Consultation for educators “Organization of visual arts centers”

Consultation for educators “Organization of visual arts centers”

Urban district city of Vyksa


combined kindergarten No. 7 “Goldfish”

607060, Vyksa, st. Kornilova building 97, 8(83177) 3 – 55 – 11, email: [email protected]

Consultation for teachers of the “Organization of Fine Arts Centers”

Completed by: art teacher Semenova Lyubov Ivanovna


Organizations of fine arts centers

The corner of fine arts can be considered as a kind of artistic and creative complex. The creation of a subject-based environment for a preschool educational institution involves the organization of an artistic and creative complex of a corner of visual activities, which includes the interaction of the arts and various types of artistic activities that activate the independent activity of preschoolers.


formation of children's creative potential, development of interest in artistic activities, formation of aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, activity.

The organization of a subject-development environment for the development of visual activities in accordance with the federal educational standard for preschool education meets the following requirements.


The developmental environment for organizing visual arts has a variety of materials, equipment and supplies. It ensures the creative activity of all pupils, their emotional well-being, aesthetic development and the opportunity for self-expression.

Transformability of space:

It assumes the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation. At the request of the children, the group can be transformed into an “exhibition hall”, “gallery”, “workshop”, etc.

Multifunctionality of materials:

Possibility of varied use of various components of the subject environment. For example, a screen has been converted into an exhibition stand for displaying creative works. The presence of multifunctional items in the group (natural, waste material)

Environment Variability:

Availability of various spaces for the implementation of visual activities. Periodic rotation, renewal of the subject-developmental environment, its aesthetic and intellectual saturation, taking into account the specifics of the child’s perception, allows us to solve the problems of developing children’s creative activity.

Environment Availability:

The environment should be organized so that the materials and equipment necessary for children to carry out any activity are either in the child’s field of view or accessible so that he can take them without seeking help from an adult, including children with disabilities. Consumables must be aesthetic, intact, and clean. Exhibition areas must be accessible to children.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Organization of visual activities with preschool children within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Yakovleva A.V., teacher, kindergarten No. 77, Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Direct educational activities are implemented through the organization of various types of children's activities or their integration using various forms and methods of work, the choice of which is carried out by teachers independently depending on the number of children, the level of mastery of the general education program of preschool education and the solution of specific educational problems. I agree with L.S.'s theory. Vygotsky and his followers that the processes of upbringing and teaching do not directly develop the child in themselves, but only when they have activity forms and have appropriate content. Unlike other standards, the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is not the basis for assessing compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of students. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of students.

For the first time, preschool education is recognized as an independent level of general education. If FGT imposed requirements on the structure and conditions for the implementation of the main educational program, then the Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education also impose requirements on the results of mastering the main educational program, and this is a fundamental innovation.

I believe that artistic and aesthetic development is the most important aspect of raising a child. It contributes to the enrichment of sensory experience, the emotional sphere of the individual, affects the knowledge of the moral side of reality, and increases cognitive activity. Aesthetic development is the result of aesthetic education. A component of this process is art education - the process of mastering art knowledge, abilities, skills, and developing abilities for artistic creativity. An important component of artistic and aesthetic development is the formation in children of artistic taste (visual, auditory), the ability to communicate with art, actively express themselves in creativity, and create their own subject-developing artistic environment. The system of work on artistic and aesthetic development consists of interconnected components:

  • updating the content of education (choice of programs and technologies);
  • creating conditions for artistic and aesthetic development (staffing, educational and methodological support, creation of a subject-development environment);
  • organization of the educational process (working with children and parents);
  • coordination of work with other institutions and organizations.

“Artistic and aesthetic development presupposes the development of prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; formation of elementary ideas about types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for characters in works of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.)" .

Thus, I would like to say that in order to organize visual activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, it is necessary to fulfill special conditions, use a variety of methods and techniques and forms of work. The creative process is a real miracle - children reveal their unique abilities and experience the joy that creation brings them. Creative abilities develop when all conditions are created for this and are used to their full extent. Each child's work is individual and unique. “In creativity there is no right path, there is no wrong path, there is only your own path .

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Federal State Educational Standards requirements for creation and design in preschool educational institutions

According to the requirements of the educational standard, an activity corner must be provided in a well-lit place. Furniture and materials must be of high quality. The content of the corner should correspond to the age of preschool children, and creative materials must be changed from time to time or supplemented with new ones.

The most optimal furniture for a corner is a cabinet with open shelves on which you can place inspiring items (albums, reproductions of paintings), and isolate the materials necessary for creativity (paper, glue, scissors) from children and store them in a closed bedside table or drawers. Or it could be a table combined with a shelving unit.

For your information! For organized storage of all necessary materials (cardboard, paints, plasticine), you can use boxes of different colors or plain ones with bright symbols of the contents.

Requirements for the activity corner in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for pre-school education consultation


Thematic zones in the group are a prerequisite for the harmonious all-round development of preschoolers. The richness of their content, together with suitable design, will allow children to gain a great experience during their stay in kindergarten. One of the favorite activities of both younger and older preschoolers is drawing, which contributes to the creative development of preschoolers. And the child will be able to find a suitable activity in the art corner, which the teacher will equip specifically for this purpose.

The purpose of the fine arts corner is to develop children’s creative potential, develop interest in artistic activities, develop aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, and activity.

Requirements for the creation and design of an art corner

According to the modern educational standard (FSES), the design of the fine art zone in a group must meet the following requirements.

  1. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The corner is located in a well-lit place (near the window). Furniture must be appropriate for the height of children
  2. The equipment meets the needs of this age. After all, each age category is unique. For example, younger preschoolers are in the process of adaptation, so the teacher does not need to change the design often. Children's attention should not be distracted by unnecessary details. In addition, the art corner should contribute to the development of children's sensory skills. At an older age, conditions for self-expression are more important. Materials for creativity and aesthetic development (for example, picture albums) should be freely available to preschoolers so that they feel like “masters” in the group.
  3. High aesthetics. A good corner attracts children's attention with its beautiful design. The guys should feel comfortable there and experience aesthetic pleasure. “Children’s” design is important - the inclusion of game characters (pictures and dolls) and creative works of students in the design.
  4. Multifunctionality. The gaming environment can be modified depending on the learning situation and combined with other zones. After all, groups are not very large rooms, so every meter must be used rationally. Equipment and materials must be easily transformed to create a new game. For example, with the help of the Fine Arts corner, you can organize a role-playing game “In the artist’s workshop” (combined with the theatrical corner).
  5. Variability. The equipment of the zone changes periodically: new material for creativity is added, children's demonstration works and design elements are updated. In addition, conditions should be created in the corner for individual (for example, drawing, coloring pictures) and collective activities (looking at albums, didactic games).
  6. Safety and high quality of materials used in creating the zone. This applies to both furniture and means for directly equipping the corner (for example, dangerous items should be stored in boxes with a lid).
  7. Compliance with the gender principle. As you know, boys and girls have their own preferences. The teacher should take this point into account when selecting material in the art corner (in particular, offer coloring pages with cars, airplanes, robots and princesses, flowers, butterflies, etc.)

Contents of the ISO corner in the group

The most important component of the art zone in a group is its capacity.

First of all, these are directly materials for creativity, both traditional and non-traditional

  1. Paper of various textures and formats (A3, A4, A5).
  2. Paper tinted in warm and cool tones, two-color (blue top of the sheet is the sky and green is the grass).
  3. Colored pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, gel pens, markers, charcoal, sanguine.
  4. Gouache and watercolor paints, brushes of different thicknesses, palettes, sippy cups, brush stands.
  5. Small magnetic drawing boards.
  6. Natural material for decorating designs (cones, acorns, seeds, sawdust, etc.).
  7. Devices and tools for drawing in non-traditional techniques (foam rubber, cotton swabs, toothbrushes, stamps, cocktail straws, etc.).
  8. Coloring books of various subjects, stencils depicting animals, plants, fruits, vegetables, cars, etc.
  9. Aprons and sleeves for preschoolers.

When filling the corner with materials, the age of the students must be taken into account.

So, at a younger age, colored pencils and felt-tip pens of primary colors are enough: black, red, yellow, blue and green. Further, the color range expands as children grow older. New materials are added as they are mastered (for example, watercolors, sanguine and charcoal in the older group). The same applies to materials for non-traditional art techniques (for example, after students in the junior group have mastered drawing with cotton swabs in class, the teacher places them in the art area).

Visual materials are also of great importance in the art corner. That is, in the corner there should be

  1. Reproductions of paintings by famous artists, demonstrating various genres (landscape, portrait, still life), portraits of painters.
  2. Albums on decorative and applied arts (“Gzhel”, “Khokhloma”, “Haze”, etc.). If a given topic was discussed in class, additional material on it is provided.
  3. Samples of toys and handicrafts. For children of primary preschool age - 2 - 3 types of folk toys (Bogorodsk toy, Semenov and other nesting dolls, Gorodets carved toy (horses), etc.). For children of middle and senior preschool age, 3 - 4 types of works of folk art are selected ( Dymkovo clay toy, works of Khokhloma and Gorodets masters, etc.).
  4. Folder with the best children's works.
  5. Album with works in non-traditional visual techniques.
  6. Collections of beautiful cards on various topics: New Year, Eighth of March, Victory Day, Cosmonautics Day. Children can use them as samples to create drawings and posters.
  7. Step-by-step diagrams for drawing popular objects (a person in different poses, a cat, a dog, a horse and other animals, birds, flowers).
  8. Posters on the topic of visual arts.

An integral part of the fine arts corner are didactic games of this type.

For younger preschoolers, these are simple guides to reinforce primary colors. The child’s task is to determine which colors are used in each specific drawing. Games like “Decorate Matryoshka’s sundress” are also suitable for kids: you need to match the sundress and flowers by color

In the middle group, games of the previous age become more complex and it is already possible to introduce games for the development of compositional skills and games in decorative and applied arts. At first they are simple, for example, “Place the candies in the vases.” Children must outwardly learn to distinguish products from different crafts from each other (match candies and vases)

In older preschool age, these games become more complex. For example, in arts and crafts games, the goal is to deepen knowledge. Children are invited to use cards to recreate the sequence of performing elements of folk painting. The manual may be aimed at a more detailed study of a specific painting, for example, Khokhloma. In addition, games are added to consolidate knowledge about painting genres; about perspective, horizon line, distance and approach of objects, foreground and background of the picture.

Another important component (although not obligatory) of the art corner in the group is a stand for children’s work. The child can hang his drawing there so that the teacher and other children can admire it.

An art corner organized in this way in a group will help preschoolers fully develop their artistic abilities, consolidate the material covered in class, and realize their own fantasies. The main thing is that materials and visual aids are always freely available. The bright and original design of this area is also important: after all, artistic taste needs to be developed from a very early age.

"Centers for the development of children's creativity in the preschool group"

Consultation for teachers at preschool educational institutions “Centers for the development of children's creativity in the group of preschool educational institutions”

Author: Marina Vladimirovna Makarova, teacher, MADOU “Kindergarten No. 19 “Rucheyok”, city district. Gai, Orenburg region.

Creativity in the broad sense of the word is an activity aimed at obtaining something new and unique. The individuality of a preschooler is manifested in artistic creativity. In drawings, crafts, modeling, appliqué, and construction, children express their character, mood, and perception of the world around them. Organizing an appropriate developmental subject-spatial environment in a group helps to fully unleash the creative potential of each child. The implementation of the main educational program of preschool education provides, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the creation of conditions that open up opportunities: for the positive socialization of the child; his personal development; developing initiative and creativity through collaboration with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities; creating a developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children. The individuality of the individual is fully manifested in artistic creativity, through which each child expresses himself and realizes his abilities.

Artistic creativity in a preschool educational organization is part of educational work with children and bears the burden of solving problems primarily in the educational field of “artistic and aesthetic development.” An important role is played by a developing subject-spatial educational environment: centers for the development of children's creativity, creative workshops, corners of visual arts. The high-quality implementation of the tasks of the educational field “artistic and aesthetic development” is, in particular, facilitated by the creation of centers for the development of children's creativity in preschool groups. Their goal is to create an environment in the group for the creative activity of children, to promote the emergence and development of independent artistic activity in preschool children.

To create a developing subject-spatial environment of an arts center in a group, one should be guided by the following principles: Multifunctionality of the environment - the developing subject-spatial environment of the center should open up many opportunities, provide all components of the educational process, and in this sense should be multifunctional. Thus, the materials and equipment of the center can be used in the joint activities of adults and children, in the independent activities of children, not only within the framework of educational activities, but also during routine activities.

The transformability of the environment is the possibility of changes that allow, depending on the situation, to bring to the fore one or another function of space. For example, during a GCD, with the help of space markers, the appropriate equipment and materials of an art center can serve as a museum where children can tour the halls of painting, sculpture, or decorative arts. And after just a few minutes, with the help of space markers, this same center turns into a platform for role-playing games of artistic and creative content in children’s independent play activities. In the afternoon, children can study here using cards for individual work or engage in creative activities based on their interests.

In order for these centers to contribute to the creative activity of students and the development of their independent creative activity, it is important to comply with certain conditions for their design.

Thus, the center for the development of children's creativity is aesthetically designed, located in a place accessible to children with the opportunity for movement.

Taking into account the age characteristics of pupils of a particular group, a variety of visual materials are selected, as well as:

  • materials for modeling, applique;
  • development of color perception (palettes, cups for obtaining colored water, colored films, pieces of glass, educational games, etc.);
  • compositional skills (educational and didactic material, didactic games); formation of graphic skills (rulers, stencils, spirograph rulers for different types of shading, didactic games, etc.);
  • skills in using various techniques of fine art, including non-traditional ones (samples, algorithms for performing actions (image sequence diagrams)).

The content of children's independent visual activities is enriched by: wax, watercolor, pastel crayons, gel pens, markers, ink, charcoal, simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens, erasers, sharpeners, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes and hardness, water cans, coasters. brushes

In older groups, corners of artistic manual labor are created, where samples of fabrics, seams, hoops, colored threads, etc. are placed.

To familiarize preschoolers with folk arts and crafts, educational and didactic material and didactic games are used. Objects of folk arts and crafts are not mixed together. If, in the course of continuous educational activities, children become acquainted with the Dymkovo craft, then corresponding objects and illustrations are placed at the center of the development of children's creativity. In preparatory groups, it is allowed to place items from two crafts - something already familiar to children and something new. If a group has a large collection of decorative and applied arts, then a folk art museum is created.

Albums, illustrations, sets of postcards, reproductions, and didactic games are used to familiarize children with types of fine art (painting, decorative and applied arts, etc.), genres of painting (landscape, portrait, still life, everyday genre, battle painting). Albums are displayed on book stands in an unfolded form - this way they will attract the attention of preschoolers. It is not recommended to display all albums; it is better to select them depending on the topic being studied, holiday, etc.

The center of the development of children's creativity should be game attributes and a game character (especially in junior and middle groups), for example: a brush girl, pencil brothers, an artist's hat, a seven-flowered flower, etc.

Tables of various designs, easels, and hanging boards allow you to diversify the forms of organizing children’s independent visual activities in the center for the development of children’s creativity. Remember that the light on the work surface should fall from the left

One of the main indicators of a well-organized space is the presence of an exhibition of children's creativity. But this is not just drawings displayed for parents in the hallway, but a lighted place in a group where children independently place their works. Children's works are framed; drawings are not hung on an unframed wall.

A necessary element of a modern center for the development of children's creativity is technical teaching aids: audio and video equipment, electronic lessons on CDs.

It is important that the subject environment of the center has the character of an open, non-closed system, capable of adjustment and development. In other words, the environment should not only be developing, but also developing. Under any circumstances, the objective world surrounding the child must be replenished and updated, adapting to new formations of a certain age.

Taking into account the integration of educational areas - involves the use of material and equipment of this center in the implementation of other areas. For example, an art center necessarily contains color science games. It would seem that these games contain a highly specific focus, however, this is not the case. Color science games fit harmoniously into all educational areas and can be used in direct educational activities in various areas. They perform a whole range of developmental tasks that are so important for the formation of a preschooler’s personality. Color science games are aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands, and at the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, and act as a means of cognitive activity for students.

Or, for example, a reproduction from the collection “Genres of Painting” can be used as visual material for the development of coherent speech. Taking into account gender specifics - involves providing the center environment with both general material and specific material for boys and girls. These can be collections of coloring books, stencils, templates, technological maps for the sequence of performing images and modeling, cards for individual work for boys and girls.

Taking into account the specifics of national and cultural conditions. When implementing the variable part of the program, the subject-development environment must quantitatively and qualitatively reflect the presence of priority areas, the specifics of national, cultural, demographic, socio-economic, climatic and other conditions for the implementation of the educational process. Translating this excerpt to the arts center, we can, first of all, pay attention to the design of this group zone using national cultural motifs (external design, selection of objects or illustrations of folk crafts, games and simulators based on patterns or crafts of the peoples of the region (Orenburg downy shawl ) informational, illustrated selection about the work of artists, sculptors, architects of their native land).

The materials and equipment of the center must create an optimally rich (without excessive abundance or lack) holistic environment.

Each group of preschool educational institutions creates its own center for the development of children's creativity, taking into account the age characteristics of the pupils and the implemented educational program of preschool education. The content of centers for the development of children's creativity must be periodically updated in accordance with modern requirements, as well as on the basis of studying advanced pedagogical experience in the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

Sources: 1.


Contents of the ISO corner in the group

The most important component of the art zone in a group is its capacity. First of all, these are direct materials for creativity.

When filling the corner with mandatory materials, the age of the students is taken into account. So, at a younger age, colored pencils and felt-tip pens in primary colors are sufficient: black, red, yellow, blue and green (the same applies to colored paper for appliqué). Further, the color range expands as children grow older.

Scissors are offered to children only in the middle group and under the supervision of a teacher.

New materials are added as they are mastered (for example, watercolors, sanguine and charcoal in the middle group). The same applies to materials for non-traditional art techniques (for example, after students in the junior group have mastered drawing with cotton swabs in class, the teacher places them in the art area).


Goal: To create an environment in the group for the creative activity of children, to promote the emergence and development of independent artistic activity in preschool children.


1.Location of the visual arts area: accessibility, aesthetics, mobility.

2. Using children's design and creativity in design. 3. Compliance with age requirements.

4. Variety of didactic material and its correspondence to age characteristics, incl. availability of innovative material.

5.Location of material at children's level.



Goal: To create an environment in the group for the creative activity of children, to promote the emergence and development of independent artistic activity in preschool children.


1.Location of the visual arts area: accessibility, aesthetics, mobility.

2. Using children's design and creativity in design. 3. Compliance with age requirements.

4. Variety of didactic material and its correspondence to age characteristics, incl. availability of innovative material.

5.Location of material at children's level.

-Paper of different sizes, shapes, textures and colors.

-colored pencils from 12 to 24 pcs.

— watercolor 12-16 colors

- jars for washing brush bristles from paint, napkins made of fabric that absorbs water well, for drying the brush

- colored wax crayons, felt-tip pens

- plasticine, stacks, boards and napkins for modeling, oilcloth for covering tables

— mounted rollers with paper rolls

- school crayons for drawing on the blackboard and asphalt or linoleum.

— Stencils of dishes, vegetables, fruits, etc. Silhouettes of animals, birds and humans.

— Objects of decorative and applied art with elements of painting (haze, Gorodets, etc. according to the program)

— Sculptures of small forms.

— Dummies of vegetables, fruits, berries

— Coloring pages for girls and boys.

— Illustrations based on fairy tales, seasons, made in different styles.

— Thematic folders with children’s work in independent activities. — Material for non-traditional drawing techniques: pokes, candles, toothbrushes, cotton swabs, stamps.

- natural and waste material

— Paint mixing samples (e.g. white + red = pink, etc.)

- Availability of a playable character.

— Various techniques of fine art (samples);

— Development of compositional skills, rhythm (educational and visual material, didactic games).

— Material on genres of painting, portraits of artists, styles of architecture, book graphics, taking into account the age of children.

— Albums with photos corresponding to the theme of the week.

— Corner of artistic manual labor.

— Availability of technological maps, diagrams of the sequence of drawing, modeling, applications, taking into account age and gender specifics.

In older preschool age, it is important to develop any manifestations of the “self” of preschoolers: independence, self-organization, self-esteem, self-control, self-knowledge, self-expression. Therefore, the visual arts corner is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to engage in any activity. Placing equipment according to the principle of non-rigid centering allows children to unite into subgroups based on their interests.

All materials used in the visual arts corner are added to the corner as the program progresses; they are constantly updated and varied.

The teacher must change, supplement, and review the materials and equipment in the visual arts corner from time to time.

Most equipment and visual materials can be stored in boxes with pictures and writing.


Art corner in a group: helping children unleash their creative potential

Thematic zones in the group are a prerequisite for the harmonious all-round development of preschoolers. The richness of their content, together with suitable design, will allow children to gain a great experience during their stay in kindergarten. One of the favorite activities of both younger and older preschoolers is drawing. A bright and rich in materials art corner will interest children even more in creative activities.

Art corner in kindergarten

Drawing and modeling not only develop fine motor skills, stimulate imagination and imaginative thinking, but also teach you to compare the resulting result and the original, analyze the shape of objects and ways of conveying it. Creative activity forms in a child perseverance, determination, a desire to try something new, to express himself and show his vision of the world.

A striking example of how to properly design a fine arts corner in a kindergarten

Therefore, in the kindergarten group it is necessary to provide a place for artistic activities. A place where a child can independently engage in creativity should be characterized by the presence of all the necessary materials:

Reproductions of paintings, folk crafts (painted nesting dolls, clay toys, trays and patterned wooden spoons) and small plastic sculptures will help expand your understanding of the beauty of the surrounding world.

It is also important to provide a stand in the group to display children’s drawings and plasticine figures.

Important! Praise encourages the child to continue creating and he becomes more confident.



Goal: To create an environment in the group for the creative activity of children, to promote the emergence and development of independent artistic activity in preschool children.


1.Location of the visual arts area: accessibility, aesthetics, mobility.

2. Using children's design and creativity in design. 3. Compliance with age requirements.

4. Variety of didactic material and its correspondence to age characteristics, incl. availability of innovative material.

5.Location of material at children's level.

- colored and white paper, a whole landscape sheet and half,

- wax crayons, felt-tip pens

— gouache in a set of 6 colors

— Stand for brushes, jars, napkins

- clay, plasticine, 3-4 types of stacks, napkins, boards for wiping hands.

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