth” Questions for the conversation:
What bodies of water on our planet do you know? How does water in the seas and oceans differ from river and lake water? Did you know that bodies of water can also get sick, just like people? What do they get sick with and why do you think? What properties of water do you know? What do you think the water cycle is? Why do they say this? In what form can water be? Why does a person need water? How does it benefit people? Imagine what would happen if all water disappeared from the Earth?

Topic: “These amazing insects” Questions for the conversation.
Can you name the distinctive features of insects? How many legs do they have, what is their body made of, do they all have antennae? What types of insects do you know? Please remember what beneficial insects you know? (Let's play the game “Recognize the insect”. You will have to remember the distinctive features of different types of insects. In this game, the teacher guesses an insect, and the children must find out: - How does it move: flies, crawls, runs, jumps, swims? - What sounds does it make? sounds: buzzing, squeaking, chirping, silent? - What color is it: black, gray, green, yellow, speckled, striped, patterned? - What kind of body does it have: hard, smooth, shaggy, soft? - It stings, bites, tickles, harmless? - Does it live in a large family or in a small one? In the game you can use various pictures and rules of the game “Yes - No”.) Why do migratory birds return to us in the spring, having flown away to warmer climes in the fall? What insects appear first in spring? Where were the insects in winter?

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