Summary of GCD for the application “Cut out and paste whatever building you want” with children of the middle group

Photo report on the OD on artistic and aesthetic development “Cut out and paste your favorite toy”

Kirillova Tamara
Photo report on the OD on artistic and aesthetic development “Cut out and paste your favorite toy”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 3 “Rainbow”

Photo report

on conducting OD on artistic and aesthetic development

«Cut and glue your favorite toy»

in the preparatory group of children with mental retardation

teacher: Kirillova T.N.


1. Strengthen the ability to cut out and paste images of familiar objects, compare the size of the image with the size of the sheet (not too large or small, arrange the images beautifully on the sheet.

2. Improve hand coordination.

3. Develop imagination and creativity.

OD move.

toys on the table that children love to play with, and choosing a toy that each of them would cut out and paste . The boys unanimously decided to make a car, and the girls spent a long time choosing between a doll and a bear, but settled on a bear.

Only on the day of the OD on the application, all three of our boys were absent for various reasons, so only the girls are considering the sample work.

We started work.

This is how Lena worked.

Sequence of Margarita's work. cutting techniques with the girl individually as needed .

Karina had to help determine the size of the toy so that it was not too large or small.

We examined the finished works and chose the most interesting application – Rita’s work. to cut out next time .

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Summary of GCD for appliqué in the middle group “Cut out and paste what you want” Goal. Teach children to conceive an image and subordinate subsequent work to the plan. Learn to cut out rectangular and round parts from paper.


Lesson notes


Application “Cut out and paste what you want”


teach children to conceive an image and to subordinate subsequent work to the plan.


develop creativity and imaginative perception.


cultivate independence.

Lesson structure:

introductory part

Creating a problem situation

Target setting

Motivation for activity

- Guys, look who it is? These are the three sad little pigs. What happened to you, piglets?

“We had trouble - an evil wolf destroyed our house, we managed to escape, but now we don’t have a house.

- Help us please.

- Guys, can we help the poor homeless piglets? How?

main part

Designing solutions to a problem situation.

— Guys, what does the house consist of? (walls - rectangular or square, roof - triangular, windows - square or rectangular, doors - rectangular).

— What materials can you build a house from?

- If a house is built from straw, then we will call it thatched; made of wood – wooden; from brick - brick, from concrete - concrete, from stone - stone.

- Guys, we will build a warm, spacious, bright, cozy, new, modern and beautiful house for three little pigs.

— On your tables there are scissors, glue, a glue brush, and a napkin. Multi-colored strips of paper - from them you will cut out all the details necessary for the house. Glue the details onto sheets of paper.

The teacher reminds that scissors are not a toy. They should be used only for their intended purpose and only at the table.

Safety precautions when working with scissors :

— Scissors cannot be taken without permission.

— Scissors should not be placed on the edge of the table, they can fall and injure you.

— You cannot run your hands over the open blades of the scissors, they are sharp and you can get hurt.

— Scissors cannot be passed with the blades forward, pass the scissors with the rings forward.

— Scissors should not be held with the blades up or towards you, as you may stumble and get hurt.

— You can’t cut with scissors on the go.

— When working, carefully monitor the cutting direction.

- Do not cut with scissors as you go.

— While working, hold the material with your left hand so that your fingers are away from the blade.

Safety precautions when working with glue

1. Handle the glue with care. Glue is poisonous!

2. Do not let glue get on your face, especially your eyes.

3. If glue gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of water.

4. After finishing work, be sure to wash your hands and arms.

5. When working with glue, use a napkin.

The teacher demonstrates cutting techniques: we cut narrow and wide strips in a straight line, thus creating walls, doors, and windows.

— The triangle for the roof can be cut in different ways. The simplest technique is to cut the square in half diagonally with an oblique cut from one corner to the opposite.

- Go to your places, guys.

Finger gymnastics House on the Mountain.

On the mountain we see a house. (Fold the house with your hands)

Lots of greenery around. (Wave-like movements of the hands)

Here are the trees, here are the bushes (Make “trees” and “bushes” with your hands)

Here are fluffy flowers! (Use your fingers to show a bud - a blossoming flower)

There is a fence surrounding everything. (Show a “fence” of fingers in front of you)

Behind the fence is a clean yard. (Stroke the table with your palms)

We open the gates (Use your hands to show the gates, the gates open)

We quickly run up to the house. (Run your fingers across the table)

We knock on the door: “Knock, knock, knock!” (Knock on the table with your fists)

Someone is coming to our door. (Place your palm to your right ear and listen)

We came to visit a friend

And they brought gifts. (Stretch your arms forward, as if presenting something)

Independent activity of children (I supervise work with scissors)

I help children as needed.

final part

Performance analysis

Summing up the lesson

- Guys, you are so great! Look what houses you made!

- What did we do today?

— Was it difficult to make the buildings?

- Who came to visit us? For what?

-The three little pigs really liked your work. They are very grateful to you. And they say goodbye!

Lesson in the younger group “Stick on whatever toy you want”

Elvira Nabatchikova
Lesson in the junior group “Stick on whatever toy you want”

Municipal preschool educational institution

General developmental kindergarten No. 7 “Ladushki”

Application lesson

" Stick on whatever toy you want "

in the younger group

Educator: Nabatchikova E. E.

Topic: Stick on whatever toy you want

-Practice the correct techniques for composing compositions

— Learn to lay out the finished forms in accordance with the given space and carefully stick them on a sheet of paper .

-To consolidate knowledge about shape and size

— Develop a sense of shape, color, composition, fine motor skills.

-Develop children's imagination and creativity

— Arouse children’s interest by creating applique pictures consisting of round-shaped parts, but of different sizes and colors.

- Outdoor games and exercises with balls.

- Examination and examination of balls of different sizes, toys for tactile sensation, perception of shape and color.

-Didactic games “Find round objects”

"What's Like a Circle"

-Drawing objects, round toys .

- sheets of A5 size paper,

-on a tray - ready-made circle shapes of different sizes and colors for addition,

-brushes, glue, napkins, wet wipes, rags, circles cut out of colored paper of different sizes and colors, planks

-7 round toys : a medium and small ball, 2 rattles of different sizes, but round in shape, a pyramid, a tumbler, a balloon.

— a sheet of Whatman paper with the inscription Toy

-a cup with colored pencils (if children need to finish drawing the toy )


Notes on application in the middle group on the topic: “Cut out and paste what kind of building you want”

Topic: “Cut and paste what kind of building you want”

Goal: To develop in children the ability to create a variety of images of buildings in applications.

Objectives: Develop imagination, creativity, sense of composition and color. Continue to practice cutting strips in a straight line, squares diagonally, etc. Learn to think through the selection of parts according to shape and color. Reinforce techniques for careful gluing. Develop imagination. Cultivate interest in class. Activate speech:

Preliminary work: During games and activities with building materials, clarify with the children the shape of the structural parts and their location; pay attention to the beauty of the buildings being created.

Materials. Designer parts (wooden and plastic, different shapes: cubes, bricks, triangular prisms). Strips of paper of different colors measuring 3x8 cm, square sheets of paper 16x16 cm, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin, oilcloth (for each child). Wonderful bag, construction set details (cube, brick, triangular prism).

— Psychological attitude: ex. "Hello, sky!"

— Game situation: I’m a wonderful little bag to all the guys, I’m a friend, I really want to know what you like to play with. Guys, do you want to know what is hidden in the wonderful bag?

— Problem situation: the guys take out the parts of the construction set from the bag.

+What is this? (constructor details)

- examination of details, clarification of the shape and color of parts (cube, brick, triangular prism).

+ What can be built from these parts (gate, house, garage, bridge, arch).

+ Invite several children to build various buildings. (While the children are building, clarify what parts are used for construction).

+ Consider and clarify with children what geometric shapes are the basis of the construction set parts (cube - square, brick - rectangle, trihedral prism - triangle).

— Fizkul

— Draw the children’s attention to the strips of paper lying on the tables.

+ Is it possible to make a building out of these strips?

- Lead them to the fact that the strips need to be cut in order to obtain the necessary parts.

+ How should the strip be cut to obtain the parts of the desired shape? (If the children miss something, remind them how to cut the strip)

— Offer to think about what colors look beautiful in combination and choose them for appliqué.

— Finger gymnastics “Home”

— Invite the children to start working, cut out and paste a beautiful building, whatever they want.

— Independent work of children (I supervise work with scissors)

— At the end of the lesson, admire the works. The children tell us what they did. Choose the most interesting buildings.


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