Methodological consultation for a beginning teacher: structure and content

Little tricks for a young teacher

Every day, every minute, the teacher has to come up with various tricks to keep the children’s attention and direct their activities in a “peaceful direction.” I want to share some techniques that helped me in my work.

Getting kids to sleep at a quiet time can be difficult. Offer an adult to sleep for an hour or two after lunch, I think few will refuse. But children have a lot of important things to do right when it’s time to go to bed. What helped me was a poem that the children loved very much, learned, and then even began to compete for the right to recite it in bed. The poem also became an incentive for children to quickly undress themselves.

Big feet walked along the road, stomping stomping (clap your knees with your palms). Little legs ran along the path, Top-top (two fingers running). They ran and ran and came to a clearing. There is a house in a clearing, but the path to the house is closed (fingers in the lock). There is a lock on the door. Who could open it? They pulled and pulled, twisted and turned, knocked and opened (imitation of movements). We open the gates and invite you to a fairy tale (imitation of opening the gates). The mouth closes, the fairy tale begins. As soon as I started saying these words, the children immediately quieted down and said the saying along with me. This poem was followed by a fairy tale.

The surprises prepared in advance also helped me out. I told the kids that whoever falls asleep first will receive a gift. These could be small stickers, pictures. When everyone fell asleep, I quietly placed a surprise on the high chair of the one who fell asleep first. Everyone tried to fall asleep as quickly as possible in order to get a surprise. After waking up, the children's delight knew no bounds.

We all know how much effort it takes to feed children. Here my pet cat Murka helped me. Of course, not the cat itself, but its photograph. I showed it to the kids and told them that Murka eats in such a way that her plate shines after eating, and she doesn’t even need to wash it. And the children tried to eat everything that was given for breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.

For the most naughty and capricious children I had a “magic” chair. The one who was guilty was sent to this chair and had to sit there until he calmed down and apologized for his behavior. It is very sad and lonely to sit on a chair when friends are playing and doing interesting things. Of course, no one in the group wanted to be in that chair. Over time, it was enough to simply mention the stool, and the naughty baby would immediately correct himself.

Another secret will allow beginners to relax. It is better to address a child who comes to the group for the first time by name immediately, without asking what his name is. When a child hears his name in an unfamiliar environment, he feels calmer - here he is already known. This seemingly insignificant technique helps to establish trusting relationships from the very first minutes of acquaintance.

I shared with you my little secret helpers that have helped me out more than once. Good luck in finding your secrets!

Consultation for educators. Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions.

Consultation for educators. Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions. “Federal State Educational Standards” – norms and regulations that are mandatory for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education by educational institutions. “The main 4 directions of child development”:

social-personal, cognitive-speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development.
10 educational areas “Educational area” is a structural and semantic unit of the content of preschool education, which determines the areas of children’s educational activities that are adequate for preschool age. Educational areas highlighted in the Federal State Educational Standard : health, physical education, socialization, labor, safety, reading fiction, communication, cognition, music, artistic creativity. Along with traditional areas, non-traditional areas are represented in the Federal State Educational Standard, although their “non-traditionality” is very conditional. For example, the area of ​​“Safety” has been implemented in kindergartens for many years. “Artistic creativity” combines traditional types of productive activities for children: appliqué, modeling, drawing, artistic design. The educational field “Communication” is not only and not so much the development of speech, but the development of communication, including speech. In this case, the development of vocabulary, coherent speech, and grammatical structure are not ends in themselves, but means of developing communication skills. The new Federal State Educational Standards use the most modern and complete typology of children's activities. Each educational area is aimed at developing some kind of children's activity. In each educational area, in addition to general developmental tasks, specific tasks of psychological and pedagogical work are highlighted. Federal State Educational Standards establish a fundamentally different way of interaction and interconnection of the components of the main general education programs of preschool education - based on the principle of integration of educational areas, which is an alternative to the subject principle (the fundamental principle is the integration of educational areas) .In modern practice of preschool education, the methodology for conducting integrated classes has been sufficiently developed and many preschool institutions use it. Changes of this kind require a change in approaches to organizing the educational process: in this case, not through a system of classes, but through other, adequate forms of educational work with children preschool age. Playing activities, as a form of organizing children's activities, have a special role. Game is the leading activity of a child, through which he develops organically, learns a very important layer of human culture - the relationship between adults - in the family, their professional activities, etc. Thus, the game acts as the most important activity through which teachers decide all educational tasks, including training. The emphasis is on the joint activities of the teacher and children, on playful forms of education for preschoolers, on the lack of strict regulation of children's activities, taking into account the gender-role characteristics of children when organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten and making the necessary changes to the content of programs. Classes in the Federal State Educational Standard are prescribed only for senior preschool age, this does not mean that they cannot be conducted with children of other ages. But they (classes) should not be the priority form of work with children. Educational tasks must be solved during routine moments, in the joint activities of children with the teacher (including in the classroom), in independent activities of children and in joint activities with the family. All educational activities are based on integration and thematic planning. Of course, the lesson in kindergarten is not canceled, but a different meaning should be given to it: an activity as an entertaining activity. Skorolupova and Fedina, the developers of the Federal State Educational Standard, propose certain forms of work with children that correspond conditionally to each type of activity: Motor · Outdoor didactic games · Outdoor games with rules · Game exercises · Competitions Playing · Story games · Games with rules Productive · Workshop for the production of children's creativity products · Project implementation Communicative · Conversation situational conversation · Speech situation · Writing and guessing riddles · Story games · Games with rules Labor · Joint actions · Duty duty · Assignment · Project implementation Cognitive Research · Observation · Excursions · Solving problem situations · Experimentation · Collecting · Modeling · Project implementation · Games with rules Musical and artistic · Listening · Performance · Improvisation · Experimentation · Musical and didactic games Reading fiction · Reading · Discussion · Learning The question remains poorly studied and very relevant on temporary dosing of children's activities and specific forms of work. Unfortunately, this issue is partially addressed in the new SaNPin. Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool education is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the development of preschool children in modern conditions and realizing the child’s right to an accessible education. “Independent activity of children” is one of the main models for organizing the educational process of preschool children: 1) free activity of pupils in a subject-development educational environment created by teachers, ensuring that each child chooses an activity based on his interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually; 2) activities of pupils organized by the teacher, aimed at solving problems related to the interests of other people (the emotional well-being of other people, helping others in everyday life, etc.). “Joint activity of adults and children” is the main model for organizing the educational process of preschool children; the activity of two or more participants in the educational process (adults and students) to solve educational problems in the same space and at the same time. It is distinguished by the presence of a partner (equal) position of an adult and a partner form of organization (the possibility of free placement, movement and communication of children in the process of educational activities). It assumes individual, subgroup and frontal forms of organizing work with students. There are : - direct educational activities, carried out in the course of joint activities of adults and children; - joint activities of adults and children, carried out during regime moments and aimed at solving educational problems; - joint activities of adults and children, carried out during regime moments and aimed at performing supervision and (or) care functions.

Study or play?

Conducting activities with preschool children is very exciting and interesting. To prepare for a lesson, sometimes you have to invent, compose and perform a small play for the children. Therefore, preparation and planning are very important. It is necessary to take into account the place of the topic in the program, think about what the children already know, and what they are yet to be introduced to.

Each teacher has to draw up a work plan for the year, plan classes for the month and week, and think through each lesson. But I was never able to predict how the lesson would go. No matter how good the plan was, the children still dictated their own rules during the lesson. At first I was upset, but later I began to understand why this was happening. This happens not because I am a bad teacher. It’s just that the main thing in teaching is the children, not the material. Conducting classes with children in kindergarten, as with schoolchildren, sitting them at their desks and giving them tasks, as my experience has shown, is ineffective. A preschooler learns every minute when he is interested in something new.

At the institute we were taught subject studies, but for a child the world is not divided into mathematics and speech development, he is interested in the world as a whole. It is important to follow the interests and desires of children. Sometimes it’s worth putting off mastering some material and playing outdoor games. After children express their emotions, it is much easier for them to hear the teacher.

Don’t forget about “physical education,” I reasoned until I started working. It is very difficult to keep the attention of preschoolers; they have a huge need for movement, tactile and sensory sensations - I was convinced of this from my own experience. In my group there was a boy, Petya, 3.5 years old. During one of the classes where I was enthusiastically talking about mushrooms, he swayed and fell out of his chair. When I picked him up, he said that he wanted to go pick mushrooms so much that he couldn’t restrain himself.

Of course, most of the learning process for preschoolers takes place through play. The teacher’s task, in my opinion, is to organize the game situation and convey to the children the rules of the game. Children love to try on roles and immerse themselves in situations suggested by adults. So, according to my observations, they are very interested in the family game. This is something they are very familiar with. Playing this game with preschoolers can introduce them to many concepts. For example, with different types of vegetables and fruits. You can ask “mom” to go to the store for fruits, and “dad” to buy vegetables. The “seller”-educator will tell you what is called fruit and what is called vegetables. In this form, children easily remember the names of fruits and vegetables, their appearance and classification.

To start a lesson, you need to attract children's attention to a certain topic. An “enticement” can be a toy that “came to visit,” a poem, or a situation like “we are traveling by train.” At first, not all children show interest; the rest usually join in later, watching what is happening.

Of course, you can force a preschool child to do something by force, but there is no benefit in this. Children remember only what is interesting to them, and precisely at the moment when they are ready for it. Children are inherently researchers, and everything that surrounds them is a developing and learning environment. It is important that at the moment when the child becomes interested and is ready to accept any information, there is material nearby that the child can study, and an adult who will explain everything.

During the lesson, I tried to use different types of activities so that everyone could choose for themselves what they would like to do. To organize activities in a group, it is necessary to prepare visual material, handouts, and games. I try to collect as much material as possible on one topic so that everyone can choose something interesting.

The most exciting and quiet activities in the group are modeling and drawing. Even the head, passing by the group during these classes, could not believe that it was so quiet. Children selflessly and with great enthusiasm work with plasticine and paints; this activity simply fascinates them. These classes fully satisfy the need for tactile sensations.

Learning occurs very effectively when the teacher answers children's questions. For example, children ask a lot of questions while walking. I used these questions to organize a teaching situation. For example, in the fall I suggested that the children pick chestnuts, which the children always do with great pleasure. At the same time, of course, I satisfied the curiosity of the group by telling where chestnuts come from and what the trees are called. Then the children and I made crafts from the collected trophies. These crafts were especially dear to the kids, since they not only collected natural material themselves, but also learned a lot of new and interesting things about it.

I hope that my experience will be useful to young educators.

Consultations for educatorsconsultation

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten "Smile"


“Plot-role play as a means of introducing preschool children to social reality in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”

Prepared by: teacher

Zhuravleva M.V.


In connection with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, the forms and methods of organizing educational activities have changed.

In early and preschool age groups, the socialization of children in the society of their peers and their development is a priority, which allows for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten.

We will consider the issue “Plot-role play in introducing children to social reality”

I would like to start with the words of L. S. Vygodsky:

A child’s play is not a simple recollection of experiences, but a creative processing of experienced impressions, combining them and building from them a new reality that meets the needs and desires of the child himself.

Preschool age is considered the classic age of play. During this period, a special type of children's play emerges and takes on its most developed form, which in psychology and pedagogy is called plot-role (creative).

Role-playing play is an activity in which children take on the labor or social functions of adults and, in specially created playful, imaginary conditions, reproduce (or model) the lives of adults and the relationships between them.

Numerous studies by domestic teachers and psychologists (D.B. Elkonin, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, A.V. Cherkova, P.G. Samorukova, N.V. Koroleva, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, A. N. Leontyev, B. G. Ananyev, A. P. Usova, etc.) showed that creative play most fully shapes a child’s personality and is therefore the most important means of education, mental development and socialization of preschool children.

K. D. Ushinsky defined play as a feasible way for a child to enter into all the complexity of the adult world around him. Children's games reflect the surrounding social environment, which provides "... material that is much more varied and valid than that offered by a toy shop"

This type of children's activity can be viewed from different perspectives.

A game is a child’s reflection of the surrounding reality, and although it is based on the child’s imagination, in this conditional setting the actions of the players are real, and children’s emotions are real and sincere. In play, the child combines and combines his impressions and life experiences.

Acting like an adult, the child seems to identify himself with him. Through the fulfillment of a play role, the child’s connection with the world of adults is realized. It is the playing role that in concentrated form embodies the child’s connection with society.

The game is an improvisation, the child does not say his role for a long time, does not think it through, the idea of ​​the game develops spontaneously, unpredictably.

Play is an independent activity of a child, in which the child first enters into communication with peers, with play partners, learns to establish relationships with them based on sympathy, friendship, mutual assistance, children master social experience, the world of human relationships.

The game is a school for educating the feelings of preschoolers and their moral qualities. It is the moral qualities formed in the game that influence the child’s behavior in life, and vice versa, the skills acquired as a result of children’s daily communication with each other and with adults are further developed in game situations.

Play is a means of child’s intellectual development. Knowledge, ideas, abilities, skills, in the learning process, in the family, are directly reflected and practical application in children's games.

Game is an effective means of correcting disorders of the emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres, speech, general and fine motor skills.

Play is a way to develop children's imagination and creative abilities, the joy of creativity, the joy of creation. They manifest themselves in the search for means to implement the game plan, in the selection of attributes and substitute items for the game, the development of the game plot, and the child’s interpretation of the role in the role-playing game.

By creating with his own hands the attributes necessary for play, a child discovers and develops his abilities, and on this basis his passion, sometimes a vocation, a dream is born.

Play is a child’s preparation for adult life. Most children's role-playing games reflect the work of adults: children imitate a teacher, doctor, driver, pilot, fireman, and reflect the everyday actions of family members and their relationships. The game strengthens and deepens children's interest in different professions and instills respect for work.

From a functional point of view, role-playing play can be considered as preparing a child to participate in public life in various social roles.

In play, the child has the opportunity to demonstrate the ability, seemingly not typical for preschoolers, to self-education.

Play is a child’s work on himself. This does not mean that the child consciously sets himself the goal of self-improvement. No, the child doesn’t even think about it: he just plays - flies on a plane, chases pirates across the southern seas, etc. It is here, unnoticed by him, that the great work of changing himself is carried out: cheerfully, playfully he masters new layers of life; trains memory, thinking, imagination; gains new knowledge about relationships between people, nature and the surrounding reality.

Socialization of a preschool child is carried out through play.

Socialization is “a set of social processes through which an individual assimilates and reproduces a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society” (I.S. Kon)

Socialization is usually understood as the process and result of the development of an individual, his transformation into a creative member of society. This process begins and occurs in a preschool institution during targeted, pedagogically organized education. The essence of socialization is that it shapes a person as a member of the society to which he belongs.

Socialization is a two-way process that includes:

-The child’s assimilation of social experience by entering into a social environment, a system of social connections.

-The process of active reproduction of the system of social connections by an individual due to his active activity.

For successful socialization, according to N. Smelser, the action of three factors is necessary: ​​expectations, changes in behavior and the desire to meet these expectations. Formation, in his opinion, occurs in three different stages:

  1. The stage of imitation and copying of adult behavior by children.
  2. The play stage, when children recognize behavior as playing a role;
  3. The stage of group games in which children learn to understand what is expected of them by a whole group of people.

Children play with what they perceive around them and what is especially attractive to them. But what exactly in the surrounding reality stimulates the play of a preschooler? And do all the vivid impressions of a child provide material for role-playing?

Experimental situations described by D.B. Elkonin:

During a tour of the zoo, the kindergarten teacher introduced the children to various animals - their habits, lifestyle, appearance, etc. Upon returning to the group, she brought into the room toys of animals that the children were getting to know, expecting them to start playing “at the zoo.” But the children did not play “at the zoo” either that day or the following days. Then she repeated the excursion and introduced the children not only to the animals, but also to the work of people in the zoo: the cashier sells tickets, the controller checks them and lets visitors through, the cleaners clean the cages with the animals, the cooks prepare food and feed the animals, the doctor treats sick animals, the tour guide tells visitors about animals, etc. Some time after this repeated excursion, the children independently began the “zoo” game, in which the cashier, the controller, mothers and fathers with children, the tour guide, the “animal kitchen” with a cook, the “animal hospital” with a doctor, etc. were presented. All these characters were introduced into the game gradually, the game continued for several days, all the time becoming richer and more complex.

Why do you think the game didn’t work out after the first excursion?

The first is the sphere of objects (things), both natural and man-made; the second is the sphere of activity of people and their relationships. These results indicate that role-playing is especially sensitive to the sphere of activity of people and the relationships between them and that its content is precisely this reality. Thus, the content of the expanded, developed form of role-playing game is not objects, not machines, not the production process itself, but relationships between people that are carried out through certain actions, because The activities of people and their relationships are extremely diverse, and the plots of games are also very diverse and changeable.

At the same time, it has been noted that modern preschoolers prefer to reproduce in their games plots borrowed from television series and take on not the industrial or professional roles of adults (doctor, driver, cook, etc.), but the roles of television characters. These observations reveal that our preschoolers, who spend too much time watching TV, are more familiar with the lives and relationships of foreign cartoon and film characters than with the real adults around them. However, this does not change the essence of the game: despite all the variety of plots, they hide fundamentally the same content - the activities of people, their actions and relationships.

Indeed, a game with the same plot (for example, “in the family”) can have completely different content: one “mother” will beat and scold her “children”, another will put on makeup in front of the mirror and rush to visit, the third will constantly wash and cook, fourth, read books to children and study with them, etc. All these options reflect what “flows” into the child from the surrounding life. The social conditions in which a child lives determine not only the plots, but above all the content of children's games.

Thus, the special sensitivity of the game to the sphere of human relations indicates that it is social not only in its origin, but also in its content. It arises from the conditions of the child’s life in the life of society and reflects and reproduces these conditions.

The plot of the role-playing game must correspond to modern activities because In connection with the development of scientific and technological progress, a lot of new technology appears, a lot of new things appear in people’s lives - the teacher’s task is to create conditions for this to be reflected in children’s role-playing games.

Thus: play is a child’s genuine social practice, his real life in the society of his peers. Therefore, the problem of using games for the comprehensive development of the child, the formation of his positive personal qualities and socialization as a member of the community of people is so relevant for preschool pedagogy.

The game orients the child to adhere to certain rules of adult life. In play, a child embodies his view, his ideas, his attitude to the event that he is acting out, and models the world around him through the prism of his consciousness.

I will end my speech with the words of S.A. Shmakov

"The game is like the sunken Atlantis is on the verge of extinction."

“Depriving a child of play practice is depriving him of not just his childishness, it is depriving him of his main source of development: impulses of creativity, spiritualization of the acquired life experience, signs and signs of social practice, the richness and microclimate of collective relationships, individual self-immersion, activation of the process of learning the world.”

The holiday comes to us

Organizing a holiday is a troublesome process, but at the same time exciting and interesting. Carrying out a children's party can be divided into several stages.

Preparation. Preparation for the holiday begins long before it takes place. First of all, I tell the children about the holiday itself, for whom it is organized and why they need to prepare for it. Children love to sing and dance, but not everyone can perform in public. To help shy children, I organized small performances and rehearsals in the group, at which the children themselves were spectators. In such a situation, every child could feel like both a spectator and an artist. The next stage is learning poems and skits. It is best to repeat poems and scenes once a day. If you do this more often, children begin to be capricious because they get tired of repeating the same thing over and over again. You can also involve parents and ask them to repeat poems at home. I handed out poems to moms and dads so they could practice them with their kids over the weekend.

Holding a holiday. Poems have been learned, skits, dances and songs have been rehearsed. All the guys are in festive clothes, nervous before going on stage. The parents, the most important spectators, are waiting in the hall, spellbound. All children want to show what they have learned. But sometimes, due to an overabundance of feelings and experiences, one of the children may refuse to perform and go to mom or dad. What to do in this situation? At the beginning of work, I was lost and very worried - after all, the whole group had been preparing for so long. Over time, I realized and took for granted that children are spontaneous in expressing their feelings and desires, and you need to be prepared for any situation. And if something didn’t go according to plan at the holiday, that’s okay. Parents will understand that the teachers made every effort to make the performance successful. I had one girl who was very afraid of mummers. When Santa Claus came on New Year's Day, she hid on her mother's lap, closed her eyes, and it was impossible to ask her to recite the poem, as she would become hysterical. Knowing this peculiarity of it, I tried to organize the holiday so that mummers or life-size puppets would appear after the children’s performance.

Summarizing. You can sum up the results either immediately after the holiday or the next day, but not later, so that the impressions are still fresh. I always discuss with the children what they liked at the holiday, what they remember best. Everyone can speak out about whose performance they liked best and why. At the end, I always tried to celebrate the children’s successes, thereby strengthening my desire to perform in the future. Holding a children's party is a responsible and exciting event. But all the efforts more than pay off when you see the achievements and growth of your students, you see smiles and sometimes tears of happiness on the faces of parents.

Goal: To increase the professional competence of young specialists in organizing routine moments with preschoolers.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills is aimed at strengthening the health of the child. At the same time, it includes an important task - fostering a culture of behavior. Caring for the health of children and their physical development begins with instilling in them a love of cleanliness, neatness, and order. “One of the most important tasks of a kindergarten,” wrote N.K. Krupskaya, is to instill in children skills that strengthen their health. From an early age, children should be taught to wash their hands before eating, eat from a separate plate, walk clean, cut their hair, shake out their clothes, not drink raw water, eat on time, sleep on time, be more in the fresh air, and so on.”

All measures that preschool hygiene develops contribute to the normal physical and hygienic development of children and the strengthening of their health.

The main conditions for the successful formation of cultural and hygienic skills include :

  • rationally organized environment,
  • clear daily routine,
  • adult guidance.

To develop cultural and hygienic skills, it is also necessary to develop general criteria for assessing individual actions, to clearly define the location of things, toys, and the order of their cleaning and storage. For children, constancy of conditions, knowledge of the purpose and place of every thing he needs during the day are of particular importance. For example, the washroom should have a sufficient number of sinks of the required size, each with soap on it; sinks and towels are placed taking into account the height of children; There is a picture on the hanger above each towel. This increases children's interest in washing.

The daily routine ensures daily repetition of hygiene procedures at the same time - this contributes to the gradual formation of skills and habits of a culture of behavior.

The formation of cultural and hygienic skills is carried out under the guidance of adults - parents, educators. Therefore, complete consistency in the requirements of the preschool institution and the family must be ensured.

Washing: roll up sleeves; soap your hands until foam forms; collect the required amount of water in your palms; wash your face with both hands; wash your hands up to the elbows with soap; wash your neck and ears; wash your hands; wipe your hands dry; use a personal towel; do not shake water from your hands.

Brushing your teeth: put tooth powder on your brush; brush your teeth correctly; rinse your mouth.

Combing: comb hair if it is disheveled; comb your hair and braid it; keep your head neat.

Dressing: be neat; hang clothes on the back of a chair and fold tights on the seat; tie shoe laces with bows; tie and untie the ribbons of a winter hat; fasten and unfasten buttons on lower and outer clothing; lace and unlace shoes; putting on and taking off clothes; put on shoes; independently or with the help of adults, troubleshoot clothing problems; fold clothes right side out; observe a rational sequence when dressing and undressing.

Cleaning and washing shoes: clean shoes from dirt upon returning from the street to the room; wipe dirty shoes with a damp cloth; wash shoes without pouring water inside; coat shoes with shoe polish; Brush your shoes until they shine.

Care of outerwear: remove dust from outerwear with a clothes brush; Keep your clothes clean and attractive.

Making the bed: make the bed before going to bed; fold the blanket; straighten the sheets after sleep; shake off the sheets; fold the blanket in half; tidy up the bed after sleep.

Eating: wash hands before eating; eat carefully; take bread and put food on a plate as much as you eat; eat in silence; chew with your mouth closed; use a napkin; sit correctly at the table; be able to handle a spoon, fork, table knife; Chew food thoroughly.

Drinking: Rinse glass before use; pour water into a glass as much as you drink; drink without getting wet.

In the toilet: use toilet paper; wash your hands after using the toilet.

Keeping your nose clean: use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

Change clothes depending on the weather: dress warmer when it gets cold; cover your head in the sun; raise the collar in the wind; take off excess clothing in the heat.

Keeping personal belongings in order: always clean up after yourself; handle every item with care; putting things in their place; placing them is convenient for use and pleasing to the eye.

The transition of a skill into a habit is achieved by systematic repetition under the same or similar conditions. If, for example, a child has been taught to carefully put cubes in a box or drawer and is asked to do this every time after playing, then gradually the habit will become established and he will begin to put the cubes without being reminded by adults.

Until the habit is established, the child needs control and guidance from adults, as well as encouragement, praise, and approval.

Politeness, goodwill, measured, calm speech of the teacher, neat appearance, order in the group - all this is of great importance in the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in preschoolers.


  • personal example from adults
  • direct educational activities
  • show
  • explanation
  • explanation
  • encouragement
  • conversations
  • action exercises
  • didactic games
  • nursery rhymes
  • poems
  • proverbs, sayings
  • gaming techniques
  • quizzes, entertainment

method of repeating actions (for example, before washing they asked: “Show me how you rolled up your sleeves,” or after washing they looked at how clean and dry your hands were.)


  • Proper use of tablespoons, teaspoons, forks, and napkins;
  • Do not crumble the bread;
  • Chew food with your mouth closed;
  • Do not talk with your mouth full;
  • Quietly leave the table after finishing a meal;
  • Thank;
  • Use only your own device.
  • Wash your face, ears, hands
  • Roll up your sleeves;
  • Wet your hands;
  • Take soap and lather until foam appears;
  • Rinse off the soap;
  • Dry your hands, carefully fold the towel and hang it in your locker;
  • Use a comb.


  • Unfasten the buttons;
  • Take off your dress (pants);
  • Hang carefully;
  • Take off your shirt and hang it carefully on your trousers or shorts;
  • Take off your shoes;
  • Take off the tights and hang them on your shirt (dress);
  • Put on in reverse order.


  • organizing an attractive and convenient environment for carrying out activities and tasks in kindergarten and at home (furniture, equipment appropriate for the growth of children, assigned storage areas available for use, etc.);
  • division of mastered actions, following in a strictly established order, into a number of operations, which contributes to the faster creation of strong dynamic stereotypes;
  • repeated exercises of children in actions, highlighting the method and order of their implementation (especially at the initial stage of training). At the same time, the nature of the actions must be unchanged, the forms must be different;
  • individual work with each child, taking into account the level of his development and the pace of mastering cultural and hygienic skills;
  • organizing situations that provide control over the implementation of actions that children are mastering in an unusual environment;
  • impeccable fulfillment by adults of all hygienic and cultural requirements.


  • When teaching children, their experience must be taken into account. For example, you cannot start teaching a child to use a fork if he has not yet learned how to eat with a spoon correctly.
  • Consistency in training is very important. Thus, actions associated with undressing are mastered by children faster than actions with dressing; It is easier for a child to learn to wash his hands first and then his face.
  • Gradually increasing the complexity of the requirements takes the child to a new level of independence, maintains his interest in self-care, and allows him to improve his skills.

Faithful Assistant or Teacher's Diary

Diary of a teacher. What is it for? Giving grades to children like in school? Of course not. It is, rather, an assistant in everyday affairs.

I really regret that I didn’t keep such a diary from the first days of work. Firstly, it is impossible to remember everything about all the children at once - some have allergies, others need to be taken to the doctor, etc. Secondly, during the working day, the teacher solves many problems, receives a large amount of important information, plans work for the next days. In addition, something needs to be transferred to the second teacher or administration, something to the parents.

At first, I wrote down the necessary information on pieces of paper, but they kept getting lost. Therefore, I started a notebook in which I highlighted several sections: 1. Information about the parents: last name, first name, patronymic of both parents (possibly close relatives or a nanny - those who take the child to kindergarten), address, telephone numbers. 2. Information about children: health characteristics, behavioral characteristics, self-care skills. 3. A page for notes for each day: what to give to parents, teachers, to-do list.

It is more convenient to format the first two sections in the form of tables - this will make it easier to find the necessary information.

The data from the first section is necessary for contacting parents. As practice shows, such a connection is very important. It is better to warn parents in advance about any unusual situations, discuss them, and then take action. One day in my group a girl had a slight stomach upset. I had to wash her and change her clothes several times during the day. They got involved and didn’t tell their parents. Before getting ready to go home, it turned out that we had run out of clean laundry. They dressed the girl only in tights - the only thing she had left of clean underwear. When my mother arrived, she was told what had happened. She was extremely unhappy that they did not call her - after all, she could have taken the laundry from home. Then I realized that parents need to report any incidents.

Information from the second section is data about the child himself, his characteristics that need to be taken into account when communicating with the baby. This information helps you feel confident - you know what to expect from your child. All information can be collected from personal conversations with parents or you can ask them to fill out a questionnaire.

The third section is the organizer - the bulk of the notebook. At first, I wrote down everything: what needed to be conveyed to whom, when, from whom, made plans, formed lists of materials for work. These notes have helped me out more than once.

A notebook of 48 sheets is sufficient for the school year. It is convenient to use a notebook on a spring, since you can always leave it open on the desired page, and it is also easy to tear out a piece of paper with a list of any to-dos and take it with you.

I highly recommend having such a notebook organizer. It won’t take much time, but the benefits from it are great. I hope that it will become such a good helper for you too.

Methodological consultation for a beginning teacher: structure and content

Methodological consultation for a novice teacher:

structure and content

Egorova Alla Vladimirovna,

primary school teacher,

Deputy Director for HR

MAOU gymnasium No. 29 in Tomsk

Each participant in the educational process must have a methodological culture.

The teacher's methodological culture consists of two components.

The first is the ability to develop a practically significant, specific lesson, activity, event, etc. The second is the ability to see patterns behind specific materials, actions. These patterns constitute the essence of the methodology, pedagogical technology. The absence of one or another component has a detrimental effect on the technique. So, if there are no specific materials that another teacher can take into account, empty reasoning and general words remain. They may be correct and beautiful, but there are no concrete actions behind them. If there is no second component (methodological generalization), then the material turns into a simple summary of a lesson or lesson. He may even be interesting, but another teacher will not be able to take him.

K. D. Ushinsky noted that it is not experience that is transmitted, but a thought derived from experience. This idea, summarizing the specifics, should form the essence of the methodology, methodological recommendations and methodological consultations.

Why “methodological consultation”?

The problem of professionalism and competence of employees of educational institutions is becoming increasingly important today. The improvement of pedagogical skills, the development of personality, and its creativity are facilitated by various forms of methodological work, which contribute to the improvement of the work of teachers with children, the development of the most rational methods and techniques of their training and education. The task of methodological work is not so much to correct errors in the activities of a novice teacher or young specialist, but, first of all, to provide timely and effective assistance to teachers.

Currently, many new interesting forms of methodological work are being used. But we cannot discount the old, proven ones. Traditional forms of methodological work remain relevant, which ensure a continuous process of improving the pedagogical skills of each teacher and have proven their effectiveness in practice. One of these common small forms of methodological work is consultation.

Consultation (Latin consultatio - meeting) - discussion of a special issue with a specialist; meeting of specialists; advice given by a specialist.

Of the various forms of methodological work in an educational institution, consulting teachers is distinguished by a special focus of influence.

These are individual and group consultations, consultations on the main areas of work of the entire team, on current problems of pedagogy, and at the request of individual teachers.

First of all, I would like to remind you that any consultation requires special training and professional competence from the person conducting it. The purpose of the consultation is to provide methodological and psychological assistance and practical assistance in solving the professional problems of a beginner/young teacher, assistance in improving their professional level and developing creative potential. In other words, consultation should teach how to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, improve, expand and deepen it, reveal existing shortcomings, help eliminate them and help overcome emerging difficulties.

In many educational institutions, consultations are carried out according to a plan drawn up for the academic year. Basic consultations are recorded in the annual work plan of the institution, the activity plan of the teacher-mentor and in the route plan for the individual program for the development of professional competencies of a beginning/young teacher, i.e. methodological consultations are pre-planned. It is important to note that time must be allocated for unscheduled (episodic and/or spontaneous) consultations, the need for which arises quite often. Unscheduled consultations arise on the initiative of both parties: both teachers and specialists responsible for methodological work. Undoubtedly, changes and additions are made to the plan as necessary.

When drawing up the annual plan of an educational institution, each task is solved through consultation, as the most famous, widespread and accessible form of methodological work, through active methods of teaching teachers, through thematic testing and pedagogical advice. This is exactly the sequence of events during its preparation or in preparation for the participation of novice/young teachers in educational or methodological events, professional skills competitions of various levels.

Planned consultations, as a rule, are group and long-term. At a group scheduled consultation, as a rule, one goal is to introduce some of the latest achievements. If the purpose of the consultation is to clarify and consolidate the knowledge of teachers, then several issues may be considered.

After consultations, it is important to monitor the quality of assimilation of its content by observing and analyzing the work of its participants, as well as relying on data from maps of teaching skills, questionnaires, etc. Control acts as a means of determining and planning further activities.

Group consultations require careful preparation, thought, and selection of the necessary material. They are organized by general theme for certain categories. Therefore, they are not recommended to be carried out frequently. Their number is determined by the composition of teaching staff and the state of teaching activity.

The content of methodological consultations depends on the annual tasks facing the educational institution, on the interests of teachers, and on the difficulties that beginning/young teachers experience in their work.

Issues regarding the content of consultations relate to teachers’ acquaintance with the latest achievements of science, with various innovative materials, literature, new methods and techniques of work, etc.

Individual consultations are not planned. They are carried out as needed, i.e. are unplanned (episodic and/or spontaneous). This form of methodological work is the most difficult; it is difficult to predict at what point and with what difficulties and questions a beginner/young teacher may turn. Therefore, it is important to know well the strengths and weaknesses, difficulties, personal qualities of a beginner/young teacher, as well as to be able to analyze the progress and results of his activities, and formulate specific recommendations and advice based on knowledge. This form of assistance may be short-term, but long-term is better.

Any consultation requires training and professional competence. Consultations are carried out by experienced and competent teachers who have a high level of psychological, pedagogical, scientific and subject knowledge and skills in combination with an appropriate cultural and moral character, who are able to share their experience with colleagues. In this regard, it would be useful to recall that, unlike “pure knowledge,” “competence” presupposes the appropriation and practical application of knowledge. A competent person not only knows the subject of consultation well, but also has his own opinion about it and knows how to apply it in practice in various situations. In addition, conducting consultations requires the teacher-mentor to have the ability to adhere to a personal and individual approach to each teacher. Only then will the consultation process be fruitful.

Each consultation is preceded by high-quality preparation.

Therefore, information consultation for teachers must meet the following requirements:

  1. The content must be scientifically reliable, in accordance with the achievements of modern pedagogy, psychology and pedagogical practice.
  2. The material must be logical and consistent, clearly presented. To do this, when preparing for a consultation, it is necessary to draw up a plan for presenting the material in advance. It is advisable to formulate the problems that will be considered during the consultation.
  3. Ensuring a differentiated approach to the presentation of material, taking into account the experience of teachers, the class and/or age group of children, and their characteristics.
  4. During the consultation process, it is necessary to specify advice and recommendations that should be realistically feasible, to ensure synchronicity in the study of the theoretical and practical aspects of each issue.
  5. Using forms of active inclusion of teachers during consultation. Despite the fact that consultations are characterized by a monologue form of presentation of information, active forms and methods of work should motivate the teacher to study the topic and ensure the consolidation and reproduction of the content of the consultation.
  6. Carrying out the selection of methodological literature on the problem, which, subsequently, teachers can get acquainted with and other sources.

Each method and form of consultation is not universal. They are purely individual for each topic and team (group).

Meeting the listed requirements, consulting allows beginning/young teachers to:

— receive scientific information clearly and intelligibly;

— is the most efficient form of interaction with a mentor;

— focuses on a differentiated approach to the teacher’s personality;

— addresses issues relevant to a particular person;

- in group forms allows the teacher to feel psychologically comfortable;

— activates and develops the teacher’s search activity;

- business games, briefings, discussions, playing and solving pedagogical situations, crosswords helps to master the technology of conducting lessons, activities and educational activities.

The end result of any methodological activity, including counseling, will be high and the impact will be effective if during preparation and implementation various methods of involving each teacher in active work were used. They create conditions for the student’s thinking, increase the degree of motivation, emotionality and creativity, contribute to the establishment of cooperation, and facilitate the acquisition of experience.

Methods of conducting consultations. A change in priorities in the field of education, an appeal to the personality of the teacher, to his creativity, and active principles, have made adjustments to the working conditions of the teacher, in particular, to the methodology for conducting consultations.

Today, various methods of consultation are used.

So, with a problematic presentation of material

a problem is formed and a way to solve it is shown.
When using the search method,
teachers actively take part in putting forward hypotheses, drawing up an action plan, and finding ways to solve the problem.
Most often, during consultations, the explanation method is used.
It has a number of positive qualities: reliability, economical selection of specific facts, scientific interpretation of the phenomena under consideration, etc. In order to stimulate the attention of beginners/young teachers and encourage them to follow the logic of presentation, at the beginning of the consultation it is useful to formulate questions and address them. They help to comprehend your experience, express your thoughts, and formulate conclusions.

Depending on the level of qualification of teachers, the mentor determines to what extent they can be involved in participation or limit themselves to their own explanation.

When exchanging experience, the method of heuristic conversation

. During the conversation, individual provisions of the studied methodological literature are revealed in more detail, explanations are given on topics and issues that are of greater interest to teachers, errors in judgment are identified, the degree of understanding and assimilation of new information is revealed. However, the effectiveness of a heuristic conversation will be achieved if certain conditions are met:

— It is better to choose a practically significant, topical issue that requires comprehensive consideration as the subject of conversation.

— It is necessary that beginning/young teachers have a sufficient supply of theoretical knowledge and professional experience.

— Those who prepare a consultation must draw up a reasonable plan for the conversation, allowing them to clearly imagine what knowledge they will receive and what conclusions they will come to.

— When organizing a heuristic conversation, it is advisable to alternate the statements of experienced and novice teachers. A heuristic conversation conducted for the purpose of transferring knowledge requires serious preparation.

During consultations, the discussion method

. In form and content, the discussion is close to the conversation method. It also involves choosing an important topic that requires a comprehensive discussion, preparation of questions, introductory and concluding remarks. But unlike a conversation, a discussion requires a struggle of opinions and the raising of controversial issues. During the discussion, many other additional questions have to be asked, the number and content of which cannot be foreseen in advance.

Therefore, the use of discussion as a method requires high professional competence, pedagogical skill, great culture, and tact from the leading teacher-mentor. The leader of the discussion needs to have the ability to quickly navigate the situation, capture the train of thoughts and moods of the participants, and create an atmosphere of trust. Participants in the discussion must have knowledge of theory and a desire to improve their activities. The concluding remarks briefly analyze the participants' speeches and clarify fundamental issues.

Another option for consultation could be a business game

. It brings the audience closer to the real conditions of professional activity, clearly shows behavioral or tactical mistakes made in a given situation, and develops the best approaches to solving various pedagogical and organizational problems. To conduct a business game, serious preparation is required, it is necessary to provide certain conditions, reflection of educational material in the content of the game, identification of game goals and objectives, compliance with the established rules, activity and independence of the participants in the game. Given the pedagogical principles of consistency and accessibility, it is better to start with simple episodes, gradually increasing the complexity of the task.

Direct development of business game materials includes the following stages:

  1. Creation of a business game project.
  2. Description of the sequence of actions.
  3. Description of the organization of the game.
  4. Preparation of tasks for participants.
  5. Preparation of equipment.

Studying the problems of educational work through a business game helps both beginners and experienced teachers to master the technology of conducting lessons, activities and educational activities.

Within the framework of this form of work, you can entrust the conduct of a certain practical lesson to one of the students. The next form of counseling is psychological counseling -

a specially organized communication process through which the person seeking help can be updated with additional psychological strengths and abilities to overcome the problems and difficulties that have arisen.

Psychological counseling involves discussing the problems that a beginning/young teacher faces in the process of raising and teaching a child. A search is underway for solutions to the identified issues based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The correct organization of consultations requires the teacher-mentor not only to have knowledge and skills, but, above all, to be a good psychologist, to win over people, to inspire their trust.

The difficulty of a consultant’s work lies in the fact that he must successfully combine scientific and everyday knowledge of concepts, patterns, and mechanisms in his activities. At the same time, there is a danger of simplifying the language and reducing all psychological concepts to the level of everyday knowledge, which does not correspond to the theoretical and experimental achievements of science. In educational and advisory work, the consultant must accurately differentiate the addressee with whom he is communicating.

This takes into account age, education, and professional specialty. The most important principle of interaction between a consultant and a consultee is mandatory accessibility and intelligibility. Scientific and everyday concepts must either be brought together as closely as possible, or their correspondence must be clearly explained. During consultation, the teacher-mentor explains the meaning of various special terms and clarifies their understanding.

The most important condition is the consultant’s confidence in the truth, finality of the results and facts reported to him. All doubts must be removed and suppressed during the conversation or consultation. This is dictated by the specifics of the tasks being solved - research, educational, consulting.

The agreement or disagreement of the person being consulted with the consultant is influenced by interpersonal distance; its measure is established in the process of communication. In a more distant, cold interaction, the counselee's hidden weaknesses may be more concealed than in a close, warm interaction. But distant interaction can help to understand external observable problems: conflict behavior, tension in relationships, etc. The main condition for interaction is mutual understanding, on the basis of which there arises the readiness of subjects for cooperation, for personal contact, for progressive movement towards resolving a common issue that is relevant for subjects Problems.

Thus, the interaction between a mentor and a beginning/young teacher can be characterized as a form of their joint activity based on mutual understanding and personal communication. The professionally necessary qualities of contact when organizing methodological consulting are:




flexibility of behavior;

the ability to avoid neurotic and subjective deviations in one’s own assessments and behavior;

tolerance towards others;

the ability to understand the general culture of behavior;

professional tact;


the ability to fully construct and maintain one’s own line of behavior;

the ability to analyze the situation of difficulties with the counselee.

If all conditions are met, the basis for effective pedagogical activity will be the continuous process of education and development of a beginner/young teacher.

Let's live together, or How to find a common language with parents

Before working in kindergarten, I didn’t think at all about how I would communicate with parents of children. At the institute we were told about this, but then this topic did not seem important to me. With experience, I realized that most of my work is relationships with parents. Of course, you can reduce communication to a minimum - just accept the child in the morning and give him back in the evening. But without interaction with parents, it is impossible to make the educational process harmonious.

I thought it was very difficult to establish contact with parents. Most of all, I was afraid of not falling face first into the dirt. How to show that you are a specialist and ready to cooperate? It was difficult for me to believe in my strength - that I, so young, could teach adults, accomplished people something, and help them with something. But, overcoming fear, I tried to take the initiative in the conversation. I realized that communication will be successful if it is based on common and significant interests for both parties, if communication mutually enriches each of them, I realized that parents are allies, not enemies.

The parents were different. Someone was immediately ready to cooperate, saw me as a specialist, and our communication was productive. But there were also those who had to prove that I was worth something and could give practical advice. It was very difficult when communicating with such parents, but I was always helped by confidence in my knowledge, as well as scientific information with which I confirmed my words.

One day, the father of one boy said that he himself solved equations at the age of three and wanted his son to learn it too. To my question: “Why does a three-year-old child need this?”, he did not answer anything. I prepared material on the age characteristics of three-year-old children, talked with my father, he understood me and admitted that I was right.

It is imperative to explain to parents (although sometimes it is difficult) that it is too early for children to read and write, that the main task of preschool education is the development of thinking, fine motor skills, general physical training, and familiarity with the world around them. General development is the key to successful schooling.

At first I was very surprised that children behave completely differently during the day in the garden and in front of their parents. Sometimes it was difficult to prove to parents that children are completely different without them. Usually in front of their parents they are disobedient and refuse to do anything on their own, although for a long time they have been doing everything in the garden themselves. But if you tell parents in front of their children about their successes in self-care, then for the most part children try to show independence. Therefore, I tried to spend a couple of minutes every day with each adult and report on the child’s progress. Gradually, the children themselves began to talk about what they had learned.

Productive communication with parents, an attitude towards good results, confidence in myself and my knowledge - all this helped me overcome my fears and create a favorable atmosphere in the group.

How to become your favorite teacher?

Preschool teachers who have close and trusting relationships with their children are confident that their students learn faster and get along better with others. You can’t “force” someone to love, just as you can’t achieve a child’s love by allowing you to walk on the ceiling on your head. The main thing, according to psychologists, is to provide a hospitable atmosphere in kindergarten and treat children with respect. A comfortable environment and environment is the basis for productive activities, healthy development of children and your peace of mind.

Develop close relationships

1. Be a sincere person
It is important to be absolutely sincere in your desire to have a good relationship with your students. Kindergarten students, like all children, are very sensitive to insincerity and pretense. No, they don't get offended like adults, but it makes them feel insecure.

  • Are you really happy with your job? If so, feel free to share your genuine excitement and expectations with your students. When you talk to them one-on-one, be sure to tell them how glad you are to see them. For example, when your child enters the locker room in the morning, smile and say, “It’s great to see you again! Let's give each other smiles?" You can try our educational games to create a comfortable and open atmosphere.
  • The same mechanism works in the opposite situation. Don't be afraid to tell your students you're having a bad day. Children will still understand and feel your attitude, and therefore clearly tell them why you cannot be as usual today. Children will appreciate your sincerity, and dialogue will help them realize the importance of help and empathy. For example, if you've recently lost a loved one, don't hide it behind a fake smile or brush-off. Everyone around is talking about emotional intelligence, but no one wants to start with themselves. Believe me, a direct answer to the question “Maria Viktorovna, what happened to you?” will not cause injury to anyone, but adults who always hide everything, teaching children to hide their emotions - yes.

2. Show interest in the children’s creativity and activities.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s work in class or extracurricular hobbies that your child talks about after the weekend, show interest in the lives of your students. Ask questions, react emotionally and sincerely.

  • If guys know that you care (in a good way) and are interested in their lives, they will share details with you more and more often, which helps to build close relationships.
  • Ask often about plans for weekends or holidays. Every Monday, feel free to organize a small “class hour” where you ask the children to tell us what adventures they experienced this weekend. In addition to trust, such conversations will help the child learn to formulate his thoughts, talk and listen.
  • Try to find out at least one hobby of your child. Ask them regularly about what they like to do. You can even do your own little research and then share the results with the guys. They will enjoy playing a guessing game; this format can encourage young children to tell more about themselves.
  • Find out more about what kids like. Grisha loves dinosaurs, but you don’t know anyone except Tyrannosaurus? Julia is interested in butterflies, but you don’t understand what kind of Morphe Peleid she is talking about? Modern children are unique, they know so many interesting things about the world and are ready to share the story with great joy.

3. Be a Passionate Educator
Not only do students learn better when their teacher is passionate about what they do, but they also like their teacher more. If you are passionate and excited about the topic you are talking about, your children will also feel excited and interested.

  • Let work be fun! Some teachers wear costumes when talking about a certain topic or fairy-tale character. In order to interest children, you don’t need to rent a professional costume; sometimes the elements are enough: a hat, a basket of apples and blanket robes.
  • A creative and enthusiastic approach is especially important in classes that require a lot of concentration. For example, while preparing for school. Use smartphone apps, colorful flashcards, or real objects to explain math. Alternate tasks with games and, of course, funny warm-ups.

What else should I read?

Steps to the school. How to help your child become a successful first-grader

Diagnostic cards: how to assess the development of a preschooler?

Career guidance at an early age: pros and cons

How to determine the results of preschool education? Development of the national quality assessment system NIKO

4. Laugh with your Kindergarteners
Kindergarteners love to laugh. And believe me, they will feel closer to you if you make them smile and laugh more often. Try to include humor in every lesson (no, this will not turn the process into a clownery).

  • Smile more often. When you communicate with your students. Preschoolers imitate the facial expressions they see, so if you smile and laugh, they will definitely do it with you.
  • Act out scenes from books, add your own jokes, or create your own handouts and visual materials in which cartoon characters - even Fixies - joke and laugh at something.
  • Laughter is a good learning opportunity. Preschoolers can laugh at anything, and sometimes even at things they shouldn't. Explain to the children the boundaries of the funny in order to form conscious and cultured people in the future. The funny shape of the cloud that Bear noticed from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” is a reason for a skit, but someone’s appearance is not.

Support your students

1. Create a Welcoming Environment
If the guys don't feel comfortable in the room, they won't feel comfortable around you. You need to create an atmosphere in which children feel at home.

  • Let cheerful music play in the morning, when the children first arrive at kindergarten. This will make them feel safe and comfortable.
  • If you have the opportunity to have a pet, use it; it will be useful for kindergarteners to care for a pet with you. Parrots are the best option, since a rabbit or hamster may simply not tolerate noise and stress. If this is not possible, let the whole group have one large common soft toy. Let children know that she is the one to hug if they are having a bad day.
  • Create a bulletin board and mood board so that the kids can share their ideas and significant events: photos from home, drawings, even hearts on stickers. Kindergarteners love to share their experiences with others, but they need an outlet to do so. Pedagogical games that will help develop self-esteem and the ability to love and respect others can be found here.
  • Keep all materials organized so that children can easily find them. All class participants will feel safer knowing where everything they need is located. Write and draw on all the folders and jars so that from afar it is clear where the paper, markers, crafts and pencils are.
  • Praise the guys for brilliant work, a correctly completed exercise, or simply for a good story told in the group in the morning. Praise means a lot to kids! And in order to save time, use our diploma templates for kindergarten: bright pictures and original poems await you.

2. Be consistent
If children can rely on you, it will be easier for them to love you. To do this, you need to create a stable environment and calm communication.

  • If you say you are going to do something, do it. If you tell the kids that tomorrow is a special drawing day, don't forget to organize everything. Children remember everything very well.
  • Support your students consistently. If one day you communicate warmly and affably with Katya, and the next you are cold with her, like the Snow Queen, the child simply will not understand what is happening and, most likely, will lose all trust.
  • Do you have a schedule? It's better to stick to it. Preschoolers feel more comfortable and secure when they know what will happen next. Let the kids know early in the morning what the day will look like and stick to the plan.

We started our material by saying: “Love for your work and children is not enough,” but in fact this is enough. This love just has to be active.

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