Card index of cognitive and research activities in the senior group

Card index of cognitive and research activities in the senior group

Elena Kravchenko

Card index of cognitive and research activities in the senior group

Card index of cognitive and research activities in the senior group

educational and research activities


№ 1

“We smell, we taste, we touch, we listen”

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the sense organs, their purpose (ears - to hear, recognize various sounds; nose - to determine the smell; fingers - to determine the shape, structure of the surface; tongue - to determine the taste). educational and research activities


№ 2

“Comparison of the properties of sand and clay”

Goal: to introduce children to the properties and quality of sand and clay, to teach them to draw conclusions about the properties by comparing them experimentally. Encourage independent formation of conclusions when conducting experiments. Encourage compliance with safety regulations.

educational and research activities


№ 3

Getting to know the stones.

“What types of stones are there?”

Goal: developing interest in stones, the ability to examine them and name their properties (strong, hard, uneven or smooth, heavy, shiny, beautiful)

To give an idea that stones come from rivers and seas, that many stones are very hard and durable, which is why they are widely used in the construction of buildings, bridges, and roads. Introduce valuable stones that are used to decorate buildings and make monuments and souvenirs (granite, marble)
. Show products made from precious stones.

educational and research activities


№ 4

"Invisible - Air"

Purpose: familiarization with the concept of “air”

, its properties and role in human life.

Conducting the experiment:

"Stubborn Air"

Goal: to continue to familiarize children with the properties of air: to form the idea that air is compressed.

educational and research activities


№ 5

"Introduction to the properties of air"

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the properties of air and its role in the life of humans, plants, and animals. To give knowledge about inanimate nature and that air is a condition of life for all creatures on earth. Experimentally consolidate children's knowledge about air. Cultivating interest in the life around us and curiosity.

educational and research activities


№ 6

Conducting the experiment: “Where is it warmer?”

Goal: to form the idea in children that warm air is lighter than cold air and rises.

educational and research activities


№ 7

Conducting the experiment:


Goal: to form children’s ideas that air is lighter than water, to help identify how air displaces water.

educational and research activities


№ 8

Experience: “How do we smell?”

Goal: to familiarize children with the peculiarities of the olfactory organ - the nose, an organ that allows them to identify odors, and compare them with the peculiarities of the perception of odors by some animals. Together with children, formulate recommendations for the protection of this important organ. Promoting the formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the experimentation process.

educational and research activities


№ 9

"The unknown is near"

Goal: expanding children's knowledge about the life of ancient man, about man's discovery of fire. How fire has reached our days, how it helps people. Forming the idea that during combustion the composition of the air changes (there is less oxygen, that oxygen is needed for combustion.

educational and research activities


№ 10

"Our hands"

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the importance of the human hand, about the close connection between the hand and the brain, that with the help of hands you can express various feelings (affection, pity, disgust, reassurance, greeting, courtship)

By developing the hand, we develop speech. The hand as an organ of cognition , touch, feels, performs actions.
Experimentally intensify children's attention to the functional significance of human hands. educational and research activities


№ 11

“What can you feel with your skin?”

Goal: developing basic knowledge about the role of skin in human life, about skin sensitivity. Exercise for children in the development of tactile sensitivity. Forming the belief that human skin should be taken care of. Teach children to provide first aid for wounds and bruises. Developing children's ability to resolve a problem situation themselves in the process of research activities .

educational and research activities


№ 12

"Our Helpers"

Experience: “Listen with all your ears”

Goal: formation of ideas about the organs of hearing - the ear (catches and distinguishes sounds, words, etc.)

. Familiarization with the structure of the human and animal ear, clarifying that everyone’s ears are different, teaching through experiments to distinguish between the strength, pitch, and timbre of sounds.

educational and research activities


№ 13

“Water in nature and in everyday life”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about the location of water in nature and everyday life according to one of the properties of fluidity. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of water: transparency, fluidity, ability to dissolve. Development of cognitive interest , observation, mental activity . Teach children to make simple conclusions and activate their vocabulary: transparent, melting, shimmering, cold, hot. Compliance with safety regulations.

educational and research activities


№ 14

“Water is a helper”

Goal: generalization and clarification of children’s knowledge about water: flows, colorless, odorless. Using models, consolidate knowledge about water as a habitat for some animals. Talk about the use of water, that water must be conserved, that you can only drink clean and boiled water. Instilling in children a desire to conserve water and turn off the tap tightly.

educational and research activities


№ 15

"Water is the source of life"

Goal: developing ideas about the role of water in the life of wildlife. Talk about the path water takes before it gets into our homes. Consolidating knowledge about water and how people use it. Forming the habit of using water carefully and wisely.

educational and research activities


№ 16

Conducting the experiment:

"Water is a solvent"

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about the importance of water in human life. Consolidating ideas about the property of water - water is a solvent. Explain why water sometimes needs to be purified and provide a basic understanding of the filtration process. Strengthening the ability to work with transparent glassware, observing safety rules with unfamiliar solutions.

educational and research activities


№ 17

"The Journey of a Droplet"

Goal: to familiarize children with the water cycle in nature, to explain the cause of precipitation in the form of rain and snow, to expand their understanding of the importance of water for human life.

"Snow melting"

Goal: to introduce children to the properties of snow. Foster interest in experimental activities ; love for nature. Continue to develop logical thinking and imagination.

Procedure: While walking with your children, collect snow in a glass jar. Bring to the group and place in a warm place. The snow melts and water forms. Draw children's attention to the fact that the water is dirty.

Conclusion: snow melts under the influence of temperature, turning into water.

educational and research activities


№ 18

“Transforming a white snowflake into a colored piece of ice”

Goal: to consolidate children’s understanding of the properties of snow, water and ice.

"Water Freezing"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of water. Cultivate an educational interest in the natural world.

Procedure: pour water into a bucket and onto a tray. Place in the cold. Where will water freeze faster?

Explain why water on a tray freezes faster.

educational and research activities


№ 19

"How to see and hear electricity"

Experiments: “Miracle hairstyle”


"Magic Balls"

Purpose: to familiarize children with electricity as a special form of energy. Development of cognitive activity in the process of becoming familiar with the phenomena of electricity and its history. Introduction to the concept of “electric current”

. Explain the nature of lightning. Forming a basis for safety when interacting with electricity.

educational and research activities


№ 20

"The protective properties of snow"

Purpose: to introduce the properties of snow . To develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, develop cognitive interest in the process of experimentation, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions.

Procedure: Place jars with the same amount of water on the surface of the snowdrift, bury them shallowly in the snow. Bury deep in the snow. Observe the condition of the water in the jars.

Conclusion: The deeper the jar is in the snow, the warmer the water will be. The roots are warm under the snow and soil. The more snow, the warmer the plant.

educational and research activities


№ 21

"Magnet - magician"

Purpose: to familiarize children with magnets. Identify its properties, interactions of a magnet with different materials and substances.

"Transparency of Ice"

Purpose: to introduce the properties of ice . Develop curiosity and expand your horizons. Teach children to draw conclusions during experimentation and make logical conclusions.

Procedure: Place small items in a transparent container, add water and refrigerate. Consider with your children how frozen objects are visible through the ice.

Conclusion: objects are visible through ice because it is transparent.

educational and research activities


№ 22

"Electrical appliances"

Goal: to develop the child’s ability to handle basic electrical appliances. Formation of ideas about materials that conduct electric current (metals, water)

and insulators - materials that do not conduct electricity at all
(wood, glass, etc.)
Familiarization with the structure of some electrical appliances (hair dryer, table lamp)
. Developing curiosity.

educational and research activities


№ 23

“How do mountains appear? Eruption"

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the diversity of inanimate objects. To familiarize children with the reason for the formation of mountains: the movement of the earth’s crust, the volcanic origin of mountains.

"Water and Snow"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the different states of water. of cognitive interest in children , to develop observation and mental activity .

Move: add snow and ice to the group - which will melt faster?

Place loose snow in one bucket, compacted snow in the second, and ice in the third.

Conclusion: loose snow will melt first, then compacted snow, ice will melt last.

educational and research activities


№ 24

"The Light Around Us"

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about light. The ability to determine whether light sources belong to the natural or man-made world, their purpose, to experimentally determine the structure of man-made light sources, the classification of objects that give light to the man-made and natural world. Enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary.

educational and research activities


№ 25

"The Force of Gravity"

Conducting the experiment “Why everything falls to the ground”
Purpose: to form children’s ideas about the existence of an invisible force - the force of gravity, which attracts objects and any bodies to the Earth. educational and research activities


№ 26

"Tricks of Inertia"

Purpose: to familiarize children with the physical phenomenon - inertia; show the possibility of practical use of inertia in everyday life.

“Why is the flashlight on?”

Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about the importance of electricity for people; familiarization with the battery - the keeper of electricity - and how to use a lemon as a battery.

educational and research activities


№ 27

"What do we know about time"

Goal: developing children’s ideas about the concept of “time”

, explain the change of day and night, the change of seasons;
talk about the measurement of time, types of clocks (from antiquity to the present day)
Consolidating the concept of “saving time”

educational and research activities


№ 28

“Primroses. How do plants grow?

Conducting experiments: “What’s inside?”

“Up to the leaves”
Purpose: generalizing ideas about the growth and development of plants, establishing a connection between plant growth and their needs in various environmental conditions; developing the ability to be attentive and caring towards plants.

educational and research activities


№ 29

Conversation: “Animals and sand”

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the relationships that exist in nature, of the desert. Explain the dependence of the appearance of an animal on factors of inanimate nature. Development of the ability to make inferences, analyze, compare, classify.

educational and research activities


№ 30

"Sun, Earth and other planets"

Goal: to form initial ideas about the structure of the Solar System and that the Earth is a unique planet. Development of curiosity. Based on experiments, give an idea of ​​the coldness of the planets: the farther the planets are from the Sun, the colder they are and the closer they are, the hotter they are.

educational and research activities


№ 31

“Primroses. How do plants grow?

Goal: generalization of ideas about the growth and development of plants, establishing a connection between plant growth and their needs in various environmental conditions; developing the ability to be attentive and caring towards plants.

educational and research activities


№ 32

“Can a plant breathe?”

Goal: developing children’s ideas about the plant’s need for air and breathing. Help children understand how the respiration process occurs in plants.

educational and research activities


№ 33

"Rainbow in the Sky"

Goal: to familiarize children with the properties of light turning into a rainbow spectrum. Expanding children's understanding of the mixture of colors that make up white; an exercise in making soap bubbles according to a scheme - an algorithm. Developing curiosity and attention.

educational and research activities


№ 34

"Man-Made World"

Goal: to develop children’s ability to distinguish between natural objects and objects made by human hands, to consolidate ideas about the properties of paper, glass, fabric, plastic, and metal.

educational and research activities


№ 35

“Comparison of the properties of glass and plastic”

Goal: to familiarize children with the properties and quality of glass and plastic, to develop the ability to draw conclusions about the properties by comparing them experimentally. Stimulating independent formation of conclusions when conducting experiments. Promoting compliance with safety regulations.

educational and research activities


№ 36

"How does a thermometer work"

Goal: to form children’s ideas about how a thermometer works.

educational and research activities


№ 37

"Flying Seeds"

Goal: to introduce children to the role of wind in plant life.

Procedure: give the children one “flying”

seed and one
Offer to raise your hands as high as possible and simultaneously release both seeds from your hands (for example: beans and maple seeds)

Conclusion: seeds have various adaptations for flight, the wind helps the seeds move.

educational and research activities


№ 38

"Plant water requirements"

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the importance of water for the life and growth of plants. Teach children to draw conclusions during experimentation and make logical conclusions.

Procedure: choose one flower from the bouquet, you need to leave it without water. After some time, compare a flower left without water and flowers in a vase with water: how are they different? Why did this happen?

Conclusion: plants need water; without it they die.

educational and research activities


№ 39

"How water gets to the leaves"

Goal: to show experimentally how water moves through a plant.

Procedure: cut chamomile is placed in water tinted with ink or paint. After a few days, they cut the stem and see that it has become colored. Split the stem lengthwise and check to what height the colored water rose during the experiment. The longer the plant sits in the dye, the higher the colored water will rise.

Conclusion: water rises up the plant.

educational and research activities


№ 40

"The sun dries things out"

Goal: observe the sun's ability to heat objects. Develop curiosity and expand your horizons. Teach children to draw conclusions.

Procedure: hang the washed doll’s clothes in a sunny area and watch how they dry during the walk. Touch the bricks from which the kindergarten building is built on the sunny side and the shady side.

Conclusion: the sun heats objects.

educational and research activities


№ 41

"Transfer of the Sun Bunny"

Purpose: to show with an example how light and the image of an object can be reflected repeatedly. To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of conducting experiments.

Material: mirrors.

Procedure: on a sunny day, children look at the “sunny bunny”

How does it work? (Light reflected from the mirror)
What happens if you
put another mirror
the sunbeam (It will be reflected again)
cognitive and research activities


№ 42


Goal: to introduce rainbows as a natural phenomenon. Cultivate an educational interest in the natural world.

Material: basin with water, mirror.

Hod: Have you ever seen a rainbow after rain? Do you want to see a rainbow right now?

The teacher places a mirror in the water at a slight angle. It catches the sun's rays with a mirror and directs them to the wall. Turns the mirror until a rainbow appears on the wall.

Water acts as a prism, decomposing the white color into its components. What does the word "rainbow"

? What is she like? Show the arc with your hands. From the ground, a rainbow resembles an arc, but from an airplane it appears to be a circle.

educational and research activities


№ 43

"Air is invisible"

Purpose: to introduce the properties of air - it has no specific shape, spreads in all directions, has no odor of its own. Develop cognitive interest in the process of experimentation, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions.

Move: the teacher offers to take (consistently)

scented napkins, orange peels, garlic and feel the odors spreading in the room.

Conclusion: Air is invisible, but it can transmit odors over a distance.

educational and research activities


№ 44

"Air Movement"

Purpose: to show that you can feel the movement of air. Cultivate interest in experimental activities , love of nature. Continue to develop logical thinking and imagination.

Procedure: invite children to wave their hand in front of their face. How does it feel? Blow into your hands. How did you feel?

Conclusion: air is not invisible, you can feel its movement by fanning your face.

educational and research activities


№ 45


Goal: to prove that wind is air movement. Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation, expand knowledge about air, activate speech and enrich children’s vocabulary (laboratory, transparent, invisible)


Progress: children make sailing boats. Place them in a container of water. Children blow on the sails, the boats sail. Large ships also move thanks to the wind.

Questions: What happens to the boat if there is no wind? What if the wind is very strong?

Conclusion: wind is the movement of air.

educational and research activities


№ 46

"Sand Cone"

Purpose: to introduce the property of sand - flowability. of cognitive interest in children , to develop observation and mental activity .

Procedure: take a handful of dry sand and release it in a stream so that it falls in one place.

Gradually, at the place where the sand falls, a cone is formed, growing in height and occupying an increasingly larger area at the base. If you pour sand for a long time in one place, then in another, slippage occurs; the movement of sand is similar to a current.

Conclusion: sand is a bulk material.

educational and research activities


№ 47

"Properties of wet sand"

Purpose: to introduce the properties of sand . of cognitive interest in children , to develop observation and mental activity .

Material: sand, molds.

Procedure: pour dry sand into a mold and turn it over, what happens? Sprinkle a stream of sand onto your palm. Then wet the sand and do the same operations.

Conclusion: wet sand can take any shape until it dries. When sand gets wet, the air between the sand grains disappears and they stick together.

educational and research activities


№ 48

“Soil condition depending on temperature”

Goal: to identify the dependence of soil condition on weather conditions. of cognitive interest in children , to develop observation and mental activity .

Procedure: on a sunny day, invite children to examine the earth, touch it with their hands: warm (it was heated by the sun, dry (crumbles in their hands, light brown. The teacher waters the earth from a watering can, invites them to touch it again, examine it (the earth has darkened, become wet, sticky , sticks together into lumps, cold water has made the soil colder)

Conclusion: changes in weather conditions lead to changes in soil condition.

educational and research activities


№ 49

“Funny Boats”
(buoyancy of objects)
Purpose: to teach to note the various properties of objects. To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of conducting experiments.

Procedure: the teacher, together with the children, lowers objects made from different materials (wooden blocks, sticks, metal plates, paper boats) into the water. Observe which objects sink and which remain afloat.

Conclusion: not all objects float, it all depends on the material from which they are made.

educational and research activities


№ 50

"Measuring Image Dimensions Using Different Lenses"

Purpose: to introduce an optical device - a lens; form ideas about the property of a lens to magnify images. Teach children to draw conclusions during experimentation and make logical conclusions.

Material: magnifying glasses, glasses, various objects: feathers, blades of grass, twigs.

Progress: examining a magnifying glass, observing changes in the size of objects and images through a magnifying glass.

Conclusion: when viewing objects, their sizes increase or decrease depending on which lens is used.

educational and research activities


№ 51

"Street Shadows"

Goal: to show children how a shadow is formed, its dependence on the light source and the object, and their relative position. Development of cognitive interest in the process of experimentation, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, and the ability to draw conclusions.

Progress: looking at shadows from different objects. When does the shadow appear? (when there is a light source)

. What is a shadow? Why is it formed? (this is a dark spot, it is formed when light rays cannot pass through an object; there are fewer light rays behind this object, therefore it is darker)

Conclusion: a shadow appears in the presence of light and an object; the outline of the object and the shadow are similar; the higher the light source, the shorter the shadow; the more transparent the object, the lighter the shadow.

educational and research activities


№ 52

"Looking at sand through a magnifying glass"

Purpose: determining the shape of grains of sand. of cognitive interest in children , to develop observation and mental activity .

Material: sand, black paper, magnifying glass.

Progress: What is sand made of?

Made from very small grains - grains of sand. They are round and translucent. In the sand, each grain of sand lies separately and does not stick to other grains of sand.

Main types of experimental activities

Types of preschool experimentation differ based on the main purpose and purpose or problem that needs to be solved.

Also, experimental activity may differ in the case of the method of application, stage or characteristic features of cognitive operations:

ViewDescription, nuances
By the nature of research activitiesIn this case, the activity can be illustrated, search, or used to solve everyday problems.
Based on the stage of implementation in educational termsExperiments and experiments differ in the quality of the primary, final, secondary or final cycle. This feature is especially important when constructing a specific plan of tasks based on the characteristics of the preschool group.
By the nature of cognitive operationsIn this case, the following types of research activity are distinguished: ascertaining (observation of the properties of an object or phenomenon), comparative (the process of studying an object during its interaction with another process), generalizing (the ability to determine properties or patterns between phenomena).
Based on application methodHere the frontal and demonstration methods are determined, the use of which differs based on certain characteristics of cognitive thinking in preschoolers.

Experimental activities in the senior group are carried out through the systematic improvement of the child’s intellectual and practical skills.

If, during the process of observation, the preschooler was able to obtain new information and knowledge, the experimental work is identified as a cognitive system.

In addition to the main types of classes, based on the methodology, there are varieties in pedagogical practice that directly take into account the process of experimentation.

These are the following classes:

  • Game experiments. Since the main activity of preschoolers is gameplay, research can be carried out in conjunction with it. These classes often feature a character from a favorite cartoon or fairy tale who provides children with important information or asks for help. Through this technique, students understand what is said better and act more responsibly.
  • Modeling. An understanding of the basic properties or features of an object can be obtained through the process of constructing small copies of real-life objects or phenomena. Most often, children build volcanoes, rivers or small construction complexes. So, a teacher can invite preschoolers to model a vortex flow using pieces of paper.

    An example of experimental activity in a senior group - modeling a volcanic eruption

  • Experiments. Conducting various studies or experiments is the basis of a child’s activities. Absolutely all skills acquired in kindergarten are taught through this teaching method. Preschoolers can perform various experiments with liquid, air, magnets or earth. All this can quickly expand your understanding of certain features of the world around you.

The formation of important skills or abilities through experimentation allows you to teach your child how to work with various devices and tools . In this case, experimental activity significantly accelerates the learning process.

It is important that the approach to research activities is exclusively comprehensive. In this case, the child can strengthen the existing basic knowledge about certain phenomena and objects. This pedagogical method is the basis of any preschool education.

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