Short-term project for the senior group. Project theme: “My hometown”

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Calendar planning in the senior group on the topic: “Our city”

Calendar plan for senior group No. 12

Period: 29.01. – 02/04/2019 (1 week)

Topic of the week: “Our city.”

Objectives: Expand ideas about your hometown: explain the origin of the name of the city, introduce the sights, explain why Iskitim is called a city that builds cities. Introduce the city map (working with the map). Tell about wonderful people who glorified their region. Introduce children to the Iskitim Museum of Local Lore. Cultivate love for the small Motherland, a sense of pride in your city.

Final event of the week:

Photo exhibition “My home, my street”.
: group.
Responsible: Basmanova Yu.V.
Educational activities are carried out on the basis of an integrated approach that ensures the integration of educational activities (speech, cognitive, social-communicative, physical, artistic and aesthetic development).

Day of week: Tuesday

"29" January 2022

Educational activities during the day

(Joint activity of adults and children)

Activities and cultural practices

Organization of RPPS to support children's initiatives

(Independent activity)

Regime moments Group, subgroup form Supporting the child's individuality
Morning:interaction with family

examination and reception of children

Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Children's games in the dressing room

“Doll Masha is going for a walk” (summarize ideas about the need to dress warmly in cold weather, remember what types of transport carry people around the city). D/game “What do people drive”, “Find out the street by description”.

D/i (sensory development - color, shape, size) -

“Fold the ornament”, “Assemble a geometric figure”, “From largest to smallest”

Material for sensory development games

Material for d/games and games in the dressing room.


Preparing and holding breakfast

Preparation for classes

Morning exercises - “Complex No. 1” “Healthy” - “In our group we do exercises every day...” (card file No. 17). Articulation gymnastics – “Mushroom”, “Blinds”, “Groovet”, “Sail”, “Angry Kitty”. Finger game - “My City”.

Work on the formation of CGN, a culture of command at the table during breakfast - learn to eat independently, hold a spoon correctly, bend over the plate, use napkins after eating.

Watch the snowstorm from the window, offer to listen to the howling of the wind. Review of the album: “Our city is Iskitim.”

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Abstract of the educational activity “My city of the future” for children of the senior group

Summary of direct educational activities for children of the senior group

"My city of the future"

Developed by: Marchenkova Irina Mikhailovna

Teacher MBDOU Kindergarten No. 19

Velikie Luki

Educational areas

: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, social and communicative, speech development.



: summarize children’s knowledge on the topics “My City”, “Home”, “Kindergarten”;

consolidate knowledge about different types of buildings;

contribute to the expansion and activation of vocabulary,

increase your knowledge about your city.


Continue to teach children how to create appliqués using different techniques and from various available materials,

develop visual and auditory perception, creativity and imagination, focus and self-regulation, form a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s small homeland and Fatherland.


to cultivate artistic taste, independence in plotting and originality of thought, design abilities,

promote the formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, responsibility and initiative, the ability to behave in public places,

create conditions for stimulating creative imagination and the accumulation of positive emotional experience.

Preparatory work


A conversation about your hometown, an exhibition of crafts and drawings with parents on the theme “My City”, a reading competition about the city, preparation and examination of albums about your hometown, viewing of cartoons “The Secret of the Third Planet”, “City of the Future”, examination of fairy-tale and fantasy cities and buildings using multimedia.

Equipment and materials:

ICT, illustrations of samples of various buildings, wallpaper, glue, photographs of our city, felt-tip pens, crayons, scissors, oilcloths, napkins, natural materials (beans, peas, shells).

Methods and techniques

: city tour, story, conversation with children, viewing, analysis of the cartoon watched, game, modeling, output product.

GCD move.

(educational activities are carried out in two stages: an excursion or walk, productive activity in the evening).

The teacher, when meeting the children in the morning in kindergarten, invites them to look at albums with views of the city, talking about how beautiful and good our city is, how many different buildings and structures there are in it, what wonderful people live and work in it. And he suggests that after breakfast we go on an excursion to the park.

In advance, while morning exercises are going on, the junior teacher goes to the park and hides a fantastic letter in one of the old trees. (This is possible if the kindergarten is nearby. If not, you can make a surprise moment in the kindergarten area).

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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Senior group project “My City”

Relevance of the project:

Fostering love and respect for one’s hometown is the most important component of moral and patriotic education.

To raise patriots of your city, you need to know it.

Patriotism is love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase wealth.

The foundations of patriotism begin to form in preschool age. The foundation of patriotism is rightfully considered to be the purposeful familiarization of children with their native land.

Children are our future, and therefore the future of our country. Each of us must love our country. You need to start cultivating love for your homeland small. With love for your city.

Project type: creative, information and research, long-term

Type of project: family, group.

Problem: Children know the name of the city, home address, look at photographs about their hometown with enthusiasm, and share their impressions. But, talking with them, I became convinced that they lack knowledge about the history of the emergence of their native city, about its symbolism. Parents do not tell their children about the history of the city or introduce it to its sights.

Expected results: children have basic knowledge about the history of their hometown, can talk about interesting, historical places of their small homeland, and have experience in joint activities with their parents.

Dates: September – November 2022

Children's age: preparatory group

The goal of the project: to create conditions for the development of patriotic feelings in children, to increase the active participation of parents in the life of the group.


to cultivate in children a love for their hometown, to form in children an initial understanding of the history of their hometown, its attractions, to expand children’s horizons and vocabulary,

develop patriotic feelings in children, continue to work on the development of children's creative abilities.

Project participants: children of the senior preschool city, teachers, parents.

Expected result:

The children developed a sense of pride in their city, in the people who participated in its creation, and in its unique beauty.

Educational value:

Children and parents became interested in the historical past of our city, active in searching for local history material, and interested in the unique nature of their native land.

Mental Value:

The scope of children’s knowledge about the history of their hometown has expanded and systematized.

Preliminary work:

Formulation of goals and objectives.

Studying methodological literature

Creating a developmental environment

Selection of games and equipment

Creating conditions for artistic and productive activities

Stage 1 - preparatory

  1. Select the necessary literature, illustrations, and materials for children’s play activities for the successful implementation of the project.
  2. To interest children and parents in the topic of the project, to encourage them to work together aimed at achieving the goal of the project.
  3. Create the necessary basis for children’s productive and creative activities.
  4. Draw up a long-term action plan.
  5. stage. Project implementation.

Organization of project activities.

3. 1 The history of the origin of the native city.

Goal: To arouse interest and desire to learn about the history of your city. Form cognitive interests, curiosity, activity. Cultivate love for your hometown.

3. 2 Game activity.

  • ** Didactic game "Building a house"

Goal: continue to teach everyone how to play together and how to have friendly relationships with peers.

  • ** Printed board game “City” , lotto “Professions”

Goal: to cultivate love and respect for the people around us, broaden their horizons and enrich children’s vocabulary with new terms, and develop coherent speech.

  • ** Word games “The path is the road” , “Say a word” , “You tell me - I tell you” .

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the streets of the city, teach them to pronounce correctly, continue to develop the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, develop speech, memory, and imaginative thinking.

3. 3 Speech development:

Goal: to form in children the concept of “small homeland” , expand their vocabulary, cultivate love for their native land, cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding nature, teach them to carefully observe and listen, develop speech and memory.

  • Reading poetry and short stories.
  • Conversation: “Who lives where?” , “Where you were born, that’s where you came in handy” , “How can I help my hometown?” , “Attractions of the native city” , “Streets and nooks and crannies.
  • Reading proverbs and sayings about the homeland, riddles.
  • Musical and theatrical activities.

Goal: learn to listen, improvise, develop rhythmic movements, learn to fit the chosen role.

3. 4. Artistic and aesthetic development:

Goal: to develop children's creative abilities, instill accuracy in work, and cultivate a love of work.

Making works from plasticine “Blooming Tree”

3. 5. Photo exhibitions “Nature of the native land”

Goal: to cultivate patriotic feelings, a sense of pride in their native land, to teach them to see beauty in simple things.

3. 6. Productive activity.

— Drawing: “My house”

— Applications: “City Streets”

3. 7.Working with parents:

Consultation “Introducing children to their hometown .

Making models of “Buildings of our city”

Product of project activity.

4. Photo exhibition in the group “Sights of our city” .

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