Role-playing game “Kindergarten” in the middle group of kindergarten

Card index of modern role-playing games


Goals: choose a role and act in accordance with it, develop cooperation skills. Reflect the phenomena of social reality in the game, reinforce the rules of behavior in public places, and develop speech etiquette skills.

Example game actions: visiting a bank, selecting the necessary services; operation of a cash desk, currency exchange office; registration of documents, acceptance of utility payments; work with plastic cards; consultations with the bank director.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: forms; cash register; savings books; computer.

"Design Studio".

Goals: to learn to independently assign roles and act according to the role, to develop the skill of speech etiquette, to learn to evaluate the quality of a task (one’s own work and play partners), to learn to express one’s opinion publicly; to consolidate children’s knowledge about the life around them, to continue introducing them to the employees of the design studio.

Approximate game actions: choosing an object, accepting an order; layout competition; selection of materials, measurement of work area; agreement with the customer; interior design, order delivery; additions with decorative details; resolution in the event of conflict or controversial situations; payment for the order.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: albums for interior decoration; samples of fabrics, wallpaper, paint, etc. layout of various rooms; decorative ornaments; flannelgraph with a set of pictures of furniture and decorative ornaments; centimeter; roulette.


Objectives: to arouse children’s interest in the professions of a doctor and nurse; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Roles: doctor, nurse, ambulance driver, patient.

Game actions: The patient calls 03 and calls an ambulance: gives his full name, tells his age, address, complaints. The ambulance arrives. A doctor and a nurse go to a patient. The doctor examines the patient, listens carefully to his complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, and looks at his throat. The nurse measures the temperature, follows the doctor’s instructions: gives medicine, gives injections, treats and bandages the wound, etc. If the patient feels very unwell, he is taken away and taken to the hospital.

Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office. Observation of the doctor’s work (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Listening to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” in a recording. Excursion to the children's hospital. Surveillance of an ambulance. Reading lit. works: Y. Zabila “Yasochka caught a cold”, E. Uspensky “Playing in the hospital”, V. Mayakovsky “Who should I be?” Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.). Didactic game “Yasochka caught a cold.” Conversation with children about the work of a doctor or nurse. Looking at illustrations about a doctor, honey. sister. Modeling “Gift for sick Yasochka.” Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, etc.)

Article on the topic “New generation role-playing games for preschoolers”

New generation role-playing games for preschoolers

Story-based play is the main and most developing type of activity for a child. A distinctive feature is the creation of an imaginary imaginary situation, when the child acts both in real and in the space he has invented. In such a game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed: arbitrariness of behavior, thinking in terms of images and ideas, imagination, self-awareness, communication, etc. Recently, there has been a decrease in the level of role-playing games among preschoolers. Children play less, their role-playing games are more primitive and monotonous. This is apparently due to the fact that children are increasingly moving away from adults, they do not see or understand the activities of adults, and are poorly acquainted with their work and personal relationships. Production has become more complicated; the work of adults, previously so understandable and accessible to children, turned out to be sealed for them. Many preschoolers do not know what their parents do or what their profession is. And if earlier the first thing children played up was the work of their parents, and the natural desire to be “like mom” or “like dad” was embodied in the performance of professions, now kids are forced to reduce everything to “family life.” And it so happened that the main game of children became the game of “mother-daughter”.

How has the world of play for a modern preschooler changed? The life of a modern child is filled with television and computer games. The child has very little time to play, both at home and in kindergarten. Meanwhile, children want to play, they consider play to be their most favorite activity. There are games that have remained in the gaming repertoire for many decades: “Hospital”, “Shop”, “Family”, “Guests”. Preschoolers of the 21st century have new playing roles: banker, agent, client, makeup artist, cameraman, etc. ) and new game stories “Cellular Salon”, “Travel”, “Rescue Service”, etc. At the same time, it has been noticed that modern preschoolers prefer to reproduce in their games plots borrowed from television series and take on the roles of television characters. Television has the greatest influence on the imagination of preschoolers. (Spider-Man, Angrybears, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TV presenter, etc.) . This suggests that our preschoolers, who spend too much time watching TV, are more familiar with the lives and relationships of foreign characters in the film than with the real adults around them. However, this does not change the essence of the game: with all the variety of plots, behind them lies fundamentally the same content - the activities of people, their actions and relationships. A modern preschool child strives to reflect in role-playing games the social reality in which he lives and in which he develops. This means that the themes of role-playing games should change with changes in society. Often the game comes down to manipulating a bright, fashionable toy or hoarding, because having as many Transformers and Pokemon as possible is considered prestigious in the children's subculture. When inventing games, children rely on television information and computer games. Often children do not know how to play, how to develop a game plot. This situation is largely due to the fact that in kindergarten the child is in the company of peers - children who play the same way as he does. Play experience is not passed on from older children to younger ones; a modern child has no place to learn how to play. Teaching the game seems to be a natural help of the teacher to the child. It includes direct interaction between the teacher and children in play, observation of children’s play, study of children’s capabilities and prospects for the development of play. The teacher needs to become an attractive play partner for the child, who brings new content and new skills to children's play. What should a modern teacher pay attention to? Firstly, the fact that play is a favorite activity of preschoolers. And no matter how important classes and preparation for school are, the nature of a child requires the fulfillment of the need for play. Secondly, the gaming subculture of preschoolers has changed, and their favorite roles and plots have changed. Consequently, the gaming subculture of children must be studied and its features taken into account in the pedagogical process.

Principles of organizing a role-playing game:

1 principle. The teacher must play with the children. The nature of an adult’s behavior during play is important: he must take the position of a “playing partner,” whose superiority lies only in the ability to play interestingly. The teacher's strategy should be to expose children to the need to use a more complex, new way of constructing the game. At the age of 1.5 - 3 years, a child can “discover” a conditional play action with a substitute object, if in a joint game he sees it with an adult partner and in the natural process of play he himself is faced with the need to carry out such an action. At the age of 3-5, children develop the ability to assume a role and move from one role to another in play. This can be most successfully accomplished if you build a joint game with children in the form of a chain of role-playing dialogues between the participants, shifting the children’s attention from conventional actions with objects to role-playing speech. After 5 years, children play an inventive game, which takes place in a purely verbal way, the main content of which is inventing new plots that include a variety of events.

2nd principle. The teacher should play with children throughout preschool childhood, but at each stage the game should be developed in such a way that the children immediately “discover” and assimilate a new, more complex way of constructing it. To successfully play with someone, a child needs to understand well the meaning of the partner’s actions and be understood by other children. Therefore, in a joint game, an adult needs to stipulate his actions and encourage the child to do so. Also important is peer orientation as early as possible.

3 principle. Starting from an early age and further at each stage of preschool childhood, when developing gaming skills, it is necessary to simultaneously orient the child both to the implementation of a gaming action and to explaining its meaning to partners - an adult or peers.

The developing subject-spatial environment of the group must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

Our life is changing, due to new conditions, there is a need to organize more modern games, which we want to offer you:

Travel agency


Introduce children to professions - director of a travel company, tourism manager, courier, cashier, tourist, etc. Learn to change game interaction depending on changes in the plot plan. Develop fantasy and imagination. Develop positive communication skills and an active life position.

Example game actions:

vouchers, tickets, help with advice; booking railway and air tickets, hotels, cruises, car rentals; meals, excursions, entertainment; distribution of promotional literature; preparation of travel documentation; advising clients on various issues: climate, customs, visa requirements, etc.

Subject-game environment. Equipment:

photos; souvenirs; city ​​maps; vouchers; tickets.



Choose a role and act in accordance with it, develop cooperation skills. Reflect the phenomena of social reality in the game, reinforce the rules of behavior in public places, and develop speech etiquette skills.

Example game actions:

visiting a bank, selecting the necessary services; operating a cash desk, a currency exchange office; paperwork, accepting utility payments; working with plastic cards; consultations with the bank director.

Subject-game environment. Equipment:

forms; cash register; savings books; computer; plastic cards; money from different countries; machine for working with plastic cards.



teach children to coordinate their own game plans with the plans of their peers, and change roles as the game progresses. Encourage children to more widely use knowledge about the life around them in games; develop dialogical speech.

Example game actions:

coming to the supermarket; purchasing necessary goods;

consultations with managers; announcements about sales; payment for purchases; packaging of goods;

resolving conflict situations with the director or administrator of the supermarket.

Subject-game environment. Equipment

: cash register; sets of products (vegetables, fruits, waste materials); overalls for sellers, cashiers, managers; souvenirs; checks, bags, wallets, money; sets of small toys; magazines, newspapers; clothes, shoes, hats, etc.; account books, price tags, indexes, names of departments; telephones, walkie-talkies, microphones; packaging, food carts.

They are showing new TV shows and again the idea arose to organize new story-based games with the children, such as “Television”.

A television


To consolidate the role actions of television workers, to show that their work is collective, and the result of the entire team depends on the quality of the work of one. To consolidate children’s ideas about the media and the role of television in people’s lives.

Example game actions:

program selection, program compilation by editors;

compiling texts for news and other programs; preparing presenters and spectators; studio design; work of lighting and sound engineers; showing the program.

Subject-game environment. Equipment:

computers; walkie-talkies; microphones; cameras; firecracker; programs (texts); symbols of various programs; costume elements; makeup; cosmetic sets; interior elements, decorations; scripts, photographs.

Model agency


teach children to assign roles and act in accordance with them, teach them to model role-playing dialogue, cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, determine the characters of the characters, and evaluate their actions. Display the phenomena of social life in the game.

Example game actions:

admission to a modeling agency; training: stage speech, stage movement, etc.; selection of models for display; work with fashion designers; working with photographers; drawing up a “portfolio”; fashion show.

Subject-game environment. Equipment:

camera; scenery; cosmetic sets.



To consolidate the role actions of editorial staff, to show that their work is collective, and the result of the entire team depends on the quality of the work of one. To consolidate children's knowledge about the media, about the role of newspapers and magazines in our lives. Develop children's speech.

Example game actions:

editorial board; making a newspaper or magazine layout; distributing tasks and their implementation; photographing, writing articles;

using drawings, coming up with headlines; compiling a newspaper (magazine).

Subject-game environment. Equipment:

cameras; magazine layouts; notepads;

photographs; film; typewriter; computer; drawings.

Beeline Corporation


teach children to independently assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed. Reflect the phenomena of social reality in the game, reinforce the rules of behavior in public places, corporate ethics, develop speech etiquette skills, learn to join in group work and independently find attractive moments in it, learn to evaluate the quality of a task, and develop cooperation skills.

Example game actions:

work of telecom operators; work of sales managers for telephones and other means of communication; repair shop; payment for services; help desk.

Subject-game environment. Equipment:

cell phones; computers; bill forms; checks; items and packages with Beeline symbols; badges for employees; advertising brochures, magazines.

Design studio


Learn to independently assign roles and act according to the role, develop the skill of speech etiquette, learn to engage in group work and independently find attractive moments in it, learn to evaluate the quality of a task (your own work and your play partners), learn to express your opinion publicly; consolidate children's knowledge about the life around them, continue to introduce them to the employees of the design studio.

Example game actions:

selecting an object, accepting an order; layout competition; selection of materials, measurement of the area of ​​work; coordination with the customer; interior design, delivery of the order; addition of decorative details; resolution in case of conflict or controversial situations; payment for the order.

Subject-game environment. Equipment:

albums for interior decoration; samples of fabrics, wallpaper, paint, etc.; layout of various rooms; decorative ornaments; flannelgraph with a set of pictures of furniture and decorative ornaments; centimeter; roulette; albums with lamp samples; albums on floristry.

In a collective game there are usually organizers, thanks to whom the children’s plans are realized. The children choose the organizers themselves. To impart knowledge to children about the work of adults, I conducted excursions to Ak Bars Bank, a travel agency, etc. The children observed: the work of adults. I drew their attention not only to the external side of the work of adults, I explained how adults approach their work, how their work is organized.

In conclusion, I would like to say that role-playing games will definitely come into the lives of our children. But how rich and varied it will be, and how many complex life conflicts children will overcome while playing, largely depends on us, teachers. Do not forget that role-playing games are a very powerful means of successful socialization and mastering the skills of solving the most unforeseen situations. It is not without reason that the best managers in the world resort in their work to an analogue of a children’s role-playing game, which they call “business” in an adult way.

A set of role-playing games for children of senior preschool age

Elena Kolpakova

A set of role-playing games for children of senior preschool age

Explanatory note

The purpose of creating this file of role-playing games is to assist parents and teachers of preschool educational organizations in solving the practical problem of developing a culture of verbal communication in children of senior preschool age through role-playing games.

The collection presents various options and necessary equipment for organizing and conducting role-playing games for children of senior preschool age.

Organizing a role-playing game for the comprehensive development of a child requires systematic, skillful influence on it. But role-playing game is an independent activity of children, and the teacher cannot foresee in advance all the techniques for guiding it, as is done when preparing for classes and games with rules.

Play activities in older preschool age become even more complicated. The content of children's games is not only routine moments, but also various holidays, excursions, and the work of adults. Interest in games with social themes is especially growing.

The content of the game allows the child to understand the motives and goals of the work of adults, to reproduce their relationships, which are perceived through the role and through the game rules. Therefore, in older preschool age, it is necessary to promote the expansion of the themes of children's games, the development of their content based on deepening knowledge.

Game "Supermarket"


encourage children to more widely use knowledge about the life around them in games.


Educational: learn to verbally indicate the theme of the game, your role and the roles of the children, and the game actions performed.


develop the ability to use substitute objects, conduct role-playing dialogue, and engage in role-playing interaction.


develop skills of a culture of behavior in public places, cultivate friendly relationships; arouse children's interest in the sales profession,

Example game actions:

the driver brings the goods by car, the loaders unload them, and the sellers put the goods on the shelves. The director keeps order in the store, makes sure that goods are delivered to the store on time, calls the base, and orders goods. Buyers arrive. Sellers offer goods, show them, weigh them. The buyer pays for the purchase at the cash register and receives a receipt. The cashier receives the money, punches the check, gives the buyer change and a check. The cleaning lady is cleaning the room.


cash register; product sets; overalls for sellers, cashiers, managers; souvenirs; checks, bags, wallets, money; sets of small toys; magazines, newspapers; clothes, shoes, hats, etc.; account books, price tags, indexes, names of departments; telephones, walkie-talkies, microphones; packaging, food carts.

Game situations:

“Gegetable shop”, “Clothing”, “Products”, “Fabrics”, “Souvenirs”, “Books”, “Sporting goods”, “Furniture store”, “Toy store”, “Pet store”, “Hats”, “Flower” shop”, “Bakery”, etc.

Game "Hospital"


encourage children to display knowledge about the life around them in the game, to show the social significance of medicine.


Educational: to develop the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of a given game action, to unite again into a single team.


develop the ability to enter into role-playing interactions with peers (build role-playing dialogue, the ability to negotiate with each other in the game).


cultivate respect for the work of medical workers, establish rules of behavior in public places.

Example game actions:

the patient goes to the reception desk, takes a coupon to see the doctor, and goes to the appointment. The doctor sees patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse writes a prescription, the doctor signs it. The patient goes to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, bandages wounds, applies ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office and changes the towel.


doctors' gowns and caps; patient cards; recipes; directions; Little Doctor sets; "medicines"; telephone; computer; stretcher.

Game situations:

“At an appointment with an ENT doctor”, “At an appointment with a surgeon”, “At an appointment with an ophthalmologist”, etc.

Game "School"


expand the scope of the child’s social activity and his ideas about the life of the school, giving him the opportunity to occupy various positions of adults and children (teacher - student - school director).



help children master expressive means of role implementation (intonation, facial expressions, gestures).


contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop game plots, independently create a game environment for a planned game, understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it.


cultivate friendship, the ability to live and work in a team, independently distribute roles and act according to the role assumed.

Example game actions:

The teacher conducts the lessons, the students answer questions, tell stories, and count. The director (head teacher) is present at the lesson, makes notes in his notebook (the teacher in the role of director can call the teacher to his office, give advice, the head teacher draws up a lesson schedule. The technician monitors the cleanliness of the room, rings the bell. Learn to build a game in advance collectively drawn up plot plan.Encourage the construction of interconnected buildings (school, street, park, while correctly distributing the responsibilities of each participant in the collective activity.


school supplies: diaries. briefcases, books, notebooks, pens, pencils, pointer, maps, blackboard, teacher's desk and chair, globe, teacher's magazine, blackboards.

Game "Mail"


Continue to familiarize yourself with the work of communication workers, develop a respectful attitude towards postal workers.



expand children's understanding of ways to send and receive correspondence.


develop the ability to jointly develop the game, negotiate and discuss the actions of all players.


to cultivate respect for the work of postal workers, the ability to listen carefully to the client, and treat each other in a polite manner.

Example game actions:

people write letters to each other, send telegrams, postcards, and congratulate each other on the holiday. People take letters and postcards to the post office and throw them into a large mailbox.

The postman delivers telegrams and letters. He has a large bag with letters and newspapers. Letters and newspapers are delivered to addresses, the address is written on the envelope: street name, house number, apartment and last name. The postman drops letters into the mailbox of every house or apartment.

Envelopes are bought at the post office, at a kiosk. At the post office you can send a parcel to another city. The postal worker weighs the package, stamps it, and sends it to the train station.


e: a postman's cap, a postman's bag, newspapers, letters, postcards, various forms, small parcels from boxes, a postage stamp, scales, a mailbox from a box, a pencil for notes.

Game "Drivers"


continue to familiarize children with the work of transport, the work of transport workers, and their social significance.


Educational: reflect the relationships between the players, expand children’s understanding of the work of transport workers.


develop children’s ability to assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed.


to cultivate interest and respect for the work of transport workers, to awaken the desire to work conscientiously, responsibly, to take care of the safety of equipment, to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules.

Example game actions:

cars carry dolls and building materials. The driver drives the car carefully so as not to run into people. The cars are filled with gasoline, driven to the construction site, unloaded with construction material, and filled with sand. The driver drives through a green traffic light and stops at a red light.

Taxi driver - takes people to work, to the theater, to the cinema.

A truck driver transports various cargo, pours gasoline into the car, washes it, and puts it in the garage.

The bus driver drives the car carefully, carefully, the conductor sells tickets. The bus takes people wherever they need to go: to visit, to work, home.

A policeman is standing at the intersection, regulating traffic.

Pedestrians walk along the sidewalk. The road turns green.

There is a special zebra crossing for pedestrians. We follow traffic rules.

Fire truck driver - brings firefighters to the fire, helps to extend the ladder, and deploy the fire hose.

Ambulance driver - helps load patients into the car, delivers stretchers, drives carefully.


plans, maps, road maps; various documents (licenses, technical passports of cars); car repair tool kits; road signs, traffic lights; insurance cards; car first aid kits; telephones, caps with stencils “taxi”, “milk”, “bread”, “cargo”, “construction”, “ambulance”, “fire”, steering wheels of different diameters - 5-10 pieces, silhouettes of different cars for dressing on neck, police batons, gas station made from boxes, substitute toys.

Game "Construction"


continue to form concrete ideas about construction and its stages.



consolidate knowledge about working professions


develop children’s ability to assign roles and act in accordance with the role they have assumed, use attributes in accordance with the plot, constructors, building materials, resolve disputes fairly, act in accordance with the game plan.


cultivate respect for the work of builders; develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

Example game actions:

selection of construction site. Selection of building material and method of delivery to the construction site. Construction. Building design. Delivery of the object.


construction plans, various building materials, uniforms, hard hats, tools, construction equipment, material samples, design magazines, substitute items.

Game "Staff Police"


continue to familiarize children with the work of the traffic police, the work of traffic safety inspectors, and reinforce the idea of ​​their importance for the life of the city



continue to introduce traffic rules, expand children’s understanding of the activities of traffic police officers.


develop a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to distribute roles and act in accordance with the role assumed, and develop the ability to come up with a game plot.


cultivate respect for traffic safety inspection workers, the ability to be polite and attentive.

Example game actions:

pedestrians walk along the sidewalk, take children to kindergarten, to school, go to cafes, refuel cars at gas stations, and traffic police officers regulate the movement of cars and pedestrians, check drivers’ documents at the checkpoint.


toy cars, road signs, traffic lights; for a traffic police officer - a police cap, a wand, a radar gun; driver's licenses, technical tickets.

Game "Children's Cafe"


continue to introduce children to the work of cafes and catering staff.



teach children to independently assign roles and act in accordance with the role, encourage children to more widely use knowledge about the life around them in games.


develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop the game, coordinating one’s own game plan with the plans of peers.


to cultivate the ability to strive for coordinated actions and desires of other children, to consolidate behavior skills in public places and at the table.

Example game actions:

customers come to a cafe, choose a table, the waiter greets them and brings them a menu. Customers study the menu and make a choice. The waiter takes the order. The order is reported to the kitchen and the order is prepared. The order is ready, the waiter brings the order to the customers, work with the manager if necessary (complaint, gratitude, eating. The waiter brings the bill, the client pays, the cashier punches the cash register and gives change. Cleaning the table, washing the dishes.


tables for visitors, tablecloths for tables, napkins, serving dishes, vases with flowers, menu folders, notepad and pencil for waiters, aprons for waiters, clothes for cooks, cap and walkie-talkie for a security guard, workplace for a cafe administrator, attributes for cleaning staff - bucket and brush, cash register for the cashier, deliveries, toy treats, wallets, money for staff and visitors.

Game "Space Explorers"


expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about space research and the specific working conditions of researchers.



expand children’s knowledge about the profession of astronaut, his work processes, assistant objects, related professions, and consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “space.”


develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop the game, coordinating one’s own game plan with the plans of peers.


to cultivate a sense of patriotism, pride in the country that was the first to pave the way to space.

Example game actions:

training astronauts, flights into space to study stars and other planets.

Doctors “check the health” of astronauts before the flight.

They built a space rocket, the astronauts flew to the Moon to study the lunar soil. There are depressions and mountains on the Moon. Landing on the Moon, we walk in zero gravity, photograph lunar landscapes, stars, the sun. We move on the Moon on a lunar rover.

We flew to other planets: Mars, Saturn. We study soil samples from other planets.

In space we use space food and spacesuits for protection. Communicating with aliens. We exchange souvenirs. We go into outer space.

We keep in touch with the ground, use video communications, computers, cameras.

We meet the astronauts on the ground after their flights. Doctors check your health after the flight and measure your blood pressure. Other cosmonauts are being trained on simulators.


Russian flag, apparatus for transmitting information from

space, camera, models of planets, suits for astronauts,

oxygen cylinders, control panel, headphones, construction

material, large modular construction set, microphones,

Game "Rescue Service"


continue to introduce children to the difficult and honorable profession of a rescuer, expand children’s understanding of the humane nature of the work of the rescue service, its necessity, and mobility in emergency situations.



to form an idea of ​​dangerous situations for a person and ways of behavior in them, to consolidate the knowledge that, if necessary, call by phone “01”, “02”, “03”, to remind children what actions should not be performed so as not to create a dangerous situation .


develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop a game, coordinating one’s own game plan with the plans of peers.


cultivate goodwill, willingness to help out a peer, the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of fellow players, and resolve disputes fairly.

Example game actions:

organize a rescue expedition to assist the victims; enrich the experience of children: at the place of “rescue work” they have to build new houses for residents, rescue animals from under the rubble, extinguish fires in buildings, provide medical assistance, and feed.

An SOS signal has been received; message on TV; letter from a bottle caught in the sea. The children are faced with a problematic situation: there is no one else to save people and animals from a distant island after a fire, earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, etc.

1. Determining the location of the island on the map.

2. Determining the path to the island and the type of transport that can be used to get to the desired place.

3. Distribution of roles: rescuers, firefighters, doctors, builders, captain, sailors, etc.

4. Construction of a “ship” (“plane”, etc.)

5. Collecting necessary things.

6. The way to the island.

7. Rescue measures:

• sailors are repairing the “ship”;

• firefighters extinguish fires in buildings; rescuers clear the rubble;

• builders are building new houses;

• doctors provide medical care.

8. Returning home.

Equipment: large building materials, costumes (captain's cap, collars for sailors, equipment for firefighters, white caps for doctors, medical bags); hospital equipment; products; blankets; substitute items.

Game "Editorial"


expand children's knowledge about the media, the role of newspapers and magazines in our lives.



consolidate the role actions of editorial staff, show that their work is collective, and the result of the entire team depends on the quality of the work of one


develop the ability for search and research activities; cognitive processes, including: the ability to observe and compare, distinguish the main from the secondary, find patterns and use them to complete tasks; reveal cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena of the surrounding reality.


develop the ability to work in a subgroup and independently, coordinating your actions with the actions of your partners.

Example game actions:

the beginning of the working day, journalists are sitting at their desks. The editor-in-chief calls everyone to a planning meeting. Journalists show prepared material. Photographers hand over their footage. A newspaper/magazine layout is made. Tasks and deadlines for their completion are distributed (write an article, edit an article, take photographs, come up with a headline).


laptops, microphones, printer, cameras, notepads, pens, pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets for making reports; illustrations, pictures, photographs; attributes for the buffet.

Game "Museum"


expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the types of museums, museum exhibits and museum workers.



teach to independently assign roles and act in accordance with the role, encourage children to display in the game events of social life, norms of social life, behavior in cultural places.


continue to develop a sustainable interest in mastering art (in works of art of different types and genres)


cultivate respect for the work of museum workers, establish rules of conduct in public places.

Example game actions:

the director hires museum workers. Organizes work and controls. The guide meets tourists, talks about the exhibitions, answers questions, and demonstrates the exhibits. The restorer inspects the exhibition, selects exhibits for restoration, and works on the exhibits. The archivist takes into account the entire museum collection, introduces new works, writes off those that have disappeared from the exhibition, and creates a list of works in exhibitions. An expert appraiser evaluates the work, examines its authenticity, and finds out what the exhibit is made of. Artists and sculptors create their works and submit them to the museum for exhibition. Tourists come to the exhibition at the museum, listen to the guide, ask questions about the exhibition, photograph the exhibits, and share their impressions of what they saw. Museum curators accept exhibits that are not participating in the exhibition for storage, store them, create catalogs of works, and issue works to create a new exhibition. The ticket attendant sells tickets and reserves seats for organized excursions. The cloakroom attendant takes the clothes and gives you a number and shoe covers.


collections of decorative and applied arts, photographs, reproductions, children's drawings - exhibits, magnifying glass, paints, brushes, easel, knife, scissors, canvas, test tubes, artist's attributes (beret, scarf, clay, stacks, cup of water, signs and signatures to designate sections of the exhibition, museum diagrams, a pointer for a guide, a children's camera, art albums, guides to museums of various types, passports for exhibits, tools for restorers, workwear.

Game "Dry Cleaning"


expand and strengthen children’s understanding of the service sector, as well as dry cleaning employees and their professional responsibilities.



introduce children to such actions as: soaking, washing, soaping, rinsing, wringing, hanging, drying, removing, ironing, folding.


develop gross and fine motor skills by working with clothespins and coordination of movements of both hands.


cultivate a caring attitude towards things and other people’s work.

Example game actions:

The administrator accepts the order and places the order. The client pays for the order. The laundress cleans clothes. For difficult-to-remove stains, the laboratory is used to search for new remedies. Order fulfillment and order delivery.


admission forms, clothing covers, clothes, laboratory kit, washing machine, iron.

Game "Model Agency"


expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of a modeling agency and the specialists working in it.



expand knowledge about the work of modeling agency specialists: seamstresses, fashion designer, cutter, designer, makeup artist, photographer, model and reinforce the idea that their work is collective.


develop the ability to model role-playing dialogue, dialogical speech, and display the phenomena of social life in the game.


cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, determine the characters of the heroes, evaluate their actions.

Example game actions:

girls and boys are casting for a new modeling agency and are accepted. New models undergo training: stage speech, stage movement, etc. A new client comes: a fashion designer and selects models who will participate in the show of his new collection. Working with fashion designers, cutters, designers and makeup artists. Portfolio creation, photography, fashion show.


sewing machine, centimeter, ready-made clothing models, fabrics and materials; colored paper, cardboard for making advertisements, scissors, pencils; makeup artist kits; camera, agency-style decorations, musical accompaniment; collection of accessories.

Game "Television"


consolidate children’s ideas about the media and the role of television in people’s lives.



expand children's knowledge about the role actions of television workers, show that their work is collective, and the result of the entire team depends on the quality of the work of one.


to develop the ability to develop the plot of the game based on knowledge gained from the perception of the environment, to agree on the theme of the game: to distribute roles, to agree on the sequence of joint actions.


cultivate respect for the work of media workers.

Example game actions:

program selection, program compilation by editors; writing texts for news and other programs; preparation of presenters and spectators; studio design; work of lighting and sound engineers; showing the program.


video camera, headphones, camera, TV, microphone, tables, chairs, tablet with text for the presenter, badges with roles for game participants, computers, walkie-talkies, firecracker, programs (texts); symbolism of various programs; costume elements; makeup, cosmetic sets; interior elements, decorations; scripts, photographs.

Summary of the role-playing game "Kindergarten" in the senior group

Irina Yarotskaya

Summary of the role-playing game "Kindergarten" in the senior group

Goals and objectives:

- teach children to take on the role of a kindergarten ;

- develop imagination in the use of substitute objects in accordance with their purpose;

— improve the ability to locate in space;

— cultivate a desire to be caring kindergarten .

Preliminary work:

Consideration of illustrations of all professions related to kindergarten , discussion of their necessity.

Equipment :

Wooden construction set , dolls, attributes for s/r games (pastel accessories for dolls, “food”

children's dishes .

Musical round dance game “Forward 4 steps”

— Dear kindergarten , is everyone ready to start working?

— Remind us what our kindergarten is called (Golden Cockerel)


- Oh, the phone is ringing. Hello, who's talking? Maria Stepanovna? What they wanted? Do you want to bring your daughter Tanya to kindergarten? Which group ? To the Cornflower group ? (children)

: Who are the employees
of the Vasilek group ? Are you ready to accept Tanya, is there a place in your group ? (to mom)
: Bring us, we are waiting for you.

-We must hurry to open the kindergarten , the children are already getting ready. Who is the first to come to kindergarten (cooks)

-Who are our cooks? Where will the kitchen be in our kindergarten ? (on the carpet)

.Go get ready.

-Who will the cooks feed? (children)

Who will feed the children (raise hands)
. Go to work.

- Who will make sure that the children sleep comfortably? Where will you put them? (Near the theater)

-Who will make sure that the children take a walk and relax in the air? Where will you build the site? (in the park outdoors)


-Who else will work in our kindergarten ? Go to work as a storekeeper, a doctor, a laundress.

S/r game.

5 minutes before the end of the game, approach the younger group . (whisper)

-Dear employees Romashka group

,come to me. Did the children fall asleep? They sleep soundly. Well done. The beds turned out smooth and durable. Did everyone have enough clean linen? Did the kids go to bed with dirty hands? Dear employees, judging by how well the children fell asleep and slept soundly, you took good care of them. But evening is coming, soon the parents will come for the children, start raising the children, they should wash their eyes after sleep.

kindergarten employees , the working day is ending, parents have come to pick up their children. Give the children to them and come to my meeting.

kindergarten we have . Did everyone come to work on time, no one was late? Were your parents happy? (Look at each workshop.)

— Chefs, what delicious things have you prepared for the children today (they told us the menu)

— Dear employees Vasilek group

did the kids eat everything?
Do your stomachs hurt? Why? (washed your hands)
Did you all have time to read and feed today, did you remember to wash your children’s hands?

— Raise your hands, employees of the group “Bells”

What were you building, Semyon? Who did you ride on the carousel? Weren't you bored?

— Raise your hands, junior group . What kind of beds did you make, what kind of linen did you put on the beds, was it pleasant for the children to sleep? That’s why the children said that they got enough sleep today.

— Doctor, tell me, all the children were healthy today. Has anyone got a fever?

Now let's clean everything up and play a round dance game.

Round dance game: “The deer has a big house”

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