A person’s ecological culture includes his environmental awareness and environmental behavior. A preschool institution as an informational, cultural and educational structure is capable of implementing the basic principles of sustainable development and becoming a working model for forming the foundations of the ecological culture of preschoolers.

A number of authors argue that the system of environmental education is the main means of developing the ecological culture of the younger generation, and environmental culture itself is considered in the context of a new way of connecting man with nature, reconciliation with it on the basis of a deeper knowledge of it (N.F. Mamedov, N.S. Dezhnikova, N.F. Vinokurova, etc.).

In connection with the changes taking place in society today, modern preschool education is focused not on children receiving a huge amount of knowledge, but on the formation of integrative qualities in preschool children: personal, intellectual, physical. Achieving a new quality result by the preschool education system is today its priority task.

An integrative approach to organizing the educational process confronts teachers with the need to master and introduce into their work new pedagogical technologies, methods, and educational programs that meet the demands of modern education.

The basis of the technology of environmental education for preschool children (

The idea is that a child learns about the world around him through various activities specific to each specific age that shape the child’s psyche.

The technology of environmental education for preschool children is aimed at a comprehensive solution to the problems of environmental education for preschool children through greening

various types of children's activities and
the greening
of the developing subject environment, as well as the formation of integrative qualities of preschool children in the process of various types of activities of preschoolers with environmental content.

Under greening

activity of a preschooler is understood as enriching its content due to the environmental component. Ecology as a science is characterized by a high level of integration: philosophy, science, art, practical activity. At the preschool level, this is manifested in the need to green the entire activity of the teaching staff and green the various types of activities of the child.

The goal of the technology of environmental education for preschool children is to implement an integrated approach to the environmental education of preschool children.

The tasks solved during the implementation of this technology are as follows:

1. Formation in children of the basis of systematic knowledge of ecology, facilitating orientation in the modern world.

2. Integration of various types of children’s activities based on environmental activities as system-forming ones.

3. Development in children of a creative approach to solving constructive problems, independent thinking and implementation of original ideas.

4. Formation in children of skills of search and cognitive activity of an ecological orientation, the ability to transform, and an active position in cognition.

The conceptual basis of the technology of environmental education for preschool children is the following psychological and pedagogical theories and provisions:

— The concept of the holistic development of a preschool child as a subject of children’s activities M.V. Krulecht , which convincingly proves that the intensive intellectual, emotional and personal development of a child, his well-being and social status in the peer group are associated with awareness of the position of the subject of children's activity. This position is manifested in independence of goal setting and motivation of activity, finding ways and means of its implementation, finding ways and means of its implementation, self-control and self-esteem, and the ability to get results.

The child’s mastery of the subject position requires special pedagogical technology that would allow the child to participate in a variety of children’s activities and contribute to the formation of his key competencies.

Activity approach (A.N. Leontiev, P.Ya. Galperin, L.S. Vygotsky), which is based on the idea of ​​the structure of holistic activity (needs - motives - goals - conditions - actions) and explains the process of active research assimilation of knowledge and skills through motivated and goal-oriented problem solving. Solving problems consists of finding an action that can be used to transform its condition in such a way as to achieve a result.

This approach involves a description of the phased (step-by-step) structure of the activity and a graphical recording of the results obtained. It is based on the idea of ​​the fundamental commonality of internal and external human activity (L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin).

Activity is the only way of self-development, self-realization, and self-discovery of a person. A preschooler strives for active activity, and the more complete and varied it is, the more significant it is for the child and corresponds to his nature, the more successful his development is, the more potential opportunities are realized.

Provisions and methodological approaches to experimentation activities N.N. Poddyakov , according to which a special children’s activity – experimentation – is identified as the main type of search activity. N.N. Poddyakov, in his research, argues that children's experimentation claims to be the leading activity in the period of preschool development of a child, emphasizing that this is a “truly childish activity.” In it, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently influencing in different ways the objects and phenomena around him with the aim of more fully understanding and mastering them. N.N. Poddyakov identifies a special type of social experimentation of preschoolers in various life situations, when children (consciously and unconsciously) “try out” various forms of their behavior on adults or peers in search of the most acceptable options.

The basis of experimentation activity is the contradiction between existing knowledge, skills and abilities, the learned experience of achieving results by trial and error and new problem situations that arise in the process of setting the goal of the experiment and its achievements, which contributes to the formation of experimentation skills in preschoolers.

The principles that ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of technology for environmental education of preschool children are:

The problematic principle

involves the teacher creating problem situations in which the child is involved in solving them. Problem-based learning is closely related to the principle of systematicity, as it involves the implementation of a developed system of gradually more complex tasks.

Systematic principle

involves a system of activities that is implemented through a complex of various activities of the child. The principle of systematicity is implemented through a problem-based approach.

The principle of visibility

is associated with the visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking of a preschool child and is taken into account when organizing various types of activities of the child in a developmental environment. Its use assumes that in order to solve goals and objectives, the teacher selects objects and processes that are accessible to understanding and mastery by a child of a certain age, which he can observe directly in his environment. In methodological terms, the principle of clarity presupposes the active use of visual material by the teacher.

Scientific principle

assumes that the teacher in his work uses only scientifically based methodological techniques that are appropriate for the given age of children, taking into account their psychological characteristics.

The principle of humanism

manifests itself, first of all, in the choice by teachers of a humanistic model of education, which implies a transition to a new type of relationship between teacher and child, when they both participate in the educational process, while the child is given as much independence as possible to express his feelings, thoughts, independent knowledge of the world around him experimentation. With this approach, the child has the right to make mistakes and can express any point of view. From the perspective of education, the application of this principle means the formation of a person with new values, who knows the basics of consumer culture, cares about his health and wants to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Principle of integrity

reflects the child’s holistic perception of the world around him and his unity with the natural world.

The principle of consistency

can be traced in the system of sequential development of knowledge from simple to more complex.

The principle of activity involves building a system of classes on an activity basis. In the process of the activity itself, the formation and formation of the “child - environment” relationship occurs.

The principle of integration implies

that with an integrated approach, all preschool teachers cooperate with each other at all stages of working with children.

The technology of environmental education for preschool children is based on the integration of various types of children's activities (play, work, search, experimentation activities), which include an environmental component. Role-playing games assume the presence of natural history, environmental or environmental content and the existence of certain rules. They help children get acquainted with various natural phenomena and processes. Board educational games involve the use of natural objects. Children's independent games should include environmental content.

The greening of search activities can be carried out through the involvement of children in various situations of environmental content. This approach is of great importance for developing the skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior of a preschooler.

The technology of environmental education for preschool children reflects a problem-based approach to teaching and upbringing. The problem approach is taken as a basis when developing the main stages of the technology of environmental education for preschool children.

Algorithm for implementing technology for environmental education of preschool children
StagesActivities of a teacherChildren's activities
Preliminary stageCreating conditions for introducing an environmental component into all types of activities of preschool children. Motivating children to understand the integrity, value and fragility of the natural world around them. Motivating children for cognitive and research activities with an environmental focus. Introducing children into a problem situation Creating conditions for environmentally oriented activities, taking into account the age characteristics of children. The emergence of interest in the natural world around us. Awareness and comprehension of the relevance and purpose of environmental activities, manifestation of cognitive interest
Conception stageFamiliarizationMotivation of children for cognitive activity. Activating children's attention by including them in cognitive-ecological activities (formation of elementary knowledge of environmental orientation in children). Summarizing. Evaluation of results. The emergence of interest in understanding the natural world around us. Accumulation of information.
GeneralizationGeneralization of accumulated environmental knowledge. Stimulating children's activity in cognitive-ecological activities by problematizing educational material. Assistance in organizing and implementing practical activities, as needed. Summarizing. Evaluation of results. Stimulating children to self-assess their activities. Manifestation of cognitive, practical, creative activity. Carrying out practical activities of a transformative nature: observing, comparing, grouping, classifying, drawing conclusions, finding out patterns. Helping other children as needed or doing activities together. Formulation of conclusions. Self-assessment of your activities.
SystematizationSystematization of environmental knowledge received by children. Activation of cognitive-ecological activity of children by including them in independent theoretical research and practical research activities. Summarizing. Help in formulating conclusions. Evaluation of results. Encouraging children to self-analysis and self-evaluation of their activities. Participation in independent research and creative activities. Analysis of results. Self-analysis and self-assessment of one’s activities. Self-assessment of the experience gained.
Improvement stageDrawing up individual programs for improving children's learning skills in cognitive and environmental activities.Children's use of environmentally oriented learning skills that are adequate to key competencies in everyday life.

The main motivation for educational activities is cognitive interest. The presence of a child’s cognitive interest increases the effectiveness of the learning process and at the same time saturates him with positive emotions. The technology of environmental education for preschool children involves the formation and stimulation of the cognitive interest of preschoolers:

- through the presence of an emotional component;

— organization of the educational process on the principles of humanism and cooperation;

- providing the necessary up-to-date assistance to the child from an adult, lack of direct control and direct didacticism;

— organization of a subject-development environment filled with environmental content.

The main methods of technology for environmental education of preschool children are search methods, namely:

— method of searching for information about objects and phenomena;

- use of experimental activities, logical chains, logical tasks;

— use of schemes, algorithms, environmental models;

- problematic situations.

The technology of environmental education for preschool children meets the needs of modern education, is interactive in nature, ensures the child’s independent activity, and allows the child to show a creative approach.


1. Ivanov, D.L. Competency-based approach in education. Problems, concepts, tools: educational manual / D.L. Ivanov, K.G. Mitrofanov, O.V. Sokolov.- M.: APKiPPRO, 2005.- 101 p.

2. Nikolaeva, S.N. Raising an ecological culture in preschool childhood: methods of working with children in the preparatory group of a kindergarten / S.N. Nikolaev. - M., 1995.

3. Ryzhova, N.A. Environmental education in kindergarten / N.A. Ryzhova. – M., 2001. – 432 p.

4. Yasvin, V.A. History and psychology of the formation of ecological culture / V.A. Yasvin. – M., 1999.

The use of innovative technologies in environmental education of preschool children

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Alenka"

Nikiforovsky district, Tambov region


The use of innovative technologies in environmental education of preschool children

Prepared by: senior teacher

Myachina S.V.

r.p. Dmitrievka, 2022

Reforming preschool education in order to better satisfy the needs of parents and the interests of children places new demands on preschool educational institutions. The introduction of innovations into the work of an educational institution is the most important condition for improving and reforming the preschool education system.

Any innovation is nothing more than the creation and subsequent implementation of a fundamentally new component, as a result of which qualitative changes in the environment occur. In relation to the field of education, innovation can be considered the final result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of new content, method, form of organization of the educational process, or in a new approach to the provision of social services in the field of education based on the real requests of parents, i.e. new forms of preschool education. Do not forget that the new is considered more effective than the old if its use allows one to obtain better results in an optimal way. In general, the innovation process is understood as a complex activity of creation (birth, development), development, use and dissemination of innovations.

Technology, in turn, is a set of various techniques that are used in a particular business, craft or art. Thus, innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions are aimed at creating modern components and techniques, the main purpose of which is to modernize the educational process.

The concept of modernizing Russian education requires teachers to improve the quality of preschool education and create conditions for the personal development of each child.

Today, there are more than a hundred innovative technologies used in our kindergartens. Among them, close attention should be paid to:

- health-saving technologies;

— technologies related to project activities;

— information and communication technologies;

— personality-oriented technologies;

- gaming technologies.

Environmental education has now become one of the most important areas of preschool pedagogy, implemented in many preschool institutions in the country. Innovative technologies, so relevant in the activities of a modern preschool institution, have received new development in environmental education.

Modern innovative technologies for environmental education of preschool children: 1) health-saving technologies.

The goal of health-saving technologies in environmental education of preschool children is to ensure a high level of health, a conscious attitude towards the flora and fauna, the ability to sensory perception of the world and the emotional well-being of the child, to teach respect for one’s health and nature, to effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior in nature, providing self-help and helping others.

Proper organization of environmental education for preschool children, optimal alternation of different health-saving technologies has a huge impact on performance, fatigue and, in general, on the functional state of the whole organism, promotes the acquisition of new knowledge, provides a practical model of correct behavior in nature, develops emotional responsiveness, and helps to gain self-confidence.

2) technologies related to project activities


Designing educational activities is relevant at the present time. Work on projects helps to implement the principle of integration of educational areas and can be aimed at organizing gaming, cognitive-research, communicative, productive children's activities.

The specificity of the project method is that the pedagogical process is superimposed on the process of interaction of the child with the outside world, the pedagogical influence is carried out in the joint activity of an adult and children and is based on their personal experience. The goal is to work on a problem, as a result of which the child receives answers to questions.

While working on the project, children study the natural world more widely and deeply. As a result of using the project method in the environmental education of preschool children, the level of knowledge about the animal and plant world, the level of environmental literacy increases, a love for the nature of their native land is fostered, and an initiative, active and independent child is formed. It also allows you to make life in kindergarten varied and interesting.

Projects can be classified as follows:

1. “Game” – activities that are conducted in a group in the form of games, dances, and exciting entertainment.

2. “Excursion” – projects whose goal is a comprehensive and multifaceted study of the surrounding world and society.

3. “Narrative”, through which children learn to explain their feelings and emotions using speech, vocals, writing, etc.

4. “Constructive”, aimed at teaching the child to create useful objects with his own labor: build a birdhouse, plant a flower, etc.

3) information and communication technologies


In a kindergarten setting, it is possible, necessary and advisable to use ICT in various types of educational activities, including environmental activities. The use of ICT makes it possible to make the educational process of an environmental orientation more attractive and truly modern, to solve cognitive and creative problems based on visibility. Thereby improving the quality of knowledge and skills in environmental education.

4) person-oriented technologies.

The use of personality-oriented technologies contributes to the development of a preschooler’s individuality. This is a kind of foundation for the entire educational process. The main emphasis is on the child’s personality and his specific characteristics. Depending on the child’s abilities, the teacher selects educational games that will help maximize and develop the child’s talent. There is no place for authoritarianism, imposition of opinions and an impersonal approach to the student. In the group, as a rule, there is an atmosphere of love, mutual respect and cooperation.

5) gaming technology


Gaming technologies in kindergarten are the key to every child. In play, children learn the material better and it is easier for them to express their thoughts. They rightfully occupy an important place in the education of the younger generation.

A special place in this work is given to games with environmental content. The use of games in environmental education helps preschoolers acquire more solid knowledge and helps them master the skill of environmentally appropriate behavior in nature. The child accumulates moral and value experience in relation to the world. The types of games used in environmental education are varied in form and content and do not differ from the child’s usual play activities. This includes a theatrical game, a board game, an outdoor game, various kinds of attractions, games with natural materials, competitive games, role-playing games, didactic games, etc.

Thus, the use of innovative technologies in the field of environmental education for preschoolers allows teachers to build the process of environmental education in accordance with modern requirements and at the same time without unnecessary burden for preschoolers. The use of innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions generally leads to the fact that the child receives knowledge that is firmly fixed in his subconscious.

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