Thematic control. Morning reception for children “Morning of joyful meetings”

Lenara Yakhina

Organization and methodology of morning reception

Organization and methodology of morning reception.

Goal: Gradual entry of the child into the life of the kindergarten, creating a calm psychological comfortable mood in each child, strengthening the intimate and personal contact of the teacher with each child.


1. Formation of friendly relationships between children, creation of an atmosphere of support and cooperation between children and adults, creation of a general positive emotional background, a feeling of psychological comfort.

2. Communication with children.

3. Give children the opportunity to speak out and listen to each other.

4. Give new information.

5. Solving some educational problems (expanding children's ideas, developing speech, logical thinking, and so on.)

6. Organization of planning of children's activities.


I come to the group in advance and ventilate the room . I greet children and their parents warmly. I create a good mood for both the child and his parents. I ask the parents about the child’s health status. I pay attention to the appearance of children. Having noticed problems, I invite the child to put himself in order, and help him if necessary. I teach children to use a mirror, check their appearance , correct flaws in clothing and hairstyle, developing the habit of always being neat and clean. Children who come should say hello, speak quietly and not shout. If someone forgets about this, I remind you. I make sure that all children find interesting activities and do not interfere with other children. If a child cannot choose an activity on his own, I help him: I connect him with playing children, help in choosing toys, or give the child some specific assignment. I create conditions for varied and interesting activities for children in the group. I suggest playing the board game (based on valeology)
“Helpful - Harmful”

Printed board game “Helpful - Harmful”


Strengthen children's knowledge about the benefits and harms of certain products

Material: Large cards with the image of a cheerful man; a set of cards depicting foods that are healthy and harmful to human health.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of child development No. 4 “Zvezdochka”


Developed by : Meshkova M.V.,

teacher of MBDOU No. 4 “Zvezdochka”

Shushenskoye village

Educator: Guys, a new day has come. It's time for morning gathering. I'm glad to see everyone today. Let's rub our palms, feel the warmth of our hands, pass it on to our comrades and say kind words to each other. I convey my warmth to Diana and wish her not to be sad today, but to just smile.

The teacher shows through his actions how to convey his warmth. After this, the children repeat the teacher’s actions.

Educator: Guys, I’m in a joyful mood today, and I’m very interested to know in what mood you came to kindergarten. Children take their photo and place it in the selected pocket on the “Mood Corner” stand.

Educator: Guys, today everyone is in a joyful mood, and so that this joyful mood does not disappear, I suggest playing any game.

The children chose the game “Arms and Legs”.

Educator: Let's remember the rules of the game. One clap is a command to the hands. They need to be raised or lowered. Two claps are a command to the legs. You need to stand up or sit down.

Educator: Guys, we have a beautiful “Star of the Week”. Let's think about whose photo we will put in the pocket. But first, let's remember the rules: you don't have to offer yourself; You must explain your choice; You need to choose the “Star of the Week” from the heart and soul, without receiving any benefit.

Children make and explain their choices. Place a photo of the child in the pocket of the “Star of the Week” rolling element.

Educator: Guys, we haven’t seen you all day. During this time, many interesting events happened. Yesterday I saw a little kitten. He meowed so loudly, probably because he was hungry. I treated him to sausage. What news do you have? How many children want to talk about their events. Let's first tell the news of girls whose names begin with the sound "L".

Children share their news.

Educator: Guys, I have Dobrinka in my hands. Whoever has it in their hands, it will help. Guys, I want to share my “Dobrinka” with you. Extend your palms and hold it tightly. Hold your “Dobrinka” to your heart to make you feel warm and joyful. And I wish you a fun whole day!

Regular moments in kindergarten. Early age

Summary of routine moments (morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast) for young children (1-2 years old)
Compiled by: Elena Anatolyevna Yanchenko, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 11” in Seversk, Tomsk region. Goal: attracting children to participate in regime processes, developing cultural and hygienic skills. Objectives: • Develop children's ability to perform simple movements, combining their actions with the text of the poem; • Develop children's motor activity; • Continue to develop children's ability to wash their hands with soap before eating; • Develop the ability to find a towel from a picture, remove it from the hook, and wipe your hands dry; • While eating, teach to hold a spoon in your hand, eat carefully, and say thanks after eating. Material: wind-up cat (toy).
The teacher brings a cat (toy) into the group. Educator: guys, look who came to us? (Children's answers.)
- That's right, it's a cat.
The cat is kind, soft, fluffy. Pet the cat. Next, the teacher and the children examine the cat, marking its body parts, and imitate the cat. Educator: Guys, the cat really loves to play with kids, let's play with her and show how big we have grown. The musical and rhythmic exercise “We Learned to Walk” is performed, music and words by E. Makshantseva: We learned to walk, lifting our legs, This is how our kids walk merrily. One, two, the kids are walking merrily, One, two, the kids are raising their legs. The teacher and the children walk around the group to the lyrics of the song, then stop.
The teacher reads a poem, the kids repeat the corresponding movements after him: Like our children’s legs, they knock merrily.
Our people are remote, although very small. As soon as our legs get tired, we clap our hands, clap our hands, little tiny little hands! Now let’s raise our hands higher, higher, higher, clap like this - easy! Educator: Well done, guys, played well. The cat liked it. Now look how the cat walks (the teacher turns on the wind-up cat, she walks on the carpet).
- Guys, come on, you and I will go together with the cat.
The outdoor game “Let's go with the kitty” is played. The kitty praises the guys. And invites them to the washroom. Educator: guys, let's show the kitty how we wash our hands with water. We know, we know, yes, yes, where the water is hiding here. Come out, some water, we came to wash ourselves. To keep it clean, clean, together we wash our hands with soap. It is very important not to forget to rinse off the soap thoroughly. Children wash their hands, then the teacher helps them find their towels from the pictures:
Children wash their hands with warm water, wash, wash.
And then they go, take towels. Remove the towel and wipe your hands dry. Children go to the group. The teacher helps the kids sit down at the tables. Educator: Now it’s time for us to eat. Eating is not a game. You need to sit straight and look at the plate, don’t move around at the table, eat porridge with milk. What a delicious porridge, It was cooked on the stove, It was boiled, it was boiled, so that our children could eat it. “Guys, let’s take a spoon in our hands and show the cat how we can eat porridge with a spoon.” During breakfast, the teacher helps the children eat porridge, feeds the kids:
The porridge is very good, Eat the porridge slowly.
Spoon by spoon, ate a little. After breakfast, the teacher helps the kids push in their chair and thank them. Educator: Everyone has eaten, well done! Let's grow big! Now we’ll go play and take the cat with us. Let's show the cat where our toys live.

We recommend watching:

Summary of the regime moment in the younger group Experience of interaction between teacher and parents in solving educational problems. Early age group Regular moment “Morning in a preschool educational institution” Senior group Educational activities in special moments in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

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