Lego construction center in kindergarten as a special educational space for the development of children of primary preschool age

Developmental environment for design

Self-analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment

in the junior group "Akbuzat" in light engineering

The developing subject-spatial environment of the junior group for light design is rich in content and corresponds to the age capabilities of children and the content of the program, giving children the opportunity to show their individuality and realize their ideas.

The group has created a “Construction Center”, where the necessary building materials are located: Lego construction sets with parts of different sizes; cubes with pictures; building material (wooden, plastic): cubes, prisms, bricks, plates, etc.; toys for playing with buildings (cars, dolls, Christmas trees, trees, flower beds, flowers, lanterns, and other attributes that develop children’s imagination); "Railroad" set; models, diagrams, drawings, pictures of various buildings, illustrations of cities, bridges, streets, etc.; mosaics of different sizes and shapes and patterns for laying out patterns from it; cut pictures, puzzles; “Cuisenaire Sticks” construction set, dienes blocks, wooden insert construction sets, stringing construction sets, waste material from cardboard boxes,

The Builders Center is safe and meets sanitary and hygienic requirements and fire safety rules. The corner is located by the window, away from the constant movement of children and adults, well lit, does not take up much space, and is quite mobile. The contents of the construction corner allow you to organize constructive activities with a large group of students, a subgroup and individually, to develop construction on the carpet or on the table.

The games, manuals, and furniture in the center are multifunctional and suitable for use in various types of children's activities.

The organization of the developmental subject-spatial environment for light construction in the group is built in accordance with the age and gender (for boys and girls) characteristics of the pupils.

The group has free access for children to toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic types of children's activities.

In the corner for parents, consultations for parents were posted: “Designing in a child’s life”, “First steps in working with paper”.

In the future, it is planned to enrich the construction center with Lego Duplo construction sets, dienes blocks, and thematic construction sets.

Prepared by the teacher of the Akbuzat group

Islamgulova G.B.

Regulations on the inspection of design centers in preschool educational institutions

Approved by the Head of the Medical Educational Institution No. ____ ___________/______________

Pedagogical council No. 1 dated 24.08. 2022

Regulations on the “Design Centers” show

in MADOU No.___________ for the 2017-2018 academic year


Creating conditions in preschool educational institutions for the development of cognitive, research and productive (constructive) activities and artistic and creative abilities of children.

Objectives of the review:

  • Replenish and update the supply of design centers.
  • To contribute to improving the level of equipment of the developing subject-spatial environment of preschool educational institutions.
  • To promote the development of the creative potential of preschool teachers.
  • To improve the professional skills of teachers on the development of design skills in preschoolers.
  • Help strengthen the connection between the preschool educational institution and the family.

Participants of the review:

Teachers and parents of all kindergarten groups, qualified specialists, and a senior teacher take part in the review.


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Organization and procedure for the review:

The review is held on March 12-13, 2018.

Criteria for evaluation:

0—no criterion; 0.5 - partially present; 1-present in full. The maximum number of points is 5.

The results of the review of design centers are taken into account in teacher activity cards when distributing incentive payments.

No. Review indicators in groups

(for teachers)

Taken into account Maximum points
1 Creating conditions for organizing constructive activities in the group 1
1.1 Age appropriate content
1.2 Openness and accessibility for children
1.3 Storage of children's works (ladder, shelf, rack)
2 Variety of materials 1
2.1 Sets of cubes 4-12 pcs (younger age); floor building material; desktop building material (plastic construction sets: younger age - with large parts, older age - with small parts); construction sets with metal parts - older age; thematic sets (“City”, “Train”, etc.) - middle age; soft constructors on a carpet base - younger age.
2.2 Schemes, samples of buildings in drawings, drawings, etc.; photographs, albums with illustrations of cities, bridges, transport, houses, furniture, etc.
2.3 A box with accessories for construction (figures of people, animals, small cars, boats, airplanes, etc.)
2.4 Materials for construction from paper, natural materials, waste materials.
3 Compliance with health and safety requirements of equipment and materials 1
3.1 Safety of equipment and materials
3.2 Compliance with hygiene requirements
3.3 Compliance with aesthetic requirements
3.4 Rational placement
4 Identifying initiative and a creative approach to creating conditions for children’s constructive activities 1
5 Promoting the relationship between the preschool educational institution and the family 1
5.1 Parents' participation in replenishing equipment and materials for children's constructive activities
5.2 Availability of visual information for parents on constructive modeling activities
Total points 5
No. Review indicators for the methodological room (senior teacher,

teacher of additional education in fine arts)

Taken into account Maximum points
1 Creating conditions for organizing constructive activities in preschool educational institutions 1
Availability of methodological manuals on the topic, systematization
2 A variety of materials for constructive activities in the teaching room 1
2.1 Sets of building materials of different types
2.2 Materials for design, light construction
2.3 Schemes, samples of buildings in drawings, drawings, etc.; photographs, albums with illustrations of cities, bridges, transport, houses, furniture, etc.
3 Compliance with health and safety requirements of equipment and materials 1
3.1 Safety of equipment and materials
3.2 Compliance with hygiene requirements
3.3 Compliance with aesthetic requirements
3.4 Rational placement
4 Identification of initiative and creative approach to creating conditions for constructive activities of children in preschool educational institutions 1
5 Promoting the relationship between the preschool educational institution and the family 1
Availability of visual information for parents on constructive modeling activities
Total points 5
No. Review indicators

for qualified specialists

Taken into account Maximum points
1 Creating conditions for organizing constructive activities in the classroom 1
Availability of teaching materials with design elements
2 Availability of construction materials in offices 1
Sets of materials for design, diagrams, samples, albums with illustrations
3 Compliance with health and safety requirements of equipment and materials 1
3.1 Safety of equipment and materials
3.2 Compliance with hygiene requirements
3.3 Compliance with aesthetic requirements
3.4 Rational placement
4 Identifying initiative and a creative approach to creating conditions for children’s constructive activities 1
5 Promoting the relationship between the preschool educational institution and the family 1
Availability of visual information for parents on constructive modeling activities
Total points 5

Poems for children 4-5 years old about design

Design center in the middle group. Author's poems about constructors

Dear readers! I bring to your attention original poems that may be useful to educators working with children of middle preschool age, methodologists, senior educators, and creative parents. Poems can be used to represent the middle age group design center at competitions, in project activities, as well as when drawing up a creative report. Author: Lyubov Vladimirovna Lychangina, teacher of the MBDOU “TsRR d-s “Thumbelina”, Moscow Region, Aldan RS (Y) Goal: popularization and dissemination of private teaching experience, encouraging teachers to be creative. Objectives: to involve teachers in creating optimal conditions for the development of constructive activities, to promote the development of creative abilities of students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. Approximate requirements for the content and design of the construction corner in the middle group “In middle preschool age groups, building material is stored in the boxes in which it was purchased. Small toys don’t need to be placed on shelves, but rather put away in boxes. Large building materials can be stored in cabinets or on hanging shelves in the open. The larger the parts, the lower they are placed. Construction parts: cube, plate, brick, block;
large and small building materials; natural material (bark, branches, cones, chestnuts, nutshells, straw); waste material: reels, boxes of various sizes and others; Lego "Duplo" constructor with color cards, visual models and diagrams, Dienesh blocks, cut-out pictures, mosaics, puzzles" (Author: methodologist of the MGIU preschool education office: Kutsakova L.V. Design and manual labor in kindergarten: A manual for kindergarten teachers garden: From work experience) Center (corner) for design and manual labor in the middle group
- Good morning!
Welcome to the middle group! We present to you our construction sets, construction kits and other aids for the development of fine and gross motor skills of our students.
The big construction set and I always play every day, We build a very, very long wall, And above it there is certainly a tower! Large plastic building kit We can build a great house ourselves! There is a large, remarkable building set! Construction set plastic medium Here are the cylinders, cones and cubes Different - we note this. We study color, size and shape, and play with them with pleasure. There is a metal construction set . We will gladly assemble a crane, a scooter, a helicopter, a car, a house. Soft large and medium construction set Cubes, cylinders, arches, Soft, colored... We will build a castle from them - Carved turrets! Wooden cubes Green, yellow, blue, red, Wooden cubes are warm, different, They are the children's favorite toys and never lie idle! Medium plastic construction set Lightweight, bright, multi-colored Allows us to assemble a House, a garage, a fence near the house; Place a table and a bed inside. Construction sets for boys and girls Boys and girls are different - we know And we offer them different construction sets, Boys love to make things, Twist bolts with nuts... Girls have completely different interests - Young princesses collect flowers. Soft construction set for artistic design What a wonderful board, both green and blue! We take different shapes into skillful hands. We get complete pictures! “Velcroshka” - a construction set made from Velcro We will take strips of Velcro and easily assemble a pattern from them. And they will also make a fungus, a butterfly, a light flower, a dragonfly, a spider beetle, a hare, a hedgehog or a bun. Natural and waste material And here are kinders, tubes, lids, boxes and colorful cones! Nuts and chestnuts were put here. Well, in a word, everything here is for manual labor! Stone mosaic Smooth pebbles - pleasant to the touch, I like to stroke them, roll them, You can lay out panels from them, Play with them, have fun. Plastic mosaic Colored mosaics All children adore, They quickly turn into mushrooms, flowers and berries. the puzzles to everyone's surprise. The resulting pictures are simply a sight for sore eyes! We have different types of Lego “Railway Station”, “Pirate Ship” is there, “Circus” is fun and “Zoo”, Lego’s advantages can’t be counted! We have fun playing with him and developing fine motor skills! -Thank you for your attention!
See you soon! Application.

Types of construction sets for artistic design
“Velcroshka” - construction set made from Velcro

Soft construction made of fleece and felt

Stone constructor

We recommend watching:

Music and information corner in kindergarten groups Decorating a kindergarten with your own hands. Master class Decorating a kindergarten with your own hands Decorating the walls in a kindergarten with your own hands

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Passport of the design center for the preparatory group “Igraiki”


1 Passport of the design center for the preparatory group “Igraiki”

2 Name MBDOU Full name and position of the authors. Placement of the corner. Targeting. List of equipment/quantity. List of materials, benefits. Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 277 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the physical direction of children's development." Petrova Oksana Vasilievna, teacher. Ivanova Natalya, Anatolyevna, teacher. Group room Preparatory group "Igraiki". Rack, shelf, exhibition stand. A long-term plan for joint activities with children on constructive model activities. A selection of notes on pedagogical activities with children on constructive model activities. Card index of construction games. Schemes for crafts made from leaves. Schemes for crafts made from boxes Schemes for crafts made from natural materials. Schemes for crafts made from candy wrappers. Schemes of paper crafts (origami). Schemes of crafts from newspaper tubes Schemes of crafts from a magnetic construction set Schemes of buildings from a wooden construction set. Schemes of buildings made from plastic construction kits. Building diagrams for the Geometric construction set. Schemes “Construction from the Lao constructor”. Photo album “Construction from counting sticks”. Photo album “Construction from leaves”. Photo album “Construction from natural materials”. Photo album “Construction from lids”. Photo album “Construction from Lego”. Photo album “Construction from a wooden construction set” Photo album “Construction from sticks

3 Cuisenaire." Technical design Floor-standing “Building a house” (plastic building material large). Wooden: colored; not colored. Constructors Constructors like “Lego”: average; small. Plastic constructor. Plastic Lego constructor. Plastic constructor with screws. Wooden construction set “City”. Magnetic construction set 2 pcs. Geometric construction set 2 pcs. Constructor made from counting sticks. Construction set from Cuisenaire sticks. Constructor "Lao". Construction set made from sticky balls. Constructor "Geometric". Constructor "Screws" Constructor "Funny blocks" Unformed material. Sponges. Lids. Boxes. Threads. Ribbons. Items for playing with buildings Animals. Cars. Trees. Artistic design Made from natural material Cones. acorns beans. Pine nuts. Seeds. Bones.

4 Leaves. From paper Approximate forms of joint activities with children in the center. Paper. Cardboard. Scissors. Glue. conversations; reviewing diagrams; viewing photo albums; exhibitions of handicrafts and children's buildings; photo exhibitions of manufactured crafts and buildings. implementation of projects. From natural materials: From paper: From candy wrappers: From straws: Products created by children. "Baba Yaga". "Bunny." "Gifts of Autumn" "Herringbone". "Squirrel". "Baba Yaga's Hut" "Bunny" (origami). "Swan" (origami). “Vase” (origami). "Peacock" (origami). “Shrimp” (origami). "House". "Angel". "Bracelets." "Vase". "Picture frame". "Basket". "Vase". "Sun". "Cup and saucer." "Bracelet". "Glass for pencils"

5 Appendix One, two, three, fold the parts so that they become a machine. Assemble the garage. Then don't forget to build a house. You can pave another road to the very threshold, choose a place for a fountain. It will be beautiful! From a designer like this, Why don’t you do everything right! We’ll take our construction set and assemble everything in an instant.

6 We collect roofs at home, and we play with them in the garden. The paper seems to be simple, But once we read the diagram, we can put together little hares, foxes, kittens, and elephants. And immediately the fairy tale comes to life, And invites us to play. Let's take the tubes in our hands and start designing them.

7 What does it cost us to build a house? Construction Center.

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