The world around us, grade 3, part 2, Project Who Protects Us - Russian Army

Project on the topic: “Who protects us. Russian Army” for 3rd class

Goal of the project: Prepare a presentation, report or report on the subject “The world around us”, tell schoolchildren about the Russian army.
Find out what types and branches of troops there are in the modern Russian army, how it is controlled. Find out about celebrated holidays. Project plan:

  1. Introduction
  2. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  3. Armed Forces Command
  4. Professional holidays
  5. Conclusion
  6. Example of a finished presentation

Presentation “Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”

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The presentation was prepared by Diana Bondarenko, a student of grade 10-B at school No. 173. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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Armed Forces of Russia Study questions: 1. Purpose of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 2. History of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 3. Structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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Purpose of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation The Armed Forces of the state are intended to solve foreign policy and internal problems through armed struggle

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Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. A citizen of the Russian Federation performs military service in accordance with Federal Law, Article 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Constitution of the Russian Federation.

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Decree “On the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”; Law “On Security”; Law “On Defense”; Law “On Military Duty and Military Service; Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”; Law “On the State Border of the Russian Federation”; Law “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies and their families”; military doctrine; "National Security Concept"; general military regulations, etc. Legislative acts and documents of the Russian Federation

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History of the Russian Army The regular army of Russia was created by Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century. The names of A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, P.A. Rumyantsev are inextricably linked with the history of the Russian army.

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Great commanders Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1730-1800)

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Great commanders Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev (1725-1796)

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Great commanders Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (1747-1813)

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During this period, the Russian Navy was also created. Victories at Gangut, Grengam, Chesma Proved the combat effectiveness of the young fleet

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In the second half of the 19th century, as a result of the military reform of Alexander II, a large army was created on the basis of universal conscription

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The Soviet (Red) Army began its history on February 23, 1918. The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) became a heroic page.

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From the taiga to the British fields, the Red Army is the strongest

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Russian Army On May 5, 1992, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the creation of the Russian Army was signed

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Structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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Ground Forces Ground Forces are the most numerous branch of the Russian Armed Forces. A type of troops intended primarily for conducting operations on land. Consists of: motorized rifle, tank troops, missile troops, artillery, army aviation, air defense troops.

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Ground forces today Iskander-M missile system Tornado-G multiple launch rocket system

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Air Force The Air Force is designed to strike at enemy aviation, land, sea and other groups. The Air Force consists of bomber, fighter-bomber, fighter, attack, reconnaissance, anti-submarine, military transport, special aviation

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Air Force today Fifth generation fighters Russian bomber

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Navy Designed to solve problems in maritime and oceanic theaters of military operations. Consists of: submarine, surface forces, naval aviation, coastal missile and artillery forces, marine corps

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Navy today Next generation ship Large anti-submarine ship "Admiral Chabanenko"

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Problems of reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation The main task of reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the creation of a modern, mobile, professional army based on the contract method of recruitment. Directions for reform of the RF Armed Forces: Creation of a regulatory framework for the new army. Technical re-equipment of the army Increasing the prestige of military service Increasing the professionalism of military personnel

Report to the project:

Any country needs a strong and combat-ready army to protect its own borders and sovereignty, so that all citizens live in peace and tranquility.

Our army is one of the largest in the world, with more than 900 thousand people serving in it and about 2.5 million more people in reserve.

Russian Armed Forces

The Russian Army is divided into three main types of troops: ground forces, navy and military space forces.

  • Russian ground forces are designed to operate on land.

They are capable of protecting our borders, repelling enemy attacks, and conducting defensive and offensive operations in any region. The main branches of the ground forces are infantry, artillery, and tank forces.

  • The Russian Navy ensures our security at sea.

It includes various ships and submarines. Our military personnel serve in the Baltic, Black Seas, Arctic and Pacific oceans. They guard the country's maritime borders.

  • The Russian military space forces protect the sky above our heads.

They include both airplanes and other aviation, as well as spacecraft. They protect the peace of our Motherland in the air and are capable of repelling any attack involving missiles and aircraft.

Armed Forces Command

At the head of our country's army is the president. He is the supreme commander. Currently it is Vladimir Putin.

The Minister of Defense directly supervises all branches of the military. Now this is Sergei Shoigu.

Today our army is one of the most highly equipped and powerful in the world. She is capable of solving any tasks that the command puts before her.

But her main task is to protect us, ordinary citizens. Give us the opportunity to live peacefully and not fear for our lives.


The Russian army has long traditions. Although it was formed directly as a Russian one on May 7, 1992.

We are proud of its glorious history and honor the memory of all the heroes who defended our country at different times.

The main holiday of the Russian Army is Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated annually on February 23.

Also important holidays of the Armed Forces are:

  • May 7 is the day of the creation of the Armed Forces.
  • April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day
  • May 28 - Border Guard Day
  • August 2 - Airborne Forces Day
  • November 15 is All-Russian Conscript Day


Our army is the stronghold and guarantor of the security of our country. She protects us, and we are proud of our protectors. Knowing that our soldiers are always on duty at the borders of the Motherland, we can study and work calmly.

Presentation “Our army is the strongest”


Our country Russia occupies a very large territory, has land, air and sea borders.

Flag of Russia

Therefore, our army has different types of troops that guard these borders. Border guards, missile troops, infantrymen, tank crews guard land borders.

Border guards.



Border guards walk around the territory entrusted to them several times a day and, if necessary, engage in combat with border violators.

Infantry soldiers do physical training and exercise every day. To be always ready to repel the enemy, every soldier needs to become strong, courageous, and resilient.

But the most formidable are those that are hidden on land, deep underground. Near them are the military rocket men on combat watch. Missiles launched from the ground can travel a thousand kilometers in a matter of minutes to hit the target accurately. There are also vehicles with rocket launchers, they are also called anti-aircraft guns.

Physical education minute: “We are military”

We will all become soldiers,
Walking in place.
Big, hefty.
Stretch your arms up, lower them through
We will serve in the Army,
Let's love our homeland.
The movements are repeated.
Protect your garden and house,
Lean forward, look through binoculars.
We will defend the world!
They walk in place.

Tankers serve in tanks that can overcome small rivers and steep climbs.

The Airborne Forces are included in a special group. Those who serve in these troops are physically strong and athletic; They undergo special training and master the rules of close combat. Paratroopers must be resilient, dexterous, and strong.

Who guards our air borders?

Military aircraft are small aircraft flown by one or two pilots. Such machines are called fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, bombers. Airplanes conduct reconnaissance over enemy territory, attack an aircraft that has violated state borders, or destroy enemy ground and sea forces from the air.

Those who serve in the Air Force must have excellent health, courage, determination, and the ability to instantly assess the situation and make a decision.

Who protects our maritime borders? .

Military personnel who serve in the navy are called sailors. Patrol ships ensure that ships of foreign countries do not cross the maritime borders of our state. Military vessels include an aircraft carrier, which has a very wide deck. On the deck there are military planes and helicopters awaiting the order to take off.

Russia has a submarine fleet - nuclear submarines. They hit enemy ships with large torpedo shells. Most of the time the submarine is underwater. The submarine's task is to quietly approach an enemy warship and destroy it.

Military service is both dangerous and difficult. Military personnel often risk life and limb to protect peace and tranquility on earth. They love their homeland, their people, have great knowledge, health, strength, and readiness to carry out any order..

— What does the air force protect?

—What do the navies protect?

— What do the ground forces protect?

—Who spends most of the time underwater?

February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day we feel all those who defended their Motherland in difficult years, who today stand guard over the world. Your relatives served in the army. And our boys, when they become adults, will go to serve.

Presentation “Defender of the Fatherland Day: history of the holiday”

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All about Defender of the Fatherland Day History of the holiday Artinsk Central Library

In Russia there is a holiday called Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated on February 23. This holiday has its origins in the post-revolutionary period, when the young Russian state was just beginning its formation. Later, during the existence of the Soviet Union, this date was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. The Soviet state collapsed in 1991, but the memorable day continues to exist and is celebrated by Russian people every year. This day has a special meaning for everyone who remembers their history and is a patriot of their Motherland. In Russia there is a holiday called Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated on February 23. This holiday has its origins in the post-revolutionary period, when the young Russian state was just beginning its formation. Later, during the existence of the Soviet Union, this date was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. The Soviet state collapsed in 1991, but the memorable day continues to exist and is celebrated by Russian people every year. This day has a special meaning for everyone who remembers their history and is a patriot of their Motherland.

History of origin Historically, in Russia it is now difficult to find a family whose relatives did not participate in bloody battles defending their native land. In every century, domestic history preserves the memory of wars, battles, battles, including modern military campaigns that are already taking place in our century. The strength and combat effectiveness of our army has worldwide fame and respect; military power has become an integral part of the Russian state. During his reign, Alexander III expressed the idea that our country has only 2 reliable allies, and they are the navy and the army, there are no others.

Russian history has forever preserved in memory many examples when the army united with the Russian people and made its victorious march. Therefore, the appearance of the holiday celebrated on February 23 is associated with historical events, and this date has become important and understandable for all the people. Russian history has forever preserved in memory many examples when the army united with the Russian people and made its victorious march. Therefore, the appearance of the holiday celebrated on February 23 is associated with historical events, and this date has become important and understandable for all the people.

Previously, after the revolution, the holiday was called Red Army Day; at the suggestion of Nikolai Podvoisky and the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, it was planned to be held on January 28, 1919, coinciding with the 1st anniversary of the creation of the Soviet army. But for a number of reasons, preparations for the celebration were delayed, and the holiday itself was moved to February 23, and its real date was forgotten over time. Previously, after the revolution, the holiday was called Red Army Day; at the suggestion of Nikolai Podvoisky and the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, it was planned to be held on January 28, 1919, coinciding with the 1st anniversary of the creation of the Soviet army. But for a number of reasons, preparations for the celebration were delayed, and the holiday itself was moved to February 23, and its real date was forgotten over time.

The next celebration was organized only in 1922, and from then on it began to be celebrated annually, despite the fact that the actual date of the founding of the Soviet army was different. They tried to link the origin of the memorable date with the military actions of 1918, when the Red Army entered into a military conflict with German troops, and there was also an attempt to combine this event with the beginning of general mobilization, but these versions did not stand the test of time and ceased to exist. Since those time immemorial, the day February 23 appeared in Russia, which in its modern version is called Defender of the Fatherland Day and is considered a non-working day. The next celebration was organized only in 1922, and from then on it began to be celebrated annually, despite the fact that the actual date of the founding of the Soviet army was different. They tried to link the origin of the memorable date with the military actions of 1918, when the Red Army entered into a military conflict with German troops, and there was also an attempt to combine this event with the beginning of general mobilization, but these versions did not stand the test of time and ceased to exist. Since those time immemorial, the day February 23 appeared in Russia, which in its modern version is called Defender of the Fatherland Day and is considered a non-working day.

At all times since the formation of our state, the army and navy have been of great importance; it was thanks to the high degree of combat capability that our fatherland could withstand enemy attacks. Soviet Russia was surrounded on all sides by unfriendly neighbors, so supporting the Red Army was the primary task of the young state. The main army consisted of young people who were builders of a new socialist society and unconditionally believed in the country's leading leaders. Therefore, the appearance of such a holiday became a natural phenomenon for the entire Soviet society. At all times since the formation of our state, the army and navy have been of great importance; it was thanks to the high degree of combat capability that our fatherland could withstand enemy attacks. Soviet Russia was surrounded on all sides by unfriendly neighbors, so supporting the Red Army was the primary task of the young state. The main army consisted of young people who were builders of a new socialist society and unconditionally believed in the country's leading leaders. Therefore, the appearance of such a holiday became a natural phenomenon for the entire Soviet society.

Since its inception, Red Army Day has been considered more of a memorial than a holiday, emphasizing the very fact of the emergence of the Soviet army and navy. In those distant times, there was no tradition of solemnly celebrating such dates. Since its inception, Red Army Day has been considered more of a memorial than a holiday, emphasizing the very fact of the emergence of the Soviet army and navy. In those distant times, there was no tradition of solemnly celebrating such dates.

During the Great Patriotic War, attention to the holiday began to increase due to the rise in the spirit of unity and patriotism in the ranks of compatriots who fought on the fronts with the Nazi invaders. During the Great Patriotic War, attention to the holiday began to increase due to the rise in the spirit of unity and patriotism in the ranks of compatriots who fought on the fronts with the Nazi invaders.

After the war, in 1946, they decided to rename the memorable day, as a result of which it received a new name - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Under this name, the holiday existed until the collapse of the Soviet state, but it is worth clarifying that according to the calendar, February 23 was never a non-working day in the USSR. On this day, the country remembered its heroes, defenders of the Motherland and encouraged the younger generation to be patriotic. Gradually, among adults and even in school groups, a tradition began to develop to give memorable gifts and souvenirs to adult men and young boys, so the holiday on February 23 was often called “men’s day.” After the war, in 1946, they decided to rename the memorable day, as a result of which it received a new name - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Under this name, the holiday existed until the collapse of the Soviet state, but it is worth clarifying that according to the calendar, February 23 was never a non-working day in the USSR. On this day, the country remembered its heroes, defenders of the Motherland and encouraged the younger generation to be patriotic. Gradually, among adults and even in school groups, a tradition began to develop to give memorable gifts and souvenirs to adult men and young boys, so the holiday on February 23 was often called “men’s day.”

When the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred in 1991, the holiday did not lose its relevance and was preserved, but its name and status underwent further changes. In 2002, the holiday on February 23 officially became a non-working day, which remains relevant to this day. In addition, in 2006, according to the new Federal Law, the holiday was renamed Defender of the Fatherland Day. When the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred in 1991, the holiday did not lose its relevance and was preserved, but its name and status underwent further changes. In 2002, the holiday on February 23 officially became a non-working day, which remains relevant to this day. In addition, in 2006, according to the new Federal Law, the holiday was renamed Defender of the Fatherland Day. Now on this holiday it is customary in our country to honor all the defenders of Russia.

The importance of the holiday For 75 years now, our country has lived under a peaceful sky, and the younger generation sometimes wonders why we celebrate February 23 and why it exists. In the history of our state there are many significant events and dates that gradually began to lose their significance and become forgotten by new generations. Defender of the Fatherland Day is not associated with a specific event, but despite everything, it contains a huge semantic load - it is a symbol of memory that we carefully pass on to each other and to our children as a sign of respect for our history, our heroes and our Motherland. This memorable date has been celebrated by our compatriots for more than 100 years, during which time more than one generation of people raised in the best patriotic traditions has grown up. Thanks to respect for the memory of heroes - defenders of the Fatherland, the military profession is always honorable and respected.

By celebrating this holiday throughout the country, we not only remember the exploits of our Motherland, but also prepare the younger generation for life, worthy of the memory of their heroic ancestors. By celebrating this holiday throughout the country, we not only remember the exploits of our Motherland, but also prepare the younger generation for life, worthy of the memory of their heroic ancestors.

The importance of the armed forces remains relevant to this day. The tradition of respecting the memory of the defenders of the Motherland is part of the culture of our state. Celebrating February 23rd is a demonstration of involvement in our culture and a tribute to the people of our country. The importance of the armed forces remains relevant to this day. The tradition of respecting the memory of the defenders of the Motherland is part of the culture of our state. Celebrating February 23rd is a demonstration of involvement in our culture and a tribute to the people of our country.

Since Soviet times, as children, we knew that on Defender of the Fatherland Day, every boy, being a future defender of Russia, receives congratulations and a memorable souvenir at home and in the team. And this is not just a tribute to tradition, but, albeit a modest one, but a contribution of our recognition to the future warrior for his upcoming services to his Motherland, for the fact that when the time comes and this boy grows up, he will become a defense for his people and state. The idea of ​​the holiday now does not aim to honor the army alone, it is much broader. With the help of such a memorable day, people feel their patriotism and involvement in Russia. You can defend your Motherland not only with weapons in your hands, and everyone already understands this in the age of high IT technologies, but every person should invariably feel like a patriot and, if necessary, be ready to defend their Fatherland. Since Soviet times, as children, we knew that on Defender of the Fatherland Day, every boy, being a future defender of Russia, receives congratulations and a memorable souvenir at home and in the team. And this is not just a tribute to tradition, but, albeit a modest one, but a contribution of our recognition to the future warrior for his upcoming services to his Motherland, for the fact that when the time comes and this boy grows up, he will become a defense for his people and state. The idea of ​​the holiday now does not aim to honor the army alone, it is much broader. With the help of such a memorable day, people feel their patriotism and involvement in Russia. You can defend your Motherland not only with weapons in your hands, and everyone already understands this in the age of high IT technologies, but every person should invariably feel like a patriot and, if necessary, be ready to defend their Fatherland.

The education of true patriotism should begin from childhood in the family, therefore, on February 23, we congratulate not only adult men, but also very young boys on this holiday, so that they feel involved in it and understand what an important and responsible mission is in the future. assigned to them. On this memorable day, families remember their fallen heroes with gratitude; fathers talk about their military service. The education of true patriotism should begin from childhood in the family, therefore, on February 23, we congratulate not only adult men, but also very young boys on this holiday, so that they feel involved in it and understand what an important and responsible mission is in the future. assigned to them. On this memorable day, families remember their fallen heroes with gratitude; fathers talk about their military service.

How is it celebrated? Celebrations in honor of the valiant army in our country began to be held widely and brightly only in 1949. On this memorable date, parades of troops and equipment are held, entertainment events, concerts, and fireworks are held. This holiday has also developed its own traditions - veterans who served during the war are awarded with memorable awards. During the existence of the Soviet Union, only those persons who were directly related to military duty during the war were subject to awards, but over time, Soviet soldiers began to carry out combat missions in foreign military campaigns, and young combat veterans on the day of February 23 also began to be solemnly presented with memorable awards.

Thus, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, we remember all the soldiers who have ever fought in battle for our Motherland, remembering the valor of Russian soldiers and modern warriors. Thus, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, we remember all the soldiers who have ever fought in battle for our Motherland, remembering the valor of Russian soldiers and modern warriors.

Now it’s difficult to remember when the tradition of giving gifts to men on the day of the Soviet Army and Navy began. At first, men were given certificates or official commemorative signs as an incentive. But already in the 60-70s, military registration and enlistment offices began to award memorable gifts to those who conscientiously served in the ranks of the Soviet army or showed courage in a special situation requiring the performance of military duty. Now it’s difficult to remember when the tradition of giving gifts to men on the day of the Soviet Army and Navy began. At first, men were given certificates or official commemorative signs as an incentive. But already in the 60-70s, military registration and enlistment offices began to award memorable gifts to those who conscientiously served in the ranks of the Soviet army or showed courage in a special situation requiring the performance of military duty.

Gradually, this tradition passed into Soviet families, where the defenders of the fatherland were congratulated, given souvenirs and held a family feast. In the production sector, it has also become customary not to ignore Defender’s Day and, on behalf of the management, trade union committee and women, to honor men and give them small souvenirs. On this day, ceremonial meetings were held at the production sites, where congratulatory speeches were heard, and after the ceremonial part there was an amateur concert. Such events were prepared in advance and brought a sense of celebration and unity into people’s lives. Gradually, this tradition passed into Soviet families, where the defenders of the fatherland were congratulated, given souvenirs and held a family feast. In the production sector, it has also become customary not to ignore Defender’s Day and, on behalf of the management, trade union committee and women, to honor men and give them small souvenirs. On this day, ceremonial meetings were held at the production sites, where congratulatory speeches were heard, and after the ceremonial part there was an amateur concert. Such events were prepared in advance and brought a sense of celebration and unity into people’s lives. Today, this tradition has become very strong and is present in every team as part of the corporate culture.

Over time, the holiday became popular, and the line between those who had ever performed military service and those who were not involved in it was erased. Any man is a priori considered a potential defender, and if it happens that the Motherland is in danger, each of them will become a warrior. The holiday of February 23 has become a common “men's day”, which is very loved and revered in our country. Over time, the holiday became popular, and the line between those who had ever performed military service and those who were not involved in it was erased. Any man is a priori considered a potential defender, and if it happens that the Motherland is in danger, each of them will become a warrior. The holiday of February 23 has become a common “men's day”, which is very loved and revered in our country.

Already in 2006, Defender of the Fatherland Day became an official day off, and the popularity of the holiday increased even more. On this date, people can celebrate the occasion in a festive atmosphere with their families and instill in the younger generation a sense of patriotism and responsibility for our Motherland. Traditionally, on such a day, men receive special attention and care from women. Men also give congratulations to each other when communicating with fellow veterans or army colleagues. City streets are decorated with flags and holiday symbols; the feeling of a national holiday is present everywhere. Already in 2006, Defender of the Fatherland Day became an official day off, and the popularity of the holiday increased even more. On this date, people can celebrate the occasion in a festive atmosphere with their families and instill in the younger generation a sense of patriotism and responsibility for our Motherland. Traditionally, on such a day, men receive special attention and care from women. Men also give congratulations to each other when communicating with fellow veterans or army colleagues. City streets are decorated with flags and holiday symbols; the feeling of a national holiday is present everywhere.

It is worth noting that on this memorable day, not only male veterans are congratulated, tribute is paid to women who went through the hardships of the Great Patriotic War. It is worth noting that on this memorable day, not only male veterans are congratulated, tribute is paid to women who went through the hardships of the Great Patriotic War.

The tradition of this day is the ceremonial laying of wreaths and bouquets at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as well as at the Eternal Flame. In every city, veterans together with young people bring flowers to the obelisks erected in memory of fallen heroes during the years of battle. On television on this day you can see live broadcasts from the scene of events, as well as concerts and films of patriotic content. In the sky not only over Moscow, but also over every hero city on the evening of February 23, traditional festive fireworks thunder. The tradition of this day is the ceremonial laying of wreaths and bouquets at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as well as at the Eternal Flame. In every city, veterans together with young people bring flowers to the obelisks erected in memory of fallen heroes during the years of battle. On television on this day you can see live broadcasts from the scene of events, as well as concerts and films of patriotic content. In the sky not only over Moscow, but also over every hero city on the evening of February 23, traditional festive fireworks thunder.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, February 23 continues to be celebrated in Belarus and in a number of other countries that became part of the CIS. In the remaining territories of the former USSR, the holiday is celebrated unofficially, since the new authorities changed their political views, but the people remember and honor this day, because our ancestors fought and defended their common Motherland, without being divided along national lines. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, February 23 continues to be celebrated in Belarus and in a number of other countries that became part of the CIS. In the remaining territories of the former USSR, the holiday is celebrated unofficially, since the new authorities changed their political views, but the people remember and honor this day, because our ancestors fought and defended their common Motherland, without being divided along national lines.

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“SPACE EQUIPMENT of the Russian Aerospace Forces” Popov Dmitry Aleksandrovich, 17 years old GBPOU VO “Rossoshansky College of Agricultural and Construction Transport”

Space Forces Space Forces are a branch of the military within the Russian Aerospace Forces (Russian Aerospace Forces). The Space Forces are designed to ensure Russia's security in the space sector. It existed as a separate branch of the military in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian Armed Forces) from 2001 to 2011. On December 1, 2011, they were transformed into aerospace defense troops. On August 1, 2015, they were recreated as a branch of the military as part of the Aerospace Forces. Flag Small, medium, large emblem of the Russian Space Forces

monitoring space objects and identifying threats to Russia in space and from space, and, if necessary, countering such threats; providing senior management levels with reliable information about the detection of ballistic missile launches and warning about a missile attack; launching spacecraft into orbit, controlling military and dual-purpose (military and civil) satellite systems in flight and using individual of them in the interests of providing the troops (forces) of the Russian Federation with the necessary information; The main tasks of the space forces are to maintain the established composition and readiness for use of military and dual-use satellite systems, means of launching and controlling them, and a number of other tasks.

Historical background The first military formations for space purposes were formed in the second half of the 1950s as part of the Strategic Missile Forces in connection with preparations for the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. By the end of the 1950s, the organizational structure of space units included a test department, separate engineering test units and a range measuring complex at the Baikonur test site, scientific testing departments and separate scientific measuring points of the Command and Measuring Complex Center. On October 4, 1957, the launch and control units of spacecraft carried out the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, PS-1, and on April 12, 1961, the launch and control of the flight of the world’s first manned spacecraft, Vostok, with cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on board. Subsequently, all domestic and international space programs were carried out with the participation of military units for launching and controlling spacecraft. To centralize work on the creation of new assets, as well as to quickly resolve issues of the development and use of space assets, the Central Directorate of Space Assets of the Ministry of Defense (TsUKOS MO) was created in 1964 as part of the Strategic Missile Forces. In 1970, TsUKOS MO was reorganized into the Main Directorate of Space Facilities of the Moscow Region (GUKOS MO). Due to the increased volume of tasks being solved, in 1982 the GUKOS MO and the units subordinate to it were withdrawn from the Strategic Missile Forces and subordinated directly to the USSR Minister of Defense. GUKOS MO as the central control body for space units functioned until August 1992, when the Military Space Forces (VKS) were formed. In 1998, the Aerospace Forces were included in the Strategic Missile Forces with the status of space assets management. In 2001, in connection with the increasing role of space assets in the military and national security system of Russia, the Space Forces were created on the basis of military units for launching and controlling spacecraft and military formations of missile and space defense. They included all military formations that were previously part of the Aerospace Forces, as well as the missile and space defense association. On December 1, 2011, the Space Forces became part of the created new branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Aerospace Defense Forces (VKO). With the introduction of the Aerospace Defense Forces in Russia, the Space Forces, as an independent branch of the military, ceased to exist, but from August 1, 2015, they were recreated as a branch of the military within the Aerospace Forces, formed from the Air Force and Aerospace Defense Forces. The creation of a new branch of the Armed Forces was due to a shift in the center of gravity of the armed struggle to the aerospace sphere.

On December 24, 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Alexander Golovko was appointed commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces

15th Army of the Aerospace Forces (special purpose) Main Test Space Center named after. G.S. Titov Main Center for Missile Attack Warning Main Center for Space Situation Intelligence 1st State Test Cosmodrome of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Plesetsk Cosmodrome) centers for testing and application of space assets separate scientific research station (Kura test site) Arsenal (where the technical maintenance space technology) Military Space Academy named after. A.F. Mozhaisky Composition of the Space Forces

Orbital constellation of the Russian Federation: 149 spacecraft As of September 2015, the Russian orbital satellite constellation is the second in the world and consists of 149 satellites. Together with the orbital constellations of the CIS countries - 167 devices. The largest orbital constellation is owned by the United States, which owns 446 artificial satellites. In third place is China with 120+ satellites. India maintains 40+ operational Earth imaging satellites in polar orbits.

Weapons and military equipment of the Space Forces Launch vehicles for spacecraft (launch vehicles) Launch vehicle "Rokot" Launch vehicle "Soyuz-2" Launch vehicle "Soyuz-U" Launch vehicle "Cosmos-3M" Launch vehicle "Molniya" - M" Equipment of the space command troops (Technique of the KK troops) Command and measuring system "Taman-Base" Command and measuring system "Fazan" Radar station "Kama" Radar station of high factory readiness "Voronezh-DM" Radar station of high factory readiness "Voronezh" -M" Radar station "Volga" Radar station "Daryal" Optical-electronic complex "Window"

Launch vehicle "Rokot" Technical characteristics Class in terms of mass of the launched cargo: light Launch mass, t. 107.5 Weight of the payload launched into orbit, t.: - Ncr = 200 km, i = 63 deg. — Nkr=20000 km. i=63 degrees — Np/Na=200/20000 km., i=63 deg 1.9 0.5 0.25 Fuel components (oxidizer/fuel) AT/UDMH Length/diameter, m. 29.1 (with KGC)/2, 5 Launch complex 14P25 Technical complex 14P46 Plesetsk cosmodrome Upper stage used as the third stage of the Briz-KM

Launch vehicle "Soyuz-2" Designed for launching spacecraft (SC) into specified orbits or interplanetary trajectories in the interests of solving scientific, socio-economic and military problems Technical characteristics Mass class of the launched cargo is average Launch mass, t. 297.5 ( without GKCh) Mass of payload launched into orbit, t.: - Np /Na=200/300 km., i=62.8 deg. — Nkr=1000 km. i=83 degrees — N/At=1000/40000 km.i=62.8 degrees. — NKr=19500 km., i=64.8 degrees 7.0/7.9 (modernization stage 1a/1b) 4.0/5.44 (stage 1a/1b with RB) 2.0 (stage 1a with RB ) 1.4/1.66 (stage 1a/1b with RB) Number of stages 3 Fuel components (oxidizer/fuel) liquid oxygen/kerosene T-1 Length/diameter, m. 49.4 (with Soyuz type KGC) / 10.3 Launch complex 14P23 Technical complex 14P63 Plesetsk cosmodrome Upper stage used as part of the Fregat launch vehicle

Launch vehicle "Soyuz-U" Designed to launch spacecraft (SC) into specified orbits or interplanetary trajectories in the interests of solving scientific, socio-economic and military problems. Technical characteristics Class on the mass of the launched cargo is average Launch mass, t. 305.0 Weight of the payload launched into orbit, t.: — Нкр=200 km, i=51 deg. 7.1 Propellant components (oxidizer/fuel) liquid oxygen/kerosene T-1 Length/diameter of launch vehicle, m. 33.88 (50.67 with Soyuz-type CGCH) / 10.3 Launch complex 17P32 Technical complex 17P61 Home cosmodrome Plesetsk Prototype Soyuz launch vehicle Launch date of the first modification. 1954 Adopted for service, 1976 Probability of trouble-free launch 0.99 Guaranteed storage period 6 years 5 months

Launch vehicle "Cosmos-3M" Designed to launch spacecraft (SC) into specified orbits or interplanetary trajectories in the interests of solving scientific, socio-economic and military problems. Technical characteristics Launch mass, t. 109 Payload mass in reference orbit, kg. 1500 Length, m. 32.4 Diameter, m. 2.4 Accuracy of spacecraft insertion into a circular orbit (H = 1,000 km), km: - in height - in inclination, ang. min. — by circulation period, pp. + 3.5 + 2.0 + 2.5 Application Cosmodrome Plesetsk

Launch vehicle "Molniya - M" Designed to launch spacecraft (SC) into specified orbits or interplanetary trajectories in the interests of solving scientific, socio-economic and military problems. Technical characteristics Class on the mass of the launched payload is average Launch mass, t. 309.0 Mass of the payload launched into orbit, t.: - Na/Np=4000/600 km., i=63 deg. 2.0 Propellant components (oxidizer/fuel): liquid oxygen/kerosene T-1 / kerosene RG-1 for the ML block Length/diameter of the launch vehicle, m. 43.4 / 10.3 Launch complex 17P32 Technical complex 17P61 Cosmodrome based at the KRK Plesetsk Prototype launch vehicle "Molniya" Launch of the first modification, 1960 Adopted into service, 1975 Probability of trouble-free launch 0.98 Guaranteed shelf life 6 years 5 months.

Command and measuring system "Taman-Base" Designed to control near and mid-space spacecraft located in elliptical, circular and stationary orbits. Available in a stationary version, located in a technical building. Technical characteristics Spacecraft control range, km 150 - 40000 Frequency range C - D IV Transmitter output power, kW 5.0 Antenna mirror diameter, m 12.0

Command and measurement system "Fazan" Designed to control near and mid-space spacecraft located in elliptical, circular and stationary orbits. Available in a movable version located on a vehicle chassis. The lead developer is FSUE RNII KP. Technical characteristics Spacecraft control range, km. 150 - 40 000 Frequency range C - D IV Transmitter output power, kW 5.0 Antenna mirror diameter, m 5.0

Radar station "Kama" Designed for trajectory measurements in active mode based on signals from a repeater, transponder and in passive mode - based on a reflected signal. The station has two design options: stationary (in a technical building with an antenna on a pylon and mobile (four trailers and an antenna post). Lead developer - OKB "Kuntsevo" Technical characteristics Range, km. 2500 Frequency range decimeter Antenna diameter, m. 2 .5 Operating ranges: - by radial speed, km/s - by azimuth, degrees - by elevation, degrees 11 0 - 360 3 - 85

Radar station of high factory readiness "Voronezh-DM" Designed for: - detection of ballistic missiles on flight trajectories within the radar coverage areas; — tracking and measuring the coordinates of detected targets and jammers; — calculation of movement parameters of tracked targets based on radar measurements; — determining the type of goals; issuing information about the target and interference conditions in automatic mode. The main developer of the VZG radar is JSC RTI im. A.L. Mints" Moscow. Technical characteristics Power consumption, MW. 0.7 Object detection range, km. 4200

Radar station of high factory readiness "Voronezh-M" Designed for: - detection of ballistic missiles on flight trajectories within the radar coverage areas; — tracking and measuring the coordinates of detected targets and jammers; — calculation of movement parameters of tracked targets based on radar measurements; — determining the type of goals; issuing information about the target and interference conditions in automatic mode. The main developer of the VZG radar is JSC RTI im. A.L. Mints" Moscow. Technical characteristics Power consumption, MW. 0.7 Object detection range, km. 4 200

Radar station "Volga" Designed for: - automatic detection, tracking and determination of the parameters of the trajectories of ballistic and - space objects (BKO); — determination of the type, sign and degree of danger of BKO; — determination of the starting and falling points of ballistic targets; — determination of the interference situation in the radar coverage area; — automatic delivery of radar information to the monitoring system. The composition of the radar: - data transmission system - computer complex - command and operational post. Put into operation in 2003. Operates in continuous duty mode. Lead developer of the radar of JSC NPK NIIDAR, Moscow. Technical characteristics Coverage area, degrees: - in azimuth - in angle of coverage 120 4.0-70.0 Detection range, km. 2000 Wave range decimeter

Radar station "Daryal" Designed for: - detection of ballistic missiles on flight trajectories within the radar coverage areas; — tracking and measuring the coordinates of detected targets and jammers; — calculation of movement parameters of tracked targets based on radar measurements; — determining the type of goals; issuing information about the target and interference conditions in automatic mode. The composition of the radar: - command and measurement center; — transmitting radio engineering center; — repair and testing base; — communication and information transfer center. Lead developer of JSC RTI named after A.L. Mints" Moscow. Commissioned: 1983. Operates in continuous duty mode Technical characteristics Coverage area, deg. — in azimuth — in elevation 90 40 Wave range meter Range, km. 6000

Optical-electronic complex "Window" The optical-electronic complex "Window" is designed for promptly obtaining information about the space situation, cataloging space objects of artificial origin, determining their class, purpose and current state. The main contractor is JSC Krasnogorsk Plant named after. S.A. Zverev." The complex was put into operation in 1999 and put on duty. Composition of the complex: — Search optical-electronic station; — Search detection station; — communication and information transfer center. Technical characteristics Optical-electronic search station for detection of SO: - operating spectral range - viewing area, azimuth, deg. — viewing area, by elevation, degrees — range of operating altitudes, km. visible 0 — 360 30 — 90 30000 — 40000 Optoelectronic station for measuring angular coordinates and photometry KO: — working spectral range — viewing area, azimuth, deg. — viewing area, by elevation, degrees. — diameter of narrow-angle channel lenses, mm. — diameter of wide-angle channel lenses, mm. — maximum angular tracking speed, degrees/s. visible0 235 3.7

The training of officers for the space forces is carried out by: A.F. Military Space Academy. Mozhaisky Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukova

Thank you for your attention!

“On ensuring the construction and development of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, improving their structure,” and the decision of the Security Council of the Russian Federation dated February 6, 2001.

Slide 3

On December 24, 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Major General Alexander Golovko was appointed commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces

Slide 4

Troop composition

  • Rocket and space defense,
  • State test cosmodromes of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - Baikonur, Plesetsk, Svobodny,
  • Main Test Center for Testing and Control of Spacecraft named after G. S. Titov,
  • Department for depositing cash settlement services,
  • Military educational institutions and support units. Number of people: more than 100 thousand people.
  • Slide 5

    Main tasks of VKS

  • timely warning to the country's top military-political leadership about the start of a nuclear missile attack;
  • creation, deployment and management of orbital constellations of military, dual and socio-economic spacecraft;

  • control of developed near-Earth space, constant reconnaissance of potential enemy territories with the help of Moscow's missile defense system, destruction of attacking enemy ballistic missiles.
  • Slide 6

    Space Forces of the Russian Armed Forces

  • Slide 7
    • Orbital constellation
    • 100 spacecraft:

  • 40 defense satellites,
  • 21 - dual purpose
  • 39 spacecraft for scientific and socio-economic purposes
  • Slide 8

    Slide 9



    • a set of coordinated combat actions of all systems of strategic defensive forces, carried out according to a single concept and plan in all areas to repel an aerospace attack by nuclear and conventional weapons in order to protect a certain territory (water area)


      a set of strikes by nuclear forces and conventional weapons, delivered according to a single plan and plan against all means of aerospace attack at any stage of armed confrontation in order to seize the strategic initiative and achieve war goals
  • Slide 10

    Shamanov Vladimir Anatolievich

    Born on February 15, 1957. After graduating from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 1998, he became chief of staff and first deputy commander of the combined arms army of the Moscow Military District, and since August 1999, commander of the army of the North Caucasus Military District.

    By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 4, 1999, for the courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed groups, Major General Vladimir Anatolyevich Shamanov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with a special distinction - the Gold Star medal (No. 519).

    Slide 11

    Influence of the Space Force

    The activities and development of the Space Forces directly or indirectly affect many sectors of the national economy and nature, not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries and the world as a whole.

    The successes of space science are making noticeable progress, and communication systems are being improved.

    At the same time, the operation of rocket and space technology has a negative impact on the atmosphere, including stratospheric ozone, as well as on the underlying surface and ecosystems of the areas where the separated parts of launch vehicles fall

  • Slide 12


    • Flag of the Russian Aerospace Forces
    • Emblem of the Russian Aerospace Forces

  • Coin 1 ruble 2007 “Armed Forces”
  • Sleeve badge
  • Slide 13

    Professional holiday

    • According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
    • dated October 3, 2002,

  • October 4th is Space Forces Day.
  • The holiday is timed to coincide with the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, which opened the chronicle of astronautics, including military ones.
  • Slide 14


    • The training of officers for the space forces is carried out by:
    • Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky (formerly Military Space Engineering University named after A.F. Mozhaisky), St. Petersburg

  • Moscow Military Institute of Radioelectronics of Space Forces, Kubinka, Moscow Region
  • Military Academy of Aerospace Defense
  • them. Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukova, Moscow
  • Secondary complete general education provides:
  • Military Space Peter the Great Cadet Corps, St. Petersburg
  • View all slides

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