Involving parents in the life of the group as a means of creating additional opportunities for all participants in the educational process.

Raising a child by mother

Mom is the first and most important person in a child’s life. The mother’s participation in raising a child is enormous, because from the moment of conception and many months after birth they are one. The mother is the child’s whole world, because she is the one who provides comfortable conditions for his growth and development, feeds him and cares for him. But she should not only praise, teach and love. Raising a child by a mother also presupposes the ability to punish, explaining what is good and what is bad.

Punishment for disobedience or misconduct is as much a part of education as encouragement. Only a mixed approach to education, the ability to correctly combine kindness, love and severity can be successful. From an early age, the baby must understand what a big role his mother has in his life, so it is necessary to instill in his mind a number of values, including respect for her. At the same time, the importance of raising a child by a mother does not decrease with age. No one except a loving mother can tell you whether a little person is doing right or wrong. She understands, feels and sees better than anyone else what her child needs, guiding him on the right path in life and helping him make the right choice.

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How can parents get involved in the life of the kindergarten?

If the kindergarten is an “old school” preschool institution (that is, the management and teachers do not seek to involve parents in the work of the kindergarten), and you want to actively participate in the child’s life, then you can:

  • help with the improvement of the group, cleaning the playground, decorating the kindergarten for the holiday or building a snow castle;
  • make a proposal to hold a “parents’ day”, when parents can play with their children in a group or tell them about their profession;
  • describe the games played in the family and invite the teacher to use them in working with children;
  • regularly take an interest in your child’s successes, do not miss children’s matinees and parent-teacher meetings
  • find out about teachers, whether they need help and, if possible, provide it.

In addition, parents can give children a tour of their work (of course, if the kindergarten management approves this idea), accompany children on walks that take place outside the preschool, organize a hobby group or section (again, if the kindergarten management allows and the parent has the appropriate skills and qualifications). Many educational organizations do not refuse assistance in forming a fund, so you can bring toys, books or craft materials that you and your child no longer need, but may be of interest to other children.

Raising a child by dad

A child in a family needs both female and male attention. The father's functional responsibilities in the family include financial support, responsibility, fidelity and reliability. A man must be able to do a lot technically, understand his wife and child, be able to prevent conflict situations, imagine how to prepare the child for the future life, quietly guiding him along the path of life.

The participation of the father in raising the child is of utmost importance for his development from the very moment of birth. Dad, like mom, becomes a source of emotional confidence for the baby. Raising a child by a father is aimed at developing courage, determination, honor and dignity. For a baby, dad is not just a loved one, he is an example of a man, a symbol of masculinity and masculinity.

Dad's participation in raising a child helps to form a masculine attitude towards the world through personal example and actions, which is especially important for boys. The son needs his father's company, his support and love. This is how the boy begins to feel and behave like a man. Therefore, it is useful for the son and father to remain alone at home, without the protection and interference of the mother, to go for walks together and have their own common secrets.

Raising a child by a father is also important for a girl, since his approval gives her self-confidence. The father becomes an example of parental behavior for children in the future; his love ensures the formation of a person’s life position and position in society.

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