Long-term plan for working with parents of the senior group

Card index of work with parents with goals for older people


Card index of work with parents with goals for older people

daily work is based on calendar plans, and in order to make them easier and faster to fill out, I developed file cabinets that included mandatory work with parents . I want to share with you a file of working with parents with goals . Maybe it will be useful to someone in their work .


1."Speech development in older "

Goal: Psychological and pedagogical education of parents on issues of child speech development.

2."Development of cutting skills"

Goal: Psychological and pedagogical education of parents on the development of fine motor skills of the child’s fingers and cutting skills.

3.“How to choose the right book for a child?”

Goal: Improving the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents .

4."Personal hygiene"

Goal: To familiarize parents of pupils with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of preschool children at home and in kindergarten conditions. Education of healthy lifestyle

5. "Daily regime"

Goal: To familiarize parents of pupils with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of preschool children at home and in kindergarten conditions. Education of healthy lifestyle.

6. "Games to develop perseverance"

Goal: Uniting the efforts of teachers and parents to develop perseverance in children.

7. "Games for developing attention"

Goal: Combining the efforts of teachers and
parents to develop attention in children.
8. “Communication with peers and adults”

Goal: Uniting the efforts of teachers and
parents to foster a culture of communication among children.
9. “Beloved Grandparents”

Combining the efforts of teachers and
parents to instill respect in children towards the older generation .
10. “Rules of conduct for children in public places”

.Goal: Joint education of teachers and
parents to create a culture of behavior for children in a public place.
11 “Rules of conduct for children on public transport”

.Goal: Joint education of teachers and
parents to create a culture of behavior for children in public transport.
Prevention of injuries. Exhibitions

1. "Gold autumn"

Goal: Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group, development of positive relationships preschool workers parents . Identification of talents.

2."My mother's golden hands"

Goal: Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group, development of positive relationships preschool workers parents .

3."Christmas story"

Purpose: Demonstration of the creative abilities of parents . Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group. Contribute to the formation of the group team.


Purpose: Demonstration of the creative abilities of parents . Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group. Contribute to the formation of the group team.

5."Mama's sorceresses."

Goal: Contribute to the formation of the group team. parents' creative abilities

6. "Easter Chime"

Goal: Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group, development of positive relationships preschool workers parents .

7."This Victory Day!"

Goal: Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group, development of positive relationships preschool workers parents .


1."Children Passengers"

Goal: Uniting the efforts of teachers and parents to familiarize children with the rules of road safety.

2."Buckle up Russia!"

Goal: Uniting the efforts of teachers and parents to familiarize children with the rules of road safety.

3. “Our site is the best!”

Goal: Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group, development of positive relationships preschool workers parents .

4."Health Train"

Goal: Prevention of colds. Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group, development of positive relationships preschool employees parents .

5. "Journey to the Country of Vitaminia"

Goal: Prevention of colds. Formation of healthy lifestyle

6.“Green onions are our faithful friend”

Goal: Prevention of colds. Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group, development of positive relationships preschool employees parents .

7. “Workshop of good deeds. Bird feeders."

Goal: Uniting the efforts of teachers and parents to educate children environmentally and develop a caring attitude towards birds.

8. “Who lives on the windowsill?”

Goal: To unite the efforts of teachers and parents in the environmental and labor education of children, the formation of a desire to grow a houseplant and the ability to take care of it.

9. "Attention - the road!"

Goal: Uniting the efforts of teachers and parents to familiarize children with the rules of road safety. Prevention of road traffic injuries.

Family living rooms

1."Weekend School"

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents , theoretical assistance to parents in matters of raising children. Experience exchange.

2. "Traditions of our home"

Goal: Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group, development of positive relationships preschool workers parents . Experience exchange.

3. "Future Mistress"

Goal: Dissemination of experience in the labor education of girls in the family.

4. "Future Man"

Goal: Dissemination of experience in the labor education of boys in the family.

5. "Holidays in the family"

Goal: Fostering patriotic feelings: love and respect for loved ones (birthdays, preserving family traditions. Exchange of experiences.

6. “Reading with the family. My child's favorite book"

Goal: Dissemination of experience in introducing preschoolers to reading in the family.

7. "Our favorite family dish"

Goal: Development of positive relationships preschool employees parents . Experience exchange.

8. "My child's favorite game"

Goal: Development of positive relationships preschool employees parents . Experience exchange


1. "Caution, poisonous mushrooms"


Purpose: To familiarize parents with the rules for collecting mushrooms and the dangers of eating them.

2. “All about the development of children's speech”


Goal: Psychologist - pedagogical education of parents on issues of child speech development

3.“Game as a means of educating preschool children”


Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents , theoretical assistance to parents in matters of raising children.

4.“How to spend a day off with a child?”


Goal: Psychologist – pedagogical education of parents on issues of child upbringing and development

5. Consultation “Clothing for children in a group”


Goal: To familiarize parents of pupils with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of preschool children at home and in kindergarten conditions.

6."Flu. Preventive measures. Symptoms of this disease"


Familiarization of parents of pupils with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of preschoolers at home and in kindergarten conditions.

7. “Life according to the rules - daily routine.”

Goal: Creating conditions for parents the need for joint work between kindergarten and family.

8. “How to introduce a preschooler to traffic rules?”

Goal: Psychologist - pedagogical education of parents on the issues of raising and teaching children traffic rules

9. “The independence of a child. Its borders"


Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents , practical assistance to parents in raising children

10. "Naughty child"

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents , practical assistance to parents in raising children

Mobile folders.

1." Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old"

Goal: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents

2. "School for young pedestrians"

Goal: Helping parents in teaching children traffic rules

3. “All about the development of children's speech”


Goal: Psychologist - pedagogical education of parents on issues of child speech development

4. “How to dress a child for a walk?”

Goal: Formation of a unified approach to methods of healing and hardening children in kindergarten and at home

5." If it snows"

Goal: Formation of a unified approach to methods of healing and hardening children in kindergarten and at home

6." What to do with children during the winter holidays?

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents , practical assistance to parents in raising children .

7. “Why does a child need physical education?”

Goal: Formation of a unified approach to methods of healing and hardening children in kindergarten and at home

8.“Help children remember fire safety rules”


Goal: Uniting the efforts of teachers and parents to introduce children to the basics of fire safety.

9. “Flu and prevention of colds”

Goal: To educate parents about the symptoms of influenza and methods of preventing colds.

Blitz polls

1 “What does your child know about traffic rules?”

Goal: To identify children’s knowledge of traffic rules.

2. “My child’s favorite book”

Goal: Collect information about what kind of literature parents read to children

3." What role does dad play in raising children?

Purpose: Analysis of information about students and their families.

4. “What is a healthy lifestyle?”

Goal: To identify parents’ knowledge about healthy lifestyle

5." What kind of help do you want from a teacher in raising children?

Goal: Formation of a unified approach to methods of healing and hardening children in kindergarten and at home


1. "Safe steps towards road safety."

Goal: Formation of a unified approach to methods of familiarizing children with traffic rules in kindergarten and at home

2." Attention - fire!

Goal: Educating parents to familiarize parents and children with fire safety rules.

3. "Safety in winter"

Goal:Prevention of injuries to parents and children .

4. "Rules of behavior on bodies of water"

Goal: Dissemination of knowledge among parents .

5." Watch out for ticks!

Goal: Educating parents on life preservation issues.

6. » A healthy lifestyle is. "

Goal: Formation of a unified approach to methods of healing and hardening children in kindergarten and at home

7. "Development of children's creative abilities"

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents , theoretical assistance to parents in matters of raising and educating children.

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