Approximate volume of educational load in a preschool educational institution, taking into account SanPiN and the draft Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

Approximate volume of educational load in a preschool educational institution, taking into account SanPiN and the draft Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

Approximate volume of educational load in a preschool educational institution

taking into account SanPiN and the draft Federal State Educational Standard

A rational daily routine is the basis for the health and upbringing of children. Strict adherence to the regime helps regulate the child’s basic physiological needs, stability of behavior, teaches organization and activity, and helps maintain stable performance.

Organized educational activities of children of primary and secondary preschool age are carried out in the process of involving them in various types of children's activities: play, cognitive research, perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work, construction from various materials, visual arts, music. The teacher doses the volume of educational load taking into account sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

Educational activities with children of senior preschool age are carried out in the process of involving them in various types of children's activities, including in the form of classes. Particular attention must be paid to the hygiene of organizing and conducting classes with children, ensuring a rational combination of mental and physical activity, as well as sufficient physical activity of the child during the day. Teachers dose the educational load taking into account sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

According to the current SanPiN

The duration of continuous direct educational activity for children from 3 to 4 years old is no more than 15 minutes, for children from 4 to 5 years old - no more than 20 minutes, for children from 5 to 6 years old - no more than 25 minutes, and for children from 6 to 7 years old - no more than 30 minutes. The maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups does not exceed 30 and 40 minutes, respectively, and in the senior and preparatory groups - 45 and 1.5 hours, respectively. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, a physical education session is held. Breaks between periods of continuous educational activity are at least 10 minutes.

Educational activities with children of senior preschool age can be carried out in the afternoon after a nap. Its duration should be no more than 25 - 30 minutes a day. In the middle of directly educational activities of a statistical nature, physical education minutes are held. Educational activities that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children should be organized in the first half of the day. To prevent children from becoming tired, it is recommended to conduct physical education, music, rhythm classes, etc.

Age-related educational loads in accordance with SanPiN



3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years 6-7 years
No more
30 min. 40 min. 45 min. in the first half of the day 1.5 hours in the first half of the day
25 minutes in the afternoon 30 minutes in the afternoon
Number of conditional hours (NCH) per week 10 10 13 14
Number of conditional hours (NCH) per year based on 28 academic weeks 280 280 364 392
Total astronomical time GCD per week (in hours) 2 hours 30 minutes 3 hours 20 minutes 5 hours 25 minutes 7 hours
Total astronomical time GCD per year (in hours) 70 hours 93 hours 20 minutes 140 hours 196 hours
Maximum permissible volume of weekly educational load according to SanPiN 2 hours 30 minutes

150 min.

3 hours 20 minutes

200 min.

5 hours 50 minutes

350 min.

10 o'clock

600 min.

The approximate volume of the weekly educational load at the institution for the 2013 – 2014 academic year. year

(directly educational activities)

Educational areas Program area Name Time

(number of hours per week)

from 3 to 4 years from 4 to 5 years Senior preschool age
from 5 to 6 years from 6 to 7 years
Physical development Development of a culture of movement and health work. Mastering the basic norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle. Physical Culture 45 min 60 min. 75 min. 90 min.
Cognitive development Development of a culture of knowledge. Formation of cognitive actions, formation of cognition. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts 15 minutes 20 minutes. 25 min. 60 min.
Cognitive development 15 minutes 20 minutes 25 min 30 min
Social and communicative development Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers. Development of social and emotional intelligence. Construction/artwork 25 min 30
Manual labor 25 min
Artistic and aesthetic development Development of artistic and aesthetic culture. The formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world Music 30 min 40 min. 50 60
Visual activities 15 minutes 20 minutes. 50 60
Modeling 15 minutes 20 minutes.
Speech development Development of a culture of communication. Mastery of speech as a means of communication. Speech development 15 minutes 20 minutes. 25 30
Literacy training 25 60
TOTAL: 2h. 30 min. 3 hours 20 minutes 5 hours 25 minutes 7 o'clock
Maximum allowed according to SanPin: 2 hours 30 minutes 3 hours 20 minutes 5 hours 50 minutes 10 hours

Variable (modular) part of the program.

In accordance with the priority of the establishment and ensuring equal starting opportunities for pupils, children's interest groups are included in the educational process. Due to the fact that both parts of the Program are recommended to be kept in the general logic and its implementation is carried out during the entire stay of the pupils in the preschool educational institution, circle work can be organized both in the first half of the day and in the afternoon.

The following additional services are provided:

Development direction Educational services Age group Supervisor
"The big guy" Senior preschool age

(6-7 years)

Physical education instructor

2 sq. category

"Why" Senior preschool age

(5-6 and 6-7 years old)

Group teachers
"Rechetsvetik" Senior preschool age (5-6 years) Teacher speech therapist
"We speak correctly" Senior preschool age (6-7 years) Teacher speech therapist
"Zukovichok" Senior preschool age (5-6 years) Teacher speech therapist
Artistic and aesthetic
"Yugorchata" Senior preschool age

(6-7 years)

Musical director
"Okay" Senior preschool age

(5-6 years)

Musical director

Children of senior preschool age visit the speech correction room 2 times a week; carried out as individual

as well as subgroup classes. The content of the correctional program “Program for training and education of children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment” is implemented in individual lessons with children with deviations in speech development.

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Examples of children's motivation for educational activities

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, educational activities with preschoolers should be based on the desire and voluntary participation of children. Various methods of motivating children help to fulfill this requirement. Motivation should not be artificial, divorced from previous activities of children, from the general mood that prevails in the group. In order to arouse a natural interest in the upcoming lesson in students, the teacher needs to know well what they are passionate about, what characters and fairy tale heroes they like, and respect their interests.

When offering children a new type of activity, the teacher must be emotional, sincere, and in a good mood, so that his positive attitude towards the lesson is transmitted to the kids. At the same time, you need to know when to stop: excessive display of emotions, a loud unnatural voice can overstimulate sensitive children and reduce interest. You can begin the introductory conversation in a subdued, mysterious tone. This reminds children of the beginning of a fairy tale, attracts their attention, and organizes it.

Table: examples of the motivating beginning of GCD in the middle group

What knowledge do preschoolers acquire in math classes?

Mathematics classes in the senior group of kindergarten teach children to correctly distinguish between geometric shapes that are similar in shape, for example, a square and a rectangle, as well as analyze objects and describe their shape, evaluate sizes using three indicators: length, width and height.

In older preschoolers, the ability to determine in words how objects are located relative to each other (right, left, in front), to freely navigate in space (standing near a locker, in front of a table, behind a chair), to change the direction of one’s movement (to the right, to the left) and remember the names of the days of the week, as well as their sequence.

The benefits of rhythmic exercises for children

In addition to classes to prepare for literacy, reading and basic mathematical concepts, the preschool program provides for the development of musical and rhythmic abilities in children. For this purpose, many preschool educational institutions have included rhythm classes.

Experience shows that such activities in kindergarten and in the senior group not only bring joy to the child and amuse him, but also have many other positive factors. Among them are the following:

  • They instill a love of dancing and music and develop musical taste.
  • Thanks to them, shy children can relax, and active ones get good physical relaxation.
  • All children begin to share concepts such as the style of music, its rhythm and tempo.
  • Both the child’s physical fitness and coordination of movements improve significantly.
  • Children have the opportunity to learn how to react adequately to any situation, control their state of mind and correctly express emotions.

All this led to the fact that great attention began to be paid to rhythm classes in the preschool education system.

Since mothers and fathers always want to know what their child is doing in kindergarten and what he is learning there, especially if the institution’s program includes classes that are not included in the compulsory preschool program, the kindergarten most often strives to conduct an open lesson on rhythm in the senior group simultaneously with parent meeting.

This is done so that it is possible to demonstrate to parents the skills and abilities acquired by their children, as well as the style of conducting lessons.

Implementation of an individual approach

An individual or differentiated approach is successfully implemented in classes in all educational areas. So, during educational activities in mathematics or the formation of sound culture of speech, the teacher uses handouts: punched cards, cards with tasks of different levels of complexity, which makes the perception of the material understandable for each child. Those children who are faster than others can take another task card for themselves or help a friend.

In classes in fine arts and design, work in pairs and subgroups (3-4 people each) is used. Children, independently or with the help of a teacher, distribute and complete work in accordance with their own pace and abilities.

Drawing in pairs develops the ability to negotiate, and also allows children to come to the aid of a friend

Differentiation of tasks can also be carried out during a didactic game. For example, in a math class or learning about nature, you can use a game with a moth, an autumn leaf, or a snowflake. The teacher takes an image of an object and tells the game task: the one on whose shoulder or hand a moth (leaf, snowflake) sits will answer the question. Next, the teacher approaches several children in turn and asks them questions to consolidate what they have learned at different levels of complexity. Only a teacher who knows well the individual characteristics of children, their level of knowledge and abilities can conduct such a game. The game is also useful because it teaches children to listen carefully, not to interrupt, and to help a friend answer correctly.

What should children in the older group learn?

Consultation: “What a child should know and be able to do by the end of the senior group” consultation (senior group) on the topic

  • Physical education. ...
  • Natural surroundings. ...
  • Speech development. ...
  • Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. ...
  • Fiction. ...
  • Artistic and aesthetic education. ...
  • Design and manual labor.

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