“Game self-massage for preschool children” methodological development

Play massage for children 3 - 6 years old

Play massage for children of younger and older preschool age

Play massage as one of the forms of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions
Author: Elena Dmitrievna Shadrina, music director Place of work: MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 4 “Fairy Tale”, Seltso, Bryansk region Goal: developing the habit of a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: 1. Educational: learn the rules of mastering the simplest massage techniques; 2. Educational: develop positive emotions; 3.Health: maintain and strengthen physical and mental health; Description of the material: this material is intended for educators, music directors of kindergartens, additional education teachers working with preschool children, and parents. The health of a child is his complete physical, mental and social well-being. Children's health is becoming a priority in the work of kindergartens. Therefore, in preschool institutions, all the necessary conditions must be created in music halls, sports halls, group rooms, on the sports ground and throughout the kindergarten. Health-saving technologies in direct educational activities are: Valeological chants; Breathing exercises; Articulation gymnastics; Play massage; Finger games; Speech games; Music therapy; In direct educational activities, the individual and age characteristics of each child and his interests are taken into account. The success of NOD is the joint activity of music directors, educators, a doctor, and a speech therapist. By massaging certain points of the body, we send positive signals to our organs (heart, lungs, kidneys, liver). Performing a play massage improves the nervous system and improves mood. Massage techniques are taught in the game. In GCD, play massage is performed to music - the words are sung. Children reinforce their self-massage skills through play. When performing a play massage, kneading, rubbing, stroking, and light tapping are used. The fingers are stretched and kneaded. In the center of the palm there is a point of increased activity. Self-massage of the ears is heated by rubbing the palms and massaging the auricles back and forth. Game massage “Good morning” lyrics, music, E. Shadrina

Legs, legs, top, top, top. Stomp quickly. Handles, hands clap, clap, clap Clap quickly. We will stroke our ears, rub our eyebrows, rub our nose, and sing together! Children perform the song and perform movements according to the text, stroking and gently pressing their fingers on the corresponding points. “Bears are molding” lyrics, O.N. Arsenevskaya, music., E. Shadrina

In order to always be healthy, we will sculpt with bears. (They clench and unclench their fists) We will mold our eyebrows and eyelashes. The nose will be like a bird’s. We mold the forehead, cheeks, eyes. We are wizards from a fairy tale! Children sing a song and perform movements according to the text by lightly pressing and stroking the points. “A bunny came out” lyrics, Kh. Afanasenko music., E. Shadrina

The bunny went out onto the meadow, onto the green bank. (Smooth movements from the bridge of the nose to the ears) The bunny rubs his nose so that his nose does not freeze. (Press your fingers on the point at the wings of the nose) The gray bunny rubs along with us above the eyebrows. (massage points at the inner ends of the eyebrows) The mother told the bunny, You need to rub your ears! (Press your fingers on the points at the base of the earlobe) Finger games also belong to play massage Finger game “Flowers”

Musical director: Look how beautiful our flowers are, how delicate their petals are! In the evening, when the sun goes to bed, each petal closes its petals and also falls asleep. And in the morning, as soon as the sun appears in the sky, the flowers wake up and expose their delicate petals to its warm rays. Let's imagine now. that our little delicate fingers are flower petals. Our scarlet flowers (Children join their slightly bent palms - a bud) The petals open. (They spread their fingers to the sides, their wrists are connected - the bud has opened) The breeze breathes slightly, (They blow softly on the “flower”) The petals sway. (They shake the “flower”) Our scarlet flowers close their petals, (They connect their fingers - again there is a “bud” in front of us) They shake their heads (they shake the “bud” left and right) They quietly fall asleep. (Palms are clenched into fists - “the flowers are sleeping”) Early in the morning all the flowers (They make a “bud” again, gradually lift it up “reaches towards the sun”) The petals will bloom again. (Spread your fingers to the sides - “the bud has blossomed”) Thus, play massage affects the development of phonemic hearing, fine motor skills and the overall development of speech.

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ARTICLE: “Game self-massage as one of the forms of health improvement for children in kindergarten.”

Kneading is the main technique, which is carried out with short movements of the hands, but with greater pressure than when rubbing.

Tapping is a technique performed with the pads of one or four fingers, either with two or with one hand.

When exercising your fingers, we use the following techniques:

1. stretching each finger and pressing on it;

2. rubbing the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other, as if putting a ring on each finger.

To prevent flat feet, exercises for the feet are included:

walking on massage mats, on pebbles, along ribbed paths;

after sleep in the form of a game “Let's play with the feet”, “Toes like palms”;

rolling with the feet of various objects (gymnastic stick, massage ball, nuts, special exercise equipment.)

To develop fine motor skills, exercises are provided for the hands and fingers:

exercises in the form of a game “Building a house”, “Walk”, “Mittens”, “Mouse”;

numerous finger exercises;

exercises of the hands and fingers using special exercise equipment, using one or two walnuts;

walking on massage mats and paths (emphasis on hands);

In order to develop flexibility of the spine and strengthen the back muscles:

game exercises “Rain”, “Train”, “Drum”;

exercises with special and homemade massagers;

exercises with gymnastic sticks;

exercises when performing rolls on the back “Rocking chair” forward - backward, to the sides;

exercises on a ball (large)

To prevent poor posture, we use body exercises:

exercises “Fox”, “Frog”, “Washcloth”;

exercises with special and homemade massagers;

rubbing with massage gloves;

performing exercises “Log”, “Snake”.

At the end of a physical education session, relaxation, facial expression, and simulation exercises are performed to relieve muscle tension.

Depending on the current pedagogical process, a scheme has been developed for conducting playful self-massage with children in preschool educational institutions during the day.


Regime moments (Examples) Types of play self-massage performed
Morning exercises "Steam Locomotive", "Matryoshka"
During classes, between classes, physical education minutes “The cold weather has come” “We are building a house”, “Tili - bom”
Dynamic pauses "Cabbage", "Carrot"
Individual work
Gymnastics after sleep “Stretching our fingers”, “The bunny went out for a walk”
Free activity "Hammers"
Physical education classes "Cockerel", "Chicken"

To create a positive attitude towards exercise in our work, we use musical accompaniment in the form of songs (“Rails-rails”, etc.).

Playful self-massage ensures the sensory development of preschool children. Children perceive voice intonations, text content, musical timbres and noises, tempo and rhythms of music. Pupils also evaluate cold and heat, the force of pressure, the nature of the touch, the direction of movement, the smoothness or roughness of the material, etc. When performing play self-massage, children perform a variety of movements with their fingers and hands, which undoubtedly develops gross and fine motor skills. Play self-massage contributes to the development of children’s imagination: running along A spider on a tree and rain dripping on its back, a ball bouncing on the floor and a bear walking through the forest appear equally vividly, although in different ways, to children. Playful self-massage promotes speech development. Children quickly memorize poems and songs, and movements that illustrate the text help expressive performance. During classes, children not only perform exercises themselves with great interest, but also watch other children perform movements.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Health-saving technology in preschool educational institutions - self-massage

During the period of preschool childhood, the child experiences a unique, inimitable developmental path, which is fundamental for the development of mental and physical health. During this period, there is intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body. The health status of children is the most important indicator of the well-being of society and the state, reflecting not only the current situation, but also giving an accurate forecast for the future.

Therefore, the introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process always remains relevant.

Teachers of preschool organizations actively use various technologies to form, maintain and strengthen the health of pupils.

An effective and universal means of health-saving technologies is playful self-massage.

Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself. It improves blood circulation and helps normalize the functioning of internal organs. For children, self-massage is also a means of preventing colds. It promotes psycho-emotional stability to physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body.

Game self-massage is a unique tactile gymnastics, thanks to which the brain receives a powerful flow of impulses from receptors located in the skin.

The main value of massage is that it, first of all, affects the baby’s nervous system, helps the child relieve general fatigue, and helps all organs and systems work smoothly and efficiently. All exercises should be performed against the backdrop of positive responses from the child. We must always remember the commandment of Hippocrates “Do no harm!” .

Self-massage techniques are carried out in the following sequence: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration (shaking).

The duration of self-massage for children is 5-7 minutes, depending on the task.

Objectives of self-massage:

  • Cultivate an interest in healing massage.
  • Teach the elements of massage.
  • Strengthen the technique of performing various types of play massages.
  • Increase the body's resistance to colds.
  • Prevent colds by affecting active points.
  • Develop intellectual functions.
  • Develop motor memory.
  • Cultivate a caring attitude towards your body.
  • Develop communication skills and tactile perception.

Types of self-massage:

  • Playful self-massage is an unconventional type of exercise that helps the child’s body develop naturally and its individual organs and systems improve functionally. “Game self-massage” is the basis for hardening and healing the child’s body. By performing self-massage exercises in a playful way, with musical accompaniment, children get joy and a good mood. Such exercises contribute to the formation in the child of a conscious desire for health, developing the skill of self-improvement.
  • Self-massage Su-Jok balls.

Children are familiar with it under the name “Hedgehog” - a cute ball with sharp spikes, light and hygienic, easy to handle and available at any time. Its pointed protrusions affect biologically active points, invariably causing an improvement in well-being, relieving stress, fatigue and pain, and increasing the overall tone of the body. With the help of “hedgehog” , children like to massage their fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby promoting the development of speech. The main advantages of Su-Jok therapy are its high efficiency, absolute safety of use, and accessibility of the method.

  • Self-massage of the ears .

Self-massage of the ears for children of early age and younger groups. The complex consists of 4 simple exercises:

  1. “Bending the ears” : Bend the ears forward and press them to the head. Release, feeling a pop (4-6 times).
  2. “Pull the ears” : Pull the earlobes down (4-6 times).
  3. “Let’s crush the ears” : Massage of the tragus: crush the tragus, release (up to 10 times)
  4. “On the path” : Place your finger on the “path” along the edge of the ears, move up and down (4-6 times). First, children perform it with the help of adults, and then on their own. By the age of 3, children perform exercises quite confidently and efficiently. Improving the flexibility of the ears helps improve overall health; stretching the earlobe is useful for hardening the throat and oral cavity (the reflexogenic zones of the tonsils and oral cavity are located on it).
  • Massage "Five Little Doctors "

This is a self-massage of the fingers. On the finger zones there is a representation of the whole organism: massage of the thumb by rubbing increases the activity of the brain, the index finger - the activity of the stomach, the middle finger - has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, the ring finger - normalizes liver function, the little finger - stimulates the work of the heart.

  • Acupressure.

On the face of any person there are massage zones associated with the regulation of immunity and hardening of the body (A. A. Umanskaya). We call local impact on these areas acupressure. Acupressure was introduced from the middle group. It includes five main zones: on the forehead (middle of the forehead, at the inner ends of the eyebrows (parallel), at the wings of the nose (parallel), at the corners of the mouth (parallel) and between the thumb and index finger (first on one hand, then on the other). These points are available to children from 4-5 years of age.

Acupressure self-massage for children is performed by pressing the fingertips on the skin and muscles at the locations of active points. This type of massage can serve as a relaxing or stimulating agent; when used in combination, it has a positive effect on the child’s body. It is used mainly to normalize nervous processes and most often it is self-massage of the soles and toes, hands, head and face. Acupressure massage for children is very useful for boosting immunity. When the first symptoms of a cold occur or after contact with a sick person, it should be done every day for a week. If you perform all the manipulations correctly, you can achieve amazing results and significantly improve the baby’s health.

An indispensable condition is constant monitoring of the well-being and individual reactions of children. All exercises should be performed against the backdrop of positive responses from the child. Playful self-massage can be used in individual work in the form of a separate 5-minute lesson daily, as part of a lesson on cognitive development in the form of a dynamic pause, as well as in routine moments and independent activities of children. When performing a massage, it is recommended to teach children not to press forcefully on the indicated points, but to massage them with gentle movements of the fingers. Before conducting a lesson, the teacher should try to complete all the exercises himself. In this case, children will easily perform them as shown. The selection of musical accompaniment, as well as the intonation variety of the teacher’s speech, is very important for maintaining the attention and interest of children. You need to be able to create a fabulous, magical atmosphere with music, speech, and facial expressions. And you will see for yourself, you will see how the eyes of your students will light up with delight.

Next >

Complex 2. From 3 to 4 months. Stabilizing the tone

The main task of massage for a 3-4 month old child is to teach the baby to change body position, normalize leg and hand tone.

  • Hand massage: stroking (5 – 6 times); ring rubbing (2 – 3 times); stroking (2 – 3 times).
  • Crossing your arms over your chest (6 – 8 times).
  • Foot massage: stroking (2 – 3 times); ring rubbing (5 – 6 times); stroking (2 – 3 times).
  • “Sliding steps” (5 – 6 times).
  • Turn on your stomach (2 – 3 times in each direction).
  • Back massage: stroking (2 – 3 times); rubbing the entire surface of the back with the fingertips (2 – 3 times); stroking (2 – 3 times).
  • Reflex flexion of the spine while lying on your side (2 – 3 times on each side).
  • "Swimmer's position."
  • Abdominal massage: circular stroking (2 – 3 times); counter stroking (2 – 3 times); stroking the oblique abdominal muscles (2 – 3 times); rubbing the entire surface of the abdomen (2 – 3 times); stroking (2 – 3 times).
  • Raising the torso and head from a supine position (2 – 4 times).
  • Foot massage: stroking (2 – 3 times); rubbing (5 – 6 times); effleurage (8 – 10 strokes); stroking (2 – 3 times).
  • Extension and flexion of the feet (5 – 6 times with each leg). Reflex “walking”.
  • Breast massage: stroking (2 – 3 times); vibration (3 – 4 steps); stroking (2 – 3 times).
  • Boxing exercise (5 – 6 times).
  • Exercises with the ball.

Don't forget: the muscles, bones and ligaments in young children are still very tender and not fully formed. Therefore, the benefits of gymnastics will only be when the exercises correspond to the age capabilities of your baby.

Complex 1. From 1.5 to 3 months. Balancing the tension

At this age, massage helps, first of all, to balance the tension in the extensor and flexor muscles of the legs and arms.

  • Hand massage: smooth strokes (6 – 8 times).
  • Raising from a supine position.
  • Foot massage: stroking (6 – 8 times).
  • Transferring to the stomach (15 – 20 seconds).
  • Back massage: stroking (4 – 5 times).
  • Spinal extension (2 – 3 times on each side).
  • Abdominal massage: circular stroking (5 – 6 times); counter strokes (5 – 6 times); stroking the oblique abdominal muscles (5 – 6 times); circular stroking (5 – 6 times).
  • Exercise to strengthen all abdominal muscles (2 – 3 times).
  • Foot massage: stroking (5 – 6 times).
  • Reflex extension and flexion of the feet (3 – 4 times).
  • Reflex exercise “crawling” (2 – 3 times). Circular chest massage: vibration and stroking (5 – 6 times).
  • Reflex exercise “walking” (2 – 3 times). Shaking hands.
  • Rocking in the “fetal position” (2 – 3 times in each direction).
  • Swinging on a ball.

Observe your child during massage and gymnastics. Surely you will notice that he already has favorite techniques and exercises that give him positive emotions. Next time you can start with them, this will immediately create a positive mood in the baby.

Complex 3. From 4 to 6 months. Normalizing tone

Classes with a 4-6 month old child are aimed at developing the accuracy and rhythm of leg movements, hand dexterity for holding objects and the final normalization of muscle tone of the lower extremities.

  • Hand massage: stroking (3 – 4 times); ring rubbing (3 – 4 times); stroking (2 – 3 times).
  • Crossing arms (6 – 8 times).
  • Foot massage: stroking (2 – 3 times); ring rubbing (3 – 4 times); longitudinal kneading or felting (2 – 3 times); stroking (2 – 3 times).
  • “Sliding steps” (5 – 6 times).
  • Extension and bending of the legs (5 – 6 times).
  • Turn on your stomach (2 – 3 times in each direction).
  • Massage of the buttocks and back: stroking over the entire surface (2 – 3 times); rubbing or sawing over the entire surface (2 – 3 times); stroking over the entire surface (2 – 3 times); kneading the long back muscles (5 – 6 times); kneading the muscles of the buttocks (5 – 6 times); pinching or tapping of the gluteal muscles; stroking (2 – 3 times).
  • “Hovering” on the stomach (1 time for a few seconds).
  • Abdominal massage: stroking (counter, circular and oblique abdominal muscles - 2 - 3 times); rubbing with fingertips over the entire surface (2 – 3 times); sawing the rectus abdominis muscles (2 – 3 times); tingling in the umbilical area; all stroking techniques (2 – 3 times).
  • Squat with spine bending (1 time).
  • Reflex exercises and foot massage: stroking (2 – 3 times); rubbing (5 – 6 times); effleurage; stroking (2 – 3 times); extension and flexion of the feet (5 – 6 times).
  • Dancing along.
  • Breast massage: stroking (2 – 3 times); vibration (3 – 4 times); stroking (2 – 3 times).
  • "Hovering" on your back.
  • Circular movements with your arms or “boxing” exercise (5 – 6 times).
  • Crawl.

Lesson notes. Option 1

Guys, this morning the postman brought us a parcel (shows the parcel).

Let's see what's in it. Look, the letter! Let's read:

"Hello guys! I learned that Queen Cold and Princess Bad Mood have decided to capture everyone

children. I am sending you magic balls and rings that will protect you from evil spells. Doctor Pilyulkin" (get the parcels - balloons).

Look how interesting the balls are: different colors (yellow, orange, green). Hear, there is something in the balls. Let's open the ball. What's there? What do you think is there? Yes, this is the ring that Dr. Pilyulkin wrote to us about. Let's think together how we can protect our body with these items? What can you do with them?

Children name different ways to interact with balls and rings.

You have suggested many very interesting ways. Let's try rolling the ball between our palms. How does this make you feel? It was no coincidence that you felt a slight tingling sensation on your palms. After all, through our palms we influence all the organs of our body. Blood flows better to all organs, and diseases will be avoided.

How can we use rings? That's right, we can put rings on all fingers one by one.

Let's remember what our fingers are called. Remember the fairy tale about fingers? (They recite the poem “The Tale of the Fingers”* in chorus, straightening the fingers they are talking about one by one.)

“The brothers lived and did not grieve, but one day they became depressed and began to think and wonder how to give names to everyone.

  • Although I am small in stature, I am a cheerful and mischievous person. You are all standing behind me. I will be called “Big”.
  • I love to point, At flowers and at the moon, I am very attentive, “Forex” finger.
  • I stand in the middle, From now on I will be called the “Middle” finger-reckoner. I'm such a good guy! - I'm the shortest of all my brothers. Oh, how difficult it is for little ones! But it’s easy to recognize me, Let them call me “Little Finger.”

Brother alone, no matter how he guessed, did not give himself that name. But they don’t offend him, they call him “Nameless!”

- Now let's put the rings on all the fingers in turn.

Children massage their fingers with a ring, and the teacher explains why we massage this or that finger.

  • We massage our thumb to prevent headaches.
  • Index finger - so that breathing is even.
  • We massage the middle finger so that the stomach works well.
  • Unnamed - so that all internal organs work well.
  • Little finger - to make the heart work better.

- You see how through our palms and fingers we influence all our organs! But we will be able to notice some results only if massaging with balls and rings is daily. So, let's promise each other to massage our hands with “magic balls and rings” every day, and then we won’t be afraid of any evil spells!

After children have mastered self-massage of the hands using balls and rings, they can be taught to massage the feet, mutual massage of the arms, legs, and back.

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