Types of games in kindergarten and their developmental significance

Types of games in kindergarten and their developmental significance

Oksana Tsybulko

Types of games in kindergarten and their developmental significance

Types of games Goals and objectives Methods of implementation

(by age)

Specific characteristics
Developmental value
1) Creative ( child-initiated games )


children independently determine the purpose, content and rules of the game , most often depicting the surrounding life, human activities and relationships between people.

constitute the most saturated typical group of games for preschoolers. Creative play teaches children to think about how to implement a particular idea. Creative play develops valuable qualities for a future student: activity, independence, self-organization.

are of utmost importance for the all-round development of the child . Through playful activities, children strive to satisfy their active interest in the life around them and transform into adult heroes of works of art. Thus creating a playful life, children believe in its truth, are sincerely happy, sad, and worried.

1.1. Plot-role-playing (with elements of labor, with elements of artistic and creative activity).

Under the influence of enriching the content of games, the nature of relationships between children changes. Their games become cooperative, based on a common interest in them; of children's relationships increases . Children develop interest in creative role-playing games . The structure of a role-playing game , according to D. B. Elkonin, includes the following components:

1. Roles that children take on during the game .

2. Play actions through which children realize the roles they have taken on and the relationships between them.

3. Playful use of objects, conditional replacement of real objects at the child’s disposal.

4. Real relationships between playing children, expressed in a variety of remarks, through which the entire course of the game .

For children at play, coordination of actions, preliminary selection of a topic, a calmer distribution of roles and game material, and mutual assistance during the game .

In addition, increasing the level of role relationships helps to improve real relationships, provided that the role is performed at a good level.

However, there is also a feedback - role relationships become higher under the influence of successful, good relationships in the group. A child much better if he feels that the children trust him and treat him well. This leads to a conclusion about the importance of choosing partners and the teacher’s positive assessment of the merits of each child.

1.2. Theatrical activities: director's games and dramatization games .

they help children better understand the idea of ​​a work, feel its artistic value, and have a positive effect on the development of expressive speech and movements. Interest develops from an early age ; the child’s role in this game should gradually become more complex with his age; they are created according to a ready-made plot from a literary work or theatrical performance. game plan and sequence of actions are determined in advance. Such a game is more difficult for children than inheriting what they see in life, because you need to well understand and feel the images of the characters, their behavior, remember the text of the work (sequence, unfolding of actions , character remarks) So that children can convey the appropriate image They need to develop their imagination , teach them to put themselves in the place of the heroes of the work, to be imbued with their feelings and experiences.

In the process of work, children develop imagination , speech, intonation, facial expressions, and motor skills (gestures, gait, posture, movements)

Children learn to combine movement and speech in roles, develop a sense of partnership and creativity.
1.3. Construction games direct the child’s attention to different types of construction , promote the acquisition of organizational design skills, and involve them in work activities. Interest develops from an early age , the child’s role in this game should gradually become more complex with his age. In the process of construction games, the child actively and constantly creates something new. And he sees the results of his work. Children should have enough building material, different designs and sizes.

In construction games, children’s interest in the properties of an object and their desire to learn how to work with it are clearly demonstrated. The material for these games can be construction sets of different types and sizes, natural materials (sand, clay, pine cones, etc., from which children create various things, according to their own plans or on the instructions of the teacher. It is very important that the teacher helps students make the transition from aimless piling up material to create thoughtful buildings.

2. Didactic ( games initiated by adults with ready-made rules)


They contribute mainly to the development of children’s mental abilities, since they contain a mental task, the solution of which is the meaning of the game . They also contribute to the development of senses , attention, and logical thinking. A prerequisite for a didactic game are rules , without which the activity becomes spontaneous.

The didactic game is used in teaching children of different ages, in various classes and outside of them (physical education, mental education, moral education, aesthetic education, labor education, development of communication skills ).

When organizing didactic games for children, it should be taken into account that from the age of 3 to 4 years the child becomes more active, his actions are more complex and varied, his desire to assert himself increases; But at the same time, the baby’s attention is still unstable, he is quickly distracted. Solving a problem in didactic games requires greater stability of attention and enhanced mental activity than in other games. This creates certain difficulties for a small child. They can be overcome through entertaining learning, i.e. the use of didactic games. A didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is a game method of teaching preschool children, a form of education, an independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child. . Playing with objects uses toys and real objects. By playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality. They solve problems of comparison, classification, and establishing sequence in solving problems. As children acquire new knowledge about the subject environment, tasks in games become more difficult in identifying an object by this characteristic (color, shape, quality, purpose, etc. , which is very important for the development of abstract , logical thinking.

3. Outdoor games are important for the physical education of preschoolers because they contribute to their harmonious development , satisfy children’s need for movement, and help enrich their motor experience. Game exercises are characterized by the specificity of motor tasks, in accordance with the age characteristics and physical training of children 1. The basis of the plot outdoor games are based on the child’s experience, his ideas of movements characteristic of a particular image, his ideas about the world around him (the actions of people, animals, birds, which he reflects

2. Non-story games are characterized by specific game tasks that correspond to the age-specific physical fitness of children.

Game exercises are characterized by specific motor tasks, in accordance with the age characteristics and physical fitness of children. If in plot-based outdoor games the main attention of the players is aimed at creating images, achieving a certain goal, and accurately following the rules, which often leads to ignoring the clarity in the execution of movements, then while performing game exercises, preschoolers must flawlessly perform basic movements.

4. Folk (created by the people)


Thanks to them, such qualities as restraint, attentiveness, perseverance, organization are formed; strength, agility, speed, endurance and flexibility developed . The goal is achieved through a variety of movements: walking, jumping, running, throwing, etc. In younger groups, games with words are aimed mainly at developing speech , cultivating correct sound pronunciation, consolidating and activating the vocabulary , development of correct orientation in space.

For children of primary preschool age, who have very little experience, Ukrainian outdoor games of a plot nature with basic rules and a simple structure are recommended. In the second younger group, children have access to outdoor round dance games : “Chicken”

“Where are our hands?”
These are
games that came to us from very ancient times and were built taking into account ethnic characteristics. They are an integral part of a child’s life in modern society, providing an opportunity to assimilate universal human values. The developmental potential of these games is ensured not only by the presence of appropriate toys, but also by a special creative aura that an adult must create.
increase the child’s interest in activities, and, above all, in a didactic toy that attracts attention with its brightness and interesting content. It is important to combine the mental task in the game with the active actions and movements of the child himself.

Classification of games for preschoolers

Elena Lykova

Classification of games for preschoolers

Classification of games for preschoolers

In modern pedagogical theory, play is considered as the leading activity of a child - a preschooler . The leading position of the game is determined not by the amount of time that the child devotes to it, but by the fact that: it satisfies his basic needs; in the depths of the game other types of activities arise and develop; Play contributes most to a child’s mental development.

Games differ in content, characteristic features, and the place they occupy in children’s lives, in their upbringing and education.

Role-playing games are created by the children themselves, with some guidance from the teacher. They are based on children's amateur activities. Sometimes such games are called creative role-playing games, emphasizing that children do not simply copy certain actions, but creatively comprehend them and reproduce them in created images and play actions.

There are several groups of games that develop a child’s intelligence and cognitive activity.

Group I – object games, such as manipulations with toys and objects. Through toys - objects - children learn shape, color, volume, material, the animal world, the human world, etc.

Group II – creative games, role-playing games, in which the plot is a form of intellectual activity.

Let's consider one of these ( classification by S. L. Novoselova)


Classification of games

(according to S. L. Novoselova)

The Education and Training Program in Kindergarten provides the following classification of games for preschoolers :

— plot-role-playing:

- theatrical;

- movable;

- didactic.

The main component of a role-playing game is the plot; without it, there is no role-playing game itself. The plot of the game is the sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. Depending on this, role-playing games are divided into:

•Games based on everyday stories: in the “house”

“birthdays” (a lot of space is given to the doll)

• Games on industrial and social topics, which reflect the work of people (school, store, library, post office, transport: train, plane, ship).

• Games on heroic-patriotic themes, reflecting the heroic deeds of our people (war heroes, space flights, etc.)

• Games on themes of literary works, films, television and radio programs: “sailors”

, in the Hare and the Wolf, Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena
(according to the content of cartoons, films)
, etc.

Story game duration:

• in early preschool age (10-15 min.)


• in middle preschool age (40-50 min.)


• in older preschool age (from several hours to days)


Content is what is displayed by the child as a characteristic moment of activity and relationships between adults.

subject relations

activity behavior between people

of people

The structure of a role-playing game includes the following components:

• roles played by children during the game;

• play actions with the help of which children implement roles;

• game use of objects, real ones are replaced by game ones.

• relationships between children are expressed in remarks, remarks, the course of the game is regulated.

In the first years of life, with the teaching influence of adults, the child goes through stages of development of play activity, which represent the prerequisites for role-playing games.

The first such stage is an introductory game. Refers to the child's age - 1 year. The adult organizes the child’s object-based play activities using a variety of toys and objects.

At the second stage (between 1 and 2 years of the child’s life)

A display game appears in which the child’s actions are aimed at identifying the specific properties of an object and achieving a certain effect with its help. The adult not only names the object, but also draws the child’s attention to its intended purpose.

The third stage of game development refers to the end of the second - beginning of the third year of life. A plot-display game is formed, in which children begin to actively reflect impressions received in everyday life (cradling a doll)


Fourth stage (from 3 to 7 years)

– own role-playing game.

Role-playing play for preschool in its developed form represents an activity in which children take on roles (functions)

adults and in a social form, in specially created play conditions, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them. These conditions are characterized by the use of a variety of game objects that replace the actual objects of adult activity.

The amateur nature of children’s play activities lies in the fact that they reproduce certain phenomena, actions, and relationships actively and in a unique way. The originality is determined by the peculiarities of children’s perception, understanding and comprehension of certain facts, phenomena, connections, the presence or absence of experience and the immediacy of feelings.

The creative nature of play activity is manifested in the fact that the child is, as it were, reincarnated into the person he is portraying, and in the fact that, believing in the truth of the game, he creates a special play life and is sincerely happy and sad as the game progresses. The child satisfies his active interest in the phenomena of life, in people, animals, and the need for socially significant activities through play activities.

A game, like a fairy tale, teaches a child to penetrate the thoughts and feelings of the people depicted, going beyond the circle of everyday impressions into the wider world of human aspirations and heroic deeds.

In the development and enrichment of children’s amateur performances, creative reproduction and reflection of facts and phenomena of the surrounding life, a huge role belongs to the imagination. It is through the power of imagination that game situations are created, the images reproduced in it, the ability to combine the real, the ordinary with the fictional, which gives children's play an attractiveness that is unique to it.

In role-playing games, an optimistic, life-affirming character is clearly evident; the most difficult cases in them always end successfully and safely: captains guide ships through storms and storms, border guards detain violators, doctors heal the sick.

In a creative role-playing game, a child actively recreates, models real-life phenomena, experiences them, and this fills his life with rich content, leaving a mark for many years.

• Director's games in which the child makes dolls speak and perform various actions, acting both for themselves and for the doll.

• Theatrical games - acting out a certain literary work in person and displaying it using expressive methods (intonation, facial expressions, gestures)

specific images.

games – games on themes

dramatization of literary works

The dramatization game is a special type of activity for preschool .

Dramatize - depict, act out a literary work in person.

the sequence of events, roles, actions of the characters, their speech is determined by the text of the literary work.

Children need to memorize the text verbatim, comprehend the course of events, the image of the heroes of a fairy tale, or retelling.

helps to better understand the meaning of a work, feel the artistic value, and sincerely express one’s feelings

In dramatization games, the content, roles, and game actions are determined by the plot and content of a particular literary work, fairy tale, etc. They are similar to plot-role-playing games: they are based on the conditional reproduction of phenomena, actions and relationships between people, etc. etc., and there are also elements of creativity. The uniqueness of dramatization games lies in the fact that according to the plot of a fairy tale or story, children play certain roles and reproduce events in the exact sequence.

With the help of games - dramatizations, children better assimilate the ideological content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality.

The teacher's guidance lies in the fact that he, first of all, selects works that have educational significance, the plot of which is easy for children to learn and turn into a game - dramatization.

In a game of dramatization, there is no need to show the child certain expressive techniques: the game for him should be just that: a game.

Of great importance in the development of dramatization play, in the assimilation of the characteristic features of the image and their reflection in the role is the interest of the teacher himself in it, his ability to use the means of artistic expression when reading or telling. The correct rhythm, various intonations, pauses, and some gestures enliven the images, make them close to children, and arouse their desire to play. Repeating the game over and over again, the children need the help of the teacher less and less and begin to act independently. Only a few people can participate in the dramatization game at a time, and the teacher must ensure that all children take turns participating in it.

older preschoolers take into account each other's interests and desires, and sometimes use a counting rhyme. But even here, some influence from the teacher is necessary: ​​it is necessary to induce a friendly attitude among peers towards timid children, to suggest what roles they can be assigned.

Helping children learn the content of the game and get into character, the teacher uses illustrations for literary works, clarifies some of the characteristic features of the characters, and finds out the children’s attitude to the game.

• Worthwhile – constructive games

Construction-constructive games are a type of creative games in which children display the surrounding objective world, independently erect structures and protect them.

Types of building materials. Construction game is an activity for children, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in various buildings and related actions.

The similarity between role-playing games and construction games is that they unite children based on common interests, joint activities, and are collective.

The difference between these games is that the plot-role-playing game primarily reflects various phenomena and masters the relationships between people, while in the construction game the main thing is to become familiar with the relevant activities of people, with the technology used and its use.

It is important for the teacher to take into account the relationship, the interaction of role-playing and construction games. Construction often arises in the process of role-playing play and is caused by it. In older groups, children spend a long time constructing quite complex buildings, practically comprehending the simplest laws of physics.

The educational and developmental influence of construction games lies in the ideological content, the phenomena reflected in them, in children’s mastery of construction methods, in the development of their constructive thinking, enrichment of speech, and simplification of positive relationships. Their influence on mental development is determined by the fact that the design and content of construction games contain one or another mental task, the solution of which requires preliminary thinking: what to do, what material is needed, in what sequence the construction should take place. Thinking about and solving a particular construction problem contributes to the development of constructive thinking.

During construction games, the teacher teaches children to observe, distinguish, compare, correlate one part of a building with another, remember and reproduce construction techniques, and focus on the sequence of actions. Under his guidance, schoolchildren master a precise vocabulary that expresses the names of geometric bodies and spatial relationships: high low, right to left, up and down, long short, wide narrow, higher lower, longer shorter, etc.

In construction games, ordinary, most often plot-shaped toys are also used, and natural materials are also widely used: clay, sand, snow, pebbles, cones, reeds, etc.

• Creative games

Creative games are games in which images appear that contain the conditional transformation of the environment.

Indicators of developed gaming interest.

1. The child’s long-term interest in the game, the development of the plot and the performance of the role.

2. The child’s desire to take on a certain role.

3. Having a favorite role.

4. Reluctance to finish the game.

5. Active performance by the child of all types of work (modeling, drawing)


6. The desire to share your impressions with peers and adults after finishing the game.

• Didactic games – games specially created or adapted for educational purposes.

• In didactic games, children are given certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties. They promote the development of sensations and perceptions, the formation of ideas, and the acquisition of knowledge preschoolers These games make it possible to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical problems. This is their developing role.

The didactic game helps solve the problems of moral education and develop sociability in children. The teacher places children in conditions that require them to be able to play together, regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

• Outdoor games are a conscious, active, emotionally charged activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players.

Outdoor games are primarily a means of physical education for children. They provide an opportunity to develop and improve their movements, practicing running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching, etc. Outdoor games also have a great influence on the child’s neuropsychic development and the formation of important personality qualities. They evoke positive emotions and develop inhibitory processes: during the game, children have to react with movement to some signals and refrain from moving when others. These games develop will, intelligence, courage, speed of reactions, etc. Joint actions in games bring children closer together, giving them the joy of overcoming difficulties and achieving success.

The source of outdoor games with rules are folk games, which are characterized by brightness of concept, meaningfulness, simplicity and entertainment.

The content of the game is determined by the movements that are part of it. In the kindergarten education program, for each age group of children, outdoor games are provided in which various types of movements are developed: running, jumping, climbing, etc.

The rules in an outdoor game play an organizing role: they determine its course, the sequence of actions, the relationships between the players, and the behavior of each child. The rules oblige you to obey the purpose and meaning of the game; children must be able to use them in different conditions.

In younger groups, the teacher explains the content and rules as the game progresses; in older groups, before the start. Outdoor games are organized indoors and outdoors with a small number of children or with the whole group. The teacher ensures that all children participate in the game, performing all the required game movements, but not allowing excessive physical activity, which can cause them to become overexcited and tired.

Older preschoolers need to be taught to play outdoor games independently. To do this, it is necessary to develop their interest in these games, provide them with the opportunity to organize them during walks, during leisure hours, on holidays, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to note that play, like any creative activity, is emotionally rich and brings joy and pleasure to every child by its very process.

Play activities of preschoolers in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard DO Article

Play activities of preschoolers in the light of Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education

The stage of preschool childhood plays a significant role in the manifestation of the child’s creative potential, the awakening of independence, the formation and development of a person’s personality as a whole. The decisive condition for the formation of a child’s individuality is his entry into a special dimension of childhood activity. The leading model of behavior and exploration of the world for a child is, of course, play. While playing, the child meets and communicates with other children, learns to make friends and build relationships, imitates adults, masters the unknown, learns what is good and what is bad. Below we will look at what conditions the Federal State Educational Standard prescribes when developing the play activities of preschoolers.

Modern play activities for preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Children's games are not games at all, and it is more correct to look at them as the most significant and thoughtful activity of this age.

Michel de Montaigne

In the light of modern requirements, two possible ways of organizing play in kindergarten are identified. The first way lies in the influence of an adult on the content of the child’s story-based game, traditional for domestic pedagogy. In accordance with the second way, play is considered as an activity in which the child has the opportunity to realize his creative potential, that is, not only to reproduce and repeat what others have created, but also to act as a creator himself.

This is when the interaction of an adult with children is built on the basis of partnerships, i.e. the adult acted as the same play partner for the child as the other child. The basic principles of the concept of the gradual formation of ways of playing:

- In order for children to master gaming skills, an adult should play with them.

- starting from an early age and further at each stage of preschool childhood, when developing a child’s gaming skills, it is necessary to orient him to interaction with a peer partner, “provide” him with ways to coordinate actions with partners.

- an adult, playing with children throughout the entire preschool period, must, at each of its stages, develop the game in such a way that the child “discovers” and assimilates specific, gradually becoming more complex ways of constructing one or another type of game.

In paragraph 2.7 of the Preschool Education Standard, play is defined as a tool for organizing a child’s activities, his multifaceted development in the social-communicative, speech, cognitive, artistic-aesthetic and physical educational areas. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education indicates specific features of the gameplay of a preschooler, depending on the age category:

infant stage (two months - one year) - object play, acquaintance with the object world, acquisition of basic skills in manipulating objects, close emotional contact with family;

  • early childhood (one to three years) - playing with combined and dynamic toys, communicating and playing with other children under adult supervision;
  • preschool period (three to eight years) - a more complex plot-role format of play activity, a communicative game in compliance with certain rules.

Clause 4.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education stipulates the importance of developing gaming activities in the formation of social and normative foundations of a child’s behavior, as well as in increasing the efficiency of the educational process:

  • Awakening interest - the learning process in a playful way entertains, brings pleasure and joy, neutralizes stress, turns knowledge of the world around us and the development of new practical skills into an exciting journey.
  • Self-knowledge and self-realization - the baby gets to know his inner world, learns to show initiative, express his opinion in communication, rely on independence in design, make an informed choice of occupation and play partners;
  • Forming a culture of cooperation - a joint game helps develop psychological skills of solidarity, teaches collective activity, the ability to hear not only oneself, but also one’s playing partners, is an excellent practical training in the art of conflict resolution and the ability to find a compromise, fosters respect for other people, develops a sense of justice and self-respect;
  • Socialization - the child learns to distinguish between real reality and conditional reality (“make-believe”), develops the volitional qualities of self-discipline and understands the need to follow norms and rules;
  • Development of communication skills - the baby masters such a tool as speech to solve the problem of mutual understanding and transfer of information.
  • Play therapy helps in overcoming difficulties that arise in any area of ​​the child’s activity.

Principles of organizing the game:

  • a free form of child activity, excluding coercion, performed for the sake of obtaining positive emotions from the process itself, and not just from the final result of such activity;
  • creative character, built on the principle of initiative, original improvisation and originality;
  • emotional passion, manifested in the spirit of rivalry and competition;
  • following rules that directly or indirectly reflect the logical sequence and meaningful design of the game.

Typology of play activity of preschoolers


Games initiated by the children themselves (independent games):

  • plot-display;
  • role-playing game;
  • director's production;
  • theatrical improvisation.

Games born on the initiative of adults. Games with a pronounced educational character:

  • didactic games with plot drawings;
  • experimental game, travel game with search elements;
  • moving at different levels of intensity;
  • didactic games with musical accompaniment.

Games that are a form of relaxation or change of activity:

  • entertaining games;
  • intellectual puzzles and competitions;
  • calendar and thematic holidays, carnival performances;
  • theatrical costumes;
  • folk games and folklore traditions that came to the modern world from the historical past.

Standalone game

At the age of three to five years, a child begins to discover the wonderful world of role-playing games, mastering the basics of role-playing, imitating the behavior of a character from the outside world. The basic basis of such a game is the plot; at this age, everyday scenes from family life become favorites. By first mastering the simplest manipulations with objects, later with their symbolic substitutes, then imitating the social roles of adults, the child improves the mechanisms of abstract thinking and undergoes playful practice in studying various models of behavior in society.

Plot-display game

Plot-based play appears from the age of three and precedes more complex plot-role play. The peculiarity of this game is that the child plays alone, the game actions are focused on the toy, but spiritually reflects the world of human relationships, emotions of joy or disappointment, lines of argument or approval, behavior of obedience or rebellion. Thus, the baby does not take on the role in full, but in play actions in relation to the toy he reproduces the model of behavior characteristic of a particular person. At the age of four or five years, the main characters in the game are still toys, but a more vivid emotional embodiment appears in gestures and facial expressions, dynamic poses of the child himself or the object. The so-called game attributes begin to acquire great importance, for example, a car for the driver, a pointer for the teacher, a doctor’s medical gown, a military cap, etc.

Director's play

Director's play is the least studied phenomenon; it has an exclusively individual character, when the child, acting as a director and screenwriter at the same time, comes up with words for the characters and himself plays their roles, being the author and actor in one person. You can often observe how a child, completely absorbed in building a house or playing with his favorite doll, acts out scenes between fictional characters and, pronouncing their words, does not seem to notice those around him.

Theatrical game

Based on a literary plot, children act out some scene using costumes or puppet theater characters (floor dolls or bibabo dolls), musical accompaniment or pantomime, choreography can be included, but then the help of adults is necessary. Such games teach children to read the mood or emotional state of another person by their facial expressions and gestures, develop a sense of empathy, teach them to understand and feel the people around them, and therefore build appropriate behavior. In addition, heroes are usually the fairy-tale embodiment of good and evil, light and dark forces, and as you know, good always defeats evil in the ending of a fairy tale. Such an unconditional victory of good attracts children and becomes the basis for optimism in life, stimulates the desire to imitate positive characters who are the embodiment of honor and nobility.

Role-playing game

For older preschoolers (6–7 years old), it will be important not to turn to a toy, but to communicate with children who play the role of heroes in the game plot. At this age, a child goes beyond everyday stories; he is inspired by larger-scale, “global” projects, for example, flying into space or traveling around the world, building a railway, etc.

Development under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

The complication of a child’s gaming skill goes through three phases: first, adults are the initiators of the game and the authors of the plot plan, then only their prompt is required, and finally, the child improves his gaming skills to the level of complete independence. The child’s rich imagination and creative improvisation will make the game original and varied in its design, and therefore more interesting and exciting. In order for the games to be truly interesting and varied, serious work on the part of adults is required to involve the child in cognitive activity (clause 2.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education). An erudite child with a developed understanding of the world around him for his age is bursting with new ideas, involving new participants in the game and filling it with deep content.

Basic requirements for effective organization and conduct of the game.

Two models of adult behavior:

  • the adult is the inspirer, organizer and coordinator of the game based on a pre-prepared plot and available tools;
  • the adult joins the spontaneous initiative of the children, occupying an equal position with the other players, and can influence the course of the game in ways common to all. He can suggest a new character, come up with a plot twist, etc.

Tasks of managing children's play activities:

  1. Stimulate playful reproduction of events in everyday life, thus achieving familiarity with the purpose of objects and mastering the skills of their practical use.
  2. Help to master the ability to see, understand and formulate the task of the game.
  3. To teach the search for various options for using toys during the game.
  4. Encourage the use of symbolic objects that replace real-life objects.
  5. Create game situations with fictional objects.
  6. To form the experience of replacing some game actions with images of a verbal form of expression.
  7. Arouse in children the desire to find different options for solving a game problem, using new combinations with objects.
  8. Develop independence in making decisions and searching for various tasks and goals of the game.
  9. Instill a gaming culture, i.e. teach to recognize the right of each participant to their own gaming space and respect the interests of all players.
  10. Stimulate the expression of keen interest in the games of peers.
  11. Learn to set a game task yourself and accept the task set by others.
  12. Encourage the invention of interesting and unusual game ideas.
  13. Teach the ability to negotiate.

An experiment game is a type of didactic game, an interactive form of conducting an educational lesson, during which visual modeling and imitation of the phenomena being studied are organized. Through experimental and research activities, a child gains new knowledge or acquires skills. “How does sound travel?” With the help of simple devices, such as a bowl of water or a small pool, coins or construction kit parts, the teacher invites children to understand the origin of the physical phenomenon of sound transmission. Children, throwing coins into a container of water, notice wavy circles spreading across the water. The teacher explains that sounds from the interlocutor or from another sound source reach us in the same waves, but through the air.

Rules of conduct for a teacher in the practical implementation of socio-game technology:

  • absolutely exclude authoritarianism and dictatorship, except for those situations that may pose a potential danger to the health of children;
  • take a democratic position on an equal basis with all participants in joint activities;
  • keep a pause of non-interference and silence, such behavior will give children the opportunity to show independence in solving a problem or conflict;
  • take into account the real capabilities of children, but try to expand the zones of independence, not chew knowledge and not give ready-made algorithms;
  • help the child overcome shyness and uncertainty, having in the pedagogical reserve a set of exercises that will increase self-esteem and give confidence in their own abilities;
  • moving away from a clear goal setting, it is more acceptable to create conditions for the discovery of the child’s intellectual and creative potential;
  • during the presentation stage, give the first word to low-active children.

Clause 3.3.5 allows the educational organization to independently determine gaming equipment. According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the set of toys should be replenished gradually and periodically changed in accordance with the age and life experience of the children.

The skill of a teacher is most eloquently demonstrated in his ability to organize the independent activities of his students. The teacher needs to skillfully direct each child to an entertaining, but at the same time useful game, while it is important to rely on initiative and develop the child’s curiosity. An attentive and caring teacher will correctly distribute children among game tasks so that they do not interfere with each other, and will show sensitivity and fairness in resolving a conflict situation that arises during the game. Thus, the harmonious creative development of children depends on the level of professional training of the teacher.

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